The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

Dunno exactly where to go right now - lacking AP to scout. If you really wanna get out of the area, I recommend either south or west, but that's based on two-day-old information.
Darthbudge revived me, halfbent dumped my body. staying down till i build up ap then i can revive a few before finding a safe hole to crawl into.
If you're going to go to the trouble of dropping a genny and fueling it just to try and kill me, at least get the job done.

Edit: Like this
Me'n Suko made it through the night, at least. Gonna build AP for a bit before I get to reviving and moving.[quote name='fart_bubble']man, as a clan we sure are fucked at the moment[/quote]Welcome to fighting zombies, man. A couple are easy to handle, but once they hit a certain number, all the survivors in the world won't stop 'em.
Plume: If you log on soon you'll live. Our bldg is breached with 3 zeds inside with you.
They dragged somebody out 15 min. back and you're all that's left inside I think.
I jumped 1 bldg West to find Joey Ryan and Ivan, got out while I could.

EDIT: Nevermind Plume the bldg is now ruined so I'm guessing you're dead.
Joey and Ivan: If you can move you might want to as I'm sure that bldg. will be next.
Darth: Revived you on my way South, I'll be able to do more revives tonight / tomorrow.
If you guys get between where I am and where I figure I'll head to tonight - and that's TBA, really - I should be able to hand out 4 needles and still make it to a safe place.
[quote name='chuckie88']Plume: If you log on soon you'll live. Our bldg is breached with 3 zeds inside with you.
They dragged somebody out 15 min. back and you're all that's left inside I think.
I jumped 1 bldg West to find Joey Ryan and Ivan, got out while I could.

EDIT: Nevermind Plume the bldg is now ruined so I'm guessing you're dead.
Joey and Ivan: If you can move you might want to as I'm sure that bldg. will be next.
Darth: Revived you on my way South, I'll be able to do more revives tonight / tomorrow.[/quote]

Yeah, I checked this afternoon and all was well. Did some Father's day stuff and hung with Pixie's family for her birthday, so I missed the chance to skidaddle.

So, yeah, I was killed.
[quote name='fart_bubble']could use a revive, I'm sitting in what was once our HQ at the moment[/quote]
I can do it along with one or two other revives depending on location. I'll save up AP to do it later on tonight
Additionally, I'd like to wait to see where we head next. That way I can plan it with AP and movement in mind.

EDIT: Scratch that, I forgot I didn't do much yesterday so I had full AP this afternoon.
Revived necro rump and halfbent before going back into hiding somewhere else.
That gives us half our numbers or so at least, I'll check in later tonight for the move.
Ugh. Got held up in town today, so I couldn't send out the rally point. Will do so in a minute.

EDIT: fuck, t gets censored here on CAG. That's what I meant to send in the PM, but it got turned into "$$$$$$$$$$". Just substitute t in there.
I'm at the new rally point with one needle left, I can get somebody still if in 6 block proximity.
Send me a PM of your location if you are interested so as not to give away anyone's position.
JJSP: Revived you without any trouble, feel free to move about the city at your leisure.
There's an entry point 1 South of your present position if you need one.

Noticed CAS members in the bldgs in and around the rally point resting in a neighboring bldg. myself.
I noticed the rally point dropped to VHB in the last 1-2 hrs and I'm paranoid and out of all supplies.
[quote name='IvanHood']I just revived three of you motherfuckers, and I'm bleeding like crazy with no AP. Here's hoping I make it through the night.[/quote]

I got you with 3 FAKs bringing you up to 52 HP, that should help. One hospital to the South is still powered if needed.
[quote name='The Crotch']fucking morons keep turning the lights on around here. Makes me wish I had a knife.[/quote]

Use the axe to sever the feet? Sick bastard.
Knives are the preferred weapons of GKers due to their high accuracy and the fact that all weapons do the same damage to generators.


That gives me an idea. Anyone have a newspaper?
Greetings CAS, Tis I, Ryan Lynch of your allies The Saints. I am contacting bounty hunter and anti-pker groups such as yourself to see if you might be interested in a new bounty hunter forum, independent of any forum that exists now.

A new bounty hunter forum would allow many things we do not have now, all in one place, such as tighter relations between bounty hunter groups and anti-PKer groups, an area to brainstorm techniques and tactics, a dedicated bounty hunter knowledge base and the creation of community events and games as well as the ability to chat privately to other bounty hunters via IRC.

Of course, there is always the bounty hunter area on brainstock, and you may wonder why that wouldnt work for this. Basically, it would allow us more independence from Brainstock, its a great place, but making new forums and subforums requires an admin, who would basically control the BH forum as they do now, we want to create a forum that is not controlled from outside the BH community.

I would like to make it clear that we are not seeking to create a community run by the Saints, it will be completely independent of anything there is now, just a place for bounty hunters and groups that do some bounty hunting like yourself to go.

Obviously this will be a community wide endeavour so we are contacting bounty hunter and anti-pker groups to see who might be interested in such a thing before we progress any further, so please consider this and let us know if you are interested, either here or through your rep on our board.

Heya, Lynch. While it's Geno's call, I don't see why we wouldn't be interested. A lot of people here aren't huge fans of the Rogues Gallery, granted, but that's tempered by the fact that we are huge fans of shooting people. If we need to talk about it, we can talk about it in IRC tonight.
I'm back (not that anyone cares). Things I noticed while on vacation:

1) Floridians are terrible drivers.
2) There are a lot of fatass people who rely on scooters to get around.
3) One out of every three people appears to be on methamphetamines.
4) The state is still friggin' beautiful regardless.

As for UD, I'm zombified in the cemetary outside the new mall mentioned in the last PM. A revive would be nice. I had quite a few FAKs and needles last time my lungs knew air.

EDIT: Thank you Geno. You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Nah. Tamerlane. Or at least, something very close to that.

Tech's pretty close to our destination, Chuckie, and he's a zombie, so he can do a good chunk of the scouting.

Sp00ge, is Catherine still active? Wanna talk to her.

EDIT: Actually, just confirmed that she is active. Tell her to get in the chat some time.
[quote name='The Crotch']
Tech's pretty close to our destination, Chuckie, and he's a zombie, so he can do a good chunk of the scouting.[/quote]
Good, the spot I'm at is a decent way point and a kind soul healed me up nicely.
Might move to a good sleeping building, fill up on AP, and just stay here a while then.

EDIT: I decided to stay put for sure, found a good building to sleep in nearby.
I used 10 or so AP to help 'cade and defend the locals in an NT first, the least I can do.
I keep moving tomorrow then and should arrive at or near our destination.
If you get there before me hit me with a PM of your location, I'll do the same if vice-versa.
Walrus, you in position for the revive?

EDIT: Sorry Walrus, but zombies attacked Geno while he was waiting for you. You're staying a corpse for now, I guess.
[quote name='JJSP']But zeds be the enemy, boss![/QUOTE]

Yeah, and why waste points on zombie skills when we aren't planning on dying?

...I probably do need to improve my zombie walk, though.
bread's done