The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?


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Well, April 9th is quickly coming our way. I just put in a preorder on Amazon (no tax, and free shipping) for the game and I'm excited about it. figured it was time to condense the random threads into one official spot to yak about the game, and post previews / reviews as they come.

Anyone else have it preordered or getting it day one? Anyone waiting for a price drop/sale/coupon?

Some videos:

Some Hands-on Impressions:
Day 1 purchase for me. I loved The Thousand Year Door, but a more action-oriented Paper Mario seems like the perfect formula. I also saw an interview with one of the localization people and he said the game was like 30 to 50 hours long. Actually, the interview video is the last link daroga posted.
I'll be buying this, hopefully, on day 1. I would preorder, but I'm looking to pick it up with a RZ cert from BB to make it free. :p

Really looking forward to this.
[quote name='The Crotch']A very easy purchase for me to justify (unlike, say, Trauma Center, which I picked up only to hold me over until this game). Is this from the same developer of the RPG games, or is Nintendo itself handling this one?[/quote]Still Intelligent Systems.
i can't wait for this one! the video's i've seen look amazing.

i love the throwback to the classic super mario bros worlds with the new "3d" spin.
I have $42 in credit at EB/Gamestop from trading in Twilight princess, so that and my $8 are definitely going for this.
One of my most anticipated games of the year definitely. Looks like a hardcore Nintendo fans dream come true.
I want to get this game, but I'm going to wait to see how easy it ends up being. If it's too easy then I'll wait for a price drop.

This game is supposed to be 30 hours long right?
What's the point of preordering? I'm not trying to start conflict or anything, but this won't be sold out, and there are no preorder bonuses sadly.
Got mine pre-ordered at Amazon also.
[quote name='Scrubking']I want to get this game, but I'm going to wait to see how easy it ends up being. If it's too easy then I'll wait for a price drop.

This game is supposed to be 30 hours long right?[/quote]
27 to 40 hours, supposedly.
[quote name='FallMoon']What's the point of preordering? I'm not trying to start conflict or anything, but this won't be sold out, and there are no preorder bonuses sadly.[/QUOTE]

Then don't post it. Some people like to pre-order to guarantee themselves a copy. This game will sell out at some stores, and some people will not want to travel to another store to buy it. Some people have store credit and want to make SURE they get a copy.
[quote name='FallMoon']What's the point of preordering? I'm not trying to start conflict or anything, but this won't be sold out, and there are no preorder bonuses sadly.[/quote]I preordered it from Amazon so I don't have to call around to different stores and see if they've got it in yet or if they have any left, etc. It'll be readily restocked, but in this area popular games like this sell out fast. Preordering essentially means a savings of time, gas, and money (no tax or shipping with Amazon).
Question! will this game still be fun even if i have never played the first two games in the paper mario series? i loved Mario RPG and i have Mario and Luigi for GBA and i think its fun...
I'm not sure if being on board the next gen train from the station is a good idea for me... I hadn't done it before the Wii, so I'm used to picking up games used or at sales, on the cheap.

I'd love to have this, but I just don't think I can justify $50 for it o_O Same with Cooking Mama
[quote name='PleasantOne']I'm not sure if being on board the next gen train from the station is a good idea for me... I hadn't done it before the Wii, so I'm used to picking up games used or at sales, on the cheap.

I'd love to have this, but I just don't think I can justify $50 for it o_O Same with Cooking Mama[/quote]

QFT on Cooking Mama. Loved the DS one to death, but 50? No thanks, I'll wait for a drop.
Ya this (probably...can't say 100% for sure lol) isn't a sequel or it doesn't matter at all. do notice a few things from old paper marios in the next one sometimes, but thats pretty ya you're good. (to the guy who posted 1st page @ the bottom lol)
The Paper Mario series never lived up to Super Mario RPG IMO, but this game has been on my radar for some time, and after seeing the latest vids, I'm more excited than ever. It looks like the game is going to be everything I hoped it would be. The 2D/3D design looks amazing. Very creative stuff from Nintendo, as usual.
Looks incredible, the first Mario title with ANY traditional RPG elements to excite me. (Well, I enjoyed Paper Mario on N64 a bit, but I hate hate hate turn-based fighting, so my enjoyment was limited). So I'm thrilled to see they've taken it more in a unique platforming direction.

I'm not even 1/10 as excited for this as I am Galaxy, though...but I have a strong feeling this will instantly become my favorite Wii title, for the time being at least!
[quote name='anarchyburger']Question! will this game still be fun even if i have never played the first two games in the paper mario series? i loved Mario RPG and i have Mario and Luigi for GBA and i think its fun...[/quote]It's totally distinct from the other Paper Mario games. Likewise, where the other Mario RPG games were RPGs with a touch of classic Mario, this is a classic Mario with a touch of RPG. A far better ratio for my gaming tastes!
Can't wait to play this. Luckily my roomate is buying it, because I'm going to have to hold off a few months so I can recover from money spent on Guitar Hero II (360)
Do you all think there's going to be some kind of trade in deal with this game? I have some stuff in my TL that I'll unload if they do.
I hated the turned based mario... I think I am alone on this, it was so annoying to me.

But then I saw Super Paper Mario, I was about to dismiss it, then he said its not turned based. (Damn were is the star eyed emoticon when you need it!)


Now I cant wait to get this. And cooking Mama. AND Brawl.

This game and Mario Party 8 are definately worth buying. Can't wait till April

I thought it was rated really bad in Japan or what-ever. I hope its good!! But I sort of dont... cause that would mean I need to get 2 more Wiimotes. >_<

I love Mario Party though, i've gotten every single one after 3. Mainly because its my families GC.
I'm going to go into Gamestop and just start humping the front desk, in hopes that they understand I want to preorder this game.
[quote name='Strell']I'm going to go into Gamestop and just start humping the front desk, in hopes that they understand I want to preorder this game.[/quote]That will work!

... or get you arrested.
Yeah, the traditional Mario gameplay is what got me interested in this game in the first place, and it looks like Nintendo has a GOTY.
As an update, I was bored looking through the Costco system and found that apparently we'll be getting this April 7th, and it'll be $43.97.

The odd thing about this however, is that prices only end in 7 when we are getting them out of the system.
I am really really interested in this game. I didn't like new super mario bros that much and this looks so radically different that I may just need to try it out. When I get enough to buy it I so am.
I can't decide if I'm waiting more for this or Galaxy. This isn't a statement that is meant to dimish my anticipation for Super Mario Galaxy. Instead, it is a statement of how bad-ass I believe Super Paper Mario to be.

Without trying to come accross as a dick to people whose taste buds weren't feeling the turn-based Paper Mario games that posted above: if you can stomach it for a little bit, do try to get through them. Paper Mario and One Thousand Year Door are amazing games. Super Mario RPG for Super Nintendo is something so calssic that I stress: YOU MUST PLAY THROUGH. Must as in SHOULD, or OUGHT... I mean having a moral obligation to. W0rd.
[quote name='MarioColbert']Super Mario RPG for Super Nintendo is something so calssic that I stress: YOU MUST PLAY THROUGH. Must as in SHOULD, or OUGHT... I mean having a moral obligation to. W0rd.[/quote]
This man speaks nothing but the truth.

When it comes to the VC, you have absolutely no excuse NOT to play through SMRPG. Such a great game.
Maybe I'm the only one who enjoyed the turn based fighting in both of the other Paper Marios. I'm not buying it right away because of that reason, I'll wait for a price drop.
[quote name='chodax']Maybe I'm the only one who enjoyed the turn based fighting in both of the other Paper Marios. I'm not buying it right away because of that reason, I'll wait for a price drop.[/quote]

I enjoyed Paper Mario for the 64- I've yet to play the GCN version. But if it's more of the same from the original, then yes, I also enjoy both. :lol:

However, I also enjoy a good Mario platformer.
Probably will get it around the time it drops, but I'll need to see some impressions. I liked TTYD, but not not enough to drop $50 on this.
[quote name='chodax']Maybe I'm the only one who enjoyed the turn based fighting in both of the other Paper Marios. I'm not buying it right away because of that reason, I'll wait for a price drop.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably bite soon since Nintendo games rarely see a price drop. SPM will probably hit the players choice list at some point, but it probably wont appear until 2008.
I have a few games on the back log I want to finish up before buying anything else. I'll pick it up at full price when I'm done with a couple of games if I don't see any sales in the meantime.
Out of curiousity, to those that are preordering: Is there a deal anywhere in terms of free swag or slightly less then retail? I plan on picking it up on launch anyways, so any deals would be a plus.
[quote name='prisonerac']Out of curiousity, to those that are preordering: Is there a deal anywhere in terms of free swag or slightly less then retail? I plan on picking it up on launch anyways, so any deals would be a plus.[/quote]nothing I know of other than no tax and free shipping at Amazon.
[quote name='prisonerac']Out of curiousity, to those that are preordering: Is there a deal anywhere in terms of free swag or slightly less then retail? I plan on picking it up on launch anyways, so any deals would be a plus.[/QUOTE]

You can hump the front desk at Gamestop.

I got to preorder it AND go to jail! And I learned all sorts of fun things there.
[quote name='lordwow']This is the first game since Zelda:TP that I am considering pre-ordering[/QUOTE]

It will be the first I buy since Zelda, but I don't preorder games aside from console launches.

I've never had any problems finding any game I wanted release week. I usually find in in one stop, but I have literally hundreds of stores with in a 20 mile radius of my apt. (and 4 or 5 within couple of blocks) so there's plenty of stock around here.
[quote name='dmaul1114']It will be the first I buy since Zelda, but I don't preorder games aside from console launches.

I've never had any problems finding any game I wanted release week. I usually find in in one stop, but I have literally hundreds of stores with in a 20 mile radius of my apt. (and 4 or 5 within couple of blocks) so there's plenty of stock around here.[/QUOTE]

My stores are absolutely awful for launch games. My local BB just got Wii accessories back in stock (the entire rack was empty) after being wiped since Launch.
bread's done