Tetris DS Deal

Thanks for the reference.

Been to 1 gamestop and 1 eb games. No beans ;( I'll look around some more though, but if any of you cagers out there see this just let me know.


Got a hold of it. Just like Malik said: pretty cheap (well...$27) used at gamestop near my home. Sure beats $50+ on amazon and ebay! Thanks a lot.
I'm still looking for it, I checked the Gamestops near me (4) and none have it. I also called Best Buy/TRU and no go.

If anyone has this for sale, let me know. I thought I got lucky when I found it on the Barnes and Noble site but I got an e-mail after I ordered saying they had none left (..yeah good thing I wasn't charged).

I need it badly for a present and I can't understand why its going for such ridiculous prices on eBay/Amazon.

yeah I don't understand at all why this is so hard to come by. I was surprised to find it about as hard to locate in store as a Wii. I just assumed since it was Tetris, it'd be widely available.
If it is so rare Nintendo needs to reprint it. I had sold my copy a year ago and always planned on getting it again. The multiplayer is great.
Wow! It's good to heard this game getting RARE & I know where is the places have sealed copy for $20-ish. It's me to make $$$ for NEW YEAR PARTY :)
bread's done