Strell's Lowball: Slowly sending packages out. Thanks everyone!

Damnit! I wish i would've been active on CAG while this lowball was going on... so much shit I wanted to bid on. Bah! Great lowball tho... dgjsghsdfjgskl lol.

Little frustrated if you couldn't tell ;)
[quote name='Strell']$1,500 [/QUOTE]

You know if you charged everyone an additional 10 cents you'll break that mark.

72 different buyers, that is a lot of shipping.

Never mind, it's 73.
[quote name='Darknuke']Damnit! I wish i would've been active on CAG while this lowball was going on... so much shit I wanted to bid on. Bah! Great lowball tho... dgjsghsdfjgskl lol.

Little frustrated if you couldn't tell ;)[/QUOTE]

Sorry Darknuke! Maybe next time, aye?

[quote name='Mad D']You know if you charged everyone an additional 10 cents you'll break that mark.

72 different buyers, that is a lot of shipping.[/QUOTE]


72 different buyers. That's good to know for the post that follows this one.
I'm going to devote this thread to some stat work, just for fun. So this one will be evolving over the next few days. I'm probably also going to have a pseudo-"Dundies" award show of sorts, assuming I don't pass out from exhaustion for the remainder of the week. I plan to use it to highlight various things I thought were amusing to point out. We'll see.

Biggest spenders:
  1. $250.00: Dr Mario Kart
  2. $191.00: EarthboundX5
  3. $122.50: Newlu

Interestingly enough with the above, Newlu had far, far fewer items than DMK and EarthboundX5.

Thanks to Mad D, I know that there were 73 unique bidders.
No rush on receiving the items so don't worry about it, also I just noticed your unsold items list and I was wondering if you would be willing to add the mark of kri and kinetica manual/cover art for $1 each. My total should be $17 plus shipping if you add the two additional items, thanks again for the great deals.
[quote name='OldSchool77']No rush on receiving the items so don't worry about it, also I just noticed your unsold items list and I was wondering if you would be willing to add the mark of kri and kinetica manual/cover art for $1 each. My total should be $17 plus shipping if you add the two additional items, thanks again for the great deals.[/QUOTE]

Will do! I'd be happy to add them as freebies if you'd like.
You should put 73 winners be patient with shipping in the title :lol:

I hope you have fun packing those boxes. I can see you now throwing in random house hold items and drawing doodles on the inside of the boxes to keep yourself entertained and sane.

EDIT: Averaged cost of item is $3.88 so far, if you were wondering.
Damn, nice chunk of change there Strell. Haha, I won the Guitar Hero tote; you want us to check back in here for the totals with shipping, correct?

Also, how much extra would you want for Monopoly on the SNES? Might be fun to play with the girlfriend
[quote name='Strell']Will do! I'd be happy to add them as freebies if you'd like.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, I was trying to keep my final gaming purchase for the month around $20 since there were so many great deals this month. I probably already spent $300 and any relief for my wallet is welcome :D.
[quote name='lolwut?']Damn, nice chunk of change there Strell. Haha, I won the Guitar Hero tote; you want us to check back in here for the totals with shipping, correct?

Also, how much extra would you want for Monopoly on the SNES? Might be fun to play with the girlfriend[/QUOTE]

Yar, going to try and get shipping information quick. Some of that is going to require getting information, going to USPS and checking it out, and then sending out totals later on. Hopefully today we can get that all taken care of.

I can add Monopoly for a buck. Sound good?
Ok everyone, I need to rest a bit. If you want, my PM box is now empty - please send me your shipping information so I can work out how much everything will cost to ship to you. I'm planning on going to the USPS at some point later today to work a lot of that out. Then it's just a question of payment, and then I'll send out.

Because of the sheer number of items, I don't know how quickly I'll be able to ship. I'd really like to get most everything out by the end of this week - that's just the best I'll be able to do.

If you are sending me cash/money order/whatever through the mail, please let me know and I will send proper address information so we can get the ball rolling on that.

I need to rest for a bit, but I'll be back soon and we'll continue the party.
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']EDIT: ejamer and Frankski, did you see my post by chance? Post #679[/QUOTE]

No harm in asking, but I'd rather keep the platinum battery to match my cube. ;)
Hey Strell, I noticed that my total was missing the Dreamcast VMU. I didn't check to see if anyone outbid me, but I am still listed as the highest bidder at $1.50.
[quote name='ejamer']No harm in asking, but I'd rather keep the platinum battery to match my cube. ;)[/QUOTE]

No problem, I'd rather have you have the one that matches yours anyways. Only reason I wanted the Platinum was because I already have 3-4 black ones (bought em new off ebay a few years ago, only 1 or 2 of them even worked!).
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']... I already have 3-4 black ones (bought em new off ebay a few years ago, only 1 or 2 of them even worked!).[/QUOTE]

Wow, that's lame. :)

I'm hoping that this battery will work slightly better than some of the negative reviews suggested, but it's more of a novelty purchase than a necessity anyway.

With that in mind, if Strell is still reading then I take back my previous statement: I don't mind trading a platinum for a black battery if they aren't already sorted and packed. Color doesn't matter much in this case since it won't be used much, so whatever makes everyone happy would also work for me. But if either order is packed/sorted then I don't want to make any extra work at this late stage.

Strell, don't know if this will help. Maybe for the free items like people asking for a game guide

"Domestic and international mailpieces that weigh 13 ounces or less, with postage stamps affixed, can be dropped in a blue collection box, or handed to your letter carrier."

13 ounces is .81 pounds, this is equivalent to 3 games in their cases with manuals (I've mailed 2 Wii and a PS3 games this way). In turn I don't think there will be tracking information but the shipping cost is just the proper amount of postage stamps. Of course this would be only for things like the game guide or some other non precious item. Took me forever to find that link again.
[quote name='ejamer']
With that in mind, if Strell is still reading then I take back my previous statement: I don't mind trading a platinum for a black battery if they aren't already sorted and packed. Color doesn't matter much in this case since it won't be used much, so whatever makes everyone happy would also work for me. But if either order is packed/sorted then I don't want to make any extra work at this late stage.


Haven't have a chance to pack up boxes yet - that is this evening's chore, along with going out to a USPS automated center later to get some shipping costs.

So I'll happily switch them out. So I'll be sending ejamer a black battery, switching the platinum one over to EarthboundX5, correct? Just making sure.
[quote name='Mad D']Strell, don't know if this will help. Maybe for the free items like people asking for a game guide

"Domestic and international mailpieces that weigh 13 ounces or less, with postage stamps affixed, can be dropped in a blue collection box, or handed to your letter carrier."

13 ounces is .81 pounds, this is equivalent to 3 games in their cases with manuals (I've mailed 2 Wii and a PS3 games this way). In turn I don't think there will be tracking information but the shipping cost is just the proper amount of postage stamps. Of course this would be only for things like the game guide or some other non precious item. Took me forever to find that link again.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the link! Might want to bookmark it. :]

For people getting guides and things, I probably won't do a DC# UNLESS they absolutely want it. I mean it's cool either way - I'll have prices for both options.

As I mentioned up above, I'll be parsing out bundles and things tonight and checking shipping prices. Invoices should be sent tomorrow morning/afternoon by the latest, assuming I've heard from most people with their shipping details. And even if I haven't, I'll probably wing it and compare to other bundles to get a solid idea.

Also bear in mind that it might be difficult to find boxes for some things that require them, but I have a good number here and people are moving into apartment complexes and things, so it shouldn't be hard to find more.

Thanks for being patient with me, everyone!
[quote name='Strell']So I'll happily switch them out. So I'll be sending ejamer a black battery, switching the platinum one over to EarthboundX5, correct? Just making sure.[/QUOTE]

Works for me if it makes others happy. Since EarthboundX5 made the request, I'll leave final word up to him.
[quote name='ejamer']Works for me if it makes others happy. Since EarthboundX5 made the request, I'll leave final word up to him.[/QUOTE]

Well I'll leave it up to you, lol. If you have a platinum GC already, totally stick with the platinum battery (unless you really really don't care). With regards to how well they work, I actually tried out one of the ones I already have that did work and it actually lasted alot longer than I expected. I even have the stupid LCD screen for my GC (which cut the battery time down), lol.

Kinda funny about the batteries I already have. One of them, the battery itself was defective and the other had the wrong connector on it, lmao. I can't even begin to wonder how that happened.

Just curious, are you going to be taking advantage of Media Mail? I know I really am in no rush, so its all about whats cheapest for me and I'm sure alot of other CAGs would feel the same. I know somethings might not work for Media Mail, but I've managed to ship big boxes that way without a problem before, lol.
[quote name='EarthBoundX5']@strell
Just curious, are you going to be taking advantage of Media Mail? I know I really am in no rush, so its all about whats cheapest for me and I'm sure alot of other CAGs would feel the same. I know somethings might not work for Media Mail, but I've managed to ship big boxes that way without a problem before, lol.[/QUOTE]

I'm also shooting for the cheapest shipping option. Being raped shipping wise in a lowball sale is the only way I can think of it being a bad deal for such inexpensive games. If the price difference between the slowest shipping option and the next best is $1 or so however.. I wouldn't mind bumping it up. Looking forward to the PM, Strell.

@Earthbound: Dude, you have so much shit coming your way. Haha. I wonder how big the box or how much the shipping costs is going to be.
Just chiming in: I'm in no hurry to get my items, so whatever the cheapest and easiest option for you to send would be fine. Obviously, I'm mostly concerned with receiving the Majora's Mask box in pristine condition, so I'll leave that up to you.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Obviously, I'm mostly concerned with receiving the Majora's Mask box in pristine condition, so I'll leave that up to you.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='EarthBoundX5'] If you have a platinum GC already, totally stick with the platinum battery (unless you really really don't care). [/QUOTE]

After thinking about it, I really really don't care about color at all. Black or platinum are both fine. If you don't specify which you want then I'll leave it up to Strell to decide. He can flip a coin or whatever.
[quote name='hero101']Strell didn't reply to my pm. I think he has a hangover. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Probably because he has 74 people PMing him.

Just post in this thread Hero.
Hero always seems mad at me because he uses that sarcasm smiley so much. It's all over the Brawl threads. :p I aint ignorin' ya, chief. In fact I've only replied to a handful of PMs where the questions were more immediate in nature. This is not a comparison thing, by the way.

I'm working on stuff as we speak. EarthboundX5 actually has two boxes going right now, and I think I'm going to try and squeeze all the heavy stuff into a flat rate box and the lighter stuff elsewhere. That ought to keep costs low - you've only got 46 things! :]

I'll probably even update with some pictures tonight of various stages of....development. And in various states of delirium.

This is also in between working on an illustration I have to finish tonight. Mad D's mad Illustrator skills would come in handy for that - I need more practice on the matter.
Also if you've got something that demands cushioning and so forth, I'm placing it in a box with plenty of packing material. I too hate it when someone (BEST BUY) sends you something crushable in a padded envelope.

I've been busy stealing bubblewrap from family members, and most likely have more than I need. So just a small bit of reassurance. :]
[quote name='mis0']@Earthbound: Dude, you have so much shit coming your way. Haha. I wonder how big the box or how much the shipping costs is going to be.[/QUOTE]

I know...I'm scared...

[quote name='Strell']EarthboundX5 actually has two boxes going right now, and I think I'm going to try and squeeze all the heavy stuff into a flat rate box and the lighter stuff elsewhere. That ought to keep costs low - you've only got 46 things! :][/QUOTE]

I know, right, like only 46 thing

PM him your shipping information and he'll eventually PM you his PayPal email adress when he gets to your number. At least that is what I'm guessing since he has responded to some people and not me or Hero yet. Take your time Strell not trying to say you're ignoring anybody.
[quote name='Mad D']PM him your shipping information and he'll eventually PM you his PayPal email adress when he gets to your number. At least that is what I'm guessing since he has responded to some people and not me or Hero yet. Take your time Strell not trying to say you're ignoring anybody.[/QUOTE]

I'm saying he's ignoring me. :whistle2:#
I don't associate with people who spell their names with numbers!

I am currently sorting out boxes, which will then be weighed this morning. At that point I will be PMing people back with totals.

It's good everyone. I had to take a break from this and other things that I'm currently working on, but things are progressing.
Here are pictures of everything getting sorted out.

These first two are bundles that I've successfully found boxes for, but I need to get an idea for shipping costs, package things up with packing material, and send them on their way. You can even read some of the names I've scrawled onto boxes.



For fun, here's EarthboundX5's two boxes, commanding the largest amount of real estate:


And finally, here are some bundles I haven't found boxes for, but will do so in due time. I imagine when I go to the post office, I'm going to get a bunch of flat rate boxes and switch them out for some people who have been boxed up. Try to figure out what belongs to who! If you're really bored enough to play such a dumb game with yourself, that is. :]


I have also created a list of people whose stuff is currently inside a padded envelope. If you are on this list and you are worried about the content of your items becoming damaged, please let me know immediately. I used my best discretion in decided who would get a padded envelope - the items tended to be games in CD/DVD cases, cartridges from older systems, and/or guides.

  • chakan
  • ViolentLee
  • dodgeme
  • Chimpian
  • SuppaMan
  • Nightfox31
  • Shady3011
  • ZerotypeX
  • Fire_Thief
  • Ivanhood
  • JJSP
  • juvo
  • backseatdog
  • lilboo
  • mbradley1992
  • MrNEWZ
  • lolwut?
  • koretex
  • Bragarb07
  • GogetaSS4
  • cranguy
  • ctclements
  • Vulgarism
  • Phil
  • LaraCroftsLeftBoob
  • mr_btw
  • Rodimus
  • flameofdoom666
  • hero101
  • The Nephilim
  • Bronson-Lee
  • elessar123
  • spike32

Just give me a heads up in here if that's ok. If I don't hear back from you, I will be PMing you directly.

I'm probably also going to put a list together of people who don't mind media mail. I've never really shipped in that method before, but I do know it requires talking to a clerk. Which is fine, but that does mean it presents logistics issues with me having to drag a lot of things up to the counter at once. If people aren't worried about speed here, I'll certainly do that for them, and will alert them when it goes out. Two questions: can I do DC#s with media mail? And also what are the restrictions, i.e. do I just tell them "these are DVDs/magazines" and leave it at that?

Possible media mail CAGs: (so far):

  • EarthboundX5
  • mis0
  • SteveMcQ
  • newlu (according to PMs)
  • hero101 (according to PMs)
  • LaraCroftsLeftBoob (according to PMs)

Finally, if you are leaving on vacation or something and can't pay me immediately, it's no big deal. If you are leaving on vacation and want your items BEFORE going, I'll try to accommodate that. There's just a huge amount of things to keep track of, and the best way for me to do it is to move ahead one step at a time and consider everything I can. A good example is up there asking if padded envelopes are good with people - I don't want to make a decision that makes someone made later on.

Thanks all. We're moving along. And please don't think I'm ignoring you or something - I've got about 50 more PMs to sort through that came in the last day. :p
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People whose shipping information I currently have (at least a zipcode in order to check shipping costs) as of 8:55 AM on 8/18:

  1. 62t
  2. Alastor
  3. Arakias
  4. Bragarb07
  5. Bronson-Lee
  6. Chakan
  7. chimpian
  8. dallow
  9. dim2192
  10. dodgeme
  11. Dr Mario Kart
  12. dragonjud
  13. EarthboundX5
  14. ejamer
  15. elessar123
  16. flameofdoom666
  17. flare1185
  18. Frankski
  19. GogetaSS4
  20. Halo05
  21. hero101
  22. Ivanhood
  23. jbroush99
  24. JJSP
  25. jousley
  26. kipz
  27. kyl181
  28. LaraCroftsLeftBoob
  29. Lightning Bolt
  30. Lilboo
  31. Mad D
  32. mis0
  33. mr_btw
  34. newlu
  35. Nightfox31
  36. OldSchool77
  37. playing_poker
  38. Rozz
  39. Shaq-Funaki
  40. skylinersx
  41. SL4IN
  42. snakelda
  43. soonersfan60
  44. spamfree2
  45. spike32
  46. StarknightX
  47. SteveMcQ
  48. tbassett
  49. The Nephilim
  50. Vinny
  51. Vulgarism
  52. wickedasp
  53. ZerotypeX

Still missing from:
  1. backseatdog
  2. Blade
  3. cranguy
  4. ctclements
  5. Doomstink
  6. DrgnAK
  7. Fire_Thief
  8. Jack
  9. juvo
  10. koretex
  11. lolwut?
  12. mbradley1992
  13. MrNEWZ
  14. Phil
  15. phoenix529
  16. Rodimus
  17. Shady3011
  18. SuppaMan
  19. ViolentLee
  20. visual_death

Full list of bidders, sorted alphabetically for reference sake:
Dr Mario Kart
Lightning Bolt
Mad D
The Nephilim

Edit: I have contacted anyone who has not provided their shipping information. Two people have already responded! Hooray!
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[quote name='mis0']I'm saying he's ignoring me. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]

To get Strell's attention you have to use this smiley:


In all seriousness though, Strell has been great about this whole thing and this could potentially be one of the most successful low balls on this site is everything goes smoothly.

Here's something to know about media mail, though: some items (such as magazines) are restricted and your media mail packages can be inspected at any point through transaction. If they find you shipped a non-media mail eligible item in there then the receiver will have to pay the shipping cost (as in additional postage due) in order to receive it.
[quote name='Rozz']


Not that it's all that important, but I'm wrapped up in a project at the moment. Little sister is getting married in about two months, and I'm helping with all the various stuff a family member ought to. In this case, I'm drawing an illustration that's going on bridal shower invitations.

So, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. :]

Once this is done, I'm clear to keep working on the lowball.
I've got no problem with a padded envelope. If it makes things easier, you're free to donate the Genesis cases to anyone who might want them - I'm okay with cart only too if it's easier to ship.
I need to do some research on the different shipping methods. Is media mail cheaper and have any advantages?

I'll look it up but if someone answers before I find out it would be helpful.
[quote name='Mad D']I need to do some research on the different shipping methods. Is media mail cheaper and have any advantages?

I'll look it up but if someone answers before I find out it would be helpful.[/QUOTE]

The only advantage of media mail is that it's usually cheaper. Media mail also takes longer for delivery.
[quote name='Shaq-Funaki']The only advantage of media mail is that it's usually cheaper. Media mail also takes longer for delivery.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, just read that.

Strell I wouldn't mind having my stuff shipped this method since it looks like is a little more than half the price of flat rate and I'm in no hurry to get the items.


If another shipping method doesn't have much of a difference in cost and you prefer to ship that way let me know.
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bread's done