The Book Thread...

Humor: anything by dave barry. I just finished dave barry in cyberspace, but favorite is Dave Barry Slept Here.

I also just finished the riftwar saga by Raymond Feist, which i liked a lot.
[quote name='JSweeney']You know, one of the books I never really cared for was Catcher in the Rye.

I had a deep dislike for Holden Caulfield by the end of that book. He was whiny, selfish, self-important and generally just pissed me off.[/quote]

I loved the book. Holden reminds me of so many people I know. The book was really vivid. your defense, I do know a few people who did not like Catcher in the Rye. It almost seemed like we read two entirely diferent books.
[quote name='Moxio'][quote name='6669'][quote name='Moxio'][quote name='6669']Book? Is that a new videogame? Or do you mean like one of those thingys in Eternal Darkness with pages and paragraphs on it?
Nah, I have to read To Kill A Mockingbird right now for school.[/quote]

I remember having to read that. I believe it was my freshman year in HS.

Good book. The narrator rambles a lot, though.[/quote]
LOL. Yeah, I'm a freshman in high school too, so it must be mandatory in some way. I was told that the movie doesn't cover some stuff in the book, so I have to read it all. Its pretty good though, and I heard the ending is really good.[/quote]

Yeah, the movie blew off a lot of parts. Believe me, I tried watching it.
[quote name='el bobo']RA Salvatore is a great author, that is my personal opinion...[/quote]
He is pretty good. Im really looking forward to reading the Two Swords (and when searching for the name of the book at Amazon found out that it is already out!)
I might of missed it, but Im supprised no one has said anything about Lord of the Rings. Those are some great books, and I read them once every summer.
I also really liked The Good Earth, which I read for a history class.
[quote name='Xevious'][quote name='JSweeney']You know, one of the books I never really cared for was Catcher in the Rye.

I had a deep dislike for Holden Caulfield by the end of that book. He was whiny, selfish, self-important and generally just pissed me off.[/quote]

I loved the book. Holden reminds me of so many people I know. The book was really vivid. your defense, I do know a few people who did not like Catcher in the Rye. It almost seemed like we read two entirely diferent books.[/quote]

It was the character that killed it for me. It's not that I thought it was a poorly written book... rather the contrary. It's not often that someone can write a character so well that I actually dislike the character.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Xevious'][quote name='JSweeney']You know, one of the books I never really cared for was Catcher in the Rye.

I had a deep dislike for Holden Caulfield by the end of that book. He was whiny, selfish, self-important and generally just pissed me off.[/quote]

I loved the book. Holden reminds me of so many people I know. The book was really vivid. your defense, I do know a few people who did not like Catcher in the Rye. It almost seemed like we read two entirely diferent books.[/quote]

It was the character that killed it for me. It's not that I thought it was a poorly written book... rather the contrary. It's not often that someone can write a character so well that I actually dislike the character.[/quote]

I have yet to make it through that entire book, it just grates on me.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Xevious'][quote name='JSweeney']You know, one of the books I never really cared for was Catcher in the Rye.

I had a deep dislike for Holden Caulfield by the end of that book. He was whiny, selfish, self-important and generally just pissed me off.[/quote]

I loved the book. Holden reminds me of so many people I know. The book was really vivid. your defense, I do know a few people who did not like Catcher in the Rye. It almost seemed like we read two entirely diferent books.[/quote]

It was the character that killed it for me. It's not that I thought it was a poorly written book... rather the contrary. It's not often that someone can write a character so well that I actually dislike the character.[/quote]

Ahh but what makes you dislike the character is the same reason some of us love him, its the same thing with The Stranger if you don't like that style of person you'll never like books about them.
im trying to read the resident evil book series, right now I am on book 3, and theres like 4 more left.
Hey, maybe someone can help me out...

I remember reading a novel in High School. It was about a kid growing up on a poor farm around 1900. I remember one scene vividly because it involved him with his father slaughtering a pig for the first time. It was very good. But that's all I can remember.

Any clues?
Of course, I always did like "The Great Gatsby".
Both Nick and Gatsby always struck a cord with me, as well as knowing and disliking people like Tom Buchannan, and knowing of women like Daisy.
[quote name='basketkase543']I just started reading Nathan Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance for my english class and so far it is ok.[/quote]

Man I am soo not a fan of Hawthorne. He just seems so sanctimonious and dull. The only author worse IMO is George Elliot. That stuff just makes me ill.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Hey, maybe someone can help me out...

I remember reading a novel in High School. It was about a kid growing up on a poor farm around 1900. I remember one scene vividly because it involved him with his father slaughtering a pig for the first time. It was very good. But that's all I can remember.

Any clues?[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath? It's been at least a decade since I've read it, so my memory may be a little shaky.
The Tenth Insight & The Secret of Shambala - both by Paul Renfield who wrote the book The Celestine Prophecies... quite an introspective book but with a simple premise
Just started the RiftWar Saga and so far really loving it. Raymond Feist writes just different enough for it to be a solid but different fantasy novel.
[quote name='The Gifuto'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Hey, maybe someone can help me out...

I remember reading a novel in High School. It was about a kid growing up on a poor farm around 1900. I remember one scene vividly because it involved him with his father slaughtering a pig for the first time. It was very good. But that's all I can remember.

Any clues?[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath? It's been at least a decade since I've read it, so my memory may be a little shaky.[/quote]

That's what I wanted to say too but it's been almost ten years since I read it as well so I decided to keep my mouth shut. That's most likely it though since we both came up with it independently. Great book by the way. I got way into Steinbeck in college. I never had to read his stuff in highschool so it didn't have that boring stigma. East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, and Grapes of Wrath are the three best ones I read out of prolly half a dozen.
[quote name='Compass'][quote name='The Gifuto'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Hey, maybe someone can help me out...

I remember reading a novel in High School. It was about a kid growing up on a poor farm around 1900. I remember one scene vividly because it involved him with his father slaughtering a pig for the first time. It was very good. But that's all I can remember.

Any clues?[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath? It's been at least a decade since I've read it, so my memory may be a little shaky.[/quote]

That's what I wanted to say too but it's been almost ten years since I read it as well so I decided to keep my mouth shut. That's most likely it though since we both came up with it independently. Great book by the way. I got way into Steinbeck in college. I never had to read his stuff in highschool so it didn't have that boring stigma. East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, and Grapes of Wrath are the three best ones I read out of prolly half a dozen.[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath, thats the one where the guy gets some special milk right? My exgf hated that part so much she'd shudder whenever anyone said Stienbeck which needless to say I said frequently :twisted:
[quote name='evilpenguin9000'][quote name='basketkase543']I just started reading Nathan Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance for my english class and so far it is ok.[/quote]

Man I am soo not a fan of Hawthorne. He just seems so sanctimonious and dull. The only author worse IMO is George Elliot. That stuff just makes me ill.[/quote]

I hate Hawthorne, too. I hate all of that Romanticism crap. It is so far from the truth of the world. The Scarlet Letter is one of the worst books I have read.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='Compass'][quote name='The Gifuto'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Hey, maybe someone can help me out...

I remember reading a novel in High School. It was about a kid growing up on a poor farm around 1900. I remember one scene vividly because it involved him with his father slaughtering a pig for the first time. It was very good. But that's all I can remember.

Any clues?[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath? It's been at least a decade since I've read it, so my memory may be a little shaky.[/quote]

That's what I wanted to say too but it's been almost ten years since I read it as well so I decided to keep my mouth shut. That's most likely it though since we both came up with it independently. Great book by the way. I got way into Steinbeck in college. I never had to read his stuff in highschool so it didn't have that boring stigma. East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, and Grapes of Wrath are the three best ones I read out of prolly half a dozen.[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath, thats the one where the guy gets some special milk right? My exgf hated that part so much she'd shudder whenever anyone said Stienbeck which needless to say I said frequently :twisted:[/quote]

Yeah, that was pretty hardcore. Quite a poignant moment. I'll never forget that.
[quote name='The Gifuto'][quote name='Admiral Ackbar']Hey, maybe someone can help me out...

I remember reading a novel in High School. It was about a kid growing up on a poor farm around 1900. I remember one scene vividly because it involved him with his father slaughtering a pig for the first time. It was very good. But that's all I can remember.

Any clues?[/quote]

Grapes of Wrath? It's been at least a decade since I've read it, so my memory may be a little shaky.[/quote]

I've never read it, but I would guess Steinbeck too. Anyone ever read "The Red Pony?" There was a part in the book where they cut the horse's throat. I can't remember it very well (nor do I wish to), but...gross!

EDIT: Oh, yea...books I would recommend. It's been a while since I've read Brave New World or Animal Farm. That was 5 years ago in high school, but I remembered liking them. I also have a collection of short stories by Steinbeck ("The Portable Steinbeck"). If you like them, spend the $3 and get the book. The only other book I kept from college American Lit. was John Updike ("Pidgeon Feathers").

Anyway, I can recommend without reservations, the Harry Potter series. Those are very, very, good & interesting books. Nice, light reading. Don't diss them until you've read at least one. I've been wanting to read "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" for a while, but never have gotten around to it...maybe I'll just watch the animated movie...anyone ever see that? I just remember the part where they were killing Aslan...
[quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']I just buoght Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons (The Prequel, to The Da Vinci Code), and it is a good read so far.[/quote]

Yes very excellent book. I've read both that and DaVinci Code and I really enjoy him as an author. I'm gonna start reading Digital Fortress pretty soon.
Dan Brown's stuff is pretty cool. The Davinci Code is definitely his best stuff so far. Digital Fortress is pretty good too. Angels and Demons is ok, but probably my least fav.
[quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']I just buoght Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons (The Prequel, to The Da Vinci Code), and it is a good read so far.[/quote]

Yes very excellent book. I've read both that and DaVinci Code and I really enjoy him as an author. I'm gonna start reading Digital Fortress pretty soon.[/quote]

i too am going to get digital fortress and read it sometime, but it will probably be during winter break.

i am currently in graduate school, so i am constantly reading new books ever week. I just finished a work by Simon Newman called Parades and he Politcs of the Street. Right now I am in the middle, or really final 1/2 of Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Washington. really good book, not sure if it is history, but i'll find out on thursday when i lead discussion on it!
[quote name='SupremeNumNuts']I've recently read

Survivor by Chuck P.
Slaughterhouse Five
Farenheit 451[/quote]

Survivor is awesome. I just finished reading Invisible Monsters, talk about plot twists.
[quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='SupremeNumNuts']I've recently read

Survivor by Chuck P.
Slaughterhouse Five
Farenheit 451[/quote]

Survivor is awesome. I just finished reading Invisible Monsters, talk about plot twists.[/quote]

Fight Club is my favorite by Palahniuk, but Survivor is the best.
[quote name='PAS/CAL']Kurt Vonnegut is an excellent author, most of his books are really good[/quote]

I couldn't agree more. "Breakfast Of Champions" is one of my favorite books of all time.
[quote name='munch'][quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='MorbidAngel4Life']I just buoght Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons (The Prequel, to The Da Vinci Code), and it is a good read so far.[/quote]

Yes very excellent book. I've read both that and DaVinci Code and I really enjoy him as an author. I'm gonna start reading Digital Fortress pretty soon.[/quote]

i too am going to get digital fortress and read it sometime, but it will probably be during winter break.

i am currently in graduate school, so i am constantly reading new books ever week. I just finished a work by Simon Newman called Parades and he Politcs of the Street. Right now I am in the middle, or really final 1/2 of Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Washington. really good book, not sure if it is history, but i'll find out on thursday when i lead discussion on it![/quote]

I need to get Digital Fortress. I need to get an actual copy of the Da Vinci Code. Definitley one of my favorite books.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='SupremeNumNuts']I've recently read

Survivor by Chuck P.
Slaughterhouse Five
Farenheit 451[/quote]

Survivor is awesome. I just finished reading Invisible Monsters, talk about plot twists.[/quote]

Fight Club is my favorite by Palahniuk, but Survivor is the best.[/quote]

Did any of you guys read Diary by Chuck P.? I love his work, but I couldn't get into that one as much. Just wondering what other people thought.
[quote name='bob_the_goon'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='SupremeNumNuts']I've recently read

Survivor by Chuck P.
Slaughterhouse Five
Farenheit 451[/quote]

Survivor is awesome. I just finished reading Invisible Monsters, talk about plot twists.[/quote]

Fight Club is my favorite by Palahniuk, but Survivor is the best.[/quote]

Did any of you guys read Diary by Chuck P.? I love his work, but I couldn't get into that one as much. Just wondering what other people thought.[/quote]

Yeah I didn't like diary a lot either. Just didn't have the flavor that a Palahniuk book usually has. My fav. of his works is def. Fight CLub, but I think Lullaby is my second fav.
Im almost done with America: The Book, by the Daily Show folks.
Its formatted like a textbook and since I hate textbooks, I cant read more than 15 pages or so at a time. The format brings on fits of ADD.
Its hilarious though its more a flip open, see the Supreme Court Justices naked, flinch, turn somewhere and read anywhere kinda book.
[quote name='SadieDee']

Anyway, I can recommend without reservations, the Harry Potter series. Those are very, very, good & interesting books. Nice, light reading. Don't diss them until you've read at least one. I've been wanting to read "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" for a while, but never have gotten around to it...maybe I'll just watch the animated movie...anyone ever see that? I just remember the part where they were killing Aslan...[/quote]

The Harry Potter series? I've actually read all five books. They're okay, good to pick up once in awhile. Harry's attitude in the fifth book, though, annoyed me to a point where I had trouble finishing it.

Anyways, for the recommendations, I would definitely say almost anything written or co-written by Mercedes Lackey. Excellent, excellent author, and by far my favorite. I'm reading "Beyond World's End", which she co-wrote with Rosemary Edgehill right now.

My future reads.... I'm working on the Inuyasha manga series right now. They're surprisingly good, and I'm only on book 11. I'm planning to read something Stephen King in the near future (any recommendations?), and the Da Vinci Code.
[quote name='Magician'][quote name='SadieDee']

Anyway, I can recommend without reservations, the Harry Potter series. Those are very, very, good & interesting books. Nice, light reading. Don't diss them until you've read at least one. I've been wanting to read "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" for a while, but never have gotten around to it...maybe I'll just watch the animated movie...anyone ever see that? I just remember the part where they were killing Aslan...[/quote]

The Harry Potter series? I've actually read all five books. They're okay, good to pick up once in awhile. Harry's attitude in the fifth book, though, annoyed me to a point where I had trouble finishing it.

Anyways, for the recommendations, I would definitely say almost anything written or co-written by Mercedes Lackey. Excellent, excellent author, and by far my favorite. I'm reading "Beyond World's End", which she co-wrote with Rosemary Edgehill right now.

My future reads.... I'm working on the Inuyasha manga series right now. They're surprisingly good, and I'm only on book 11. I'm planning to read something Stephen King in the near future (any recommendations?), and the Da Vinci Code.[/quote]


For starters, read Dead Zone ;), it's not a horror story and kind of makes it easier to get into his books. Make sure you check out 'Salem's Lot and Carrie. If you only want short stories, get Everything's Eventual. And I have heard only great things about Stand but have yet to read it myself. :oops:

As for me, I'm just about to start on the first Series of Unfortunate Events book : )
Different Seasons is a pretty good King book as well. First, it's four novellas rather than just one story... that, and three out four of the novellas have been made into movies.

These are,
Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, Apt Pupil, and The Body (Stand By Me).

The forth novella is called Breathing lessons.
Fear and Loathing was a great book..recently I have read the fall of the reach, and now 1/2 way thru the 2nd halo book...I like the first one a lot and the 2nd one is good so far...Non fiction books that I have read recently were shut up and sing by laurie ingrham, and treason by ann coulter...i enjoyed both, but if you are liberal I would stay away from them
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Magician'][quote name='SadieDee']

Anyway, I can recommend without reservations, the Harry Potter series. Those are very, very, good & interesting books. Nice, light reading. Don't diss them until you've read at least one. I've been wanting to read "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" for a while, but never have gotten around to it...maybe I'll just watch the animated movie...anyone ever see that? I just remember the part where they were killing Aslan...[/quote]

The Harry Potter series? I've actually read all five books. They're okay, good to pick up once in awhile. Harry's attitude in the fifth book, though, annoyed me to a point where I had trouble finishing it.

Anyways, for the recommendations, I would definitely say almost anything written or co-written by Mercedes Lackey. Excellent, excellent author, and by far my favorite. I'm reading "Beyond World's End", which she co-wrote with Rosemary Edgehill right now.

My future reads.... I'm working on the Inuyasha manga series right now. They're surprisingly good, and I'm only on book 11. I'm planning to read something Stephen King in the near future (any recommendations?), and the Da Vinci Code.[/quote]


For starters, read Dead Zone ;), it's not a horror story and kind of makes it easier to get into his books. Make sure you check out 'Salem's Lot and Carrie. If you only want short stories, get Everything's Eventual. And I have heard only great things about Stand but have yet to read it myself. :oops:

As for me, I'm just about to start on the first Series of Unfortunate Events book : )[/quote]

I will be sure to do just what you have said, mistress DeadZone. :notworth:

Did any of you guys read Diary by Chuck P.? I love his work, but I couldn't get into that one as much. Just wondering what other people thought.

Oh, good, it wasnt just me.

on a side note, a very good read:
[quote name='ryanbph']Fear and Loathing was a great book..recently I have read the fall of the reach, and now 1/2 way thru the 2nd halo book...I like the first one a lot and the 2nd one is good so far...Non fiction books that I have read recently were shut up and sing by laurie ingrham, and treason by ann coulter...i enjoyed both, but if you are liberal I would stay away from them[/quote]

Ann Coulter is such great fiction. It has to be classified as fiction or otherwise its just sad.
[quote name='evilpenguin9000'][quote name='bob_the_goon'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='SupremeNumNuts']I've recently read

Survivor by Chuck P.
Slaughterhouse Five
Farenheit 451[/quote]

Survivor is awesome. I just finished reading Invisible Monsters, talk about plot twists.[/quote]

Fight Club is my favorite by Palahniuk, but Survivor is the best.[/quote]

Did any of you guys read Diary by Chuck P.? I love his work, but I couldn't get into that one as much. Just wondering what other people thought.[/quote]

Yeah I didn't like diary a lot either. Just didn't have the flavor that a Palahniuk book usually has. My fav. of his works is def. Fight CLub, but I think Lullaby is my second fav.[/quote]

I recomend any book by Palahniuk. however they are not for the easily offended, for some reason masocism(probly didnt spell that right) gets under peoples skin like nothing else and its atleast a small theme in each of his books.
My least favorite of his books are invisible monsters and lulliby. the charecters in invisible monsters were so way over the top, most of the stuff that went on in that book i could never see happening in real life weather it be the out of this world coincidences or the reasoning behind the choices of the main charecter and her bro/sis(they just wern't logical even though Palahniuk tried his damnedest to make sense of them). As for lulliby, i just dont like to mix psycoligy with magic....its kind of like putting dinosaurs in outer space (dino crisis 3), any on their own works but mixing them just ends up being rediculous.
I thought diary was his best novel yet. to me it still had the Palahniuk feel to it just not as much wich isnt a bad thing. hes growing as a writer and it keeps things interesting that his books are slowly evolving.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']The girl I've been shaq-fuing lately has been reading those books that the movies Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider are based off of.[/quote]

James Patterson.....My Girlfriend has read almost all of his books. I have tried to read them but it’s just not my cup of tea. But I really enjoyed Virgin By J. Patterson.
I have not read a book in a few months but I enjoy reading a lot.

A few of my favorite books:
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (Not an easy read but well worth your time.)
The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett (The only Discworld book I have read but a great book I need to read the rest of them.)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
The Great Shark Hunt by Hunter S. Thompson (I enjoyed it more then Fear and Loathing. Sport and Hunter S. fans go to Link)
Anything by Michael Crichton

I am going to stop here. The list could be very long so I just put a few of the top of my head.
[quote name='masta0031'][quote name='evilpenguin9000'][quote name='bob_the_goon'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl'][quote name='RedvsBlue'][quote name='SupremeNumNuts']I've recently read

Survivor by Chuck P.
Slaughterhouse Five
Farenheit 451[/quote]

Survivor is awesome. I just finished reading Invisible Monsters, talk about plot twists.[/quote]

Fight Club is my favorite by Palahniuk, but Survivor is the best.[/quote]

Did any of you guys read Diary by Chuck P.? I love his work, but I couldn't get into that one as much. Just wondering what other people thought.[/quote]

Yeah I didn't like diary a lot either. Just didn't have the flavor that a Palahniuk book usually has. My fav. of his works is def. Fight CLub, but I think Lullaby is my second fav.[/quote]

I recomend any book by Palahniuk. however they are not for the easily offended, for some reason masocism(probly didnt spell that right) gets under peoples skin like nothing else and its atleast a small theme in each of his books.
My least favorite of his books are invisible monsters and lulliby. the charecters in invisible monsters were so way over the top, most of the stuff that went on in that book i could never see happening in real life weather it be the out of this world coincidences or the reasoning behind the choices of the main charecter and her bro/sis(they just wern't logical even though Palahniuk tried his damnedest to make sense of them). As for lulliby, i just dont like to mix psycoligy with magic....its kind of like putting dinosaurs in outer space (dino crisis 3), any on their own works but mixing them just ends up being rediculous.
I thought diary was his best novel yet. to me it still had the Palahniuk feel to it just not as much wich isnt a bad thing. hes growing as a writer and it keeps things interesting that his books are slowly evolving.[/quote]

I think Choke was my favorite, but that might be because of the scenes at the sexaholics group. I work with the real life versions with some of those people and one just got busted up here last fall as a bunch of them were sexually abusing some teenage boys who were in turn sexually abusing various young girls in their trailer park. As far as Diary goes, I think it was lacking the mischeiviousness that all of the other books have.
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='Magician'][quote name='SadieDee']

Anyway, I can recommend without reservations, the Harry Potter series. Those are very, very, good & interesting books. Nice, light reading. Don't diss them until you've read at least one. I've been wanting to read "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" for a while, but never have gotten around to it...maybe I'll just watch the animated movie...anyone ever see that? I just remember the part where they were killing Aslan...[/quote]

The Harry Potter series? I've actually read all five books. They're okay, good to pick up once in awhile. Harry's attitude in the fifth book, though, annoyed me to a point where I had trouble finishing it.

Anyways, for the recommendations, I would definitely say almost anything written or co-written by Mercedes Lackey. Excellent, excellent author, and by far my favorite. I'm reading "Beyond World's End", which she co-wrote with Rosemary Edgehill right now.

My future reads.... I'm working on the Inuyasha manga series right now. They're surprisingly good, and I'm only on book 11. I'm planning to read something Stephen King in the near future (any recommendations?), and the Da Vinci Code.[/quote]


For starters, read Dead Zone ;), it's not a horror story and kind of makes it easier to get into his books. Make sure you check out 'Salem's Lot and Carrie. If you only want short stories, get Everything's Eventual. And I have heard only great things about Stand but have yet to read it myself. :oops:

As for me, I'm just about to start on the first Series of Unfortunate Events book : )[/quote]

I have read everything he has written and besides the DT series I think the stand and It are his best books. They are both extremely long but its worth it
[quote name='Magician'][quote name='SadieDee']

Anyway, I can recommend without reservations, the Harry Potter series. Those are very, very, good & interesting books. Nice, light reading. Don't diss them until you've read at least one. I've been wanting to read "The Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe" for a while, but never have gotten around to it...maybe I'll just watch the animated movie...anyone ever see that? I just remember the part where they were killing Aslan...[/quote]

The Harry Potter series? I've actually read all five books. They're okay, good to pick up once in awhile. Harry's attitude in the fifth book, though, annoyed me to a point where I had trouble finishing it. [/quote]

That sucks, I'm on the 4th book.
Well, I'm currently reading the Narnia series for the first time since, like, second grade, as I found out only recently that C.S. Lewis wrote them to hook kids into Christianity. So, naturally, I want to see if it's true, since I didn't see it the first time I went through them.
I agree, The Stand and IT are a couple of my King favorites. Everything's Eventual had some good stories, had some not-so-good stories. I was disappointed in From a Buick 8. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't King. And I just could not get into the Dark Tower series, but I think I've read everything else by him.
Did read all of the Potter books, but long ago, so I don't recall much about them other than that I liked them in general.
Read one Snicket book--it was weird, it was written like a kids/young adult book, but those poor kids went through some heck. Not sure what i think about the upcoming movie.
I'm currently reading 'New Eves,' a book of SF short stories from the 30's to the present written by female authors, including some that have not seen print since they were originally written.
I'm a sucker for any SF anthology, especially one with stories at least 15-20 years old. Our county library has a book sale every year, and I usually get a box of books filled with any anthology I can find.
bread's done