Tales of Vesperia - Gen. Discussion & Info

How do you skip the dialogue? I want to know how. The fact that I can't skip it in my first playthrough after trying a boss fight over and over again (SM17) is annoying.
Ya I shouldn't have said skip...more that you can speed it up so it goes by pretty quickly. Its been awhile, but I'm pretty sure that if you hold A and X? (Or some 2 of the 4 abxy) during the dialogue it goes as quickly as possible.
Has anyone looked at the leaderboards and see how much cheating is going on? One guy is glitching with every single category on the leaderboard, and nine people have game completion times of zero. I've filed cheating complaints on all of them.
Oh ya the tales of the abyss intro was by far one of my favorite. Vesperia's SUCKED! I haven't even watched the whole thing yet, and if I did it was with no volume. That said I could really care less about how good the intro is. Some games have an awesome intro and you go into the game expecting all these things and cutscenes to occur, then are disappointed as none of those things even happened. These Tales games are suspect of that.
I never played an RPG before, but I decide to try tales of vesperia. It was fun up until tonight. I got stuck in the Gattuso batter. My teams seems to die off within seconds no matter what I do. Any suggestions?
That is one of the hardest fights in the game unfortunately. One thing to do is don't attack it while it's in overlimit and spam Destruction Field (Yuri) in overlimit since it's afraid of fire. Kill the two little guys first. Also, block.
Just before you fight max out all your items. I was around lvl 12 or 13, maxed out all my items, and it wasn't that bad then. If you go in without any gels or anything your done! (at a lower level at least). I also got the secret achievement in this one at the same time so I had to repeat it a couple...but if you want it
spam moves by the flower or just stick around it and try to stun the boss. I just let all the other 3 characters die, had him come after me, then attacked it
Another thing to make this game WAY easier is, if you haven't already, set one of the control pad directions to heal/nurse/healing circle/whatever else. If you only use your TP gels on that character, spam heal whenever your even somewhat low...then have max hp gels yet...any boss is easy.
What's with the recent JRPG's having some of the toughest bosses at the beginning? First LO and then Tales. Will FF XIII have one also that frustrates the casual crowd that will buy the game because it's FF?
FYI those with the LE. If you go to the Tales website listed on the code in the LE, you can now redeem it for Vol. 2 of the 10th anniversary soundtrack to be mailed to you in 4-6 weeks.
[quote name='MSUHitman']FYI those with the LE. If you go to the Tales website listed on the code in the LE, you can now redeem it for Vol. 2 of the 10th anniversary soundtrack to be mailed to you in 4-6 weeks.[/quote]


And all this time I thought we were going to get exclusive DLC. A CD is out of left field.
[quote name='willardhaven']True, but they MSRPed for 69.99, when considering tax and seller deductions on websites, you make maybe $10-15.[/QUOTE]

Some people were able to buy them at $50 and lower.

For the lazy, use ToV Premium code here.
I recently started playing the game again. I'm currently stuck at Outbreaker (the flying stingray at the desert). AI keeps running in whenever I tell them to stay back. It's hard enough to try to stay alive against his cheap hits and trying to do the secret mission, and now I have to pay attention to their health too. I guess I'll keep trying tomorrow.
I feel like I was the only one who really hated this game. I won't call myself a die hard tales fan but Tales of Symphonia was most definitely in my top 5 RPG's but this game felt nothing like it. There was no skill leveling, the characters all felt totally blank and lacking personality and the story was weak for the 5 or so hours I played it. Not to mention the area progression was a direct rip from ToS (Example, port city with oppressive mayor guy)

Anyhow, I'm just ranting. The game still had an exceptionally fun combat system but I couldn't stick with it.
I have an extra copy of the Special Edition sealed and I'm wondering if it's worth opening it to get another Soundtrack disc. Sealed SE vs. Extra Bonus Soundtrack? What do you guys think?
[quote name='GuardianE']I have an extra copy of the Special Edition sealed and I'm wondering if it's worth opening it to get another Soundtrack disc. Sealed SE vs. Extra Bonus Soundtrack? What do you guys think?[/quote]

No not when it's the most valuable 360 game. You could get the soundtrack a lot cheaper imported from Play Asia if you really want an extra copy of the soundtrack, where the sealed CE will get you $100-$130.
[quote name='nnthomas']The only Secret Mission that's annoying is the Rain one. The rest are simply "wait for attack, then strike back"[/quote]

23's sort of annoying to because you have to watch out for that boss's HP. I thought the one
involving Flynn was definitely the easiest one to do in the entire game, and sort of the most fun because the fight was cool. When you use your Mystic Arte and he counters it with your own you're like 'oh shit'
. I still haven't done SM23, but I really need to go back to it. I also need to explore the final dungeon some more. I've maybe done 1/3 of what's in that place because it's so confusing.
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']I feel like I was the only one who really hated this game. I won't call myself a die hard tales fan but Tales of Symphonia was most definitely in my top 5 RPG's but this game felt nothing like it. There was no skill leveling, the characters all felt totally blank and lacking personality and the story was weak for the 5 or so hours I played it. Not to mention the area progression was a direct rip from ToS (Example, port city with oppressive mayor guy)

Anyhow, I'm just ranting. The game still had an exceptionally fun combat system but I couldn't stick with it.[/quote]

I tried to go back to ToS recently and it's just awful compared to ToV. Tales of the Abyss is slightly better than Vesperia as far as story/setting/characters go. Although Yuri is awesome and Luke is kind of lame. You're right though, the Team Symphonia Tales games are kind of formulaic, but I still think they're great.
[quote name='MSUHitman']No not when it's the most valuable 360 game. You could get the soundtrack a lot cheaper imported from Play Asia if you really want an extra copy of the soundtrack, where the sealed CE will get you $100-$130.[/quote]

See, I was thinking the same thing, but the soundtrack is the Tales Anniversary Part 2 (Part 1 came with the SE) and is not available at retailers.
[quote name='MSUHitman']No not when it's the most valuable 360 game. You could get the soundtrack a lot cheaper imported from Play Asia if you really want an extra copy of the soundtrack, where the sealed CE will get you $100-$130.[/QUOTE]

A new Bioshock LE without a broken drillbit is still more valuable (or broken drillbit w/replacement figure included as well). The most expensive title to acquire for 360 is Deadspace Ultra LE.

According to GuardianE (a cited source would be nice), the soundtrack is not available anywhere else. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if some people try to sell their free soundtrack on eBay.
[quote name='opportunity777']A new Bioshock LE without a broken drillbit is still more valuable (or broken drillbit w/replacement figure included as well). The most expensive title to acquire for 360 is Deadspace Ultra LE.

According to GuardianE (a cited source would be nice), the soundtrack is not available anywhere else. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if some people try to sell their free soundtrack on eBay.[/quote]

It was really just speculation combined with the quote on the redemption site "limited run." Considering that it's only volume 2, I doubt it'd be sold separately with a SKU... and if they were going to sell this collection, they probably would have done it by now. Is it even still the 10th Anniversary?

Apparently the Disc 2 WAS available if ordered through the Tales Brigade community site using earned points, but the Tales Brigade site is no longer operating (nor have the CDs been shipped yet, according to people on NeoGAF).
I'm not sure what to do as far as collecting goes. I have a sealed copy as well, I wonder which will help it's value more, being sealed or having the bonus OST?
[quote name='willardhaven']I'm not sure what to do as far as collecting goes. I have a sealed copy as well, I wonder which will help it's value more, being sealed or having the bonus OST?[/QUOTE]

The seal is line style.

As long as the soundtrack stays elusive, the soundtrack plus game will be worth more.
I just looked at my copy and I think it was rubbing against a nail or something. The bottom of the cheapo plastic tore a little. :whistle2:( This is why I abhore the non Y-seal wraps. Bah, what to do, what to do.
[quote name='GuardianE']I just looked at my copy and I think it was rubbing against a nail or something. The bottom of the cheapo plastic tore a little. :whistle2:( This is why I abhore the non Y-seal wraps. Bah, what to do, what to do.[/QUOTE]

Open it? :)

I actually played through and put it back inside. Everything is still mint.
Dayum. I haven't played since November, but I decided to get back into it because I never finished.

I'm @ about 30 hours or so when you fight
and go?damn, I suck. :lol:
Is this game comparable to Eternal Sonata? Because i want to get this but i dont want to spend alot especially if i wont wind up playing it, since eternal sonata is 13.50 i wouldnt have as much "buyers remorse."
[quote name='opportunity777']Open it? :)

I actually played through and put it back inside. Everything is still mint.[/quote]

lol, yes, I suppose I could do that. I have no reason to open it aside from getting another Soundtrack disc, though, to complete it. I'm still in the middle of playing my other copy. :p

[quote name='62t']the vol 2 soundtrack is available to those who preorder ToS2[/quote]

You mean the game that's already out? ToS: Dawn of the New World?
[quote name='GuardianE']You mean the game that's already out? ToS: Dawn of the New World?[/quote]

I believe he's referring to the bonus given away if you preordered the game at gamestop and submitted your information to the now defunct tales brigade website.
Thank you GuardianE and 62T, I knew I had seen the Vol. 2 somewhere before but I thought it was on Play Asia when actually I had seen it on the Tales Brigade site.
[quote name='LilPaintballer']Is this game comparable to Eternal Sonata? Because i want to get this but i dont want to spend alot especially if i wont wind up playing it, since eternal sonata is 13.50 i wouldnt have as much "buyers remorse."[/QUOTE]

The reason I got TOV is because ES is one of the only jrpgs that I have enjoyed and I saw similarities. I am only a few hours into TOV so far but its just meh. I feel like im just watching a cartoon with no action yet, crossing my fingers it gets better.
I, as well as most people I hear talk about the two, seem to like ToV a lot better. It's a lot more detailed in everything and overall better story and longer gameplay. ES is pretty good, but I'd definitely try out ToV.
Ok well I am now about 12 hours in and liking it ALOT more. The dialague is still long winded, but thank god its not as cheesy as some other jrpgs out there.
Just finished the game, and I have to admit I have mixed feelings about the game. theres almost no corniness that's so commonplace in jrpgs, and there aren't a whole lot of stereotypes. But theres really no backstory on any of the characters, and thats what kills me. Also, the way the final boss was revealed, along with his reasons were pretty meh. Also, the main story line seemed rather short (it took me 40 hours to reach the final boss).

I'm basing my judgements from previous Tales games, so yeah. This is definitely still an excellent rpg, but there certainly are better ones around.
[quote name='theloserboy']But theres really no backstory on any of the characters, and thats what kills me.[/QUOTE]

Could you explain why you feel this? It's been a while since I played this so my memory's a little fuzzy. Yuri was some kinda knight and got kicked out, Raven fought in a war when he was younger and is a Captian of the knights, Judith was a girl orphaned by the war, but lived up in some magic city only to leave later on. That's background story.

I forgot Rita's story but I'll give you Estelle & Repede. They have very little backgrounds stories.
[quote name='Rodimus']Could you explain why you feel this? It's been a while since I played this so my memory's a little fuzzy. Yuri was some kinda knight and got kicked out, Raven fought in a war when he was younger and is a Captian of the knights, Judith was a girl orphaned by the war, but lived up in some magic city only to leave later on. That's background story.

I forgot Rita's story but I'll give you Estelle & Repede. They have very little backgrounds stories.[/QUOTE]
Sure, they do have a backstory, and you do remember correctly. But as far as I remember Yuri's backstory doesn't include anything else except for that he was a former knight. It's never discussed if his parents are alive or if he even had parents.

Also, Repede's lack of information really ticked me off, as some of the earlier skits suggest that he was going to be something more than just a badass looking dog with a pipe. The same pretty much goes for all the other characters. Karol's a kid who can't stay in a guild, Rita's a genius researcher, and so on and so forth. Basically, their backstories only go far back as to just explain why they do what they do. As far as i know, none of them know or care of their parents with the possible exception of Judy, and most of them really don't have a reason for WHY they started doing what was revealed in the backstory, other than "hey this looks cool ima do it". along with that, the backstory really only influences the plot twice.
with Judy being the dragon freak and Raven being a subordinate of Alexei

I guess i've just been spoiled by the huge importance of the backstories in previous tales games, but really I'd like to have known something else other than "Yuri is a former knight." I don't hate the game, and it was definitely a fun playthrough, but IMO it could have been way better if they had improved the character history.
bread's done