The British Bulldogs' wrestling topic

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Say hello to Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid​


With the perfect mix of power and dexterity the British Bulldogs were easily one of the greatest tag team combinations ever.​

Bulldog Bios:​

My memories of these two together aren't as vivid as I would like them to be, nor as vivid as Davey Boy as a singles competitor. I do recall Matilda being around, and being a rather intriguing mascot. I always wanted to see Jake the Snake work a progam with one of these guys so Damien could feud with Matilda.​

Anyhow the Bulldogs match with Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake at Wrestlemania 2 is widely considered one of the greatest tag team matches of all-time. Unfortunately, the following year at Wrestlemania 3, The Bulldogs along with Tito Santana faced the Hart Foundation along with referee Danny Davis in a rather lack-luster and very disappointing match. On paper I can't think of too many more appealing tag team matches than The Bulldogs vs The Hart Foundation when both teams were still in great form, however, the ending and just Davis' presence in the match really ruined it for me.​

The saddest part about this great tag team is the way these two men drifted apart. Dynamite Kid's hatred for Davey Boy is well documented, and so great that he refuses to even speak Davey's name.​

Tragically, Davey Boy Smith passed away at the age of 39 from a heart attack on May 18, 2002, almost 3 years to the day after the death of Owen.​

Meanwhile, Dynamite Kid remains confined to a wheel chair, a painful reminder of what years of steroid abuse and vicious bumps in the ring can do.​

Still during the good times together The British Bulldogs were one of the most popular and most successful tag teams in wrestling history.​
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Nice choice.[/quote]

Thanks, I wanted to do the Snake, but I figured if I hold off a bit longer it can be a memorial topic :whistle2:?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Thanks, I wanted to do the Snake, but I figured if I hold off a bit longer it can be a memorial topic :whistle2:?[/QUOTE]

Silly horsey, the Snake will never die. :speaktothehand:
[quote name='guyver2077']give us a goldberg topic dammit.. its been long enough[/QUOTE]

If Goldberg deserves a thread then we need to have a Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley thread right afterwards.

Also we have a new wrestling thread already.
[quote name='2Fast']Why does Tiger Ali Singh always get snubbed when new topics come up?[/quote]

The only thing I remember about Tiger Ali Singh is that many years ago on TV he had Babu pull a girl out of the crowd to eat dog food. She had a sheer shirt on in which you could see enough that censor bars probably should have been used. Well, I guess I remember the girl more than anything.
[quote name='Sporadic']If Goldberg deserves a thread then we need to have a Chris Masters and Bobby Lashley thread right afterwards.

Also we have a new wrestling thread already.[/QUOTE]

Hey now. Masters and Lashley (and I don't even really like Lashley much), while not nearly as over as Goldberg was, are already superior workers compared to Billy boy.
[quote name='Scorch']Big Show left WWE.

I thought he was just going to take some time off.

He's going to show up in TNA.. watch.[/QUOTE]

I doubt it.

He's been in alot of pain lately and has no self-destructive drive to be the best like Angle.
[quote name='Scorch']Big Show left WWE.

I thought he was just going to take some time off.

He's going to show up in TNA.. watch.[/quote]

Although I'd like for it to happen.. I'm not sure it will... at least not for a while.
We'll see Heyman in TNA before Show. I think Show's gonna take time off...maybe do WM, and after that stay semi-retired, doing the occasional TNA match.

I know WWE has "no compete" clauses in their contracts - what is at stake if, say, someone (Heyman, for instance) decides to ignore it and show up in Orlando on Sunday night for Turning Point?

Of course, he may not have one...but you never can tell.
Big Show hasn't left WWE - he's just on a hiatus, and will probably come back for a one-shot at 'Mania with Hogan. Heyman still has a contract with WWE as an off-air talent. Neither can just show up on Sunday for Turning Point. Bret wore blue and black during the very early days of the first Hart Foundation. Both he and Neidhart wore that regularly, including in the WM II battle royal.
Man, TNA should get rid of Russo and get Heyman.

Vince McMahon is a piece of shit.

As previously reported on, Paul Heyman was sent packing by Vince McMahon on Monday afternoon, the day after ECW’s generally poorly received December To Dismember hit the airwaves.

The long-time creative force and face of ECW was technically the head writer of ECW, but like all of his peers he answered to and was edited by Vince McMahon. McMahon was always either somewhat or heavily editing Heyman’s scripts for ECW TV. The PPV on Sunday was said to be a collaborative effort, however it was heavily edited by McMahon even more than usual.

Several wrestlers were aware of Heyman’s original plans for the Elimination Chamber match, but by match time, they were given different plans from McMahon. McMahon made several changes late in the game, including Sabu being removed from the match, as well as CM Punk and RVD being eliminated so early. The reasoning behind this was so that people would be forced to cheer for Lashley.

While McMahon appeared to be satisfied with the results of the event at the end of the night, by the next day he was said to have realized how bad it was and that’s when the blame game begun. After a backstage meeting lead by Vince and Stephanie Mcmahon, Heyman left the arena without saying goodbye or announcing what happened to anyone. He immediately went to the airport and flew home.
Back when the Hart Foundation just started, they wore black and blue for a minute. This was around the time that Demolition had a different Smash...and it lasted for about as long.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Man, TNA should get rid of Russo and get Heyman.

Vince McMahon is a piece of shit.[/QUOTE]

TNA would be a fool to pass that opportunity up.

Does that genuinely surprise you about McMahon? The thing about CM Punk and RVD being knocked out's *OBVIOUS* it was done so that nobody could be cheered but Lashley. The crowd, who was there for an ECW show, took a dump on the main event...and Vince McMahon was angry because the crowd told him what they wanted, and it wasn't what he was prepared to serve them.

This is probably the best thing for Heyman, to be honest. Now, if people like RVD and Sabu have any scruples, they'll walk into McMahon's office first thing in the morning, with one holding the biggest, most elaborate glass bong you've ever seen...and the other one hitting it, blowing the smoke in McMahon's face.

TNA was not competition three years ago, or even last year. They have prime time television right now. They may not have the ratings WWE has, but they are competition. They just need the right guys to step up and help them get noticed.
Having a prime time timeslot doesn't magically make them competition to WWE. Until TNA starts drawing similar numbers to WWE in multiple areas, they won't be, and that's at a bare minimum. Right now, they can't even beat the ratings of WWE's C show - and they certainly don't seem close to doing that anytime soon.
If TNA acquired Heyman, and ditched Russo, my head would implode with hope and glee.
What's to stop Heyman from starting up a new indie fed as a true successor to ECW? The fanbase is still there, and I'm sure he has more connections now than he did then. I think that if he went back to the grassroots and started something new, then in a few years I could be watching it on Telemundo at 3:00am, just like in the good old days.
Well, for the time being, Heyman is still employed by WWE, and I doubt he'd want to start another indy after all the shit he went through with ECW.
[quote name='evilmax17']What's to stop Heyman from starting up a new indie fed as a true successor to ECW?[/quote]

[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Having a prime time timeslot doesn't magically make them competition to WWE. Until TNA starts drawing similar numbers to WWE in multiple areas, they won't be, and that's at a bare minimum. Right now, they can't even beat the ratings of WWE's C show - and they certainly don't seem close to doing that anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

In all respects, TNA is on at 11 pm on a shitty channel no one watches.

ECW commercials were (are they still?) promoted on both Raw and Smackdown, each on two channels with a fair amount of viewers.

Hell, CW airs commercials for Smackdown CONSTANTLY on Friday during Simpsons / Malcolm... does TNA even get commercials on Spike? Who the hell even watches Spike anyways?

TNA is being held down by Spike, in a way.
[quote name='Roufuss']In all respects, TNA is on at 11 pm on a shitty channel no one watches.

ECW commercials were (are they still?) promoted on both Raw and Smackdown, each on two channels with a fair amount of viewers.

Hell, CW airs commercials for Smackdown CONSTANTLY on Friday during Simpsons / Malcolm... does TNA even get commercials on Spike? Who the hell even watches Spike anyways?

TNA is being held down by Spike, in a way.[/QUOTE]

It is now on at 9pm.

You are right though. Anytime I watch spike I never see an impact commercial, yet they will pump gamehead, raisin the roofs, and all the other horrible shit that can be found on that channel .
[quote name='mykevermin']This is probably the best thing for Heyman, to be honest. Now, if people like RVD and Sabu have any scruples, they'll walk into McMahon's office first thing in the morning, with one holding the biggest, most elaborate glass bong you've ever seen...and the other one hitting it, blowing the smoke in McMahon's face.[/quote]

:rofl: :bow:

Hell yeah.

Heyman doesn't need a new promotion. Heyman's new job is just temporarily being held by Russo. :]
Again, I just don't believe TNA and Heyman would fit.

They are just too different.

I wouldn't mind him getting ahold of the booking for RoH though not that it really needs it but it would be interesting to see.
[quote name='Sporadic']Again, I just don't believe TNA and Heyman would fit.

They are just too different.[/QUOTE]
Who's to say that they won't resculpt the TNA brand (which they fucking need to do)?
[quote name='2Fast']See sig and avatar ;)[/QUOTE]

Most normal people though ;)

I mean, everyone watches CW if only for the mass Simpsons repeats they always show, and alot of people watch USA because of all the original shows / L&O repeats they show.

Nobody cares about Spike's original programming and it's repeats draw such a limited audience.
[quote name='Roufuss']Most normal people though ;)

I mean, everyone watches CW if only for the mass Simpsons repeats they always show, and alot of people watch USA because of all the original shows / L&O repeats they show.

Nobody cares about Spike's original programming and it's repeats draw such a limited audience.[/quote]

They should move to Comedy Central. Kevin Nash would fill the comedy requirement :p
Big Vision's four hour best of C.M. Punk compilation hitting stores on 12/19 will be only $10! I would've bought it for $20, but at $10, it's a steal.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Big Vision's four hour best of C.M. Punk compilation hitting stores on 12/19 will be only $10! I would've bought it for $20, but at $10, it's a steal.[/quote]

I'm guessing at only 4 hours it probably doesn't have the entire Punk/Joe trilogy? But it's still a good deal I'm gonna look into it.
[quote name='evilmax17']What's to stop Heyman from starting up a new indie fed as a true successor to ECW?[/QUOTE]

I can assure you has a lengthy non-compete clause to his contract.
I guess Big Show taking time off explains why he lost his title to Lashley. I'd like to see him leave WWE altogether, along with most of the original ECW talent.
[quote name='Brak']Who's to say that they won't resculpt the TNA brand (which they fucking need to do)?[/QUOTE]

Alot of the bad mistakes they did are permanent (like their name) and they haven't tried to really shake up the company (unless you count the 6 sided ring) since they founded it.
[quote name='Roufuss']Most normal people though ;)

I mean, everyone watches CW if only for the mass Simpsons repeats they always show, and alot of people watch USA because of all the original shows / L&O repeats they show.

Nobody cares about Spike's original programming and it's repeats draw such a limited audience.[/quote]

Nobody watches the CW and the Simpsons repeats vary on station from market to market.

Spike just needs to expand TNA to a two hour show, one hour with all the content they have isn't just enough time for it all.
[quote name='PhrostByte']I'm guessing at only 4 hours it probably doesn't have the entire Punk/Joe trilogy? But it's still a good deal I'm gonna look into it.[/QUOTE]
It's the best of C.M. Punk in FIP... and hopefully it has the Homicide-Punk strip club stuff on it. Spike won't give TNA two hours until it can impress them steadily with one, and more has come out about the super-rushed Impacts - Russo thought that all of the prime time shows were going to be two hours, so they ended up having to fit two hours of writing into one hour shows since no one bothered to give him accurate info.
We're getting word that WWE plans to do a hardcore burial of Rob Van Dam while the Raw and ECW wrestlers are in Iraq. RVD was told weeks ago that he was expected to make the trip and once again refused to go. Vince is planning to make a very long anti-RVD speech to the troops that will not be taped for the special.
I can see why he wouldn't want to go; at this point it seems like WWE is doing whatever they can to get rid of the few remaining ECW guys.

Heh. I posted RVD news at 4:20.
Vince won't be doing the speech to bury ECW, he'll be doing it to send a message to RVD, and I wish I was surprised that Vince would be so petty as to make a long speech due to a wrestler not going when the trip is SUPPOSED to be about the troops. Starting on 1/30, ECW will be opposed by Wrestling Society X on MTV (which will start at 10:30). Hopefully that lights a fire under WWE to actually make ECW seem different, or at least makes them want to deliver a quality product.
[quote name='Genocidal']I can see why he wouldn't want to go; at this point it seems like WWE is doing whatever they can to get rid of the few remaining ECW guys.

Heh. I posted RVD news at 4:20.[/QUOTE]

That's not the point. He refused to go last year too. I can understand why they would try to bury a champ who refuses to give up the belt when asked (Bret Hart) or a mega star who refuses to make new guys (Brock Lesnar) look good (Steve Austin). This, I don't understand. Whatever RVD's reason for not going to Iraq, the country is a fucking war zone...whether it's his staunch political opinion or that he fears for his safety, it's not as if he's been put in a spot to look like top talent since his drug bust. Sure, at this point it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, but let the send over their big, bad, awesome "champ," Lashley, instead.

I read a great editorial the other week about how the WWE loves to bury guys on TV on their way out (by humiliating them, not the traditional "guy on his way out loses to guy on his way in"). They pointed out how they'll feature talent for months and years, only to make fun of the viewer for supporting them when they leave. They did this with Steve Austin when he left after he wouldn't fight Lesnar, they did this last week, when they overtly implied that the Spirit Squad, guys we were supposed to be entertained by for damn near a year, weren't ready for the WWE and we're fools for liking them (since they've OVW caliber talent). They did it with Bret Hart (though the most understandable of the three). I wish I could recall where it was and who wrote it.

RVD is as good as done with the WWE (I hope). I don't see why he can't just try to get fired from there. It can't be that hard. Just go out there and have a match Vince doesn't want you to have. One that lasts 15 minutes plus and involves a wrestling move or two. That'll get yer ass shitcanned with a quickness.

EDIT: If there's one thing about this article that I don't believe, it's that Vince would not be petty enough to air it on TV. If he airs something like that ("RVD hates the troops") and then fires him the next day...that will damage him immensely more going into TNA than losing to Mike Knox every day for a month. Where did this newsclip come from? I haven't seen it anywhere, so I'm skeptical of it (though not entirely).

[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I was surprised that Vince would be so petty as to make a long speech due to a wrestler not going when the trip is SUPPOSED to be about the troops.[/QUOTE]

C'mon, you don't really think it's about the troops, do you? It's all about good publicity. ALL ABOUT it.
[quote name='mykevermin']Whatever RVD's reason for not going to Iraq, the country is a fucking war zone...whether it's his staunch political opinion or that he fears for his safety, it's not as if he's been put in a spot to look like top talent since his drug bust. [/quote]


Supporting troops and increasing morale is fine, but Vince shouldn't expect everyone will want to go over there. I wouldn't think less of anyone who didn't want to go.
[quote name='Brak']If TNA acquired Heyman, and ditched Russo, my head would implode with hope and glee.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say ditch Russo. He does have good ideas. The problem is that Russo needs to have someone to filter the good from the bad. Which is so obvious right now. Yes there is good going in TNA right now. But whatever good there is going on is forgotten because:

A) There's a LOT of bad going on.
B) There's a LOT of too much going on... I swear they got 68 angles going on right now within 40 some minutes of TV. Can anyone even try to make a cliff notes edition of Impact? Because it might take just as long to read the cliff notes as it would to watch the real thing.
C) There is next to no wrestling on the show. 20 minutes total the past two weeks... and a very forgetable 20 minutes if that. I can't remember a single match from the past two weeks. Not a good sign.

Despite all of this I really do hope that TNA picks up Heyman and let Heyman run with the ball. Yet keep Russo to help with character development. I feel they together can take TNA where it needs to be - which is wrestlers with strong characters that the average fan can enjoy yet good qualiity booking to the wrestling product itself.

But... until TNA gets out of the current slump of how aweful the product currently is I'm simply done watching. I know that my boycotting the current product won't do much of anything. But to me it feels like something. Especially given that I've been supporting TNA since the very early days even during far worse crap like "The Johnsons" and the midget jerking off in the garbage can.
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