Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Reported.... TO SANTA!

Bad news, guys. Looks like FullGames was run out of business by Nuuvem.

I have no idea why I had a bookmark for FullGames. They didn't even take Paypal, did they?
If Nuuvem keeps locking shit down they might end up going bananas up too. It's no secret that a large portion of their business up until very recently was from virtual visitors to Brazil.

I blame Reddit for being such dumbasses and talking about shit that they really shouldn't be talking about in a high profile place like that where the publishers can see and go complain about it to Nuuvem. If you're breaking the rules don't take out a god damned neon billboard on the main drag announcing it.

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Fullgames was actually a magazine first, they came with a free game on a CD. I remember seeing some issues online a long time ago.

Anyway. Steam seems to be down due to a DDOS attack caused by little shits that have nothing better to do.

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It's been yoyoing for a while for me. Goes down then comes up etc etc. I imagine it might be like that all day since Valve probably aren't going to get any of their crunchy fat asses in today.
I spoke too soon - yoyoing here as well.

Damn that distribution site from the land of fresh seafood. They ruined Christmas!

Few random obscure-ish sales

Kings of Kung Fu, has cards, hasn't been bundled yet, 886 Blue Coins or 89 cents at Putingate if you have some extra BC lying around. 4DUMMEEZ REMINDER: Clear cookies, Vpn while LOGGED OUT just briefly to set pricing, turn off vpn BEFORE you login, PAY WITH BLUE COINS

Indie Game Stand has a code ADVENTCAL you can use at checkout for 50% off anything. Most stuff is bleh, but I ended up getting a few things which admittedly would not meet the high cheapness standards for hardcore cheapasses around here:

Monstro: Battle Tactics - 50% off regular price of $5.99 so $2.98. Been out for a year. Never goes on sale, hasn't been bundled. Has cards.

Endorlight - 49 cents with coupon. Looks kinda crap, might never get done, Early Access (plz dont writ mee a neg rview ZOMG Erly Axis!) but eh, 50% off 67% off at 49 cents and cardz.

Deadstone - 50% off 50% off at $2.49. Been out over year, never been bundled yet, hasn't gone cheaper than 50% off, has cards. Madjoki owns it though so it was probably 4 cents in Somalia at 4 am for 4 seconds once.

Bard's Gold - 50% off of 50% for $1.99. Fairly new release (August) hasn't been bundled yet, has cards. Honestly it will probably get bundled at some point but I actually kind of wanted it.

Also Headpiece mentioned Chroma Squad is $4.49 with the coupon but eh, I can wait for that to get bundled. Again.

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They ain't the only ones w/ the weak deals.

Gamersgate, GoG, GreenManGaming, Amazon, and numerous others are also throwing out very weak deals.

We knew it was all downhill once AmazonTony left - and the trend has continued and gotten worse + worse with more + more time flown by.

I'm also guessing the publishers ain't as quick to toss-out super-hot deals since most PC gamers are now finally all aboard the Digital Distribution Express, as well.
Yup. Everyone bitches about the digital storefronts and bundle sites, but there is likely a reason that sales seem lackluster everywhere. Publishers have gained experience, and making us cheapasses happy is not generally good for them.

Anyway. Merry Christmass cheapasses, Merry Christmas. I raise my Bloody Mary glass to you.

Few random obscure-ish sales

Kings of Kung Fu, has cards, hasn't been bundled yet, 886 Blue Coins or 89 cents at Putingate if you have some extra BC lying around. 4DUMMEEZ REMINDER: Clear cookies, Vpn while LOGGED OUT just briefly to set pricing, turn off vpn BEFORE you login, PAY WITH BLUE COINS

Indie Game Stand has a code ADVENTCAL you can use at checkout for 50% off anything. Most stuff is bleh, but I ended up getting a few things which admittedly would not meet the high cheapness standards for hardcore cheapasses around here:

Also Headpiece mentioned Chroma Squad is $4.49 with the coupon but eh, I can wait for that to get bundled. Again.
I can add to this

Evoland II

Finding Teddy 2

Forward to the sky

Please dont touch anything

All solid bundle fodder for fairly cheap

Dying Light is pretty good but it's filled with so much garbage design decisions that... well, the quickest way to put it is that there is no real death penalty and that is the right call as they did not design a game good enough that skillful play has any real meaning.

It's good mindless fun though but not even close to great.

Motoki - are the coupons you mention from alienware?  or wat?

Here's hoping everyone has a better than dubitative Christmas today.  

This Steam sale: dubitative - amirite?

Well I have a couple of drops from my wife's hidden object bundles:

Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden - B35XW-GP2PW-5R44V

Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart - AYBXX-QBLF0-9L5IM

Nightmares from the Deep 2: The Siren's Call - 5GPZB-D5J57-4GJ2C

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink - 58N0P-GKAAC-EII34

I hope you guys enjoy!

Sale-side: So far I bought a couple of games from the Steam sale that I was waiting to pull the trigger on (decided to tackle some of the backlog first.) I got some of the "Difficult" games (Ikaruga, Geometry Wars, Castle in the Darkness) that I wanted to try.

It's just a code you enter at Indie Game Stand.

Thanks! I guess reading is hard for me today. Waiting for wife to tell me we're heading out to family for the day. Stressful even though it should be a fun day. Wife in a mood. Also, got a lecture from my dad yesterday that my stepmother didn't like the gift we sent and it's better to send nothing than to get something crappy. All in all, my holiday spirits are dubitative. At best. I need to drown my sorrow in buying 66% off games using GabeNbux. The days of 75% off or GTFO are over fo reals.

Thanks! I guess reading is hard for me today. Waiting for wife to tell me we're heading out to family for the day. Stressful even though it should be a fun day. Wife in a mood. Also, got a lecture from my dad yesterday that my stepmother didn't like the gift we sent and it's better to send nothing than to get something crappy. All in all, my holiday spirits are dubitative. At best. I need to drown my sorrow in buying 66% off games using GabeNbux. The days of 75% off or GTFO are over fo reals.
Sounds like your stepmother doesn't want anymore gifts.
So I took a plunge in the Indie Gala mystery game. Bought Never Alone and got free Nail'd and my mystery game was Epic Showdown which I don't have and looks neat. 18 friends have it so I assume it's been bundled.
2 confusing for u mysterd? Or you want someone else to risk their account because you have like soundtracks on there you don't want to lose
More like "VPNs just don't work for me." My ISP does something funky and they don't work.

Someone must be able to help out. Don't make me go to Reddit. ;_;

Apparently DHL is giving out Pressure keys, but you need to use facebutt.

Also, Bundle Stars is sending out emails with XBlades keys and Cubic Bundle is sending out Yury keys.  Presumably you need to be subscribed to their email mailing lists.

More like "VPNs just don't work for me." My ISP does something funky and they don't work.

Someone must be able to help out. Don't make me go to Reddit. ;_;
Don't get them started on buying Russian shit there. They'll ruin it with their big mouths like they ruined Nuuvem.

And they'll do dumb shit like not turn the vpn off before they login and pay with a credit card with their real address in Denmark or Luxembourg or wherever the hell those dirty redditors are from.

Indiegamestand is seriously pissing me off.  I bought a few games and after retrieving part of the keys it refuses to let me have the rest and gives some message like "too many key requests go take a break and try later."  No, give me my god damn keys you assholes.  I just gave you money now give me what I bought.  It isn't like I bought twenty games or something either.  WTF

Anybody seeing all this shit going on right now at Steam? Numerous reports of users being randomly logged into other people's accounts and being able to view their personal info.

I was trying to get to my wishlist and it took me to some random user from another country. Same thing happened a few more times so I logged out.

Anybody seeing all this shit going on right now at Steam? Numerous reports of users being randomly logged into other people's accounts and being able to view their personal info.

I was trying to get to my wishlist and it took me to some random user from another country. Same thing happened a few more times so I logged out.
Same thing happened to me.

I got enough physical copies of games to play for the rest of my life, losing my steam library would only make my backlog shorter.

Also, bright side, I can look forward to most bundles again.

The whole site is hosed. They got DDoSed and maybe hacked too.

After this sort of crap happened to PSN last year you'd think they'd know better.

It's not like there's not a ton of Indians in the Bellevue/Redmond/Seattle area who have the day off from Microsoft or Amazon that know about computer system admin stuff and don't give two fucks about Christmas that they could have hired for the day.

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Yup, looking at my "Account details" through the client brings up someone elses details.

I wonder which lucky guy can look at my awesome details?

My steam is  fuck . First it was in russian now it doesn't even load.

Now I'm logged someone called Bigshowbob. 

So much for me buying some games today. 

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bread's done