Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I know I'm an old guy, but I just don't get the appeal of Souls games.

They may be terrific, but they just don't look like anything that I want to play at this point. An hour long boss battle, with punishing difficulty, is the absolute last thing I want to do after a day of work.

And now, get off my lawn.
Fellow old guy here with a wife, kids, job, drug habit, drinking problem, burrito addiction, and dogs and everything. I hear you but I've got a different perspective. For me, having less free time means I want that time to be well spent. And there's no developer...wait, let me rephrase. There is no content creator, period, in the world today making anything that is as well crafted and time-worthy as Miyazaki and Co. Win or lose, live or die, time spent in the world of a FromSoft game is time well spent. When a game like Elden Ring comes out it's something to be cherished since every Miyazaki game could be his last. Now excuse me. I really need to find a toilet asap.

The valuations for Valve (hehe) online are pretty mixed since it's a private company. I've seen as low as $2 billion from a few years ago, which I find very hard to believe given that Steam owns such a high percentage of the PC gaming market share. I've seen $10 billion from a few years ago which I find more realistic. If MS is still willing to toss around billions then I think Valve would be a damn good investment, if they're willing to sell

Then again, maybe they're satisfied with getting people to douple dip on the Steam versions of their games, after already playing them on their game pass subscription
Steam Next Fest demos for the games I downloaded letters A to B including one C game. I'll probably finish up all the ones I downloaded at least trying them for 5 minutes. I put at the start how long I played each and also included if I completed it. Of the games I tried from this set TLDR Beacon Pines, Bio-Gun, Blood Nova, and Card Shark stood out the most. I loved Beacon Pines and really didn't want to stop playing out of all of them. It was beautiful, original and I think it will be a neat story telling kind of game. I play through these to find beauties like that.

Albert Wilde: Quantum P.I. - 23 minutes to complete the demo. The graphic style was interesting with animal heads on somewhat normal bodies, and a weird hazy (kind of ugly) filter for a noir detective game. I liked the voice acting and the music was pretty OK. You walk around in 3D and it felt good to control with a Series X controller. I hated the bobbing back and forth moving and it needed a run button. The animation was a bit janky, but it had potential. I thought the main character was stereotypical for a down and out detective, but it was alright. You check out the beginnings of a case in the demo. 5.5/10

Alice Escaped - 14 minutes. A Sekai Project produced game. This one was an OK supposedly 2D Metroidvania type game where 2 girls fell asleep in a library and were transported to an Alice in Wonderland world. You chase after a rabbit starting the game. The graphics were OK with cute characters and kind of Cuphead like characters. The environments were basic but OK enough, as was the basic sounds and music. Felt extremely repetitive already and had no sense of direction where I got stuck in one screen. Also didn’t work with the Series X controller right away, so keyboard controls were OK (you must push z on language choice). I would maybe play it bundled, but it just seemed like Doujin averageness. 5.5/10

Ami - 7 minutes. A 2D not explained at all okay looking somewhat physics janky platformer with some environmental puzzles. Worked on keyboard, and played OK. Somewhat reminded me a little less clunky original Prince of Persia. I got stuck in house part of demo. Just bare background noise. It seemed very okay, but not super polished. If it has an alright story may be worth playing. 5/10

Automon - 5 minutes after gym victory. This is an automatic battling Pokemon parody game. You choose Automons and they auto battle to the death. You can trash bag catch your favorites and eventually fight harder gym battles. I would play bundled, but not otherwise. 5.5/10

AK-xolotl - 3 minutes. An arena twin stick shooter somewhat similar to Nuclear Throne. I found this one quite repetitive and just OK. You shoot some guys and have to press a button to take their gun. It feels made for a Series X controller. Also has just OK pixel graphics and a somewhat generic heavy metal soundtrack. Going to launch a Kickstarter as well. 5/10 

Batora: Lost Haven - 13 minutes. Somewhat quirky Hades like where you play some girl who can shift between 2 personalities who deal more damage to the same colored enemies. It ran really janky on my 1070ti on anything but low settings. It seems like it needs some optimizations but feels alright. It had decent enough graphics and pretty good sounds and voice acting. 6/10

Beacon Pines - 29 minutes completed demo. This one deals with a small town where there is a story being told that you’re living. You play a deer, I think, who has a friend and some strange stuff starts happening in town. You earn charms which can be used to change the story at points during it. This has a really nice narrator’s voice, while everyone in the game sounds like Animal Crossing characters. The graphics are beautiful and the music is as well. I really liked the characters and everything seemed highly made. I really liked it a lot and the changing points with new charms found in the story, which you could go back on decision points, makes this an adventure game to look forward to. I will easily buy it on purchase if the price is right. 9/10

Behind the Beyond - 20 minutes. A medieval set adventure game with some sequences that seem drawn from someone under the influence. The graphics are OK enough, though nothing spectacular. In this game 3 sons go into the village and 2 become influential and great and you play the third son figuring things out. You move around with the mouse clunkily clicking on things and talking to people and figuring out what to do to get work. There is a wandering light at night that I never figured out. I picked up stuff and heard some decent voice acting with a repetitive soundtrack. Overall it could become decent, but what was here was kind of just OK so far. 6/10

Bio-Gun - 20 minutes. This is a 2D platformer where you play as pig with a gun going into a doctor’s dog as there is a patdemic that is wiping out all the pets. By going into the body you deal with a Metroidvania with similar graphics to Hollow Knight, and overall felt clean if a little boring. The story and dialogue were OK, but nothing special. The voice acting was generally good, although it uses Animal Crossing speak for the animal characters. The graphics were nice and it controlled well enough it a Series X controller. Overall I liked it enough to maybe get it discounted or bundled, but it just felt okay. 6.5/10

Birding Simulator - 17 minutes. This one looked ok a first person running around the woods birding simulator. There is a hoky story thrown on about how they will take down the area unless you find a rare bird. It runs a little janky on my setup, but looked OK. The interface is not made for the controller at all so far. The voice acting was OK, and the nature sounds are nice. Overall just OK so far, but would pick up bundled. 5.5/10

Blood Nova - 56 minutes completed demo. This one is an old school adventure game with graphics similar to older Lucasarts games. You are a princess and stuff has gone down on a ship. You have to go around a somewhat confusing map system to get stuff to figure out what happened and hopefully save yourself and others. I think this is a purchase on sale, or maybe around release for cheap. The music was good as well, although there are no voices. It’s clunky, but I’d play it. 6.5/10

Blu - 17 minutes. This is a 2D platform having you play a ninja of sorts who goes around trying to help people. The game has a clean albeit simple look. The music is pretty good. The sounds are just OK. The physics and movement are a little wonky at times, as is the battling you do. It feels very indie, but it is pretty alright as well. I would play it bundled. Nothing amazing, but it has heart. 6.5/10

Card Shark - 23 minutes. Quite pretty graphics with a decent soundtrack no voice overs. Has a story of a mute boy and a troupe teaching you card playing tricks (magic/cheating) and the gestures on the keyboard or controller. Seems like an alright game. I'm not much into these gesture games, so I'll wait for a bundle, but it seems to be worth it. 6.5/10

Likely will have C and D impressions tomorrow.

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Played Beat Hazard 3.  It's more Beat Hazard except with 3D style graphics and you have some mini-bosses now.  There's a new "campaign mode" where you planet hop through a galaxy, each star system being an album and each planet a song, and need to collect fuel crystals like you do money and point bonuses but the game play itself is identical to before.  Though I did find it interesting that you can seed your galaxy with local MP3 files and it will pull more from online.  So if you only have one track by an artist, you might still find a system of their songs.

Anyway, yeah, more Beat Hazard

I am 13 games deep, have been busy, but I think Tinykin is the stand out for me. It's Pikmin with a platforming and it's just great.
Nice I have that in my queue. I think I have 100 more demos to try. Not guaranteeing anything, but I can likely give each around 3 minutes at least haha. They're all downloaded already, so it's more of starting and trying to play them.

Kinda looking forward to my steam deck preorder.. whenever that may be. Have huge library of games steam and epic freebies, and currently no pc other than work pc. Which isn't allowed to use 🤪
Ugh. Thankfully, Valve is a privately owned company, which should complicate that a bit, since it's essentially up to Gabe.
He's ready to retire; already moved to New Zealand and such. It makes the most sense to sell off the company to MS a la Lucasfilm to Disney. My guess is they already have a long-range plan of how to integrate their systems and are just taking time to figure it all out. It's definitely happening behind the scenes, even if it's my own speculation.

He's ready to retire; already moved to New Zealand and such. It makes the most sense to sell off the company to MS a la Lucasfilm to Disney. My guess is they already have a long-range plan of how to integrate their systems and are just taking time to figure it all out. It's definitely happening behind the scenes, even if it's my own speculation.
That would be terrible. Given the way MS runs their PC store, the way they've treated PC gamers over the years, their focus on cloud gaming/subscription services likely with the plan to eventually replace digital purchases, smaller discounts for game purchases than competitors on their stores, and of course being one of those monopolistic tech giants, I doubt I would like what they'd do with Steam. It would probably be even worse than what happened with Lucasfilm.
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I would more hope it gets past on to a trust with certain stipulations and he (and his family) becomes a permanent benefactor to that trust.  Perhaps even some sort of means for employees to join. 

Something better than going public.  Steam dies when that happens.

Fellow old guy here with a wife, kids, job, drug habit, drinking problem, burrito addiction, and dogs and everything. I hear you but I've got a different perspective. Win or lose, live or die, time spent in the world of a FromSoft game is time well spent.
Another old guy here. Damn you. You're gonna make me do it aren't you? I own all the Souls games but have avoided them due to the much ballyhoo'ed (<-- good old guy word) difficulty. I can feel my mouse cursor hovering closer to the FromSoft corner of my library.

If MS is still willing to toss around billions then I think Valve would be a damn good investment, if they're willing to sell
Oh dear god no. That would be the worst. Valve is the anti-Microsoft. Gabe runs Valve/Steam like his own personal playground and experimental lab. It's an unconventional way of doing business, but being "right" so many times has allowed them the freedom to do it. As a result of their quality-first and gamer-first mantra, they're pretty good stewards of PC gaming. Meaning: you don't get the feeling that they're going to pull the rug out from underneath you the way Microsoft has done to gamers time and time again.

Valve needs to go to another visionary-type, if that exists. Corporate structure would cause it to implode.

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I've made it through all the Soulsborne games after grinding and leveling up.. (Bloodborne multiple times cause I really like it)................  except Sekiro.....  fuck  Sekiro ,  fuck  him in the face.  I gave up.  Maybe one day...

Fellow old guy here with a wife, kids, job, drug habit, drinking problem, burrito addiction, and dogs and everything. I hear you but I've got a different perspective. For me, having less free time means I want that time to be well spent. And there's no developer...wait, let me rephrase. There is no content creator, period, in the world today making anything that is as well crafted and time-worthy as Miyazaki and Co. Win or lose, live or die, time spent in the world of a FromSoft game is time well spent. When a game like Elden Ring comes out it's something to be cherished since every Miyazaki game could be his last. Now excuse me. I really need to find a toilet asap.
I'm also an old guy with a drug habit, bad drinking problem that is getting worse every year, and I'm also fat. I also love Elden Ring. I'm not sure if it's my favorite From Software game yet but I'll write my review on here soon enough.
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I'm also an old guy with a drug habit, bad drinking problem that is getting worse every year, and I'm also fat. I also love Elden Ring. I'm not sure if it's my favorite From Software game yet but I'll write my review on here soon enough.
Can't wait to get a fat perspective on Elden Ring. Such a review tends to carry more weight.

So, how long before the raving hordes of fanboys and click-and-view-hungry content creators turn on Elden Ring and start publishing nitpicking hour-long "well ackshually" videos documenting how fatally flawed Elden Ring is? 

I have not FakeyBro'd Elden Ring, yet, 'cause I want to see how the performance is... and I am would rather play indie demos, for some reason.

For that front, seven more down tonight. Guilt: the Deathless is a weird "open word, Dark Souls" roguelike based upon mini-generated dungeons, some weird loot mechanics, and a grotesque art style.  I like it. 
It's probably the actual Elden Ring.

Then there's The Iron Oath.  It's in the same vein as Battle Brothers and Wartales.  If you know what those are, then go try it.  If you don't, then you're probably not a PC tactical RPG nerd already?

Now off to bed, happy Steam Deck software-review Eve, everyone.

Looking forward to binging reviews tomorrow...

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So, how is Elden Ring running for y'all PC gamers that Fakeybro'd this and what are you running for PC hardware?
i7-7700K + RTX 3060 + 1080p monitor - I'm getting 60fps (60 Hz monitor) at high settings. CPU and GPU utilization are only at about 50-60%, so I think I might try it out on my TV this weekend and push it to 1440p.

It's definitely happening behind the scenes, even if it's my own speculation.

For all the super-hype, I totally blanked on Elden Ring launching yesterday until 11pm and got as far as playing around with the character model editor and trying to make someone who doesn’t look one generation removed from Neanderthal stock.

That's always a common pitfall for me -- make someone who looks good head on then, the first time you see them in profile, they have the brow of a caveman and the chin of an inbred French aristocrat.

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More Steam Next Fest demos this time covering C-F games. The major standouts for me here are Crush the Industry, an Earthbound looking deck builder/turn based RPG hybrid with excellent graphics and fun gameplay. This one is a no brainer on purchase for me. FixFox also just embodied what I feel a good indie game should have and felt quirky, fun, a decent enough open world and some okay storyline with fun gameplay. So much heart that I would get the game if it would be cheap enough on release. Otherwise there were a lot of better games in this bunch, although most of them will likely wait for bundling for me. These include Children of Silentown (almost on my standouts list), Dexter Stardust : Adventures in Outer SpaceDivinity Chronicles: Journey to the WestThe Elevator Game with Catgirls, and Forward: Escape the Fold. I will likely play a few demos here and there while playing Elden Ring as well.

Chains of Fury - 20 minutes. This is an FPS and puncher game that is very simple. It has simple animations and graphics and a heavy metal soundtrack. The graphics are decent enough and the sounds are cool like shotguns reloading. It’s very basic and you just play some guy escaping from jail. Also has a Duke Nukem 3D poster in his cell. I think it would be fine bundled, but was missing a lil something. 6/10

Children of Silentown - 19 minutes completed demo. This was a point and click adventure game in an interesting style with people with no pupils and kind of painted backgrounds. The puzzle solving is simple but fun. There is some creepy stuff happening in this town, and the main girl character has nightmares and they may come true. The music was pretty good and the sounds were decent with no voiced characters. I liked it and would play it likely discounted or bundled. 7.5/10

CHRONICLES OF 2 HEROES: AMATERASU'S WRATH - 9 minutes. This game tries to be an old school 2D platformer like Ninja Gaiden. Honestly I liked the graphics OK, but the gameplay is a nightmare. The samurai guy can’t jump and does this stupid dash, and the ninja can jump and throw kunai. There comes an area where you hit these big drums and it opens a door on a timer. You can switch between the two and you need to on one screen to combine dashing and jumping. It controls really poorly on the Series X controller. The loop on the song is rage inducing too being extremely repetitive. I really didn’t like this one and it had some strange localization for the dialogue. 4.5/10

Corsair’s Madness - 28 minutes completed demo level. This one is another old school looking 2D platformer. I liked this one a bit although the stick didn’t work for controlling on the Series X controller so you had to use the gamepad, which isn’t ideal. You unlock abilities like a Metroidvania, and the second level also has a shooting one kind of like the fighting while surfing in Turtles in Time. Overall it’s very OK and has good graphics, okay controls (not the possessed character which felt clunky) and feels just average. The chiptune soundtrack is pretty good, but can get grating, with the sound also for collecting coins being slightly too high pitched. 6/10

Crush the Industry - 95 minutes completed demo start of game. This is an interesting combination of deck builder, Earthbound like aesthetics, Earthbound like music though not as playful, Earthbound similar life going down when hurt in battle (ticks down), and cycling skills in 3 areas Slay the Spire like. You play a character working at a video game company and fight monstrosities of your game critics. Some are very, very grotesque. You can choose which part of the branch you take, which usually is normal enemies, hard enemies, events, and healing/buying consumable/buying skills. Overall it irked me at first, but I got used to it and really liked the game. Everything came together and I was able to beat it on my second run. I will buy this on release as well and know I will lose many hours to it. 8.5/10

Crystal Story: Dawn of Dusk - 7 minutes completed demo. This one is a 2D game similar looking to Undertale and playing like A Link to the Past. This one looked just OK and didn’t look amazing widescreen. The music was OK, and the story seemed to be OK as well. It controlled like poop though on the Series X controller. It was another where you needed to use the dpad to control the game. They should allow for the stick as well. The hitting enemies, throwing stuff, jump and run controls felt super clunky. I just didn’t like this and was glad the demo was so short. There is potential, but it just didn’t feel good to play. 5/10

CTRL Phreak - 3 minutes. I honestly hated this game. You can type commands but the hacking is nonsense. You tap a lot of keys in my case holding z and pressing enter at the end to hack. The asthetic and music were OK, but I did not like the tutorial gameplay period. 4/10

Cursed Pantsu - 7 minutes. This is an adult third person platformer with some basic brawling and lots of awkward jumping. If you get hurt you lose all your clothes. The story is basic and deals with a girl who stole panties from a mall and wakes up and is trapped in a mall being attacked by mall mannequins. It is very clunky and needs a lot of work. 5/10

CURSES - 12 minutes completed demo. This one is an adventure with an angry/sad/emo/whatever teen who meets a familiar who helps her learn magic or something in a probably dark adventure about becoming a witch I believe. I liked what I played. It’s very indie with the somewhat basic graphics and animations, but it’s grungy and nice too. I love the music track in the background. It sounds very indie rock, so it’s right up my alley. I would get sometime either discounted or bundled. 7/10

Cynthia: Hidden in the Moonshadow - A third person action adventure/stealth shooting game. It’s kind of an indie Horizon Zero Dawn. I liked what I played. The world seemed very pretty for the budget, the voice acting was a little below average and a bit more muted than I would like. The music was decent as was the sounds. It controlled good enough on a Series X controller. Nothing too bad, though not amazing either. It would be good bundled or pretty cheap if the story is worth doing. 6.5/10

Dexter Stardust : Adventures in Outer Space - 20 minutes completed demo. This one is a nicely drawn and animated adventure game. The music is pretty fun and surfy. The sounds are alright like the environmental sounds, and the voice work is somewhere in between. I like Dexter’s voice actor a bit, and the female lead is not bad, but I’m not sure of the emotion. The other voices have seemed good. The puzzles made sense so far. I liked it and would get it bundled or on sale. 7/10

Divinity Chronicles: Journey to the West - 37 minutes completed demo. This one grew on me as I played it. It’s a deck building Journey to the West inspired game where you play as the monkey king and others battling those who wronged you. There are plenty of cards and the difficulty was easy for the demo for the most part. I liked how you could get summons as well to help you. Each battle would give money, cards, consumables (seems like every battle getting them is a bit much), and sometimes relics to give you permanent abilities. If this sounds like Slay the Spire, it’s because it’s very obvious this was inspired by it. The music was a bit repetitive, but not terrible. The graphics were decent if not amazing. Overall it seemed good, maybe not great. I’d buy it in a sale or bundled as I love my deck building games and this seemed like a polished enough one. 7/10

Dreamland Confectionery - 9 minutes completed demo. This one is a 3D platformer where you play some girl collecting and baking stuff to be friends with others after evil comes or something. The graphics are pretty good in this. The music is repetitive but OK. The controls shown as default were PS controller ones, but it worked fine with a Series X controller. It should hopefully detect what you have and provide the correct prompts. The controls felt clunky for things overall especially using her powers. It was ok, but nothing crazy yet. You just get tasks and do them similar to like a Bugsnax. 6/10

Elderland - 25 minutes completed demo. This one is 2D platforming Metroidvania game. The graphics were very solid with good backgrounds and decent animations. The battling feels like SOTN with a bit more weight and clunkiness. The music was repetitive, but not terrible. The controls with the Series X controller worked pretty well. The story was there but mainly through notes. Overall it’s a good game I’d get discounted or bundled. 6.5/10

The Elevator Game with Catgirls - 13 minutes completed demo. This one is a visual novel about catgirls I guess and an elevator urban legend from Korea. In this you play a girl who recently started dating another girl and one of them is dared to ride this elevator. The other girl waits and then it takes a while and she calls and hears strange things. She then decides to go to this building and ride the elevator as well. The demo ends there, and I’m sure it will be an interesting enough story. The art was creepy and the character art had a nice look to it. The music was ominous as well. Seems well written enough and could be good. I like visual novels so this would be an easy get on discount or bundled. 7/10

Esse Proxy - 17 minutes. This one has a viewpoint similar to Hotline Miami. It has a cyberpunk theme and soundtrack which look and sound pretty cool. The graphics are a little simple but stylized nicely. I played with both the Series X controller and the mouse/keyboard and the second is preferred. You have to be extremely accurate which don’t play as well to the thumb sticks. I didn’t like the difficulty. I died around 10-15 times and only got a few rooms in. Enemies moved extremely quickly and never missed a shot really. In a room with 2 or 3 you must not miss any shots. I could not make it past the 3 enemy room. This one could have potential but had a horrible difficulty, not as great controls, and was frustrating to play. It needs balancing and speed adjusted for the enemies before this one gets released. 6/10

Fishing Paradiso - 41 minutes completed demo. This one is a 2D RPG fishing game similar to the River King games. The graphics are similar to Earthbound and the music is tropical albeit a bit repetitive. In this game you fish and you do tasks of getting people certain fish, as it’s your gift in heaven. You build up your island to become your home and find paradise. Also there is a possible dark back story of why you’re in heaven in the first place. It also might not be all it’s meant to be. Overall it’s relaxing although a bit boring. I would love it bundled, but wouldn’t buy it for sure. Decent and works well with the Series X controller. 6.5/10

FixFox - 70 minutes completed demo. This one is 2D fix it fox game where you play a fox in space who fixes things. The graphics are simple at times but done very well. It’s an open world-ish game with interesting areas and characters. The music is excellent. I liked the story so far and would have kept playing if it was a full game. There is so much charm here and the little fix it puzzles and interesting worlds will make this a must buy at some point. I would get it on sale or bundled. If it’s cheap on launch, it would be in consideration as well. 8/10

Forest Grove - 82 minutes completed demo. I’m not quite sure why I went through with this. This one is about an heiress who disappeared and you figure a lot of puzzles and evidence in a full house. This is interesting and you collect DNA evidence and reconstruct scenes to get audio/video evidence (this can be a nightmare and is hard to move the stupid drone things around). It’s very interesting and this family has a lot to hide. I’m not much for detective games, but there is something here. You go around a dark house first person investigating everything. The music is OK and everything is voiced decently with maybe one actress kind of bad and one of the main actors a bit off the mark. I would love to play bundled only likely. 6/10

Forward: Escape the Fold - 51 minutes completed demo. This one is a unique grid based rogue like game. You move on cards and they grant benefits (health/gold/chests), have enemies (do damage), poison (do damage to you), mana to power your ability or shields to mitigate damage. If you end up with an enemy in front of you they attack doing damage, but this also can get treasure from them in the form of gold/health/shields/swords which do damage to enemies on screen. It’s very random, but fun in its own way. The music is OK and the art is pretty good. I would likely only go for bundled or very cheap because of the simplicity of it. 7/10

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Played through a bunch of the builders on next fest, the only one of note was Ixion that's been in the wishlist for a long time. Has a bit of a frostpunk in space vibe, but has a fair amount going on with the ability to move your entire station around systems and run out to planets for missions all while city building both inside your space station and on the outside of it. The demo is pretty short but has me very interested.

For all the super-hype, I totally blanked on Elden Ring launching yesterday until 11pm and got as far as playing around with the character model editor and trying to make someone who doesn’t look one generation removed from Neanderthal stock.

That's always a common pitfall for me -- make someone who looks good head on then, the first time you see them in profile, they have the brow of a caveman and the chin of an inbred French aristocrat.
It takes me 1-2 hours to get past the character creator boss too. Sometimes I snap and make a clown.

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That's always a common pitfall for me -- make someone who looks good head on then, the first time you see them in profile, they have the brow of a caveman and the chin of an inbred French aristocrat.
I honestly think this is one of the things that Dragon Age got right... The ability to edit your player after the creation process so you can fix those errors when you see your player from other angles.
Just got the email to complete my steam deck preorder.   :whee: I can confirm wallet funds (digital currency) can be used.

I'll buy elden ring on pc for like $20 down the road.  For some reason I'm currently most hyped about steam deck and the chrono cross remaster.  Is elden ring going to have dlc?

Edit: Steam deck order completed.  Have the confirmation email.  Just redeemed 7 steam wallet cards and covered it 100%.  $432 in gamestop trade credit / certificates well spent.

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So using Steam wallet cards didn't remove the tax? I was hoping it would. Did you order an SD card for it yet?
Sales tax on the transaction is determined by shipping address, which can be different from the billing address (that is used to calculate tax for digital purchases). So for me (shipped to TX), $33 in tax was part of the steam wallet funds used.

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Based on the reviews I've seen for the Steam Deck, my enthusiasm has been tempered a great deal.   

Hope the early adopters here have fun with the platform, but I'll be waiting for versions 2 or 3 before I consider making the leap.  

Based on the reviews I've seen for the Steam Deck, my enthusiasm has been tempered a great deal.

Hope the early adopters here have fun with the platform, but I'll be waiting for versions 2 or 3 before I consider making the leap.
What were some of the things that put you off getting it? I was worried about loading times from an SD card, but they seem to be fine. Compatibility with most games I plan to play are great too.
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I doubt version 2 or 3 would be much better anyways. It's about as expected. I think the battery is a little worse than I would have thought, but that's about it.

Yeah nothing I've seen has me discouraged about my purchase.  I've heard both good and points in regard to software.  These things will improve with time.  Power consumption / fan noise / battery life is a factor.  But personally I'm not too worried about those because my primary use will be for my existing library of jrpgs and visual novels.  Some strategy/puzzle/indie/emulation too I'm sure.  I'll continue to use my desktop if I want to play an action, fps, or arpg title.

The only negative thing I saw that really bothered me is pretty minor for most:  The official dock resorts to capturing audio through the analog headphone jack.  Oof.  They could do better there.

And I pretty strongly believe that without major changes to the market, a v2 or v3 deck will cost significantly more than the $399 I paid today.

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$400 in GS credit is a steal. With trade in promos and flips makes it even cheaper. Hoping to get my order email for 512gb version in the next few months.
What were some of the things that put you off getting it? I was worried about loading times from an SD card, but they seem to be fine. Compatibility with most games I plan to play are great too.
Hand size issues and controller comfort. Buggy software. Games compatibility issues.

I was a "maybe" purchaser in the past, but I work from home and don't really need to play Steam games anywhere other than my PC at this point, so hearing the issues that reviewers ran into just made it easier for me to put it off indefinitely.

Hand size issues and controller comfort. Buggy software. Games compatibility issues.
Gonna be honest, if you were even thinking it would launch any different would be kind of odd. We knew it was Linux, we knew it would be developmental even at release, and the size is nothing new. More so, I have seen nothing but pretty good praise for the ergonomics and size.

Waiting for my email. Portable PC requiring tweaks to play games, but can play Elden Ring out of the gate? Crazy awesome. Will be glad to try many things, but just my indie library on the go is what I want. JRPGs / SRPGs is what I want. XCOM 2 says native on ProtonDB, which will be plenty of on the go gaming for me!

There's even footage of some PS3 games hitting locked 60FPS. Thus, emulating up to PS2 on the go looks like is possible at a $400 price point. For a retro handheld, it will probably be the pinnacle device.

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I'd love to hear more about users working around Steam Deck and coming up w/ fixes on Linux; getting Windows 7/10/11 onto it; and/or any other cool stuff you can think of. Might take some time, before we hear about all of that mess.

EDIT - Regardless, seems like Steam Deck's off to a good start, given reviews from GameSpot, IGN, and Digital Foundry. Linus Tech Tips seemed positive, despite him thinking it still feels incomplete. Still curious about it - especially if it even gets sales down the line from Valve/on Steam; and/or stores ever decide to carry it.

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Frankly those joysticks look like pure poop but that's me. I'm also a person who found the Game Gear too heavy at one point in my life. I do like having my whole Steam library (sans non compatibles) on the go, but I'll wait. My Elden Ring was delayed a bit, so likely coming tomorrow so look forward very likely to some more demo impressions.

Frankly those joysticks look like pure poop but that's me. I'm also a person who found the Game Gear too heavy at one point in my life. I do like having my whole Steam library (sans non compatibles) on the go, but I'll wait. My Elden Ring was delayed a bit, so likely coming tomorrow so look forward very likely to some more demo impressions.
I had a Game Gear with the battery pack attachment, magnifier, and a terrible version of NBA Jam. We've come a long way since then.

Well, you know what they say...


I'm glad I found a gif with the fuck censored but I have no idea why the person also capitalized 'ice skate uphill'.

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An account named Blade II sent this to me and like 5 other people in a message:

"GizmoGC is right about you pieces of shit. If any of you actually had a real job (no, flipping games from one GS to another to make a whole $20 in store credit as "profit" for the entire day doesn't count) and moved out of your parent's basement then you'd understand where he's coming from. But no, none of you idiots will even fill out an application for Burger King because you're too lazy and won't ever get a real job. I took a nap during my lunch break today and made another $100. If you weren't such idiots and didn't spend your entire time "flipping" G2L to make an entire $5 profit then maybe you could do that, too. But no, you're too stupid to understand this. I can understand why Kyle thinks that making 50 cents each for every $10 shovelware game is a good profit now. You're all lazy, unemployed motherfuckers."

Poor guy :(
bread's done