Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I’m looking at my steam wishlist and trying to figure out if I should bite on any of these. Mordhau and terminator resistance seem good, I have a solid gaming rig and just picked up a good monitor from Best Buy.

The flip side: I have a long ass backlog on steam, switch and ps4 and am picking up cyberpunk collectors edition on December 10th.

Should I buy more games? I already know I won’t have time to play 80% of my backlog. Should I wait until next year for games like terminator resistance and mordhau? They look really fun. They don’t seem like that great of a sale in the low $20s but if they are that good I’d play them
I think we know the answer to this, but the hoarder in you keeps calling! I think you know you'll be all in on Cyberpunk so whatever you buy has two weeks tops to hold your attention. I'd recommend against Mordhau since it's an online BR thing and could very well be dead by the time you get around to it. If you think you can push through Terminator in two weeks then may be get that to hold you over.

Gonna throw this out there... mainly in reply to Fox's 2nd link.

I like those style cases... but I wouldn't recommend getting one that is dark colored. It might sound weird, but it's "harder" to see parts against the dark colored compared to the lighter colored/clear ones I have.

Or maybe I'm just old.
Just buy all white screws and parts. Problem solved!

Frankly, I’d just like a game that takes the basic Ubisoft formula ... and ADDS DINOSAURS. Far Cry would probably be best (we almost got there with Primal) but an Assassins Creed third-person type game with dinosaurs could be interesting too. I mean, really I just want a good Jurassic Park game that’s nowhere near Telltale and has cool gameplay.
I was hopeful when Capcom said they were going to remake Dino Crisis but then canceled it. I would enjoy FC dinos. Second Extinction on Steam looks like it has potential but that's more like L4D dinos.

Here I am sitting with my new $499 console.  It does 4K and it does some ray tracing.  For years, I have been wanting to play Cyberpunk on my PC.  But why should I be racing to buy an additional $700-$800 singular PC part in order to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 with slightly better graphics on PC next month? 

I've been super impressed with the performance of Borerlands 3 in 4K60 and HDR on the PS5.  It's amazing how well it runs and the grahpics look fantastic.  It only takes 10sec to load into any new map. 

You see now why Nvidia was so eager to get ahead of everyone back in September.  They fucking blew it.  I've gotten tired of trying to give them money since then.  Unfortunately I don't think that my GTX 1080 is going to cut it for CP2077 until I get it replaced.

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So I’m checking my email, see an IndieGala flyer, and take a look. They mention Monster Hunter World IBMEDDBBQ is on sale, so I follow the link. It takes me to the default store page. I shrug, and enter “Monster Hunter World Iceborne” into the search bar. No results. I reload and try again. No results. I delete the word Iceborne. No results.

I click on the On Sale tab and then choose to filter alphabetically. No results.

I see a Capcom sale banner at the top of the page and click that. Error.

I flip the pasta-eating bastards the bird and close the tab.
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Indiebox has all their collector's editions (they make physical editions of indie games) on sale for $5 each + shipping. Picked up Assault Android Cactus myself, shipping was a little over $6 for me.
Not much of a box collector but always liked this concept. Great deal for anyone who likes that sort of collecting. Sort of considering the Hand of Fate box.

Here I am sitting with my new $499 console. It does 4K and it does some ray tracing. For years, I have been wanting to play Cyberpunk on my PC. But why should I be racing to buy an additional $700-$800 singular PC part in order to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 with slightly better graphics on PC next month?

I've been super impressed with the performance of Borerlands 3 in 4K60 and HDR on the PS5. It's amazing how well it runs and the grahpics look fantastic. It only takes 10sec to load into any new map.

You see now why Nvidia was so eager to get ahead of everyone back in September. They fucking blew it. I've gotten tired of trying to give them money since then. Unfortunately I don't think that my GTX 1080 is going to cut it for CP2077 until I get it replaced.
PS5 is pretty great. Honestly might be my favorite launch of all time. Demon's Souls is stunning and is an all-time favorite of mine, Miles Morales is a great companion title, Astro is a huge surprise and is one of the funnest platformers in years, Sackboy is the rare game I can actually play with my wife and son and we all have a fun time, and there's plenty of impressive BC stuff (Tsushima, Days Gone, and Until Dawn all look amazing on the PS5) to keep me busy for a long time. And the Dual Sense is the first Sony controller to make me question my allegiance to the Xbox controller. SSD space sucks, but other than that it's a hell of a system. I'm considering picking up some multiplat titles on it and I have a 3080.

But why should I be racing to buy an additional $700-$800 singular PC part in order to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 with slightly better graphics on PC next month?
You shouldn't. That would be dumb. You buy a new gen graphics card because it'd be a significant upgrade, fits in your budget (God willing at MSRP) and you plan to use it on a bunch of games for years to come.

Or, optionally, because you were browsing Best Buy/Newegg at 4am, saw it come into stock and panic bought it like a 72-pack of toilet paper

I'm interested in Cyberpunk 2077 but some people show real weirdness about it. I don't mean you, but the internet is full of people having a full on crisis that their dystopic neon might not be dystopic enough or their Keanu Reeves might be slightly less Reevey. I mean, it's just a video game. Even if it's fucking amazing, in a hundred hours or so you'll have done it all.

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Here I am sitting with my new $499 console. It does 4K and it does some ray tracing. For years, I have been wanting to play Cyberpunk on my PC. But why should I be racing to buy an additional $700-$800 singular PC part in order to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 with slightly better graphics on PC next month?
Forget the 3080 ($700) or 3090 ($1500), TBH; those are Premium pricing. I think probably the 3070 might be the way to go for PC gamers, not 3080 or 3090 (seems like those two are at a huge premium to me) - hence why they priced the 3070 at $500 (i.e. price of a new console), in hopes people would choose b/t PC gaming or Sony PS5...and then just go Nvidia 3070. I would guess, some might even do both (PS5 and buy a RTX 3070), too. [shrug]

I think the thing for most people getting a PS5 is for the exclusives...that won't hit PC or other platforms (or at least not here there ASAP) - like Spider-Man; The Last of Us series; Uncharted series; God of War series; and anything else exclusive from Sony that you can think of.

Yeah, and this all even though Sony's been dabbling here & there on the PC, of late - i.e. Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete; and Quantic Dream's Detroit: BH; Beyond: Two Souls; and Heavy Rain. Probably when almost everybody's already played all this stuff on PS5...and they feel they can make some more $ on the PC and those willing to take a double-dip to get it on PC. If Sony's even porting stuff to PC, I think we might not see it for around 6 months to a few years anyways, depending on what they feel like doing; I'd think it's probably when they feel PS5 sales of a game might dry up, when they decide to port a game to PC.

Anything else besides the Sony exclusives - like say better AMD hardware; SSD support w/ quick load-times; 4K support; etc etc - for $500, makes it look like a really solid deal...for those that want the exclusives; to just pick-up and play; back compat' support for a lot of PS4 titles; and not deal w/ a lot of the PC-platform complexities and whatnot (i.e. drivers, pricing of hardware, upgrading/updating, lots of different services, etc etc).

For me, games like Cyberpunk and even Borderlands 3 - yeah, and other games w/ shooter elements like that too - is I'd prefer to play that on KB/mouse. I really hope more consoles support that, TBH - since they're basically mini-PC's anyways these days (especially in their architecture).

But, hearing performance of that on PS5 is 4k60 - that's awesome. I do wonder if PS5 ever added 1440p support, if it would hit 90fps or 120fps, which would be awesome.

I've been super impressed with the performance of Borerlands 3 in 4K60 and HDR on the PS5. It's amazing how well it runs and the grahpics look fantastic. It only takes 10sec to load into any new map.

You see now why Nvidia was so eager to get ahead of everyone back in September. They fucking blew it. I've gotten tired of trying to give them money since then. Unfortunately I don't think that my GTX 1080 is going to cut it for CP2077 until I get it replaced.
I dunno, did NVidia really blow it though? Sure, AMD's competitive as heck again and all - but 3070's to 3090's seem to still be sought after; I don't know, but they were smart to jump when they did. They got everybody (especially 900 series owners and mid-1000 series owners) all horned-up for a huge increase in performance and did it real early, putting a lot of their 2000 series problems (especially in RT here) to shame this go around - i.e. seems like RTX and DLSS are much better, this go around too.

It's not like AMD has a DLSS tech yet out on the market (to improve performance w/ Super-Sampling and upscaling) - but, we can bet, they will, sometime soon.

Plus, as we all know - we can probably bet Nvidia is gonna refresh 3000 series next year w/ KO's, Supers, etc etc - and likely going to cause a price-drop of prices on the older 3000 cards. And when 4000's comes, that'll probably drop 3000's in price too.

Also, I do wonder how that GTX 1080 will handle CP. I'd guess w/ RTX off, CP 2077 PC would be at somewhere b/t Recommended (1080p at High) and High (1440p at Ultra). 1080's no slouch, as it was a top card at that time, pretty much. But, we're now 2 Nvidia gens ahead, here w/ the 3000 cards out. I'd guess, it could be solid performance-wise - but that'll be w/ RTX stuff off or on very low. GTX 1080 wasn't built for RTX stuff.

Personally, dunno if upgrading from a GTX 1080 to RTX 3070 (or better) is really needed yet. Depends on what res', if you want high framerates, etc etc. If you're doing a console - then you probably want 1080p60 or 1440p60 at least...or 4K30.

I dunno, but do we really think we'll see 4K60 on RTX's games w/ open-world and NPC's galore like CP 2077? Miles Morales is hitting 4k30. It's why I wish they (Sony) had 1440p support on PS5 - b/c it'd be better than 1080p, but almost as good as 4K; it'd just be that happy medium/go-between resolution for performance and eye candy, IMHO.

Looks like right now, most stuff right now is at 1440p60fps at Ultra or 4k30fps or better there on the GTX 1080. You probably could wait another gen or so for a 4000 series; or for some significant price reductions/price cuts on the 3000's way later...or the AMD equivalents.

Just saw this cool video on GTX 1080 v. RTX 3070:

Steve (of Gamer's Nexus) didn't even seem to think a 1080 Ti to a RTX 3070 is a great jump either (see his Conclusion section):

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Today is decision day.

95% sure I'm going to get this:

And for the monitor, I was looking at this:

But I did some searching on the HP website as well, and now I have a couple of additional possibilities that would just about hit the $1000 budget ($5 and $20 over, respectively):

I'm OCD about matching branding, so my impulse is to get the 1st one.

But I'm also aware that the 2nd one might be a better deal. And I'm a CAG. But (again) I may need advice on the specs.  :oops:

The trade-offs:

1st is 25", 2nd is 27"

1st is 144hz, 2nd is 120hz
1st is 1ms, 2nd is 5ms

1st is flat, 2nd is curved

(the sale price for the monitors alone is identical, the 2nd one just bundles decent speakers for $10 more)

For comparison, the one at Microcenter is 27"/75hz/5ms, but it would bring me in at $60 *under* budget.

(I suppose I could use that savings and spring for Omen-branded mice and keyboard to scratch that OCD

All three monitors have FreeSync.


It's only really worth it upgrading from a 1080 / Ti if you go with the 3080 or above. Anyone on a GTX 1060 or a 1070 would see massive gains from an RTX 3070, yes. But from everything that I read back in September a 3080 has about a 40-50% increase overall among ray tracing / DLSS games, juxtaposed against a 40% increase in price, over a 3070 ($499 to $699). The 3080 is the better value if you want to get technical. Plus it is going to have more longevity and higher resale value. That's why interest is so widespread for it.

But one thing is for sure: a person better not be paying even $40+ more over $499 for an RTX 3070. Because at that point you might as well be throwing down for a $699 3080 FE once you start approaching that $600 mark.

You shouldn't. That would be dumb. You buy a new gen graphics card because it'd be a significant upgrade, fits in your budget (God willing at MSRP) and you plan to use it on a bunch of games for years to come.

Or, optionally, because you were browsing Best Buy/Newegg at 4am, saw it come into stock and panic bought it like a 72-pack of toilet paper

I'm interested in Cyberpunk 2077 but some people show real weirdness about it. I don't mean you, but the internet is full of people having a full on crisis that their dystopic neon might not be dystopic enough or their Keanu Reeves might be slightly less Reevey. I mean, it's just a video game. Even if it's fucking amazing, in a hundred hours or so you'll have done it all.
Yes, it would be to play AAA games for the next 3-5 years of course.

CP2077 was the primary motivating factor to build my new gaming rig, and that was all the way back in October 2018! I know what you're saying; people are going nuts. But it's not a stretch to say that this is most highly anticipated game in the last twenty years for me as well as a large chunk of the core gamer demographic.

September was the time to go with an RTX 3080 because it is such a massive upgrade that will last for many years. It's also a bigger performance jump among GPU generations than normal. It's the first true 4K card.

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For what it's worth, the Omen monitor will apparently support GSync (you'll need to enable it through the Nvidia software control panel)

If you go with a different screen, take a look at this article about enabling your Nvidia card to use FreeSync
If one can enable G-Sync and run at a sweet 144hz - that's gaming Heaven and bliss right there.

75hz is probably fine and all - but being able to hit 90fps, 120fps, or 140fps in games is amazing.

As someone who has G-Sync and high refreshes on my equipment here (120hz on my SC15 laptop's 15.6'' monitor; and 240hz on my regular 1080p monitor tied to both desktop and laptop) - this is where it's at to me.

Today is decision day.

95% sure I'm going to get this:

And for the monitor, I was looking at this:

But I did some searching on the HP website as well, and now I have a couple of additional possibilities that would just about hit the $1000 budget ($5 and $20 over, respectively):

I'm OCD about matching branding, so my impulse is to get the 1st one.

But I'm also aware that the 2nd one might be a better deal. And I'm a CAG. But (again) I may need advice on the specs. :oops:

The trade-offs:

1st is 25", 2nd is 27"

1st is 144hz, 2nd is 120hz
1st is 1ms, 2nd is 5ms

1st is flat, 2nd is curved

(the sale price for the monitors alone is identical, the 2nd one just bundles decent speakers for $10 more)

For comparison, the one at Microcenter is 27"/75hz/5ms, but it would bring me in at $60 *under* budget.

(I suppose I could use that savings and spring for Omen-branded mice and keyboard to scratch that OCD

All three monitors have FreeSync.

This code drops the items from the HP store by another 10%: BFCMDA10

Brings the Omen monitor down to $212 and the Monitor + Speakers to $225

Well 3080 showed up today so build is all done

amd 5900x

32gb 3600 ram

fractal define r7 case

fractal 860w platinum psu

noctua nh-d15 cooler

zotac amp holo 3080

2x 2TB TLC nvme

1x 6tb 7200rpm toshiba hdd


SaGa Frontier is getting a Remaster for PC on Steam; PS4; iOS; and Android in Summer 2021:

Kotaku -



- 1998 JRPG classic SaGa Frontier is getting a Remaster for PC on Steam, PS4, iOS & Android in Summer 2021.

- The team of eight have returned.

- Fuse had been added as a playable character.

- Choose your favorite character and embark on your own unique journey.

- Each of the eight characters have different goals and endings.

- Your choices will affect how events unfold using the Free-Form Scenario System...

- ...This in-depth system will allow you to manipulate and expand a story all your own.

- New High-Speed function.

- Challenge yourself in nail-biting battles by using “glimmer”...

- ... as well as learning new skills such as the ability to fire consecutive special attacks from multiple team members.

- The addition of new events, new cut-scenes, and other new features also.

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Well 3080 showed up today so build is all done

amd 5900x

32gb 3600 ram

fractal define r7 case

fractal 860w platinum psu

noctua nh-d15 cooler

zotac amp holo 3080

2x 2TB TLC nvme

1x 6tb 7200rpm toshiba hdd

Awesome! What a freakin' build.

Curious: how much did this awesome monstrous build cost you?

Picked up BLACK MESA for half price, great game, brings backs so many memories.
How do you Black Mesa this compared to say...

1. Half-Life 1 (original)?

2. Half-Life 1: Source (Remaster)?

Which is the best version of Half-Life, in your opinion?

Also, anyone else - feel free to chime in in state your thoughts b/t HL1 (original), HL1 Source, and Black Mesa.

Here I am sitting with my new $499 console. It does 4K and it does some ray tracing. For years, I have been wanting to play Cyberpunk on my PC. But why should I be racing to buy an additional $700-$800 singular PC part in order to enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 with slightly better graphics on PC next month?

I've been super impressed with the performance of Borerlands 3 in 4K60 and HDR on the PS5. It's amazing how well it runs and the grahpics look fantastic. It only takes 10sec to load into any new map.

You see now why Nvidia was so eager to get ahead of everyone back in September. They fucking blew it. I've gotten tired of trying to give them money since then. Unfortunately I don't think that my GTX 1080 is going to cut it for CP2077 until I get it replaced.
I come at this from the opposite direction. The last console that launched without superior PC tech already on the market was the 360 (and possibly the PS3). I could not care less about the PS5 or Series X. Plus I would give my gaming money to Valve or CD Projekt Red over Microsoft 95/100 times and over CA-based PlayStation Sony 100/100.

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Awesome! What a freakin' build.

Curious: how much did this awesome monstrous build cost you?
~2300 for everything I didnt already own (which was most of it), thats with one of the nvme and the hdd being harvested from my previous build. The rest of my previous build gets handed down to the wife

Last night, I was pissed that I couldn't get a new card, even though I've had my 1000w PSU installed for a month, just begging for dat gpu. I was so ready to just give up. That was, until this morning...

Just when I thought I couldn't be any farther from my goal, I scored a RTX 3000 card. I paid more than I wanted to, though it was still msrp, but I look at this as my "last hurrah", so yay me....

No offense, but that’s a pretty intensely ugly shade of brown on anything but a glass of chocolate milk.
yea everyone hates noctua colors, but i dont buy cases with windows nor do I do rgb (beyond what comes on GPUs) so I dont particularly care what the cooler looks like, I buy em for performance only

I come at this from the opposite direction. The last console that launched without superior PC tech already on the market was the 360 (and possibly the PS3). I could not care less about the PS5 or Series X. Plus I would give my gaming money to Valve or CD Projekt Red over Microsoft 95/100 times and over CA-based PlayStation Sony 100/100.
What is this? lol. CD Projekt Red does not compete with MS or Sony, and the topic was Nvidia.

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Waiting for FinderKeeper to decide on a monitor and then learn that Micro Center sold out on the Omen desktops in the meantime.
Ha! You will be disappointed pleased relieved to know that I bought the PC already! TBH it was a pretty easy decision.

Now I just have to hope that HP doesn't sell out of the monitors while I try to make up my mind on those.

[attachment=35004:stimpy button.gif]

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Saw this CyberPower Gaming PC for $750 on Best Buy, for those trying to not break $800-1000 budget:

CyberPowerPC - Gamer Master Gaming Desktop:

  • AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • 16GB of DDR4 SDRAM at 3000mhz
    (4 slots here with total of 64GB of RAM being the max. allowed on an upgrade)
  • AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT with 6GB of VRAM
  • 1TB HDD + 500GB SSD
  • Windows 10
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Ha! You will be disappointed pleased relieved to know that I bought the PC already! TBH it was a pretty easy decision.

Now I just have to hope that HP doesn't sell out of the monitors while I try to make up my mind on those.

stimpy button.gif
Congrats on the 1660 Ti PC at Microcenter.

So, what do you plan to play for games?

You should probably look at 1080p (60fps-100fps+) and 1440p (up to 60fps) performance here on the 1660 Ti...

...and decide if you want high framerates at 1080p or just the better res at 1440p.

Me, if I was in your shoes - I'd probably go w/ the HP Omen with the 144hz FreeSync-supported monitor:

Look at this vid for 1660 Ti performance at 1080p and 1440p:

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What is this? lol. CD Projekt Red does not compete with MS or Sony, and the topic was Nvidia.
CD Projekt owns GOG, so they very much compete albeit from a unique perspective. The point was that I'm not using inferior technology to play games that then give companies I'd prefer not to support money.

I come at this from the opposite direction. The last console that launched without superior PC tech already on the market was the 360 (and possibly the PS3). I could not care less about the PS5 or Series X. Plus I would give my gaming money to Valve or CD Projekt Red over Microsoft 95/100 times and over CA-based PlayStation Sony 100/100.
If you buy W10 to put into your PC system, you're still giving M$ some $.

If you are on PC and you pay for PC Game Pass or Ultimate Game Pass; and/or buy games from Windows 10 Store - you're still giving M$ some $.

If you buy M$'s games on Steam - yeah, they get a cut of that too.

If you buy Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC (and anything else they might port here) - I'm betting Sony gets a cut of that too.

Also, what OS are you using? Are you...on Windows 10? Linux distro? Both?

What is this? lol. CD Projekt Red does not compete with MS or Sony, and the topic was Nvidia.
I figure that AMD is doing most of the console market here for the parts inside, since their stuff (CPU's and iGPU's) are in both Microsoft's and Sony's consoles.

Nvidia is really only powering Switch's hardware right now for the consoles...and the Switch is pretty damn popular.

If Microsoft's making $ on PC, it's probably just b/c Windows OS is the OS/platform for gaming right now pretty much. They might be doing a bit better on PC gaming now, since they introduced PC Game Pass.

I doubt CDP and GOG are doing much money-making right now (off digital distribution via GOG), as Steam's the real leader for PC gaming distribution.

Steam-Machines pretty much failed for that half-assed PC/half-assed console hybrid, sales-wise. For that kind of money, might as well build or buy a PC desktop. And I doubt a "GOG Machine" would take off anytime soon, too - especially since the Steam ones failed...and they (Steam) are our digital distribution leader.

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Thanks MysterD!

Definitely sticking with 1080p gaming. I ruled out the 1440p monitors already over the past few days, since that would stretch the capabilities of the i5 9400f / GTX 1660Ti pairing. The fps on most games at 1080p for that pairing look promising. 60fps and up and buttery smooth on High settings is something I can live with.

If you're going to make use of the speakers I'd say go for that and the bigger screen. If you game with headphones most if the time stick with the omen.
Oh fuck. HP has Omen headsets. Doorbusters. :shock: Thanks RCLAFO muh OCD :joystick:

[EDIT] (the mid-range option) fuck the speakers? :D (mice & keyboards)

Leaning toward one of the Encoder keyboards and either the 400 or Reactor mouse. The pricier stuff is sold out, but just as with the other stuff, I'm aiming more for mid-range.

HP be all like: "We got another one." :twisted:

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Frankly, I’d just like a game that takes the basic Ubisoft formula ... and ADDS DINOSAURS. Far Cry would probably be best (we almost got there with Primal) but an Assassins Creed third-person type game with dinosaurs could be interesting too.
That sounds like a ton of fun.

Since I'm at it - I'd like UbiSoft open-world game w/ robots, ninjas, and pirates...all in the same game!

I mean, really I just want a good Jurassic Park game that’s nowhere near Telltale and has cool gameplay.
Man, I enjoyed Jurassic Park games on the Sega Genesis; both of them.

I'd love to see a modern JP game with say an open-world of Jurassic Park explore, in an action/adventure style game.

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How do you Black Mesa this compared to say...

1. Half-Life 1 (original)?

2. Half-Life 1: Source (Remaster)?

Which is the best version of Half-Life, in your opinion?

Also, anyone else - feel free to chime in in state your thoughts b/t HL1 (original), HL1 Source, and Black Mesa.
Looks a lot better, I have a pretty good system, not great and running Ultra settings and it looks fantastic, not like newer games today but much better, but just forgot how good this game was.

edit- found this video,

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Thanks MysterD!

Definitely sticking with 1080p gaming. I ruled out the 1440p monitors already over the past few days, since that would stretch the capabilities of the i5 9400f / GTX 1660Ti pairing. The fps on most games at 1080p for that pairing look promising. 60fps and up and buttery smooth on High settings is something I can live with.

Oh fuck. HP has Omen headsets. Doorbusters. :shock: Thanks RCLAFO muh OCD :joystick:

[EDIT] (the mid-range option) fuck the speakers? :D (mice & keyboards)

Leaning toward one of the Encoder keyboards and either the 400 or Reactor mouse. The pricier stuff is sold out, but just as with the other stuff, I'm aiming more for mid-range.

HP be all like: "We got another one." :twisted:
Best buy has the mind frame headset on sale for 75. That one has cooling technology in the ear cups!
What was the previous build, if you don't mind me asking?
6700k and a 1080. Its still a fine build for gaming but at 1440 its getting a little long in the tooth. I wanted the moar cores for development and future proofing and the 3080 is a 100% upgrade from the 1080, so should last a long while

Well I had to RMA my 3080 Ventus so the dream of the RGB-less build is temporarily put on hold, possibly indefinitely as I was in the meantime able to snag an Aorus, and look! It has a little screen!


I immediately deactivated all the other clowny ass lights but I just couldn't bring myself to turn off that dumb ass screen.

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bread's done