Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Is the DLC "on the cart"?

I saw that as well and was a little surprised by the support of a shady site like that.
I'm not. It seems as though Cheapy's only motivation towards keeping up this site is lining his pockets. I can almost guarantee that they sent him a check for his positive feelings.

Silence/ ban for defamation in 3...2...1...
CheapyD bought from it apparently, so wouldn't that technically make it CAGtrusted (even though, from what I read, it should not be trusted at all)?
if the president himself bought it, it would not lower any risk. it just means he himself thought it was a good deal an took the chance paying that price.

am going wait myself, since most high profile games get 50-75% off pretty quickly if not this summer sale, then winter sale it will be.

if the president himself bought it, it would not lower any risk. it just means he himself thought it was a good deal an took the chance paying that price.

am going wait myself, since most high profile games get 50-75% off pretty quickly if not this summer sale, then winter sale it will be.
Someone else said it prior, but I think I'll do the same; buy Batman for my glorious "next gen" console, than pick up the game + dlc for PC on the cheap later on.
I'm not. It seems as though Cheapy's only motivation towards keeping up this site is lining his pockets. I can almost guarantee that they sent him a check for his positive feelings.

Silence/ ban for defamation in 3...2...1...
I really doubt this website is lining anyones pockets...

might be a nice sidejob but not enough for a main gig

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I really doubt this website is lining anyones pockets...

might be a nice sidejob but not enough for a main gig
Really? CheapyD gets paid a lot in referrals. Every single link that gets posted on here has a referral attached. I think it's more than enough for a main gig.

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I really doubt this website is lining anyones pockets...

might be a nice sidejob but not enough for a main gig
You'd be very surprised at how much money those referral links bring in. (Ed: Spodered)

Also, I don't always activate random keys that friends give me, but when I do...

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Really? CheapyD gets paid a lot in referrals. Every single link that gets posted on here has a referral attached. I think it's more than enough for a main gig.
not all referrals pay out well. maybe I'm just thinking in terms of what it would take for me to say I was lining my pockets with money. I'd have to be making well over 250k after taxes and all other deductions to make that statment

You'd be very surprised at how much money those referral links bring in. (Ed: Spodered)

Also, I don't always activate random keys that friends give me, but when I do...
Brb stalking Gid
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I had a friend randomly send me a key for Wolfenstein: TNO back in January.    Nazi-killing simulators must bring people together.

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not all referrals pay out well. maybe I'm just thinking in terms of what it would take for me to say I was lining my pockets with money. I'd have to be making well over 250k after taxes and all other deductions to make that statment
Probably makes over 250k easily. You do realize he bought his way into Saints Row 3 right? I doubt he needs another job.
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How the hell are lurkers so fast? The bottom 3 games were already activated. Shame... Corona looked interesting.

I really doubt this website is lining anyones pockets...

might be a nice sidejob but not enough for a main gig

You serious? Cheapy makes easily hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions a year just on referrals and ad space. Why else do you think he gets so chummy with rich companies like Gamestop? They pay him well.

Probably makes over 250k easily. You do realize he bought his way into Saints Row 3 right? I doubt he needs another job.
He also bought his way onto the Howard Stern Show where he told Howard that the website makes a 'decent living' or something to that effect. The demure tone he took implied that the site is fairly lucrative.

He also bought his way onto the Howard Stern Show where he told Howard that the website makes a 'decent living' or something to that effect. The demure tone he took implied that the site is fairly lucrative.
well then, its time for someone to start a new site and remove the cesspool

just call it "Smart Ass Gamer"










Holy shoot, I actually got one! The first one. And it's been over an hour since it was posted. I think that's a record. Thanks Coral!

Took as my first ever Coral Key. Thanks!
Same here. I was beginning to think I'd never get a Coral key.

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Damnit Carlmundo! You're like a reverse Spoder. The Grass Simulators you drop are always gone whenever I look.

Link to the Stern interview?
Since he said "bought his way on", it was most likely a charitable donation that allowed him to sit in on the news at the end of the show. They do that from time to time and Howard talks with the person for a few moments as a courtesy. I must have missed that one.

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Note to self: don't bother checking the first key next time because Xealot will have already checked it.

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bread's done