The Blockbuster Thread XXV: June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under


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Welcome to the Official CAG Blockbuster/Gamerush video game deal thread.

June 25th - July 1st, 50% off used games $19.99 and under

See here for the deal:

There used to be a coupon to print for it, but now stores should have the bar code to scan at the register.  If not, show them their own web page (above) and maybe they will figure it out.

See BlockbusterGuy's thread for a list of titles eligible under (and commonly found at BBV) for the promo:

Coming July 2nd: B1G1 free on games $29.99 and under


Note that anything below here might be out of date. To be honest, I have no idea if Blockbuster even takes games for trade-in any more!

What is this thread for?
The primary function of this thread is to discuss current trade-in and sale promos, post any trade-in values you have obtained, and discuss new and used game selection and availability. Please post trade-in values with the date of the trade (or quote) and system.

It is also permissible to discuss system availability, credit issues, etc. As long as it is related to game trades or sales at Blockbuster it is generally OK to discuss it here.

Unlike more tightly focused clearance threads, it is OK to discuss more general Blockbuster issues here as well as trade requests as long as they are kept to a minimum (and usually just during specific deals).

What is this thread NOT for?
Please do not discuss the flipping of games from one Blockbuster store to another should another such opportunity arise (through trade-in deals). It is one thing to "play the market" with trade-in values from one chain to another (BBVto Amazon to EB) - free market buy low/sell high and all that. But taking advantage of loopholes in a single store's policies/promos is frowned upon and has, in the past, led to trade-in bans from BBV.


Blockbuster Game Trading Info
- You must sign up for a trade account in addition to your regular Blockbuster account
- You must sign up for a new trade account at every store you wish to trade at, even if using the same main account
- Trade-in credit will be placed onto your store account
- Credit on store accounts can only be used at that one store
- Clerks at one store cannot see your trading/purchasing history at another store via your account
- Depending on state law you may or may not get sales tax added to your trade-ins (and thus get more than normal). You will always be charged sales tax where applicable on purchases.


Current Trade-In Deals
There are no trade-in deals at this time nor have there been for a very very long time. They did however just recently cut down all their trade-in values to Gamestop-like levels (but without deals to make them more appealing as at GS).


Trade-In Values

Trade-in prices are usually universal at Blockbuster, but can be wildly different at franchise Blockbuster stores. Used game prices change on Monday. We are not currently sure when trade-in values get updated but a few years ago it used to be on Mondays. Any quotes given in this thread may thus be good through Sunday of the current week. If you want to be sure to get the same value another CAG has reported then do your trading by Sunday as the price may drop on Monday.

Also note that many stores will no longer accept video games without cover art. This is the official policy for DVD trade-ins but apparently many clerks will confuse the two and not allow it for games either. Just beware that it might be a hassle if you have a disc-only game to trade.


Links to previous Blockbuster/Gamerush Threads (dating back to June 2005!):
1 (by no means the first one but the earliest that can be found - check it out for some drama)
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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[quote name='h2dk']Not sure if this has been posted, but
Masters: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 for Wii is $14.99[/QUOTE]

Seriously???? :bomb:

I passed up two of those...
Just got back from my third store and now I am officially done.

Overall I ended up with:
(For me)
:ps3: Dragon Age II
:ps3: The Shoot
:ps3: Bulletstorm
:ps3: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
:ps3: Mafia II
:ps3: Two Worlds II
:ds: Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mini-Land Mayhem

(For my sis)
:ds: Lego Star Wars III
:ds: Lego Pirates of the Caribbean
:ds: Cars 2
:360: Dead Space 2
:360: Test Drive Unlimited 2
I got Prototype (360), Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions (360) and Sports Champions (PS3) for $20. Was hoping to get Start The Party as well for my newly acquired Move controller, but the store I went to on my lunch hour wanted $30 for it, while the one out by my house had it listed for $10. Maybe tomorrow.
Was hoping to get Start The Party as well for my newly acquired Move controller, but the store I went to on my lunch hour wanted $30 for it, while the one out by my house had it listed for $10. Maybe tomorrow.

never trust the price stickers. just have them ring it up. its been $10 for a while so it wouldnt rung up at the correct price.
Went by one of my local BBV, they hadn't set up for the sale yet, so nothing was properly priced and no signage was up. I'll try again tomorrow.
[quote name='Gosha']Went by one of my local BBV, they hadn't set up for the sale yet, so nothing was properly priced and no signage was up. I'll try again tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

One of the Blockbuster's I went to also, but they should ring up at the correct price. Buy them anyways, this gives you an advantage over people that do not know about it.
[quote name='hawaiiboy']never trust the price stickers. just have them ring it up. its been $10 for a while so it wouldnt rung up at the correct price.[/QUOTE]

Crap! I new it! I even asked the guy who was putting out games, but he told me the prices were different because the store closer to my house is in a different state. Would have totally gotten that and a Mafia 2. Ugh.
[quote name='3extremes']Glad to hear some of you are getting in on this, my experience was terrible. I asked to check the price on a few that should have dropped. This lady reads them off the boxes and hands them back to me. I asked her to please check the computer and it took her about 15 minutes of slow typing per title. When the prices came out lower she said maybe they dropped but she thinks she will still sell them for the marked price. After all that she said the sale starts tomorrow even though they had signs up. :wall:[/QUOTE]

That freaking sucks, man. I'm sorry! Hopefully you can snag some goods tomorrow...


Well, I went for pure shits and giggles. Figured there would be a problem, the selection would be awful, or something; but turns out I found quite the haul.

Turned two sets of five games, and a set of three games for $85 (after tax) into $215 at Best Buy. Really happy with that. Furthermore, I waited until after lunch to go picking; that way people who really wanted in to play the games could have first dibs... and I even made sure to leave at least one of each copy of the games I grabbed at the store as to not wipe it out.

Anyway; they were the regular games that people have been talking about. Though there's one really good Wii flip in the bunch. If you're a regular here (1+ year registered), shoot me a PM and I'm happy to share the title :)

And as always, thanks again HB for all the wonderful inside info. It's certainly appreciated!
This sale is automatic, so if you get any trouble, just tell the cashier to ring it up. They should NOT need to scan anything.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So because you couldn't get in on the deal that makes the WHOLE CHAIN worthless and makes you wish for THOUSANDS more people to lose their jobs in this already shitty economy?:roll: If you're THIS charming on here, I can only imagine how wonderful you are in person.;) And people have the nerve to say I'M A DOUCHEBAG?[/QUOTE]

Not just because of this fiasco but all my experience with them in the last five years combined. You see I am of the opinion that if a business is horrible then it deserves to fail and the same goes for non-producing employees from the lowly clerk to the store manager. If they can't handle something as simple as a simple sale then they too deserve to go down with the ship. This too is blockbusters own doing , they hire idiots and then can't understand why they are doing bad. Sure there are some good emplyees at BB but they are rare and the business NOW sucks.

You see this is a business nation if you can't make it by being good and having good people you fail and rightly so. Those lowly "thousands of workers" will find some other minimum wage + job somewhere else that they will also do badly at and eventually lose that job too.

Don't worry yourself too much there are literally thousands of menial jobs for those people. In the meantime I will continue to spend my money in deserving places as blockbuster is not getting my welfare for being a failure!!
Picked up (PS3) games Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2, Spiderman Shattered Dimensions, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and F1 2010 for Xbox 360. My sister and coworker are buying two of those off of me so $20 for 3 games! Checking out the other location on the way home.
[quote name='otakuseth']Anyone know a confirmed TiV for AC:B at Best Buy? Both 360 and PS3 versions.[/QUOTE]

11 for the 360. 5 for PS3. =(
Complete bust for me. Only games left were ones that didn't qualify for the sale.

I have one more store to check but I'm not holding my breath.

Glad to see several CAGs scoring nice hauls though! :)
[quote name='Althax']11 for the 360. 5 for PS3. =([/QUOTE]

Thanks, guess if my BBV still has the games it did last night when i get there, i will try and flip to Amazon.
Had a lot of success with my blockbusters. Got a few to play and a few to flip.

Bought to play

Dead Rising 2

Bought to flip on amazon

Just Dance Summer Party wii *2 (14.25 each)
Wii Party (13.50)

Got the 2 games I wanted and made up the cost on Amazon. Great deal Blockbuster!
I did pretty decently. Most of the stores had what I had scoped out on Google Shopping a few days ago except for Mario vs Donkey Kong Mini Land Mayhem which had been sold just before I got to 2 different stores. Lots of other stuff though. I only ran into one other person grabbing up games but they didn't seem aware of the sale before the clerk told them about it. But then they went on a tear grabbing 15 games. This was an older lady (and when I say that I mean it as I am 43 ;)) and she almost got several things I was looking for as they just brought out the entire set of qualifying Wii and DS games as we were looking at the other stuff on the table.

Note that this was around noon - so it could be worth checking out your stores again if they really had "nothing" when you were there early today. It could be the case that they were prepping the games for a display or something as it appears many of the stores were gearing up for a big celebration later today and tomorrow. One store had a cake ready to go for this afternoon and at another they said tomorrow is the big day with the MW3 tourney, etc.

On the flip side, they are heavily promoting this sale (telling everyone that comes in) so chances are a lot of stuff won't last too long just from the civilian foot traffic (let alone CAGs, SDers, and other assorted hoarders ;)). Though my experience was that most regular people were interested in using the deal for movies instead of games.
I picked up smackdown vs raw 2011 as 1 of my game choices, I wish someone told me that this game sucks balls. Good thing Amazon is giving 12.25 for it, that's a 6 dollar profit. Just wish it was good. I haven't found a wrestling game I loved in a really long time
I picked up :360: Bulletstorm, Fable III, Harry Potter 7 part 2, Fallout NV and :ps3: Megamind. I honestly didn't need to buy any of these games since my backlog since being on CAG since 2003 has made my backlog huge, but I can't pass up good gaming deals.
[quote name='razrvamp']I picked up smackdown vs raw 2011 as 1 of my game choices, I wish someone told me that this game sucks balls. Good thing Amazon is giving 12.25 for it, that's a 6 dollar profit. Just wish it was good. I haven't found a wrestling game I loved in a really long time[/QUOTE]

not since WCW vs NWO Revenge on the 64 :whistle2:D. greatest. wrestling. game. EVER.

Macho man FTW! :applause:
[quote name='animemaniac14']not since WCW vs NWO Revenge on the 64 :whistle2:D. greatest. wrestling. game. EVER.

Macho man FTW! :applause:[/QUOTE]

I used to play that game non-stop
Oh yeah, forgot to post this...

I've run into a few CAG-ers myself in my day. Normally they're pretty nice fellows - one was even a pretty attractive 20-something young woman. I love to talk games, help with a deal, or even offer something I'm holding if you want it.

But to the Asian guy that was at Best Buy when I was flipping games - you're an asshole. Plain and simple. You were a jerk to the employee. You had ridiculous requests. And when a guide isn't pennied out, be nice enough to fucking bring the guide back to where you found it, instead of just dropping it on the floor. C'mon, man.
Got Fallout:NV, Dead Space 2, Dragon Age II, Fable III and Spiderman:Shattered Dimensions.

My store had plenty of these, and like 8+ AC: Brotherhood, but I'm just buying the games to play eventually, don't have time to do any flipping right now.
[quote name='animemaniac14']not since WCW vs NWO Revenge on the 64 :whistle2:D. greatest. wrestling. game. EVER.

Macho man FTW! :applause:[/QUOTE]

All of us wrestling fans used to abuse that game :). That being said the best wrestling game to me was smackdown here comes the pain
Went back to my "home" store, spoke with the manager and got 3 of the games she held for me, she was pretty made about her employees being so rude but 2 other customers complained as well. So sucks for them. She also gave me $10 credit off my purchase =]

the games I got were PS3

Just Cause 2
[quote name='mattcube64']Oh yeah, forgot to post this...

I've run into a few CAG-ers myself in my day. Normally they're pretty nice fellows - one was even a pretty attractive 20-something young woman. I love to talk games, help with a deal, or even offer something I'm holding if you want it.

But to the Asian guy that was at Best Buy when I was flipping games - you're an asshole. Plain and simple. You were a jerk to the employee. You had ridiculous requests. And when a guide isn't pennied out, be nice enough to fucking bring the guide back to where you found it, instead of just dropping it on the floor. C'mon, man.[/QUOTE]

Well said. I hate it when people are pains in the ass for no reason when someone is just doing their job. I've worked in some retail/customer service jobs and theres no reason to treat people like shit unless they are being aweful themselves.
[quote name='strait edge follower']All of us wrestling fans used to abuse that game :). That being said the best wrestling game to me was smackdown here comes the pain[/QUOTE]

have you tried WWE All Stars? I've been wondering if that is good
[quote name='razrvamp']have you tried WWE All Stars? I've been wondering if that is good[/QUOTE]

I didn't like the demo. The controls were a little weird for me, felt like a step backward from the WWE Legends of Wrestlemania game if you played that.

I thought SvR 2011 was pretty good, the only problem is the game has been pretty much the same for the past few years. I'm looking forward to WWE 12 next week.
Pretty nice experience at my store. Walked away with the following for $64 and change:

Fight Night Champion
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions

F1 2010 (only had one copy, so no flipping for me.)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Shift 2 Unleashed
Test Drive Unlimited 2

Pokemon Diamond

Batman: Under the Red Hood (I was so surprised to see this there. Too bad it's the rental version.)
Good Luck Chuck
Let Me In

Wanna know the best part? EVERY game is COMPLETE. The only bad thing is that the Fight Night Champion case is a little chipped on the bottom.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']What were the movies? Hawaiiboy mentioned that certain newer movies were supposed to be excluded from this sale(Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows, Horrible Bosses, etc), so maybe that's why it didn't work?[/QUOTE]

I tried with Pirates 4(14.99), Let Me In(9.99), Social Network(9.99). had to do 3 for 20 on blus Games were Resistance(14.99) and Bulletstorm(14.99). I added Heavy Rain for another 3 for 20.00.
[/QUOTE]razrvamp: have you tried WWE All Stars? I've been wondering if that is good[/QUOTE]

Havent tried it yet. It reminds me of that wrestlemania arcade game for the snes

ticktack: I'm looking forward to WWE 12 next week.

I want it too but with a crap load of dlc characters announced before release im a little weary. Watch them go milkcom on us and re release the game with all the dlc characters in it next year. Ill buy it When that happens unless i get a really great deal for the original one. Making me pay seperatly for michaels, foley amung others is just wrong
[quote name='Tsel']
Wanna know the best part? EVERY game is COMPLETE. The only bad thing is that the Fight Night Champion case is a little chipped on the bottom.[/QUOTE]

I said no to Fight Night Champion because it looked like someone put a lighter up to the disc. Why the fuck do people do weird shit to games and cases?
[quote name='scblueeyedguy']I said no to Fight Night Champion because it looked like someone put a lighter up to the disc. Why the fuck do people do weird shit to games and cases?[/QUOTE]

Its kids who just throw their games around and dont care cause they didnt buy it. I makes Sure my games are complete and as mint as possible. When they grow up and start to buy their own shit then that attitude of theirs will change.
[quote name='strait edge follower']Its kids who just throw their games around and dont care cause they didnt buy it. I makes Sure my games are complete and as mint as possible. When they grow up and start to buy their own shit then that attitude of theirs will change.[/QUOTE]

Here here! But there are lots of adults who treat rented disks from games or movies just as poorly.

I was shocked at the condition of some of the games I bought today. Luckily the clerk was awesome and let me pick the best disks she had. Im still a little worried some of them might not install properly...
[quote name='Pliskin101']Not just because of this fiasco but all my experience with them in the last five years combined. You see I am of the opinion that if a business is horrible then it deserves to fail and the same goes for non-producing employees from the lowly clerk to the store manager. If they can't handle something as simple as a simple sale then they too deserve to go down with the ship. This too is blockbusters own doing , they hire idiots and then can't understand why they are doing bad. Sure there are some good emplyees at BB but they are rare and the business NOW sucks.

You see this is a business nation if you can't make it by being good and having good people you fail and rightly so. Those lowly "thousands of workers" will find some other minimum wage + job somewhere else that they will also do badly at and eventually lose that job too.

Don't worry yourself too much there are literally thousands of menial jobs for those people. In the meantime I will continue to spend my money in deserving places as blockbuster is not getting my welfare for being a failure!![/QUOTE]
So because your Blockbuster stores have employees who don't know or don't care to know what's going on, you assume that EVERY store's employees must be the same as those at your local stores?:roll:

The employees at my closest stores here are fairly knowledgable and typically tell me as soon as I'm coming in the door about any upcoming sales. As mentioned earlier in this thread they even allowed me to hold some games, which was nice of them, though the stores I hit today were both devoid of other customers when I got there. Although I was right there at opening at my closest store and I made it to the second closest one within 30-45 minutes of the 10a.m. opening time.

Either way, the employees are just doing a job. If they're doing it poorly, then buy something and fill out the survey at the bottom of the receipt. Managers and district managers really DO pay attention to those, as I found out with Sears when all but one of the employees were slacking off. That's about the only way you're going to see things change at your stores is if you open your mouth and do something about it.:)
not a bad haul today, I'm gonna try again tomorrow since one of the stores said they are getting in a new batch of games and hopefully they update their price stickers by then
[quote name='strait edge follower']All of us wrestling fans used to abuse that game :). That being said the best wrestling game to me was smackdown here comes the pain[/QUOTE]
My favorite was Smackdown: Shut Your Mouth. I'd always play as Austin and keep doing 'baby stunners' on my one buddy w/o ever using my real finishers. I think you did them by pressing down and circle when your opponent was groggy.
[quote name='mattcube64']Oh yeah, forgot to post this...

I've run into a few CAG-ers myself in my day. Normally they're pretty nice fellows - one was even a pretty attractive 20-something young woman. I love to talk games, help with a deal, or even offer something I'm holding if you want it.

But to the Asian guy that was at Best Buy when I was flipping games - you're an asshole. Plain and simple. You were a jerk to the employee. You had ridiculous requests. And when a guide isn't pennied out, be nice enough to fucking bring the guide back to where you found it, instead of just dropping it on the floor. C'mon, man.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='sna']I tried with Pirates 4(14.99), Let Me In(9.99), Social Network(9.99). had to do 3 for 20 on blus Games were Resistance(14.99) and Bulletstorm(14.99). I added Heavy Rain for another 3 for 20.00.[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming Resistance 1? Lol
Just got back from BBV. I landed:

Asssassin's Creed: Brotherhood x2
Dragon Age 2

My BBV had tons of Bulletstorm for both PS3 and 360 lol. Was thinking about getting that instead of DA2 but changed my mind.
Got 8 total at 2 stores.
Dead Rising 2
Dead Space 2
AC Brotherhood
SSF4 all 360 for $30-
Traded the other 3 -AC Brotherhood, Goldeneye and Epic Mickey @ GS for a new Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Employee said EL Hoardo bought 40 games today.
[quote name='aj slick']Got 8 total at 2 stores.
Dead Rising 2
Dead Space 2
AC Brotherhood
SSF4 all 360 for $30-
Traded the other 3 -AC Brotherhood, Goldeneye and Epic Mickey @ GS for a new Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Employee said EL Hoardo bought 40 games today.[/QUOTE]

You have a confimed AC:B TiV at gamestop? The CAG TiV tracker says $12 updated 81 days ago
[quote name='strait edge follower'][/QUOTE]razrvamp: have you tried WWE All Stars? I've been wondering if that is good[/QUOTE]

Havent tried it yet. It reminds me of that wrestlemania arcade game for the snes

I want it too but with a crap load of dlc characters announced before release im a little weary. Watch them go milkcom on us and re release the game with all the dlc characters in it next year. Ill buy it When that happens unless i get a really great deal for the original one. Making me pay seperatly for michaels, foley amung others is just wrong[/QUOTE]

They won't do that as long as they're releasing them yearly anyway. Makes no sense for them to re-release a title when they're already working on the next installment.

I've seen enough of WWE 12 to make me buy it on release.
[quote name='aj slick']$7 base for ACB 360 + 60% bonus $11.20[/QUOTE]

How'd you get 60% bonus?

I stopped at 2 blockbusters today. I really wanted to get Harry Potter Part 2 blu-ray.The first store said it was part of the deal but I couldn't find any games to go with it. I'm starting to wish I would've picked up a couple of flips just so I would get it for cheap before they realize it's not supposed to be part of the sale.
The BBV I went to earlier today said that their store isn't doing it but the one 10 miles away is..
I thought that this sale applied to every BBV?
[quote name='strait edge follower']Mine is worse. The only good stuff left is the more pricy games. I basically own the flipping scene in my area lol[/QUOTE]

Hold your horses lol j/k. I've flipped quite a few games from the BBV on Houston St so u can't claim the throne yet lol.

Well I managed to find 2 Dragon Age 2's and a Wii Party at my local store and picked it up but now I regret not getting 2 more titles and I don't wanna go through the hassle of a return and rebuy so maybe I'll get what I wanted tomorrow.
bread's done