The CAG Fund for the Child's Play Charity - [Gifts Purchased!]

Wow, I've never heard of this before. That's great!

I'll definitely make a donation sometime in the near future.

Thanks for doing this, Cheapy!
i just made a donation. :) thanks for the info cheapyd! i would usually give more but i buy toys for the local charity during this time of year hehe.
Koggit....having a separate CAG fund may not have an advantage over just contributing to the charity directly, but what exactly is the disadvantage? Zip! I personally like to support CAG and Cheapy so if this gives him some publicity so be it...what exactly is the harm in that? I am sure that as a lurker you can appreciate what Cheapy has given you through this site (cheapass deals on games and tons of other stuff). I agree with an eariler poster that you've got something against the site with the changes you speak of and that is the reasoning for your rant. Seems kind of petty to me to be arguing with someone who is trying to help the kids. It's not like Cheapy is taking a cut of the money.

If you are so against what this site is all about now then I would suggest you leave. Seems convienant that you speak out against CAG but are happy to keep your account active so as to take advantage of the cheap deals everyone here posts. Being a little greedy perhaps? Hypocrite!
i also think it's advantageous to give the money through CAG since we'll be able to find good deals and spend the money much more wisely then the average joe. i guess you could say it's getting more bank for your buck hehe.
[quote name='Koggit']Bitterness...[/QUOTE]Last year, I got approximately 30 click-throughs from the CAG logo placement on the Child's Play page, putting my cost per click (I donated $500 personally, not including convering transaction fees and lost ad revenue) at about $20. Most people looking to advertise pay about $0.10-$0.15 CPC.

If generating traffic was the goal, that money would have been much better spent on writing on 500 $1 bills and handing them out on a street corner. You can be sure none of the corporate sponsors are doing it for the publicity, and if they are, they will be disappointed with the results.

I mean much traffic do you think a logo bunched together with 20 other logos (below the fold) on (a 300,000 Alexa ranked site) can generate? This stuff does not appear on

Additionally, PA misplaced us in a lower sponsorship bracket and I didn't make a fuss because I didn't care.
[quote name='CheapyD']Last year, I got approximately 30 click-throughs from the CAG logo placement on the Child's Play page, putting my cost per click (I donated $500 personally, not including convering transaction fees and lost ad revenue) at about $20. Most people looking to advertise pay about $0.10-$0.15 CPC.

If generating traffic was the goal, that money would have been much better spent on writing on 500 $1 bills and handing them out on a street corner. You can be sure none of the corporate sponsors are doing it for the publicity, and if they are, they will be disappointed with the results.

I mean much traffic do you think a logo bunched together with 20 other logos (below the fold) on (a 300,000 Alexa ranked site) can generate? This stuff does not appear on

Additionally, PA misplaced us in a lower sponsorship bracket and I didn't make a fuss because I didn't care.[/QUOTE]

That is why you rock MR. D I was glad to donate last year and again this year
[quote name='CheapyD']Last year, I got approximately 30 click-throughs from the CAG logo placement on the Child's Play page, putting my cost per click (I donated $500 personally, not including convering transaction fees and lost ad revenue) at about $20. Most people looking to advertise pay about $0.10-$0.15 CPC.

If generating traffic was the goal, that money would have been much better spent on writing on 500 $1 bills and handing them out on a street corner. You can be sure none of the corporate sponsors are doing it for the publicity, and if they are, they will be disappointed with the results.

I mean much traffic do you think a logo bunched together with 20 other logos (below the fold) on (a 300,000 Alexa ranked site) can generate? This stuff does not appear on

Additionally, PA misplaced us in a lower sponsorship bracket and I didn't make a fuss because I didn't care.[/QUOTE]

well you giving 500 last year forced my hand and I decided to donate now and not way for anyone to double my donation. Keep up the good work Cheapy and make sure you get some cheap ass deals on games to get the kids ;)
[quote name='Koggit']Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're doing this for personal benefit, but I am saying that a CAG fund only benefits you. It's great to spread the word, but pointless to have a (temporarily) separate fund.

...There's no positive aspect of a CAG fund other than CAG publicity, back full circle to only being a benefit to you personally.[/QUOTE]
Koggit, based on your comments and apparent lack of active participation on this forum (aside from lurking), what you don't seem to understand is that Cheapy has created a community here. Do you really think that Cheapy founded CAG - a message board - primarily to make money for himself? Don't you see that he created the site, because he wanted to combine a passion for video games with the thrill of deal hunting and to find a group of people out there with similar interests? Doesn't a motive like that and a vehicle such as a message board feel more like a non-profit than a for-profit business model? Yes, it's a business in the sense that there are operational costs and revenues required to offset the costs. And yes, like any business, there's a natural desire to grow and to ensure long term stability. As the founder of the community, I'm sure Cheapy feels both responsibility and pride for every aspect of it. But how can you possibly think that anything that benefits CAG in terms of membership, public awareness, or reputation only benefits Cheapy? Or that he's even thinking in those terms? How about the benefits that every single member of this forum, including yourself, derives from the ongoing existence of this site?

Cheapy runs CAG, because he cares about video games and cheap deals. Since he also cares about the CPC, how does it not make all the sense in the world for him, as the head of CAG, to want to create a fund that represents all of the effort that he has poured into this site? It makes ALL the difference for us to donate through the CAG fund instead of donating separately. It shows that we are indeed a community. That yes, we're all here cause we love getting cheap ass video game deals, but when it comes to stuff that really matters, we're not really cheap at heart. You, sir, should be proud that you donated to Child's Play separately. I think that's great. But please continue to remain separate from this community, and DON'T come posting out of the blue to discourage others from donating in the name of CAG.
I swapped out the Amazon paybox on the front page with a static seemed to be slowing down the page loads and often the image didn't load at all.
Come on people, let's get those donations in! Feel free to solicit your friends who aren't CAGs, I know I have been doing so.
Woohoo crossed $800!

Alright guys, I think it's time to raise the bar a little. I noticed in last year's thread someone suggested that a raffle might create a lot of buzz and help get the undecided masses to donate in waves. Well I'm prepared to raffle away a goody bag of my old games to help raise the awareness level and participation of the CAG community.

I'm assuming here that a raffle would generate more cash than trying to sell these games individually. The one problem I see with a raffle though is that people might actually think it goes against the selfless spirit of the fund. I wouldn't want there to be a stigma of "these guys only donated 'cause of the raffle." Also, since this year's donations are anonymous it could be tough to check if someone actually gave anything. Although I really doubt any CAGs would actually lie about it just to get in on the raffle. I think posting in this thread that you gave to the CAG fund should be proof enough. Finally, since giving is done freely and according to each person's means, I think everyone who donates should get an equal chance at winning. No weighting based on how much is given, and no minimum, period.


Edit: Raffle is on. See this thread for game list:
I forgot to mention that everyone who has already donated would of course be included in the raffle.
Anyway, let me know if you think it's worth it (the games aren't all that great, I know) or if I should just sell/auction the games and give the proceeds to the fund.
wow thanks for doing this woobacca. i think this is a great idea and donating used games like this is just as good as donating cash
[quote name='dude2003']wow thanks for doing this woobacca. i think this is a great idea and donating used games like this is just as good as donating cash[/QUOTE]
Thanks dude. If we drum up enough awareness with this and get participation from even just 30 CAGs who otherwise would not have donated, that would be at least $120 which is a lot more than the selling price of the games alone.

Anyone else with comments or concerns? Am I being overly optimistic with a goal of 30 new CAG donations? Or am I underestimating the value of these games and should just trade 'em in for cash?
Anyone else have any thoughts on woobaccas idea? I believe Jlarlee sent me the same idea as well.

Come on guys, lets get above $1000 before the end of the weekend!
so let me get this straight, whoever donates is entered into this raffle to win Woobacca's games he has listed?...

if so i would like to state in advance if i may that if i happen to win i would be happy to just accept the gba games since i have no use for the rest...this way you can select another winner as well...of course this is only if i happen to win
[quote name='Jedi1979']so let me get this straight, whoever donates is entered into this raffle to win Woobacca's games he has listed?...

if so i would like to state in advance if i may that if i happen to win i would be happy to just accept the gba games since i have no use for the rest...this way you can select another winner as well...of course this is only if i happen to win[/QUOTE]
Yep, that's the idea. And I will ship the games to the winner at my expense.

Thanks for your generous return offer. If we do the raffle and you win, then I will pick a second winner to get the rest.
I just figured out a way to prevent cheating on the raffle without insulting everyone. Basically save your donation confirmation email from Amazon. If you win, I'll ask you to forward it to me before I ship out the games. :)
[quote name='woobacca']I just figured out a way to prevent cheating on the raffle without insulting everyone. Basically save your donation confirmation email from Amazon. If you win, I'll ask you to forward it to me before I ship out the games. :)[/QUOTE]

If I win I'll pay for my own shipping, you did enough

On another not I believe I deleted my confirmation but I still can access it through Amazon, though I dont really care if I get any games or not.
Nice idea woobacca! I'll be donating later this week probably. I have alot of those games so if I were to win, you'd have to pick another winner as well. ;)
Quick question: Does everyone agree that the Lifestyle/Off Topic forum is the right place for my raffle thread? I thought about putting it in General Gaming or Other Deals to potentially hit a broader CAG base, but that feels a bit like spam for some reason even though it's a video game giveaway.
[quote name='woobacca']Quick question: Does everyone agree that the Lifestyle/Off Topic forum is the right place for my raffle thread? I thought about putting it in General Gaming or Other Deals to potentially hit a broader CAG base, but that feels a bit like spam for some reason even though it's a video game giveaway.[/QUOTE]

I'd say that is a good place for it for now...if Cheapy wants, I imagine he'll move it to where he sees fit. It's not spam if the head cheapass puts it there. ;)
Donated what I could. At least it's something... :whistle2:|

Woobacca, for the record, on the slim chance i won your raffle, i wouldn't want the xbox or pc games. Major kudos for your initiative and effort in getting people to donate. :applause::applause:
[quote name='CheapyD']Anyone else have any thoughts on woobaccas idea? I believe Jlarlee sent me the same idea as well.

Come on guys, lets get above $1000 before the end of the weekend![/QUOTE]

yep twas me I figured since I got no response that it was a bad idea ;) I also don't have my confirmation email I guess I will just have to donate again :D
Hey Cheapy, how are we doing on this compared to last year around the same time? Not sure if you remember specifically, but it seems to me that there has been less love than last year so far. woobacca's raffle should help, but I might have to bust out some sort of promotion myself. I remember last year it seemed to help donations a bit towards the end.
[quote name='energon5']I donated some hope this can help a bit[/QUOTE]

I forgot what thread I was in, so I read your statement as "donated", "hope this can help", and then I saw the pic in your sig of a man firing a rifle. That certainly wouldn't have been good for charity.
[quote name='chickenhawk']Hey Cheapy, how are we doing on this compared to last year around the same time?[/Quote] We are probably doing about the same. Last year, the bulk of the monies came from you (thanks!) and my friends & family that I solicited.

I've already promised the Penny-Arcade guys a minumum donation of $2,000 and I see we've got our little logo on the CP site now. Its nice to see it next to bigwigs like Microsoft.
Wow, a Platinum sponsor, right next to Epic Games and directly below Microsoft Game Studios. I'll donate another $10 right now, thats great.
[quote name='CheapyD']the bulk of the monies came from you (thanks!) and my friends & family that I solicited.[/QUOTE]
Holy shite chickenhawk! Your matching effort and energy in last year's thread is partly what inspired me to run this raffle. Looks like you had made even more of a difference than I thought. Hopefully we'll get to spread it out some more this year. :applause:
[quote name='woobacca']Holy shite chickenhawk! Your matching effort and energy in last year's thread is partly what inspired me to run this raffle. Looks like you had made even more of a difference than I thought. Hopefully we'll get to spread it out some more this year. :applause:[/QUOTE]

I was glad to do it then and am happy to hear that it inspired you to help this year with your raffle. The raffle is a really good idea. :applause: to you as well!
[quote name='CheapyD']I've already promised the Penny-Arcade guys a minumum donation of $2,000 and I see we've got our little logo on the CP site now. Its nice to see it next to bigwigs like Microsoft.[/QUOTE]
What do you think about setting $2,000 as the goal on the OP? Goals always help I think. Also, how do you feel about moving the raffle thread to the Video Game Deals or some other section to generate more traffic?
[quote name='woobacca']What do you think about setting $2,000 as the goal on the OP? Goals always help I think. Also, how do you feel about moving the raffle thread to the Video Game Deals or some other section to generate more traffic?[/QUOTE]
I would even suggest putting a stickied thread in ALL the forums with a link to this one. Sure it's spam, but it's spam from the site, and for a good cause.
woobacca :applause::applause::applause:

I gave money way back when this thread was pretty new and I was bitching about more people not giving. That didn't really help anything though... :roll:Hopefully this will get some more people to start giving.
Well, it's up to $918 now. Nice to see it creeping up towards $1K. I am surprised there have only been 38 donations so far. I know there are more people on this site that can afford a small donation. Hell, you could only contribute $5 if your strapped for cash. I imagine there are people who have given directly to the charity and have even bought items directly for the hospitals though.
Already donated to the fund directly, now I just donated in the name of CAG.

If you're looking to help donate your old games or systems since Child's Play doesn't accept them, you can donate to Get Well Gamers. They're recommended by Hal Halpin, the founder of the IEMA. You can find more articles mentioning them in their media page.
OK, the fund is almost up to $1,000 so to help it get there (and beyond) I am opening up the "chickenhawk doubles your money" drive once again this year. Once that fund hits $1,000 I am matching contributions (up to a certain amount) until the CAG fund is closed. So let's help out the kids and help me part with some of my unwanted money (no, I will not just send it to you - I know someone would have said that...).

EDIT: Don't forget woobacca's raffle too for even more incentive.
thanks chickenhawk!
Once again, that is extremely generous of you.
Come on guys, lets get that total to $1000 so we can get chickenhawk to empty his wallet!
i am goin to have to donate again once it gets to 1000. I swear chickenhawk gets me every year. Hes like that beauty contest winner in monopoly that makes me give away my precious monies
bread's done