The British Bulldogs' wrestling topic

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Russo and Heyman - together they could ruin TNA quicker than anyone thought possible, or together they could beat WWE ratings within a year of now. I don't know, and I don't think anyone knows, which would be the case, or how to predict it.

I agree that Russo has his positives - what was TNA doing with "serotonin" (what an awful name - it's Bentley, Kazarian, and Divine w/ Raven, I think) before Russo? What about Petey Williams? VKM? He's putting a lot of guys on TV that weren't doing much anything before, and not pushing a lot of guys by the wayside (which led to the hyperfast pace of the shows). Now, if he can keep this up without (1) killing the wrestling, (2) confusing the shit out of viewers, they might be onto something. I can live one week without seeing serotonin, or Team 3D, or so and so...only the main event guys should be on each and every week (and not, say, Eric Young or Robert Roode). This prevents the kind of staleness that happens on Raw (even when infrequent guys are on, it's fucking Eugene, Val Venis, or Viscera...who gives a damn about those guys?), while maintaining a consistent reason (the main event guys) to watch the show.

Russo, for all he's done wrong, can do a lot of things right. People often say that Vince McMahon is the reason Russo looked good during the Attitude years, because all of Russo's crap was filtered out by McMahon. If you consider the storylines of the post-Russo era (Katie Vick, The Alliance Invasion, Vince McMahon the fornicator and his wife in a coma, DX - the midlife crisis years, dumping poop on people on national TV, John Cena, Big Dick Johnson, ad nauseum), I think that, hindsight being 20/20, we give McMahon WAY too much credit for keeping Russo in check.

In short, if McMahon was as great as we think him to be with regard to Russo, then he'd still be great. Instead, he's putting out storylines that make us want to turn to Russo. TNA isn't great, but they don't dump shit on people, they don't have T&A (change your fucking name!), they don't have "HLA," they don't have racist bullshit (though those who think LAX goes too far may disagree with me - but LAX is at least fucking *believable*) short, they don't have a great deal of what makes me ashamed to watch wrestling. They have bad storylines, sure...but nothing that makes me think "dear god this makes me embarrassed."

Heyman and Russo could create a monster. I think that, in the end, their egos probably wouldn't work well together, and one of them would storm out of TNA before anything great (or disastrous) happened. But, what they need to get people's attention is another major acquisition - one that could take the form of RVD. Bank on it.

To those who say TNA isn't truly competition, it is either a (1) sign of our desperation for anything exciting in the world of pro wrestling or (2) indicative of the fact that TNA *is* competition that people are excited about Monty Brown coming to WWE.
I wonder why SPIKE doesn't try to air Puroresu and give it some MXC style voice overs? I know the purists won't like that but it would be something different.
FMW did that with their home video releases.

It's not a bad idea - I wonder how much NJPW or AJPW (or NOAH) would want to air it in the states?
[quote name='guyver2077']im just waiting for the day tna is acknowledged on wwe tv....

im sure no mention will be made when monty debuts.....[/QUOTE]

Of course not... I guarantee a TON of WWE fans don't even know TNA exists. Why would Vince pretty much clue them in on the fact they have a competitor somewhere?

Plus, by never acknowledging that he does, in fact, have competition somewhere, it's almost a bit of a snub, kind of like how Vince dosen't think TNA is even worth his time.
[quote name='guyver2077']im just waiting for the day tna is acknowledged on wwe tv....

im sure no mention will be made when monty debuts.....[/quote]

The only tna WWE will acknowledge is...ah, too easy...:lol:
[quote name='mykevermin']Back when the Hart Foundation just started, they wore black and blue for a minute. This was around the time that Demolition had a different Smash...and it lasted for about as long.[/QUOTE]
The Demos weren't around when the HF started, but the HF did wear black and blue for a while. A lot of the Colosseum Video releases from that late-80's era had them in those outfits. I think they wore them at WM2 as well.

I do have the Championship Wrestling episode where they make their debut (as a team) and they have the black in blue in full effect there. They didn't have the "Hart Foundation" name yet either.

F4W is saying that Heyman has two contracts - a "creative" contract and a "talent" contract and the talent one is the only one that is done is the talent contract. We'll see if that is actually the case soon enough I guess.
[quote name='mykevermin']Russo and Heyman - together they could ruin TNA quicker than anyone thought possible, or together they could beat WWE ratings within a year of now. I don't know, and I don't think anyone knows, which would be the case, or how to predict it.

I agree that Russo has his positives - what was TNA doing with "serotonin" (what an awful name - it's Bentley, Kazarian, and Divine w/ Raven, I think) before Russo? What about Petey Williams? VKM? He's putting a lot of guys on TV that weren't doing much anything before, and not pushing a lot of guys by the wayside (which led to the hyperfast pace of the shows). Now, if he can keep this up without (1) killing the wrestling, (2) confusing the shit out of viewers, they might be onto something. I can live one week without seeing serotonin, or Team 3D, or so and so...only the main event guys should be on each and every week (and not, say, Eric Young or Robert Roode). This prevents the kind of staleness that happens on Raw (even when infrequent guys are on, it's fucking Eugene, Val Venis, or Viscera...who gives a damn about those guys?), while maintaining a consistent reason (the main event guys) to watch the show.

Russo, for all he's done wrong, can do a lot of things right. People often say that Vince McMahon is the reason Russo looked good during the Attitude years, because all of Russo's crap was filtered out by McMahon. If you consider the storylines of the post-Russo era (Katie Vick, The Alliance Invasion, Vince McMahon the fornicator and his wife in a coma, DX - the midlife crisis years, dumping poop on people on national TV, John Cena, Big Dick Johnson, ad nauseum), I think that, hindsight being 20/20, we give McMahon WAY too much credit for keeping Russo in check.

In short, if McMahon was as great as we think him to be with regard to Russo, then he'd still be great. Instead, he's putting out storylines that make us want to turn to Russo. TNA isn't great, but they don't dump shit on people, they don't have T&A (change your fucking name!), they don't have "HLA," they don't have racist bullshit (though those who think LAX goes too far may disagree with me - but LAX is at least fucking *believable*) short, they don't have a great deal of what makes me ashamed to watch wrestling. They have bad storylines, sure...but nothing that makes me think "dear god this makes me embarrassed."

Heyman and Russo could create a monster. I think that, in the end, their egos probably wouldn't work well together, and one of them would storm out of TNA before anything great (or disastrous) happened. But, what they need to get people's attention is another major acquisition - one that could take the form of RVD. Bank on it.

To those who say TNA isn't truly competition, it is either a (1) sign of our desperation for anything exciting in the world of pro wrestling or (2) indicative of the fact that TNA *is* competition that people are excited about Monty Brown coming to WWE.[/quote]
To be fair, I think the only people that care about Monty Brown's debut are TNA fans.

I think everyone can agree that TNA needs a 2 hour show. They have the roster almost the size of WWE's but have 5x less airtime per week to display their talent and storylines.

Although I don't think that Sabu deserves to be in TNA again... he really didn't have a reason to leave. I mean, he was doing well wasn't he? He had some great hardcore matches with Abyss, Rhyno, etc. His last match was Joe was disappointing though... But anyway, seeing an exodus of ECW talent to TNA would be pretty cool (Punk, Sabu, RVD, Heyman, even Sandman). Punk was doing well for so long, you'd imagine he'd be pissed about being eliminated first in the chamber...
I wonder if Sandman could make it over on Raw?

And I highly doubt CM Punk is going to be buried anytime soon. Vince or someone else with stroke is in love with Punk otherwise he wouldn't be winning matches every week on ECW and have been tossed in the EC match.
The Canadian Press interviewed Brooke Hogan and Hulk Hogan regarding Brooke Hogan’s latest album. In the interview Hulk Hogan compared his career to Brooke Hogan’s, commenting, "I've been classified as the greatest wrestler of all-time, but the truth is, there were thousands of wrestlers that were better than me. I'm not a good wrestler. But I had a look, and I talked a certain way, and timing-wise, I was very lucky."
ECW in crisis as Heyman fired

DOWN THEN OUT ... Heyman's final performance as ECW boss

DOWN THEN OUT ... Paul Heyman's final performance as ECW boss

DECEMBER 07, 2006

E-C-W used to be the three most chanted letters in the wrestling dictionary.

But if you have been living under a rock since Paul Heyman's group closed in 2001 - or when Vince McMahon revived it spectacularly at last year's One Night Stand - you might have been surprised to hear three very different letters called out at their PPV this Sunday.


For those of us who have had to sit through the slow and tortuous second death of ECW, though, it was to be expected.

That sound at Sunday's awful December To Dismember show - between the crowd's chants of "where's my refund" and "bulls**t" - was the coffin being shut.

Heyman's firing by McMahon the following day was the final nail being driven in.

There is lots of speculation about whether Paul's departure was real or part of a storyline - we can confirm it is 100 per cent genuine.

Vince was furious at how bad the PPV was, Heyman frustrated at not being allowed to do things his way.

As in any organisation the boss has the final say - leading to Paul being sacked.

And unlike former ECW champion Big Show, who also left this week due to extensive injuries, it's unlikely we'll see Heyman back any time soon.

Paul may make a nice scapegoat, but the blame for this mess has to be laid at the door at Vince, his daughter Stephanie, executive producer Kevin Dunn and the rest of the WWE's 'creative' team.

After all they took a company that reinvented the wrestling business with never-before-seen matches and storylines and turned it into a watered down version of Smackdown.

They took a company that at one point was having the best matches in the world with the likes of Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn and Rey Mysterio - and gave us bouts featuring strippers and the guy that used to be Mordecai.

Heyman has to hold his hands up to an extent - he has been nominally in charge for the six months since ECW was brought back full time - and external factors like Van Dam's drugs bust and Kurt Angle's firing were massive blows.

But every single decision Vince and his crew made meant ECW had no chance of success.

They toned down the wrestling style to the point where it became unrecognisable, stuffed the roster with Smackdown rejects and made everyone bar Big Show look like jobbers any time they were in the ring with 'real' WWE superstars.

Whether it was ego or circumstance dictating, McMahon ripped every single thing that was good out of ECW and replaced it with everything that is bad about the WWE.

And no place was that more evident than at December To Dismember.

EARLY LEAVERS ... Punk and Van Dam were great before eliminations
EARLY LEAVERS ... Punk and Van Dam were great before eliminations

The Hardy Boyz beating MNM in the opener was basically two teams who only set foot in ECW last week having what could have been any WWE tag match of the last 10 years.

But it was still a hell of a lot better than anything the new ECW had to offer.

This is where Heyman has to feel ashamed. He has had since his last PPV in June to build for this show and he gave us one of the worst undercards in the history of the grap game.

We got a weaponless and therefore Balls-less Mahoney pinning Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn and Ariel downing Mike Knox and Kelly Kelly in an absolute stinker and fan's hero Tommy Dreamer humiliated again by losing to manager Daivari.

Imagine these three matches ever making it onto a Raw, Smackdown or TNA PPV. They'd even struggle to get on the card at Barking Town Hall.

Elijah Burke and Sylvester Terkay beating the FBI was actually an OK wrestling contest - but we can't imagine the concession stands were selling out of Burke and Terkay T-shirts afterwards.

As bad as this all was, the real slap in the face for any remaining ECW fans was the main event.

Despite some cool moves early on by Rob Van Dam and CM Punk, it was the worst of the WWE's five Elimination Chamber matches - and the booking made no sense.

Punk - the only newcomer to get over in the last six months - was pinned first and other crowd favourite Van Dam third.

Sabu, who many paid to see, was 'injured' before the match and replaced by that Extreme icon Hardcore Holly - who thankfully was eliminated second.

That left the last three people on an ECW show as Big Show, Test and Bobby Lashley - about as far as from what made the original federation so special as you can possibly get.

The only way we knew this wasn't a Raw or Smackdown show is they never would have had those three together in a main event or Lashley leaving with a world title.

As a final FU to those who bought and sat through the PPV, it finished half an hour earlier than usual.

But that's still two hours and 16 minutes of our lives we won't be getting back.

We give December To Dismember 4 out of 10.

Good review of the ECW show from The Sun (A British Tabloid, I think)
I didn't even watch that shit and I want Vince to give me money back.

I just don't get how he takes One Night Stand (which actually had ECW's old feel for the most part) and and procedes to take a galactic-sized crap on ECW on Sci-Fi.
I'm sure he's built himself up a giant-sized psychological defense mechanism for it. After all, it's all Paul Heyman's fault ECW D2D was the drizzling shits (of course, because it felt just like every ECW show and PPV from 1993-2000 :roll:), that will explain the low buyrate for this (I suspect under 100,000). If the next one does just as poorly, it will be blamed on Paul Heyman putting together D2D, and setting a bad standard for ECW PPV shows.

You have to realize that he *HATES* fans like you, me, everyone who participates in this thread, and any fan who doesn't frantically lap up everything he gives them. He surrounds himself with people who don't dare criticize his view, question his storylines, or suggest alternate booking for television and PPV matches. He's completely protected from the real world that thinks the WWE sucks, so it's pretty understandable why he thinks it's all Heyman's fault.

Then again, since he rewrote the main event so that the crowd would be forced to cheer Lashley, perhaps he is aware of what the fans, in general, think. If that's the case, then it's obvious he doesn't care about us at all. He'll feed us guys *he* likes, ignoring the ones we cheer for, until we cheer for someone he chooses. Why else do you think Jericho and RVD's title runs were short and/or stunk (well, more Y2J than RVD)?
[quote name='mykevermin']That's not the point. He refused to go last year too. I can understand why they would try to bury a champ who refuses to give up the belt when asked (Bret Hart) or a mega star who refuses to make new guys (Brock Lesnar) look good (Steve Austin). This, I don't understand. Whatever RVD's reason for not going to Iraq, the country is a fucking war zone...whether it's his staunch political opinion or that he fears for his safety, it's not as if he's been put in a spot to look like top talent since his drug bust. Sure, at this point it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, but let the send over their big, bad, awesome "champ," Lashley, instead.

I read a great editorial the other week about how the WWE loves to bury guys on TV on their way out (by humiliating them, not the traditional "guy on his way out loses to guy on his way in"). They pointed out how they'll feature talent for months and years, only to make fun of the viewer for supporting them when they leave. They did this with Steve Austin when he left after he wouldn't fight Lesnar, they did this last week, when they overtly implied that the Spirit Squad, guys we were supposed to be entertained by for damn near a year, weren't ready for the WWE and we're fools for liking them (since they've OVW caliber talent). They did it with Bret Hart (though the most understandable of the three). I wish I could recall where it was and who wrote it.

RVD is as good as done with the WWE (I hope). I don't see why he can't just try to get fired from there. It can't be that hard. Just go out there and have a match Vince doesn't want you to have. One that lasts 15 minutes plus and involves a wrestling move or two. That'll get yer ass shitcanned with a quickness.

EDIT: If there's one thing about this article that I don't believe, it's that Vince would not be petty enough to air it on TV. If he airs something like that ("RVD hates the troops") and then fires him the next day...that will damage him immensely more going into TNA than losing to Mike Knox every day for a month. Where did this newsclip come from? I haven't seen it anywhere, so I'm skeptical of it (though not entirely).

C'mon, you don't really think it's about the troops, do you? It's all about good publicity. ALL ABOUT it.[/QUOTE]

I know WWE has ulterior motives for doing the troops shows, but they certainly should keep the focus of them squarely on the troops, instead of veering off into rants about wrestlers not wanting to further put themselves in danger. WWE has acknowledged TNA on-air - Styles called Kid Kash "Mr. TNA!" on the first ONS show, which WWE didn't edit out of the DVD release. Tonight's Impact is the one I've been waiting three weeks to see, since
Angle pins Joe on free TV, without any hype.

Edit - it's 9:01 and TNA has run through 4 angles already. 9:02 - we're on angle #5. 9:04 and we're onto angle #7, including EY's bikini contest. 9:05 - 9 angles shown so far.
I am so glad they didn't just kill Abyss right there. I also hope what Tomko is alluding to goes the way of what Jackie knew earlier in the year (the less they develop his character the better heel he can be IMO).
Good show so far - The PCS segment was damned funny. DAMNED funny. "Are you sure this doesn't look like Jim Hellwig?"

VKM is alright - the jokes are lame, but it goes to show you the difference between WWE and TNA - when WWE is bad, I want to hand my head in shame, or kill Vince. Bad VKM jokes are just that - bad jokes. Not tasteless bad, just garden variety not good.

Don West, OTOH, is making me ill tonight. "He looks like a boy who's going to go breastfeed!!!" (referring to Eric Young salivating over Tracy). God that was stomach-churning.

Okay wrestling so far (Senshi's precision in his kicks is top-notch). All around solid show, even if it's way too damned fast-paced.

EDIT: Is that Bas Rutten in the commercial playing games w/ Samuel Jackson?

Good, good, GOOD Angle promo.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I didn't even watch that shit and I want Vince to give me money back.

I just don't get how he takes One Night Stand (which actually had ECW's old feel for the most part) and and procedes to take a galactic-sized crap on ECW on Sci-Fi.[/QUOTE]

It's just like the article Myke quoted... Vince basacially took all of his WWE stars and trounced all over the ECW alumni time and time again to assert his dominance.

Basacially giving a big FU to the fans..."Oh, you guys want ECW? Well guess what, WWE is BETTER and I'll prove it!!".

It's just like the old WCW Invasion angle all over again, except now it's a show on every week. This is evident in the elimnation chamber match, when the final three guys were just plain old WWE guys.
[quote name='mykevermin']Good show so far - The PCS segment was damned funny. DAMNED funny. "Are you sure this doesn't look like Jim Hellwig?"

VKM is alright - the jokes are lame, but it goes to show you the difference between WWE and TNA - when WWE is bad, I want to hand my head in shame, or kill Vince. Bad VKM jokes are just that - bad jokes. Not tasteless bad, just garden variety not good.

Don West, OTOH, is making me ill tonight. "He looks like a boy who's going to go breastfeed!!!" (referring to Eric Young salivating over Tracy). God that was stomach-churning.

Okay wrestling so far (Senshi's precision in his kicks is top-notch). All around solid show, even if it's way too damned fast-paced.

EDIT: Is that Bas Rutten in the commercial playing games w/ Samuel Jackson?

Good, good, GOOD Angle promo.[/quote]
You're right about VKM... I'd say they've been the worst part of the show so far... but like you said, it really wasn't that bad, just a few jokes that lacked comedy. Nothing new in wrestling.

EDIT: Great... a WWE 24/7 commercial on Spike.
Yea tonight has been much better. I don't think I will bring my Russo hating sign to the house show now. If what Jay said was correct (and I can understand how that could happen considering so many people in this thread had thought it was becoming a two hour show) then the pace being as fast as it was cannot be fully blamed on him. Though it has been fast tonight, it hasn't been so bad that it is too hard to follow and actually has been really good.

edit: I really liked how Christian went for the tag to break the submission manuver and Sting just stood there.
Impact has been terrible, outside of the Joe-Angle package and PCS stuff. They say "THIS IS WRESTLING" while having very little of it on the show. Oh great, Tenay just got a memo - VKM will perform a DX skit on TNA PPV. Ahd the flag match just got another stip - thanks Russo. The show being too fast can be completely blamed on Russo, since he's the head writer, and should know how long the damn show is. And now Angle pinned Joe in about five minutes, two days before the PPV. Fantastic. The "all-star" match was a letdown, and should have A. been given time and B. been on PPV. Senshi-EY was okay only due to Senshi, and he needed Traci's tits to beat TNA's Eugene.
When TNA is good, it's fucking great. Can't wait for Turning Point... I wonder what's gonna happen with Joe/Angle 2... Possible interferance?
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']Impact has been terrible, outside of the Joe-Angle package and PCS stuff. They say "THIS IS WRESTLING" while having very little of it on the show. Oh great, Tenay just got a memo - VKM will perform a DX skit on TNA PPV. Ahd the flag match just got another stip - thanks Russo. The show being too fast can be completely blamed on Russo, since he's the head writer, and should know how long the damn show is. And now Angle pinned Joe in about five minutes, two days before the PPV. Fantastic.[/quote]

I thought tonight's show has been GREAT! That's aside from the VKM stuff though.. although I get why VKM is doing it. They probably realize their skits suck and are parodyzing DX. And there have been what, 4 matches tonight? They've all been pretty decent. I think tonight's Impact is the way it should be. Just enough wrestling but not too much... you gotta save something for the PPV, something WWE knows nothing about. They're building storylines and decent ones at that.
I can understand the irritation in Joe getting pinned for the first time being treated as "not a big deal" in the sense that the crux of the main event was Angle attacking Joe despite the promise not to, not that he pinned a man who hadn't been pinned, a single fucking time, yet.

That's why I'm just, com-fucking-pletely, against putting guys in PPV matches on the shows preceding the PPV. Maybe a little tussle - a tease if you will - before the event. The Joe/Angle promo had be sold on buying Turning Point, but the main event match turned me off. So what if Joe wins? He's lost to Angle twice now.

But, both TNA and WWE do this - if guy a and guy b have a PPV match coming up, then they fight each other in mixed tag matches for three weeks prior to a damn PPV. I can't figure that out, because by the time they get to the PPV, you've seen a majority of the moves they do together. There's no "magic" at all in seeing these guys clash for the first time in four weeks. It really ruins it for me, and I wish they did more of what Joe and Angle were doing (not fighting each other), prior to tonight, of course.

I may end up ordering TP after all. I may not. Depends on my mood Sunday, and what time the Bengals play.
They've got Angle-Joe as a decent storyline, and have had next to no wrestling for the past three weeks of TV - this company says that "WE ARE WRESTLING" before the show, and as a result, I expect WRESTLING on it. Instead, I got a show with four short matches, no good ones, a great video package building up one of three possible PPV main events, a few lame skits, a couple good ones, and a show that built up over a dozen things in the course of an hour. So instead of getting a show that did a few things well, I got one that did a lot of things badly and one thing well. TNA used to use Impact's time well, giving just enough time so that one match stood out, and they still threw in storyline progression.

Now, it's just "rush rush rush", and for all the bashing WWE's PPVs get (and they certainly deserve it), they at least make money for the company, something TNA's have either not done, or just barely started to do after four and a half years. I was hoping that Angle pinning Joe would be like him pinning Brock before WM XIX - a small thing that just served as a way to cover up Angle's destroyed body and further the story. Angle pinned Joe in a far more decisive manner, and it'll seemingly be a key part of the story... which will seemingly be ending in three days, making an Angle pinfall of Joe pointless. And what's with them retconning out so many parts of the story? If Angle wanted to give Joe a rematch so he had a chance to redeem himself like Angle did a decade ago, why did he make him jump through hoops? Tonight's show alone added all these twists to it, and also revealed that it'll be the last time they face off. Great, that might've bumped up the buyrate had they actually said that more than THRE DAYS before the PPV.
Let's be fair, Jay. They aren't selling you on Joe v Angle - you've seen them fight on Impact already. They're selling you the wrestling match. With a roster of 50+ guys, a 10 minute match on a show that has 44 minutes of airtime (without commercials) is impossible. From time to time? Sure. Could Eric Young or VKM appear less frequently on TV? Sure. Could they have cut down on entrance times? Sure.

Then, I suppose, you'd complain about how things were rushed further. Impact *could* have great, medium length matches, on TV. They need two hours to do that. In the meantime, I know that there will be some decent wrestling on Sunday. I'm not mad that Impact has short matches - all TV wrestling does ('cept OVW). I'd be fucking LIVID if I paid TNA $30 to give me a 12 minute Angle/Joe match again, however. They need 25+ minutes. Bare minimum.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']They've got Angle-Joe as a decent storyline, and have had next to no wrestling for the past three weeks of TV - this company says that "WE ARE WRESTLING" before the show, and as a result, I expect WRESTLING on it. Instead, I got a show with four short matches, no good ones, a great video package building up one of three possible PPV main events, a few lame skits, a couple good ones, and a show that built up over a dozen things in the course of an hour. So instead of getting a show that did a few things well, I got one that did a lot of things badly and one thing well. TNA used to use Impact's time well, giving just enough time so that one match stood out, and they still threw in storyline progression.

Now, it's just "rush rush rush", and for all the bashing WWE's PPVs get (and they certainly deserve it), they at least make money for the company, something TNA's have either not done, or just barely started to do after four and a half years. I was hoping that Angle pinning Joe would be like him pinning Brock before WM XIX - a small thing that just served as a way to cover up Angle's destroyed body and further the story. Angle pinned Joe in a far more decisive manner, and it'll seemingly be a key part of the story... which will seemingly be ending in three days.[/quote]
No good matches? What do you expect man? It's a 1 hour show... I think all the matches were great in the way they either actually had some decent wrestling or they accomplished their goals. 1] Petey steals the win clean on Homicide and gets his ass beat by LAX after the show, provoking AMW in the process and continuing their fued 2] Senshi vs. Eric Young, ok definitely a stupid gimmicky storyline but the match was ok, Senshi's a very skilled wrestler 3] Angle turns on Joe and gives Joe a reason to go crazy this Sunday... another decent match.
Joe needs to go over in the match as well (I can't see him not going over as he has given Angle two wins).

Also Impact has never been a show with a lot of wrestling. As myke said they are working within a time limit that is really not conducive to having a lot of matches, especially ones that last long. I can't really think of an Impact aside from the specials where it was chock full of great wrestling. They know that they don't have the opportunity to put on great wrestling and constantly tease the pay per view as the place where the action is going to happen. As fast paced as the show is, Russo at least understands the necessity of building up enough fueds to have a decent undercard to go with the two main event matches that are going to take place. Vince couldn't even figure that out with six months in between ECW PPV's.
I don't buy the "it's just a 1 hour show!" excuse. Some of the greatest shows in wrestling history, from the old NWA and Mid-South ones, to even current-day ECW and Impact have made use of an hour to build up storylines and feature GOOD WRESTLING. Impact HAS HAD this balance and now doesn't, that's just one thing that frustrates me about it. Their best chance to gaining ground is to be THE WRESTLING SHOW and they aren't that anymore. My biggest problem with TNA is that they're trying to cram too much into a one hour show, and while that's been a frequent problem since they debuted on Spike, it's never been this bad.

I will say that TNA did a fantastic job building towards the PPV, which now has four matches that should at least be great in AMW-LAX, AJ-Rhino, Daniels-Sabin, and a potential classic in Angle-Joe II. I'm glad that they did this, but I also wish the path taken to these matches was more enjoyable to watch than it was confusing and/or irritating. Hopefully the next set of tapings results in better shows, which should happen if it's true that Russo just now learned that he only has an hour to work with.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Joe needs to go over in the match as well (I can't see him not going over as he has given Angle two wins).

Also Impact has never been a show with a lot of wrestling. As myke said they are working within a time limit that is really not conducive to having a lot of matches, especially ones that last long. I can't really think of an Impact aside from the specials where it was chock full of great wrestling. They know that they don't have the opportunity to put on great wrestling and constantly tease the pay per view as the place where the action is going to happen. As fast paced as the show is, Russo at least understands the necessity of building up enough fueds to have a decent undercard to go with the two main event matches that are going to take place. Vince couldn't even figure that out with six months in between ECW PPV's.[/quote]
Ok, I don't think TNA should be giving away incredible matches on Impact (if it means sacrificing time to build fueds). TNA used to be a lot better... but the one area they had a severe deficit was storyline build up.. now, many would argue there's a surplus. Sure having incredible matches on cable might get some more people interested, but that's not the audience they're after. They're trying to sell PPV shows. That's the only way TNA is going to get big. They need the money. Giving stuff away never really worked. But TNA has had plenty of great matches on Impact before. Take a look at this:

8 matches from Impacts. I haven't finished watching this DVD yet but the ones I have seen were excellent, certainly deserving of the "Best Of" title.
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I don't buy the "it's just a 1 hour show!" excuse. Some of the greatest shows in wrestling history, from the old NWA and Mid-South ones, to even current-day ECW and Impact have made use of an hour to build up storylines and feature GOOD WRESTLING. Impact HAS HAD this balance and now doesn't, that's just one thing that frustrates me about it. Their best chance to gaining ground is to be THE WRESTLING SHOW and they aren't that anymore. My biggest problem with TNA is that they're trying to cram too much into a one hour show, and while that's been a frequent problem since they debuted on Spike, it's never been this bad.

I will say that TNA did a fantastic job building towards the PPV, which now has four matches that should at least be great in AMW-LAX, AJ-Rhino, Daniels-Sabin, and a potential classic in Angle-Joe II. I'm glad that they did this, but I also wish the path taken to these matches was more enjoyable to watch than it was confusing and/or irritating. Hopefully the next set of tapings results in better shows, which should happen if it's true that Russo just now learned that he only has an hour to work with.[/quote]
In all that I agree. However my main argument is that this week's show has been MUCH better than the previous 2 (or is it 3?) shows. They've kept the inconsistencies to a minimum and actually had some decent matches and storyline build up.
I don't see how this week's show was much better than the past two, it was still rushed, but the major rushjobs happened during the first five and last five minutes, leaving the rest of the show just sorta rushed. There still weren't any good matches, and far too many plot holes developed in the Angle-Joe with them retconning out previously crucial elements of the story. Of the past three shows, this was the best one, but being the least bad doesn't make it "very good" to me, especially after watching TNA DVDs and seeing them make better use of Impact's time.

TNA put up the best parts of the show on Youtube.
Joe-Angle interviews

[quote name='JaytheGamefan']I don't buy the "it's just a 1 hour show!" excuse. Some of the greatest shows in wrestling history, from the old NWA and Mid-South ones, to even current-day ECW and Impact have made use of an hour to build up storylines and feature GOOD WRESTLING. Impact HAS HAD this balance and now doesn't, that's just one thing that frustrates me about it. Their best chance to gaining ground is to be THE WRESTLING SHOW and they aren't that anymore. My biggest problem with TNA is that they're trying to cram too much into a one hour show, and while that's been a frequent problem since they debuted on Spike, it's never been this bad.

I will say that TNA did a fantastic job building towards the PPV, which now has four matches that should at least be great in AMW-LAX, AJ-Rhino, Daniels-Sabin, and a potential classic in Angle-Joe II. I'm glad that they did this, but I also wish the path taken to these matches was more enjoyable to watch than it was confusing and/or irritating. Hopefully the next set of tapings results in better shows, which should happen if it's true that Russo just now learned that he only has an hour to work with.[/QUOTE]

I understand your frustration, and I hope that they slow down the pace of the show - but I also recognize the benefits of doing things they way they have. The old mid-south shows pushed maybe 6 guys in one week, featured three matches and interviews with those guys. They could do things at that pace, because if they had PPV at all, it was 2-4 times a year. No need to go so fast when you don't have to.

From time to time, they need to have a good wrestling match on TV; they have to - why would you order a PPV show from a company who has shitty matches week in and week out? For that reason, I'd expect to see it once a month - any more, and there's no reason to order the PPV to get your wrestling fix.

Another thing, I think we've all been trained to think that clusterfuck matches (like the main event tonight) don't count or don't matter. For that reason, we rarely evaluate them on their merit. That's not to say tonight's main was great, or even good - I dunno. They could use their time more efficiently, but they're also trying to attract people with characters and entertainment. Their show is kind of a catch-all right now due to the new time and the new potential audience.

Besides, Senshi, primadonna he may be (so the rumors say), is always a treat to watch.
[quote name='mykevermin']I understand your frustration, and I hope that they slow down the pace of the show - but I also recognize the benefits of doing things they way they have. The old mid-south shows pushed maybe 6 guys in one week, featured three matches and interviews with those guys. They could do things at that pace, because if they had PPV at all, it was 2-4 times a year. No need to go so fast when you don't have to.

From time to time, they need to have a good wrestling match on TV; they have to - why would you order a PPV show from a company who has shitty matches week in and week out? For that reason, I'd expect to see it once a month - any more, and there's no reason to order the PPV to get your wrestling fix.

Another thing, I think we've all been trained to think that clusterfuck matches (like the main event tonight) don't count or don't matter. For that reason, we rarely evaluate them on their merit. That's not to say tonight's main was great, or even good - I dunno. They could use their time more efficiently, but they're also trying to attract people with characters and entertainment. Their show is kind of a catch-all right now due to the new time and the new potential audience.

Besides, Senshi, primadonna he may be (so the rumors say), is always a treat to watch.[/quote]

I think the eternal problem with wrestling (especially on a limited time frame) is finding the golden medium between match length and storyline build up. Before Russo, storylines were kept to a minimum, now matches are suffering. Maybe TNA does need Heyman.
I want to get tickets for the Ring of Honor show at the Manhattan center. It says they have Club Seating 8th Row Reserved for 25 bucks and Ring of Honor Club Seating General Admission Tickets for 20. Which ones should I get ? Is there a major difference ?

I also thought tonights episode of Impact was pretty good. Homicide vs Petey Williams was a fun match with the reversals, and the PCU stuff was pretty funny.
TNA's time problems didn't begin when they rehired Russo a couple months ago, they've been there for a while - they're just worse now than at any other time. They also don't really need Heyman in order to produce a good one-hour show. They've done it before without Russo or Heyman, and they friggin' have Jim Cornette right there, who produced excellent one hour shows when he ran OVW.
Man, I don't know who originally posted the link to, but DAMN are there some nasty clips in there. Sid's broken leg, Vader's eye popping out of its socket, Lita's faceplant (I could watch that all day long), and others.

Looking back at Giant breaking his neck in WCW from taking a powerbomb from Kevin Nash, it's pretty evident that he's done as a wrestler. Austin was never the same after taking that piledriver from Owen Hart, and the rigorous WWF schedule never game him the luxury, after his WMXIV win, to take time off and heal from other accumulated injuries.

This, however, is amazing. Manny Fernandez makes Invader #3 spit up pints of blood via a knee drop:

This was allegedly a "receipt" for Invader #1 killing Bruiser Brody...but since it isn't against Invader #1, I can't help but be skeptical of the whole thing.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man, I don't know who originally posted the link to, but DAMN are there some nasty clips in there. Sid's broken leg, Vader's eye popping out of its socket, Lita's faceplant (I could watch that all day long), and others.

Looking back at Giant breaking his neck in WCW from taking a powerbomb from Kevin Nash, it's pretty evident that he's done as a wrestler. Austin was never the same after taking that piledriver from Owen Hart, and the rigorous WWF schedule never game him the luxury, after his WMXIV win, to take time off and heal from other accumulated injuries.

This, however, is amazing. Manny Fernandez makes Invader #3 spit up pints of blood via a knee drop:

This was allegedly a "receipt" for Invader #1 killing Bruiser Brody...but since it isn't against Invader #1, I can't help but be skeptical of the whole thing.[/quote]

Even though I am at work I'll be checking this out.
You guys may or may not remember me talking about New Midwest Wrestling in Springfield, Illinois, a while back. Whether or not you do, I wanted to share this link. It's a brief (6 minutes, 18 seconds) documentary interviewing some of the guys, showing them setting up the ring, etc. You might find it interesting.
After watching those wrestling gone bad vids, I can't help but want to fight new jack. I think if I was ever at a local show and he pulled one of his infamous stunts I'd have to incite a massive gang beating on him. And no New Jack, it won't be a hate crime, you ignorant son of a bitch.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']After watching those wrestling gone bad vids, I can't help but want to fight new jack. I think if I was ever at a local show and he pulled one of his infamous stunts I'd have to incite a massive gang beating on him. And no New Jack, it won't be a hate crime, you ignorant son of a bitch.[/QUOTE]

He genuinely has zero regard for anybody. I can't help but think you'd die before him, but it may be worth it if you can cut hit scalp in two.
[quote name='mykevermin']He genuinely has zero regard for anybody. I can't help but think you'd die before him, but it may be worth it if you can cut hit scalp in two.[/quote]

Talk is cheap, and people can say they'd do this or that, but I honestly believe if given a baseball bat and someone's skull, New Jack would hit them for the fuck of it. I, on the other hoof, would probably be somewhat hesitant to just crush another human being like that, unless I had some sort of vendetta against them.

That being said I'd make sure to have friends with me to prevent New Jack from getting any cheap shots in with a weapon. I really think he needs to be locked away, but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe New Jack killing someone is what wrestling needs to have happen first.
The next lines of Classic Superstars (the figures) have been announced. No pics yet.

Series 14: Abdullah the Butcher, Bob Backlund, Demolition Ax, Demolition Smash, Diamond Dallas Page, Honkey Tonk Man, Mean Gene Okerlund, Rick "The Model" Martel, Sensational "Queen" Sherri, Stone Cold Steve Austin (80s style)

Series 15: Johnny Rods (who?), Leaping Lanny Poffo, Lex Luger, Outlaw Ron Bass, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels Special, Tank Abbot, The Rock (80's Style), Tully Blanchard, X-Pac

There's also an ECW line coming out (no pictures). Series 1: CM Punk, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Kevin Thorn, RVD, Paul Thorn.. expect these around February.

There's also two "Classic Superstars" triple packs coming out in February - Undertaker/Paul Bearer/Kane and Cactus Jack/Terry Funk/Sabu. The latter will be mine.
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