Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Just sold my Real Boxing foil for $5! Now i have $6.10 in gabebux. Which game should I fakeybro next? I'm looking at Frozen State, looks kinda cool. Hey ZombieFox, i think u would like this game too

Right nevermind spoder already covered that.

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i have never spoken about this game to anybody, and don't anticipate doing so, so i have never pronounced the game's title and thus don't care

Interesting that you say that considering the name comes from a French myth. So Euro Trash.

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I was flipping through Bioshock Infinite reviews and this particular one reminded me of a review I read before...I can't quite figure out why though....


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So zoo rampage set up an automated system to give keys for votes and just sent out the emails today. Only they aren't Carlmundo and they fucked it all up and their login page is telling everyone they didn't vote when they did. The Greenlight page is full of people complaining about it now.
So zoo rampage set up an automated system to give keys for votes and just sent out the emails today. Only they aren't Carlmundo and they fucked it all up and their login page is telling everyone they didn't vote when they did. The Greenlight page is full of people complaining about it now.
aw man, now u made me wanna get a copy too

Just tell them you voted for it. Their system is fucked and can't even determine the people who did vite so I doubt they'll know the difference.
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Circuits looks like a cool little indie game, especially for 74 cents. Planets Under Attack at 1.49 (85 % off). Realy broke the bank with those two. :whistle2:

Sakura Spirit and Sunrider: First Arrival are now out. Both are Japanese visual novels, so i dont care about them.

Rawrrrrr I was watching this one since I think Mangagamer was distributing it as well....this visual novel likely needs eroge as with that visual style it would pander to more fans that way.

Also thanks for the heads up on the other free visual novel.

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he stumbles upon two girl wielding swords chasing after two… foxgirls?
Since this can't possibly be an error in translation, color me curious.

It's basically the animu version of Lococycle, right?

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Yeah, it's more of an origin story to a bunch of story stuff that isn't directly related to Adol. I probably should have been clear about that. As for the Chronicles spoiler by playing Origin, it's true for several other Ys games too. By the time I actually played Ys 1 & 2, I already knew who they (the girls) were from other games in the series. I feel it didn't really do much to spoil the story of Chronicles. They're more self contained stories in my opinion that don't harm another by completing it out of order in my opinion, but Origin would be the closest to breaking that.

Chronicles was pretty vague about a lot of things though. Most likely because it was originally created over two decades ago and the remake didn't do much to update the game itself. Pretty much the main reason why I don't put it higher in recommendations.
Maybe it would have been better to play them in the order they were originally release back in the day?

I've got to stop asking questions!

You say "drink" or enable it in GIF or JPEG form - and well...

{Stumbles and falls over}
if i learned anything from futurama it's that robots use alcohol as fuel...i think you can handle a little booze you filthy melodramatic toaster.

Maybe it would have been better to play them in the order they were originally release back in the day?
If you think you're going to go through multiple Ys games then probably. Keep in mind though that the bump combat system of I&II is, um, different and some people blow a gasket over it.

Also most of them aren't on Steam so you'll need some combination of emulators, PS Vita or TPB to get them all. Realistically though, Origins and I and II are the only ones that sort of tie together. The others are mostly just Adol goes off to some other land with maybe a few vague ties to past games sprinkled in.

Yeah, I tried to redeem so many of them and failed that my account locked me out of trying any more for a while. I'd be surprised if anyone managed to get a working one from it.

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