Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Saw Final Destination 5 today, and totally recommend it to fans of the films, easily the best one since the second.

Kinda cool how the ending intersected with the beginning of the first Final Destination. I suspected something like that happening since the gift certificate the douche guy used had an expiration date of '01.

Also, needs more Tony Todd. They should make a Final Destination movie with more info about him.
30 Minutes Or Less is funny if you enjoy some immature or juvenile jokes tossed around often. For me it was entertaining half of the time. Loved the ending.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Saw Final Destination 5 today, and totally recommend it to fans of the films, easily the best one since the second.

Kinda cool how the ending intersected with the beginning of the first Final Destination. I suspected something like that happening since the gift certificate the douche guy used had an expiration date of '01.

Also, needs more Tony Todd. They should make a Final Destination movie with more info about him.
Yeah, I really liked how they did that at the end.

It might be my favorite Final Destination honestly. It was just very well done.

Plus it's probably the only movie I can think of that came out this year where the 3D was worth it :p
After going to a local concert featuring the New Blues Brothers, I figure I'll be watching the movie sometime this week.

Today I watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of The Crystal Skull and Beetlejuice on TV. A rather pleasant combination, all differences aside
I watched Let Me In. I thought it was pretty good and I do like that girl from Kick-Ass
in a totally not pedo kind of way.

Me and some friends debated whether or not
the 'father' was a vampire as well. I like to think he wasn't. It kind of makes the girl seem more evil if she was just grooming these kids to take care of her and dropping them when they got old rather than turning them.

[quote name='JasonTerminator']Saw Final Destination 5 today, and totally recommend it to fans of the films, easily the best one since the second.

Kinda cool how the ending intersected with the beginning of the first Final Destination. I suspected something like that happening since the gift certificate the douche guy used had an expiration date of '01.

Also, needs more Tony Todd. They should make a Final Destination movie with more info about him.

What's the big opening death scene?

I really liked car pile up in the second one. The airplane and roller coaster also hit that spot for me because when I was a kid I used to be afraid of those things for those reasons. The forth one was extremely lame.
So very lame.
[quote name='whoknows']Plus it's probably the only movie I can think of that came out this year where the 3D was worth it :p[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. See this in 3D, it's actually really well done!

[quote name='Indignate']What's the big opening death scene?

I really liked car pile up in the second one. The airplane and roller coaster also hit that spot for me because when I was a kid I used to be afraid of those things for those reasons. The forth one was extremely lame.
So very lame.

Bridge collapse.
Avatar, it was better than I thought it would be but not good enough to make a billion at the box office. To each his own I suppose.
Big Fan - Didn't expect much but as the movie went on, it got more and more fascinating. People like this really exist. Patton Oswalt did a great job and even better if you don't know who he is.
[quote name='silentevil']Avatar, it was better than I thought it would be but not good enough to make a billion at the box office. To each his own I suppose.[/QUOTE]

The 3D really immersed you in the movie though; nothing original, but really well done. I'd say it's easily this generation's version of Star Wars.

I typically can't stand 3D, but you missed out if you didn't see it in theatres as intended.
[quote name='dastly75']Big Fan - Didn't expect much but as the movie went on, it got more and more fascinating. People like this really exist. Patton Oswalt did a great job and even better if you don't know who he is.[/QUOTE]

That's been sitting in my instant queue on Netflix for like 6 months. I'll try and catch it soon.

[quote name='Bloodbooger']The 3D really immersed you in the movie though; nothing original, but really well done. I'd say it's easily this generation's version of Star Wars.

I typically can't stand 3D, but you missed out if you didn't see it in theatres as intended.[/QUOTE]

Although to be fair, I don't know what to call this generations Star Wars. Lord of the Rings? I don't think kids got into that one as much as the original SW trilogy back in the day though.
[quote name='dastly75']Big Fan - Didn't expect much but as the movie went on, it got more and more fascinating. People like this really exist. Patton Oswalt did a great job and even better if you don't know who he is.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Indignate']The airplane and roller coaster also hit that spot for me because when I was a kid I used to be afraid of those things for those reasons.[/SPOILER][/QUOTE]

For me, it was Twilight Zone: The Movie that made me too shit-scared to fly. That part where John Lithgow opens the windowshade freaks me the fuck out everytime.
Had a movie night last night:

Watched Quarantine 2 last night. It was ok, about what I expected. It reminded me that I want to see [REC] eventually. I looked up the [REC] blu-ray on Amazon last night and a new copy was listed for $999 :shock: and a used, like new copy was $35.

My girlfriend wanted to see No Strings Attached since she liked Friends With Benefits so much. About halfway through the movie, I finished surfing the internet and actually started watching it for about 5 minutes. I got up, walked over to the PS3, and pressed the eject button. My girlfriend said "thank you" with a sigh of relief and it went back in the sleeve to go back to BlockBuster Express. What a terrible fucking movie. I'm not much for romantic comedies to begin with, but even with that bias aside the movie was truly awful. So many moments where it tried to be funny and you're just staring at the screen wishing they would just roll the credits and end it.

Also watched Rango. It was okay. Seemed to drag on a lot near the end.
[quote name='silentevil']Avatar, it was better than I thought it would be but not good enough to make a billion at the box office. To each his own I suppose.[/QUOTE]

It's one of those "you had to be there" moments. It blew me away when I saw it in theatres in 3D for the first time. Viewing it on HBO long after just wasn't the same. And yes the flaws of the actual movie were more apparent. Still, I look forward to what the franchise does next.
I've been hunting for some decent horror flicks (not mainstream crap like "Final Destination 17"). Enjoyed the following:

The Horde
Let Me In
[quote name='chrisnsally']I've been hunting for some decent horror flicks (not mainstream crap like "Final Destination 17"). Enjoyed the following:

The Horde
Let Me In

Woah, I didn't realize Final Destination 17 was out! I just saw 5 on Sunday and that was awesome, so I'm really behind!

Thanks for the info!
The Warriors Way - This movie was fun as hell. It's basically a samurai/ninja that lives in a cowboy western town. Nice mashup of genres and great cast! Wish I had seen this in theaters but I never heard of this movie until earlier at my redbox.l
Finally got around to Martyrs. Out of all the modern French horror I've seen, it ranks at the bottom with Frontier(s). I haven't watch the latter for quite some time, but lordy, Martyrs had a promising start, but really just fell apart in the second act.
Senna. Anybody that likes sports should watch this. I think non sports fans would like it too. Last race had my heart speed ramp up.

Pool Junkies. Sucked. Why is it rated high on Netflix?
I just saw Conan the Barbarian. That movie sucked. Its was worse than Conan the Destroyer if you can believe that.
[quote name='blindinglights']You can't be talking about Poolhall Junkies...

You really didn't like it?[/QUOTE]

Sorry, that is the correct name. Yeah unfortunately I didn't care for it. I didn't have any expectations going in. After an hour I checked how much time was left. Didn't care for any of the characters and the main character kind of annoyed me. Liked his little speech though before a game of pool where he gets the whole room to pay attention.

Today I saw Wet Hot American Summer. Thought it was okay. I was laughing often which was good. Wish they would have cut out some characters and the main camp leader lady was odd. I didn't get her acting. It seemed like she was two different people sometimes.
The nerdy teacher who teaches a small group of kids about space and stuff was phenomenal. Loved it when the focus was on him and the kids in his group. One girl was wearing a The Cure shirt which is endearing to me.
[quote name='Xevious']I just saw Conan the Barbarian. That movie sucked. Its was worse than Conan the Destroyer if you can believe that.[/QUOTE]

Really? I was looking forward to checking that one out. Looked like an all action flick that had some potential.
[quote name='Xevious']I just saw Conan the Barbarian. That movie sucked. Its was worse than Conan the Destroyer if you can believe that.[/QUOTE]

Khal Drogo > Conan

[quote name='gbpackers94']I watched the departed again. It was even better the second time.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you pick up all kinds of stuff that you missed. I didn't even realize Matt Damon's character was gay until the second viewing. Most of his comments and actions just made him look like an asshole, but after watching it again you can tell he's trying desperately to hide that he's gay. All the homophobic comments and flirting with girls only in front of other guys.
I just watched Fast Five and Your Highness and was pleasantly surprised by both. Might be because I had such low expectations.

Also might be because I was slightly intoxicated while viewing them.
I have watched a bunch of movies in the last week or two so here goes.

Conan-- I thought it was good but all I was expecting was a guy killing people. The story, acting, etc. sucked but I wasn't expecting otherwise. Would rather have seen a movie about Khal Drogo set before a Game of Thrones.

Season of the Witch-- Not as big of a piece of crap as I thought it would be. I watched the whole thing, so for a Nicholas Cage movie that's about he highest rating I can give it.

The Conspirator-- I was surprised by this movie and how much I enjoyed it. I would recommend this one for sure.

Drive Angry-- A huge piece of crap but so huge I watched it all. I thought it was very unintentionally funny. Plus I was drunk which helped a lot.

Outlaw-- Another great movie that I highly recommend.

The Sultan Sea-- Watched this at 3 am or so on Showtime and it was good enough I stayed up to watch the whole thing. Surprisingly good acting from Val Kilmer and Vincent Denofero (sp?). Anyway it is good.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes-- Much better than I expected it to be. Some parts with the humans got boring but I think the end 1/4 of the movie made up for it.

Your Highness-- Stupid, stupid movie and I couldn't even finish watching it. There were several funny spots but the 5 minutes in between each one could get pretty painful.
Saw Fright Night on Friday and it was surprisingly good. The fun part about it is that the trailer leads you in a different direction than the movie goes (in a good way) and almost everything in the trailer happens within the first 1/2 hour so the trailer, unlike a lot of movies lately, doesn't ruin the movie at all.
[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Really? I was looking forward to checking that one out. Looked like an all action flick that had some potential.[/QUOTE]

I'm a huge Conan fan but I had my expectations lowered when I saw the trailer. To be fair, the movie had some good parts in it. Its truer to the source material than the original and they got the brutallity down right. Also the beginning scene with young Conan is good. In fact, the young Conan was way more interesting than older Conan.

The problem is that the movie moves sooooo fast. Its like edited by a guy with ADD. So all the fast pacing didn't allow you to know the characters. They all are like cardboard cutouts. There is also a lots of sloppy CGI too. There is one scene at the end (not really a spoiler) where Conan says goodby to someone; You can tell they filmed it in front of a green screen because the lighting was not matching.

And don't get me started on the fight scenes. All of them happen soo fast that you can't really savor the violence. They are all not staged very well so its sometimes hard to follow. The final fight scene was a total joke. I guess that's what completely ruined the movie for me.
Johnny Got His Gun - After seeing some of the material in Metallica's One video for about a thousand years, and reading the book years ago, I finally saw the movie. It's very much a product of the time, an anti-war movie made during the final years of heavy US involvement in Vietnam. As such, it lacks nuance and frankly, comes across as naive. The notion of, "War is terrible" is nearly universal but the solution of, "We all just need to see how terrible it is." doesn't really cut the mustard.

EDIT - Just got halfway through The Deer Hunter before it got too stupid and I turned it off. No one in Hollywood knows a goddamn thing about war. Literally no one. Or if they do, they're too busy pandering to a captive audience that they don't want to offend said audience's sensibilities by presenting something challenging. fucking waste of an hour and a half.
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Just watched Hobo With a Shotgun.

To sum this movie up, it's basically an action exploitation film that feels like it came straight from the 80's. Plus it also includes some cheesy ass gore scenes. Overall I loved this movie to death.
Arrietty - very good ghibli film, another good addition to the collection.

Cowboys and Aliens - was okay, enjoyable but pretty shallow.
Our Idiot Brother
It was alright. Not really a comedy. I almost want to call it a chick flick. Love to watch Paul Rudd and Zooey Deschanel so it was good for me.
X-Men First Class.
After hearing so many good things about it, I thought I would be greeted with an awesome movie. I wasn't. Apart from Azazel, Havok and Banshee, none of the mutants were that great, the story was lackluster at best and the ending just left me in sorrow.
Loved every other X-Movie (Including Wolverine's), but this one as just... no.
IMO, anyway.
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The Change-Up - Funnier than I expected.

Nightmare on Elm Street (Remake) - Not too bad, they stayed pretty much faithful to the source material and it was definitely more enjoyable than the Halloween and Friday the 13th remakes. Freddy's face drove me crazy though, he looked really stupid.
9th Company - A relatively recent (2005) Russian movie about their war in Afghanistan during the 80s. I'm dying to know how accurate their portrait of Soviet boot camp was because... just wow. Good stuff. Like Full Metal Jacket, it's split between basic training and the actual war. The final scene is historically-based although it is heavily exaggerated. Which is a shame because the actual battle that it was based on doesn't really need any embellishment. Sort of a disservice if you know what I mean. Still, if you can deal with some awkward subtitles, it's worth a Netflix viewing.
bread's done