Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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FYI if anyone wants cheap Steam copies of The Evil Within 2 ($4.48), or Mafia III ($3.99), I just bought and activated sealed copies from Goodwill's ebay storefront. Free shipping included. Evil Within 2 has a pretty barebones pc case, but the Mafia III case includes a neat physical map of the ingame area and also includes the "Family Kick-Back Pack" pre-order bonus.

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welp, played Gears for a couple hours, and yo, it's another Gears game...

Gears 4 was great & felt like it came close to perfecting its formula, so Gears 5 doesn't need to become another open-world loot-grind game/shooter/ARPG hybrid of some kind that has an identity crisis. We've got enough of those now on the market.

We've got enough games on the market, straying too far from what they used to be. You had FEAR become more COD-like & cover-shooter with FEAR 3 and strayed from its horror roots; Dead Space 3 became less of a horror game and more or an action-packed title - two games that hurt their franchises...and we no longer have sequels in those franchises.

Now we have this...

Rainbow Six forgetting what real single-player missions are as now it's a MP-based game...but at least Siege is quite good though.

Ghost Recon series has totally became something else since Wildlands (open-world GTA-style game/shooter/less tactical/less control of AI squadmates) and is straying even further from its GR roots here with Breakpoint (not on NDA now), as it's now turned into an online-only open-world looter-shooter like The Division/GTA-style game and elements from Wildlands/though now it's a bit more realistic with injuries/less tactical options in combat/no AI squad-mates/less options for guns and equipment modding.

AC series since Origins is becoming less of AC title by turning more so now into Dark Souls (see Origins with its Souls-like combat), is also going the looter-router (think ARPG's like Diablo with loot-galore - which now seems to be a thing for major UbiSoft titles since Division), also now toss Witcher 3 on top for Odyssey (as it's becoming an RPG too w/ decision-making, yet still retaining its new style from Origins).

Surely, I could go on about how Fallout 4 and 76 have changed quite a bit from previous titles (even just compared to FO3 and NV, nevermind how radically they've changed from FO1+2), how the latest games in BioWare franchises Dragon Age and Mass Effect have became more Skyrim-like and UbiSoft-like in open-world style (i.e. Inquisition and Andromeda), over the years and all - but, you can see where I'm going with this.

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Steam key for God's Trigger - 0Z%FX-7YIKA-%PNEW
Replace percent with the letter between A and C.
Steam key for Dream Daddy - QRNNC-TGIBQ-Y%I%T
Replace percent with the letter between B and D.
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I will never be paying attention when new coin games launch and thus I will just have a continuously growing pile of Chrono coins which I will be briefly sad about when the site inevitably dies and they all vanish into the ether.

I will never be paying attention when new coin games launch and thus I will just have a continuously growing pile of Chrono coins which I will be briefly sad about when the site inevitably dies and they all vanish into the ether.
Hopefully we can convert our Chrono coins into Groupees Johnny coins before goes belly up.

Played through Man of Medan lastnight.  Took about 3.5 hours, was fun, nothing special, played local co-op, will play again to try for kill all and no kill runs.

Digital Foundry looking at the Final Fantasy VIII: Remastered version b/t PS4 and PS1 (also out on PC/Steam, Switch, X1):
Things to note:
- 3x speed is here as an option like it has been with many FF Remasters, likely to stop the grind & other non-sense that some of the FF's are known for (and in particular, this title w/ constant drawing of spells, lots of GF summons, etc).
- Character & enemy models were redone, while the textures weren't.
- Remaster uses PS1 version of the soundtrack (many prefer this), not the FF8 PC's old MIDI version.
- This Remaster has more of the quirks and issues (no rumble/analog support) & even advantages (better looking menus) of the old FF8 PC version.
- Original game's engine was running at 320x240 with PS1 dithering effect.
- Remaster's engine is running at 1080p, but PS1 dithering effect has been removed for a cleaner picture.
- Assets themselves have been up-scaled to 1080p, likely from the original 320x240 resolution of the PC version.
- Still stuck with 4:3 aspect ratio in the Remaster here.
- In this Remaster: battles are capped at 16fps, while game-world roaming is capped at 30fps.
- Menus in battles were actually running at 60fps before in the old version, which helped Limit Breaks run smooth.
- Remastered's battles are also now capped to 16fps...which is why some have issues with Limit Break's timing/rhythm & other things of this sort.
- No analogue control support, which is making it harder to line-up to talk to NPC's, use Draw points & turn your character around (i.e. just like the Old PC Version).
- B/c of the above, you're stuck using the shoulder buttons for turning (i.e. like the Old PC version).
- No rumble controller support here either (i.e. like Old PC version), i.e. you won't feel any Rumble on Squall's Limit Break.
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Digital Foundry looking at the Final Fantasy VIII: Remastered version b/t PS4 and PS1 (also out on PC/Steam, Switch, X1):

- Menus in battles were actually running at 60fps before, but Remastered is also now capped to 15fps...which is why some have issues with Limit Break's timing/rhythm & other things of this sort.
This would've been great if they had only thought of the QTE Limit Break issues that would arise from lowering the FPS unnecessarily. The thing they really needed to work on was the Draw mechanic. Having to spend 10-20 turns drawing magic from bosses to equip to your stats was a real pain in the ass in the original.

This would've been great if they had only thought of the QTE Limit Break issues that would arise from lowering the FPS unnecessarily. The thing they really needed to work on was the Draw mechanic.
I do wonder whether some modder will go out and actually fix this, if Square won't do it themselves. The modders did fix the 15fps issue w/ FF4 regular and After Years, upping it to 30fps.

Having to spend 10-20 turns drawing magic from bosses to equip to your stats was a real pain in the ass in the original.
Liked the idea of Drawing, but not the execution. Wasn't fond of its grind either, back in the day.

I'm betting the 3x Speed feature in this Remaster helps for this non-sense, but yeah...I don't think that will entirely solve the grind. They probably should also rework the Draw mechanic in the Remaster too, with how many you actually get from a Draw.

Or...just re-do the system entirely. I've always preferred the MP system myself.

Since I just paid a bunch of bills this morning, I started playing more games from my backlog that were already installed to decide if I need to clean house.  I won't allow myself to install more than 360 games at one time, so any time that I finish a game or just decide that I completely hate it, I uninstall it.  I started with the letter A.  So far, I've played Adventures of Pip and Astebreed.  And I've enjoyed both so far.

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Digital Foundry looking at the Final Fantasy VIII: Remastered version b/t PS4 and PS1 (also out on PC/Steam, Switch, X1):
I’ve been playing this on PS4, as well, and I feel like offering my two cents on some of these assessments. I also replayed the original PSX version around three years ago, so that’s relatively fresh in my mind.

- 3x speed is here as an option like it has been with many FF Remasters, likely to stop the grind & other non-sense that some of the FF's are known for (and in particular, this title w/ constant drawing of spells, lots of GF summons, etc).
The 3x and Booster functions are indeed a godsend for tedious grinds. In operation together, they make drawing new types of spells, farming rare cards with the Card command, and other repetitive activities feel like a breeze compared to the original.

- Character models were redone and are more in-line with the FMV's, while the textures weren't.
This is wrong. I can’t say for certain on the textures (I’ve heard news sites saying otherwise, though), but the character models, while a big step up graphically, are actually further away from the FMVs. The faces (and in Squall’s case, hairstyle) look different enough that it can be a bit jarring switching from these new models to the pre-rendered ones in the cutscenes. The old models, while kind of crappy, did have the correct rough shape.

- This Remaster has more of the quirks and issues (no rumble/analog support) & even advantages (better looking menus) of the old FF8 PC version.
For the record, this sounds like the remaster’s using the menus from the PC version, but I’m pretty sure they just redid them for this version.

- Original was at 320x240, but Remaster has everything running at 1080p.
This might be a bit misleading. Things are running at 1080p, but the pre-rendered content (which includes the frequent cutscenes and all backgrounds other than in battle and on the overworld) are the same as the original versions just run through some upscaling filters. There’s not going to be a ton of difference for those vs playing the original on a modern TV.

- In this Remaster: battles are capped at 16fps
I believe this. I don’t usually care about framerate, but I’ve noticed the battles don’t seem especially smooth.

A couple personal irritations for me concerning the remaster involve a lack of interface updating. I’m a purist, myself, but a few little modernization touches would have gone a long way.

• You can still only save at save points and on the overworld, which is a bit ridiculous in a remaster of this kind.
• It would have been nice to remap overworld camera controls to the right stick to bring it more in line with games from the past 15 years. Those controls are still limited to the shoulder buttons.

Additionally, they updated all the triple triads cards, using the updated in-game models for every card other than the character cards (which still use portrait art)... which is kind of awful because the original cards all either used handdrawn portraits or pre-rendered models. The models used for the new cards weren’t even placed on the right background, they’ve clearly been extracted—possibly even from screenshots. I’d have rather they upscale the original versions.

This would've been great if they had only thought of the QTE Limit Break issues that would arise from lowering the FPS unnecessarily. The thing they really needed to work on was the Draw mechanic. Having to spend 10-20 turns drawing magic from bosses to equip to your stats was a real pain in the ass in the original.
To be fair, there was usually an easier way—the Card Mod ability in conjunction with the magic refinement abilities could get you virtually every spell in the game, and most of them at a really efficient rate of exchange; though a few were still easier to draw. Once you manipulated the card trade rule to All (pretty simple), you could rake in cards really quickly.
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Digital Foundry wonders if Gears 5 is "one of the all-time greatest PC ports of all time?" & concludes the PC port is "near perfect":
Just a reminder that that free copy we all got off of needs to be converted to Steam... I just did it, its not a very painful, its actually pretty quick.
So, I only had Destiny 2 base (no DLC, no passes) on Battle.Net.

I did the transfer a bit ago, when it first popped up.

Just checked moments ago...and it now also has my licenses listed as including both Osirus & Warmind.

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Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is in Beta now, from Sept. 5-9th:


  • If you registered before to try to test GR:BP, check your e-mail and/or get onto UPLAY to check if you got in.
  • Subscribing to UPLAY+ free trial (until Sept. 30th) will get you automatically into the GR:BP Beta.
  • There is NO NDA for this GR:BP Beta.
Maybe I'll mess around with it some more after football and sleep but I played it some last night.

Its interesting... Anyone wanting more traditional Ghost Recon is not going to like this... it's even less tactical as there's no NPC squadmates... Unless that comes into play after the first couple of hours.

The enemy design... Sure seems to suggest this isn't going to be traditional GR.

Its fun... but I'm not seeing a reason to preorder it.
So, I only had Destiny 2 base (no DLC, no passes) on Battle.Net.

I did the transfer a bit ago, when it first popped up.

Just checked moments ago...and it now also has my licenses listed as including both Osirus & Warmind.
They made all the DLC before Forsaken Free to all players

Maybe I'll mess around with it some more after football and sleep but I played it some last night.

Its interesting... Anyone wanting more traditional Ghost Recon is not going to like this... it's even less tactical as there's no NPC squadmates... Unless that comes into play after the first couple of hours.

The enemy design... Sure seems to suggest this isn't going to be traditional GR.

Its fun... but I'm not seeing a reason to preorder it.
Nope, it hasn't come into play w/ squad-mates showing up, unless it's later-later on.

Breakpoint is way less tactical than Wildlands - and even despite my Wildlands complaints about that being dialed-back a bit, I still liked that game. Wildlands was still ambitious as hell and trying a ton of new things (i.e. UbiSoft open-world stuff with AC-like icons for side-stuff everywhere; GTA-style vehicle driving; and mixing GR tactical stuff); things that I feel should be expanded on with Breakpoint. I might not have had entire control over my AI squad in Wildlands, but you still have some control...and that was still enough.

Also, guns don't feel as moddable either in Breakpoint. You could easily swap-out pieces like scopes and things back in Wildlands. You had less guns in Wildlands, but more mods. Now, it's gone the other way with Breakpoint - as you have more guns, but less ways to mod them. And these guns seems to be littered all over the map to find, too.

Also, the storytelling, narrative, writing, dialogue, voice-acting & cut-scenes - don't seem to be anything special; and that's a problem, as it's trying to also focus on this stuff. At least if this stuff was good-to-great, I'd be fine w/ this stuff being here in Breakpoint. It's maybe passable...and that's about it. And you'd think with this more story-orientated attempt here, it would make more sense in a game with an offline option, but that option isn't here either. At least with Wildlands, you could play offline or online; up to you.

At least with Wildlands, this story-stuff was straight to the point and quick (like Skyrim often does) - and then you got going, so this stuff didn't get much in the you did the missions, often having context via logs/video/audio/etc in Wildlands if you wanted more info and context. With the online-only factor now in Breakpoint, I could see other players...really getting annoyed w/ these cut-scenes stuff not told to them by other means, interrupting the flow of gameplay & gunplay; especially since these cut-scenes & narrative aren't even that good.

Breakpoint also runs like un-optimized crap too; it's even worse than Wildlands, AC: Origins, and AC: Odyssey here. On High at 1080p, it runs anywhere from 30-60fps on my laptop (i7 7700HQ; 6GB GTX 1060; 16 GB RAM; W10 x64). Game looks "meh" below High (i.e. same problem AC: Origins & AC: Odyssey had). It looks amazing at High, but it runs like crap; had to lock it down to 45fps to keep it somewhat stable. I hope they can fix these performance issues before the game comes out.

It also seems like UbiSoft wants to stick The Division ARPG-looter elements onto everything. First The Division; now AC with Origins & Odyssey; and now GR here with Breakpoint. With leveled-enemies, it makes the game less open; as some areas are just foolish to run into. This wasn't as much of an issue in Wildlands. With your gear having levels now in Breakpoint, you need to now pay attention to your gear and make sure it's equipped and leveled properly too - b/c that can be another factor, if you run into enemies and/or an area...and you're both leveled similarly, you'll actually have a chance there.

Combat still feels and plays fine. Gunplay is still good & feels right, like it was in Wildlands. I do like the additional realism elements of you hobbling and having issues walking/running, if you don't heal & bandage yourself. That realism stuff is actually welcome to me, adding an interesting element to the combat. But, losing the tactical stuff hurts - as having the injuries and tactical stuff together could've been something really interesting & special.

In so many ways, this no longer feels like a GR title. It began to stray a bit with Wildlands, but it went even further here with Breakpoint. It should've just been called Tom Clancy's Breakpoint.

This is an online-only game and could be living & breathing, so I do hope they can overhaul & add more tactical GR-stuff stuff in say patches/updates, DLC's, expansions, and/or something. And I do hope they can optimize this game b/ sorely needs it.

But, given what I've experienced so far & given that the game's out in early October (next month) - yeah, I don't have my hopes up here.

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My impressions are similar to MysterD's. It runs better than the tech test a couple of months ago but that was an earlier build meant to test networking. The problem is some of the little issues there are still in the beta. Menus are buggy and not that intuitive at times.

The skill system isn't too bad at least and its easy to swap classes at the base/bivuacs. The main base/hub though is basically out of the Division and all the multiplayer aspects, especially gear level are done to keep people playing longer and buying dlc's, especially for PvP.

FYI if anyone wants cheap Steam copies of The Evil Within 2 ($4.48), or Mafia III ($3.99), I just bought and activated sealed copies from Goodwill's ebay storefront. Free shipping included. Evil Within 2 has a pretty barebones pc case, but the Mafia III case includes a neat physical map of the ingame area and also includes the "Family Kick-Back Pack" pre-order bonus.
YMMV: I had a $5 coupon on my rarely-used eBay account, no minimum purchase required. Ended up getting TEW2 for free. Anyone who has any interest in either of these might wanna check their accounts to see if they were as fortunate as I was.

just finished Gears. some thoughts nobody wants...

the open world stuff is dumb. real dumb. like, "holy shit they added this stuff to artificially pad playtime" dumb.

the robot stuff is fun. the abilities are interesting. looking for parts to upgrade the robot is dumb.

everything else is fine. shooting, set pieces, level environment/atmosphere, everything that makes it a Gears game is great. gonna play some horde and escape mode now. so yeah, if you got gamepass, i recommend trying it out.

So, I only had Destiny 2 base (no DLC, no passes) on Battle.Net.

I did the transfer a bit ago, when it first popped up.

Just checked moments ago...and it now also has my licenses listed as including both Osirus & Warmind.
Where do you see the licenses on your account?

Also, any chance we'll see a sale for Forsaken before the Steam launch?

Where do you see the licenses on your account?

Also, any chance we'll see a sale for Forsaken before the Steam launch?
Is Forsaken even still for sale on Finally got a gaming PC so went to snatch it up, but looks like I’m stuck with the base version for now.
Where do you see the licenses on your account?

Also, any chance we'll see a sale for Forsaken before the Steam launch?
Wait for the launch of Shadowkeep. IMO there is no way that they can/will charge people $30 for Forsaken plus +$35 for Shadowkeep PLUS whatever for the Shadowkeep expansions, once Shadowkeep finally launches. There has got to be some new all-inclusive packages or bundling of some sort.

Actually just checking it now it appears that you can no longer purchase anything Destiny 2 related from

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Gears, Control, Youngblood or keep grinding my way through Stormblood in FF14?
Pick whatever games you either have...

1. In a Pass - i.e. XBox for PC Pass, Xbox Gold, UPlay+, Origin Pass, whatever.

2. Something you already owned;

3. Something in a bundle you want that's currently on sale;

4. And/or any game you want to buy currently hitting 75% off or better.

Me, I have Xbox for PC Game Pass, so Gears 5 is next when I get access to it...which I believe is tomorrow.

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Okay, I'm now one of you. Not that I needed to get a new PC to upgrade from my laptop, but I'll be going from:
32GB DDR3 1600Mhz
GTX 765M


16GB DDR4 2666Mhz
RTX 2070 Super

Now I just need to organize myself. I just checked Steam and the last time I bought a game on there was 2014. I signed up for a wishlist at so hopefully I can keep track of ongoing deals and free game giveaways. I haven't been keeping up, but apparently, there are launchers for Origin, Epic, Twitch, UPlay, etc. in addition to Steam. I guess I will install all and try to keep track of my libraries somehow. I do at least have Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, so I can jumpstart building my library with some games from that service.
Okay, I'm now one of you.
Welcome. Did you already purchase and build?

In my opinion steam and the xbox GP app are two great places to start. Other launchers can be ignored (if you'd like) especially at first for simplicity's sake.

Sadly for steam games the majority of deals right now require you to deal with bundle gimmicks. However if you happen to be like me and hate gaming subs, this thread can be helpful to lift a select bundled title from other trustworthy cags.

This is totally unrelated to anything but I just wanted to wish the Dreamcast a happy birthday 🎂. Just fond memories & the end of SEGA as people knew it

That’s always been my recommendation when people ask but now it’s marginally more relevant than usual.
I'll take FF 5,6,7,9 any day over FF8.

FF8 was a mess.


My 3 favorite and top FF's, in order are - FF6,7,9.


I played ff8 when it lauched and I liked it! It was Chrono Cross that I never played.
I loved Chrono Cross.

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Tried Control. It is a stuttery mess as soon as any shooting starts happening. Gonna wait on that to get patched up.

I loved Chrono Cross.
I am hoping it gets remastered or put on Switch and will be able to play it for the first time. Considering Chrono Trigger is my all-time favorite game you would have thought Chrono Cross would have been day 1 for me.

bread's done