Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Personally Ni No Kuni 1 and 2 might be my favorite RPGs in the past decade. If not favorite at least top 10 easy. Ni No Kuni 1 is better, however I still really loved 2 as well although many people didn't love 2 as much as I did.

Tales is good to ok depending on the game. People say Vesperia is one of the best in the series (backlogged for me). However if you have 3 Tales of games, backlogged might as well wait on picking up more games unless you plan on playing them sometime soon. They go on sale not frequent but often enough with the Namco sales where you can wait.
Of course since this is pc the only other game they are missing is vesperia currently as none of the other entries are on pc.

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NNK1 is one of the best traditional jrpg's made during the previous generation. It's a must-play for everyone who doesn't hate turn-based rpg's. I'd put it right up there at the top of the list with...
I wouldn't say it's very traditional. Given its real time with cool downs hybrid gameplay it's very different from the norm. Closest thing to it would be ff13-3. Hating turn based or not would have nothing to do with liking ni no kuni given that ni no kuni isn't turn based at all.

Yay Darkest Dungeon 2!! :whee:

Booooooooo Epic :headache:
It will be interesting if they bring multiplayer to this one too and if they screw over non epic users like they did for anyone who didn't have the game on Steam. Admittedly I'm not a huge fan of the game, ended up liking Iratus more but I have no interest in the game until they leave early access.

If its like a lot of early access stuff on Epic, maybe it will end up on sale for more than $15 and end up being $6 or so on sale with coupon.

Edit: Just read the faq on Steam. Its EA is due sometime by mid 2021 and will be early access on Epic only and coming to other PC platforms on 1.0 release. So figure 1.5-2 years from now. No multiplayer is planned for the game at the moment.

Oh, its also going to be 3D.

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Stuff like this Megaman sale and the Tales of games sale I fully expect to be able to buy a large package of them in a singular $10 or $15 bundle sometime.  When game catalogues get huge discounting like this you know that it will prolly receive a complete bundle soon too, because they've already permitted wide discounting on multiple occasions. 

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Stuff like this Megaman sale and the Tales of games sale I fully expect to be able to buy a large package of them in a singular $10 or $15 bundle sometime. When game catalogues get huge discounting like this you know that it will prolly receive a complete bundle soon too, because they've already permitted wide discounting on multiple occasions.
Tales of games regularly go on sale on steam. And everywhere else really. The only times I have ever seen them bundled is on the ps3. I almost regret not picking up symphonia for 2$ but I already have it on pc for free and on the gamecube.

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I see Disco Elysium is $17.99 on Epic Store after coupon.

Anyone played it yet? If so, how is it?
Good price, lowest it’s gone on Steam is something like $26 or $27, usually hangs out around $30 on sale. Haven’t played it but it’s shown up on many GOTY lists. 91% on metacritic. My understanding is although it looks like a CRPG/Diablo-esque game, it's more psychological / conversational and you can switch personas or thoughts in the main player's head. It's very much focused on narrative over action, but the story and choices are supposed to be pretty impressive, with replayability because of the different thoughts and ability to progress even if you fail certain parts of the story.

I believe there are console versions on the way, including Switch, but it seems like a solid pick. May grab it for that price.

Latest info on new updates, console versions, etc -

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Disco Elysium is pseudo-intellectual garbage. It's stats-gated bullshit where your choices are actually irrelevant. If you fancy yourself an ~American socialist~ you'll have about 4 hours of entertainment with this nonsense, but all told, that shit is pretense in a can.

So I played Disco Elysium for around a half hour and it's definitely unique. The writing seems solid, definitely quirky with a tinge of pretentiousness. Production values also seem solid, soundtrack is nice. It reminds me alot of a CRPG version of Deadly Premonition and I'm getting a really strong Twin Peaks vibe from it. 

It is very text heavy, but you have a ton of different options when it comes to interacting with characters. You also have different aspects of your mind that allow you to perform checks and either succeed or fail in saying certain things or particular outcomes. It's kind of unclear right now, but I'm assuming the game will open up and explain how exactly that works, as well as how you strengthen certain thoughts or aspects of your mind.

Definitely seems worth $17.99 from what I've played so far. Not sure I would pay $40 for it ... but just started, so who knows. Also kind of feels like Planescape Torment without any combat.

Phasmophobia is great.  If I ever get an Index there is no literally no way in hell I am playing this game in VR though.  

Galaxy Champions TV is a twin stick shooter that received a Switch release but the developer isn't planning to release it on Steam at this time. But it's a really good game that deserves some attention, and it's on sale on for $1.25. Reminds me of Robotron/Smash TV.
That comment about there being no Steam version was actually about a different game that, for whatever reason, got posted on the GC TV page.

Steam version, also $1.25

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So, quick question - how's that B365 mobo? I see it maxes out at 64GB of RAM, which probably would be fine
The biggest thing you didnt mention is that in addition to capping ram speeds, b365 will also lock your cpu ratio. Meaning, no direct cpu overclocking. Which is a significant part of the 9700k product, in my opinion.

I've built with a few b360/b365 boards and they're a decent option when you're using budget ram and a cpu like the 9100f or 9400f.
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The biggest thing you didnt mention is that in addition to capping ram speeds, b365 will also lock your cpu ratio. Meaning, no direct cpu overclocking. Which is a significant part of the 9700k product, in my opinion.

I've built with a few b360/b365 boards and they're a decent option when you're using budget ram and a cpu like the 9100f or 9400f.
Thing is: I've actually never over-clocked anything (unless it comes out-the-box already OC'd). I had no real intention in actually doing so.

I was also curious about heat levels, as...well, I've never done say liquid cooling or water cooling. I've always used coolers and/or fans in my rigs.

So, since you've said that the B365's are fine - any idea how a B365 board with G Skills 32GB DDR4 2600 RAM and an i7 9700K (at stock)?

I mean, it will run?  I really wouldn't recommend it.  No vrm heatsink on the board - thermals would likely struggle under load.  I'd speculate that the only reason MC has these non-complimentary products as a pre-made combo is that they have a lot of extra units of each.

Is the board worth +$30?  Sure.  But for me that would involve manually adding vrm sinks and repurposing it for a different build with a locked cpu.

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Thanks for the thoughts. Yeah, if thermals would struggle w/ that CPU and mobo combo - not worth it. I don't want that.

Definitely sounds like I would want a better mobo with i7 9700k, if I even do go after the i7 9700k.

For now, seems like...I'll just keep waiting for more clearances to happen on current stuff and/or wait for whatever new stuff's coming - i.e. Ryzen 5000's, Intel Tiger Lake's, more NVidia RTX 3000 cards to come out, etc etc.

Looks like 9700K went up $20 by itself on MC.
Looks like they bumped the CPU up $20 and increased the motherboard bundle discount from $20 to $40. Gotta get those MB sales!

Got around to putting my 9700k in today. Forgot to update the BIOS first and caused myself unnecessary stress (plus some extra rubbing alcohol and thermal compound). Oops! But up and running now, overclocked up to 5Ghz and humming along with no issues.

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I wonder how many dump trucks worth of cash Sony paid for that. Hopefully it's worth it because now I 100% won't be buying the PC game knowing it's purposely missing that mode.
For now, seems like...I'll just keep waiting for more clearances to happen on current stuff and/or wait for whatever new stuff's coming - i.e. Ryzen 5000's, Intel Tiger Lake's, more NVidia RTX 3000 cards to come out, etc etc.
The feeling I get is that MC still has plenty of 9th gen to clear, so maybe we'll see these prices again.

When they were trying to clear zen+ cpu's in jan-feb of this year, the 2700x bounced around from $130 to $150 for a decent amount of time before they were gone.

Thing is: I've actually never over-clocked anything (unless it comes out-the-box already OC'd). I had no real intention in actually doing so.

I was also curious about heat levels, as...well, I've never done say liquid cooling or water cooling. I've always used coolers and/or fans in my rigs.

So, since you've said that the B365's are fine - any idea how a B365 board with G Skills 32GB DDR4 2600 RAM and an i7 9700K (at stock)?
If you're not going overclock then you might as well be running AMD at stock speeds. Higher clockspeeds are basically Intel's main advantage.

Wasn't really planning on upgrading but last night I randomly logged into NewEgg during a 15-second window where 3080s were actually available and my reptilian brain completely took over and ordered a card for me. Should be getting here next week. Now to see if my 650w PSU will be enough or if I'll have to upgrade that too. My reptilian brain did not take that into account when placing the order.

This is the PSU that I'm going to buy at some point.

I spent all night looking at it again last night, but I don't have to spend that money for it right now.  Sale is over, but it keeps going live every few days.  Plus all of other other top tier Super Flower models are on sale.  Like this 750W for $119.  But I'd get the 850W for 10 bucks more.  (These prices/value from Superflower seem to be happening mainly bc they are trying to attain their foothold in the American market.  After selling their highly touted and re-branded EVGA G2, G3's for years)

The thing is...power supplies seem to be widely available again, suddenly.  And it's November.  Maybe the prices start coming down?

But you don't want to be stuck holding your cawk when these RTX 3000 and AMD hipster cards become widely available.  Gotta plan for that PSU purchase now before everyone needs to buy one. 

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This is the PSU that I'm going to buy at some point.

I spent all night looking at it again last night, but I don't have to spend that money for it right now. Sale is over, but it keeps going live every few days. Plus all of other other top tier Super Flower models are on sale. Like this 750W for $119. But I'd get the 850W for 10 bucks more. (These prices/value from Superflower seem to be happening mainly bc they are trying to attain their foothold in the American market. After selling their highly touted and re-branded EVGA G2, G3's for years)

The thing is...power supplies seem to be widely available again, suddenly. And it's November. Maybe the prices start coming down?

But you don't want to be stuck holding your cawk when these RTX 3000 and AMD hipster cards become widely available. Gotta plan for that PSU purchase now before everyone needs to buy one.
I was actually considering the 1000w Platinum for some extreme future proofing, but the 850 Gold does seem more prudent.

Aren't GPUs requiring less power as technology evolves?
If it was a straight one to one in performance yes, since as you do die shrinks they require less current, so less power, so less heat. But then that also lets you cram in many more transistors to do many more things, which brings it back up

Wasn't really planning on upgrading but last night I randomly logged into NewEgg during a 15-second window where 3080s were actually available and my reptilian brain completely took over and ordered a card for me. Should be getting here next week. Now to see if my 650w PSU will be enough or if I'll have to upgrade that too. My reptilian brain did not take that into account when placing the order.
I am likewise curious if a 650w will be sufficient for a 3080, with i7, build and would appreciate if you can update us when you finally receive the card. But, because of my cautious nature, I just happened to...

This is the PSU that I'm going to buy at some point.

I spent all night looking at it again last night, but I don't have to spend that money for it right now. Sale is over, but it keeps going live every few days. Plus all of other other top tier Super Flower models are on sale. Like this 750W for $119. But I'd get the 850W for 10 bucks more. (These prices/value from Superflower seem to be happening mainly bc they are trying to attain their foothold in the American market. After selling their highly touted and re-branded EVGA G2, G3's for years)

The thing is...power supplies seem to be widely available again, suddenly. And it's November. Maybe the prices start coming down?

But you don't want to be stuck holding your cawk when these RTX 3000 and AMD hipster cards become widely available. Gotta plan for that PSU purchase now before everyone needs to buy one.
..also buy this exact 850w Super Flower model from Amazon (used up all my bing bux *sad face*) and am leaving it sealed until:

1) I'm actually able to lay hands on a 3080 (I had a dream it happened last night and woke up with wood like I can't describe)
2) can confirm my existing 650w will work.

There's alot of chatter about Nvidia holding back stock to release during the AMD unveiling next week (which seems stupid to me, but the internet will internet) so - fingers crossed.

There's alot of chatter about Nvidia holding back stock to release during the AMD unveiling next week (which seems stupid to me, but the internet will internet) so - fingers crossed.
Yeah, that makes no sense to me. Better to sell as much as possible while you have the entire market than to wait until people have options before saying "Oh, hey, we have cards for sale now"

I’ll report back on the PSU situation as soon as I get my card. I just sold my “old” 2080 Super so now I’m officially without a functioning PC. Gonna nab that Super Flower 850 as soon as it’s on sale again but in the meantime I hope the 650w has enough juice because gaming in daddy’s special room is the much preferred method of neglecting my family than hiding in the bathroom.
Aren't GPUs requiring less power as technology evolves?
Here's my next PSU...

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Yeah, that makes no sense to me. Better to sell as much as possible while you have the entire market than to wait until people have options before saying "Oh, hey, we have cards for sale now"
In the current world we live in, of all the many, many things that make absolutely zero sense, I'm hoping against all logic that this one is actually true. So tired of all the product page refreshing, praying I get "add to cart". My F5 key is shot to shit.

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Just a heads up, Alienware's gonna do some Dead By Daylight giveaways this upcoming week:


You requested it, and we're back with more chances to grab Dead By Daylight full game copies and DLCs, including the latest chapter, Descend Beyond.

Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.

Join us as we get ready to celebrate Halloween and grab a key in one of our Dead by Daylight giveaways happening all week long, starting Monday, October 26. Every day from October 27th-31st a new DLC will also be available to claim. But beware... You can only claim ONE DLC before you are locked out. Choose carefully...

So it sounds like each day will have a different DLC you can choose to claim, but you can only claim one during the entire promotion.

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Just a heads up, Alienware's gonna do some Dead By Daylight giveaways this upcoming week:


You requested it, and we're back with more chances to grab Dead By Daylight full game copies and DLCs, including the latest chapter, Descend Beyond.

Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.

Join us as we get ready to celebrate Halloween and grab a key in one of our Dead by Daylight giveaways happening all week long, starting Monday, October 26. Every day from October 27th-31st a new DLC will also be available to claim. But beware... You can only claim ONE DLC before you are locked out. Choose carefully...

So it sounds like each day will have a different DLC you can choose to claim, but you can only claim one during the entire promotion.
Where's the fine print that says you have to be Alienware level 721 or greater to get this free key? They're not just giving one to any peon are they???
I'm so old I remember when a top of the line gaming card ran off bus power and had no fans.
I remember pulling the CGA graphics card out of my PC XT and installing my first VGA card to drive a 14" monitor that I ordered from the cheapest random retailer through the computer trader catalog. I later learned how lucky I was to have just happened on one of the few VGA cards that worked in the XT I had. Oh and the whine from that monitor still haunts me.

I've spent the better part of the day building my kid a PC out of my spare parts housed in a super sweet classic case from 2006, and I've come to learn that people might consider this case retro? Kids today...

Check it out. She sure is beautiful coffee:
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I've come to learn that people might consider this case retro? Kids today...

Check it out. She sure is beautiful coffee:
Doesn't look aesthetically out of place from anything I've seen recently. I think mid-2000's gaming-PCs were already getting pretty "gamer" aesthetic'd, although we didn't hit peak RGB/display windows etc until the mid 2010's.

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Glad that some folks are lucky enough to buy one of the 3080 cards.  Has anyone signed up and received an email from EVGA's queue-based notification system yet?

Glad that some folks are lucky enough to buy one of the 3080 cards. Has anyone signed up and received an email from EVGA's queue-based notification system yet?
I signed up but not until Oct 6th and, from the forums, it sounds like they're up to the neighborhood of Sept 20th right now. Varies a bit by what flavor of card you signed up for.

Doesn't look aesthetically out of place from anything I've seen recently. I think mid-2000's gaming-PCs were already getting pretty "gamer" aesthetic'd, although we didn't hit peak RGB/display windows etc until the mid 2010's.
I would have thought the generic black box would have been timeless, but there are plenty of small details that date it: Firewire port up front (USB 2.0 too), top mounted PSU, and an Intel "TAC" porthole in the side of the case that's just the wrong size for any fan I can find. TAC apparently was a standard from Intel called the "Thermally Advantaged Case" which was the name for that goofy black plastic tube that went right to where your CPU was on Intel motherboards of that vintage.

I'd rather have all of that than a clear window and a blinding RGB rave, truth be told.
bread's done