The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

Yeah, the game is pretty easy... but just the mentality to discard an item b/c you can't hold it that bothers me (hey i'm a CAG for a reason). Even though i don't need the item, i want to flip it for profit :) Also, i rather use the item than throw it away (even it heals 10 HPs and i only lost 1 HP).

Oh, as soon as i finished the game, i trade it in, so it's like $10 rental for me (two months).
I'm just starting this game. Does the platforming get any more fun or challenging than in the first few areas? It seems like the side scrolling parts are incredibly bland so far, and switching to 3D removes entirely any hint of platforming challenge. Does it get better?
[quote name='catapult37']I'm just starting this game. Does the platforming get any more fun or challenging than in the first few areas? It seems like the side scrolling parts are incredibly bland so far, and switching to 3D removes entirely any hint of platforming challenge. Does it get better?[/quote]I wouldn't say it gets progressively better, but there are some stages where it is absolutely fantastic.
I haven't played this since I beat the first Pit. I need to try the Flop pit sometimes, and work on cards and recipes. Just haven't had the motivation.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']I haven't played this since I beat the first Pit. I need to try the Flop pit sometimes, and work on cards and recipes. Just haven't had the motivation.[/quote]

I just went through the Flop pit yesterday. Now I need to
do it again?! WTF?
[quote name='Serpentor']

No pics of Tampani and Blumiere anywhere! For goodness sake, i played the whole game and read the whole rediculuous love story and i wasn't even rewarded with the pics of the couple??? What, wait for another sequel?
The lovers, i still have no clue why they can't be together!!! Why? And what's deal with Tampani, why she's a pixl?
7. Why the Bleck guy is a stud? I don't understand the monocle guy with cape, he got girls, he got loyal minions. What's up with that?
Don't get me wrong, i enjoyed the game and there are alot of good things, i just like to talk about the negatives i guess :)[/QUOTE]

If you waited until the credits were over you were shown a picutre of Blumiere and Tampani together on a hill with Tampani in a human form in a wedding dress. Tampani was transformed into a pixi by Merlon as she was dying due to Blumiere's dad banishing her to wander between dimensions. The loyalty of his minions just seems to be due to to his "dream" of making a world for them, but as you know, this turns out to be a lie.
[quote name='crazytalkx']
If you waited until the credits were over you were shown a picutre of Blumiere and Tampani together on a hill with Tampani in a human form in a wedding dress. Tampani was transformed into a pixi by Merlon as she was dying due to Blumiere's dad banishing her to wander between dimensions. The loyalty of his minions just seems to be due to to his "dream" of making a world for them, but as you know, this turns out to be a lie.

But still... the pic is just the couple's back, no face :(

so, tell me, why Blumiere's father banish Tampani? Why would a father be so cruel to his son? I don't see why they can't be together... I mean look at the couple from Underwhere and Overthere, they are totally opposite and yet, they are together. So, as to why the people like Blumier ecan't be together with people like Tampani is still a mystery to me.

Sorry, as long as that's not explained, i don't buy the whole crap of Blumiere wants to destroy the whole world... I know there has to be a bad guy in the game, but if there's one, make him/her bad till the end. Blumiere certainly don't qualify as a bad guy and as to his motive, i just don't understand it at all...

Don't tell me it's just a game, don't think too much into it... Example of things you don't think too much into would be why can't you use two pixls at the same time? Why can't the other characters do 3D, it's not a super special skill you know, b/c you can learn that from some old man etc...
[quote name='Serpentor']Yeah, the game is pretty easy... but just the mentality to discard an item b/c you can't hold it that bothers me (hey i'm a CAG for a reason). Even though i don't need the item, i want to flip it for profit :) Also, i rather use the item than throw it away (even it heals 10 HPs and i only lost 1 HP).

Oh, as soon as i finished the game, i trade it in, so it's like $10 rental for me (two months).[/QUOTE]

Uh, well, you CAN use an item instead of throwing it away. Just toss something you want to KEEP, then use the item you want to get rid of. Then just go pick up the one you tossed. Not the simplest thing in the world, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly and it doesn't take long.

As for the inventory slots, I agree it is annoying for the cooking. At the very least they should let you store ingredients at the cooking shops - then you could just combine from things you have stored there. What kills that part of the game is having to combine one or two things then travel to the right store to get more stuff, then go back again... Ugh... However, I understand the limit in the carrying-around inventory. That is the only thing that makes the pit of 100 trials somewhat challenging.
[quote name='io']Uh, well, you CAN use an item instead of throwing it away. Just toss something you want to KEEP, then use the item you want to get rid of. Then just go pick up the one you tossed. Not the simplest thing in the world, but you get the hang of it pretty quickly and it doesn't take long[/quote]

Yeah, that is the strategy that I ended up using when running through the pits. I don't know about you, but I think I could count the amount of times I used an attack item on one hand. They just didn't seem to do enough damage to justify taking up an inventory slot. The Pits were the only places I used them, and that was just to get rid of them most of the time.

The attack items were actually useful in TTYD since it was turn based combat. When you have total control of the battle, they aren't really needed, IMO.
No, it's not that bad to throw away and use the item... just that some times when you're in a tight spot (btw pipe and blocks), the item you throw away bounces back to you and you kinda locked in a loop :( Hence, i wanted a way to use an item when inventory is full....

ANyhow, not a biggie, but it's bothersome... They coulda just let you use something OR discard, instead of just discard.
[quote name='Serpentor']No, it's not that bad to throw away and use the item... just that some times when you're in a tight spot (btw pipe and blocks), the item you throw away bounces back to you and you kinda locked in a loop :([/QUOTE]

Well, yeah, sure, that can be a problem - especially when you are playing as Bowser ;). It certainly would have been a nice touch to offer a "use" option instead of discard. I just wanted others (who haven't bought the game) to realize that you can use things you are forced to discard, but sometimes it is a slight pain.
Hahaha, that reminds my use of Bowser in Dottie mode :) Big Bowser is damn slow... Dottie Bowser is pretty fast ;)

If you haven't use Dottie, use it, it's fun! I beat most of the bad guys using Dottie, even bosses, it's sneaky, but hey it works like a charm.
I just ordered this from my sig for free! I can't wait till it gets here. I've heard this is second only to Zelda so far. Very pumped.
Well I randomly bought this today and put an hour or so in. The reviews were not lying about how text heavy it was. Some of it was kinda funny but fuck I just want to play!
[quote name='CouRageouS']Well I randomly bought this today and put an hour or so in. The reviews were not lying about how text heavy it was. Some of it was kinda funny but fuck I just want to play![/QUOTE]

Yeah, but this is an RPG game... The story is fairly well written... if not in the least bit cruicial to ANYTHING in the game.
I bought a mint and complete copy for $15 a few weeks back and Im just starting it now. I am quite enjoying this game. My favorite Wii game so far.
Damn, how'd you score it for $15.

I was feeling good about picking up a used copy on another forum for $39, with only $15 out of pocket from having $24 sitting in Paypal from selling a couple of old games. :(

Anyway, looking forward to starting it, but will have to wait until July 1 as I'm cramming for a big Ph D exam on the 30th. :(
Just finished the game today after 16 hours and I was very disappointed.

First I'll start with my minor gripes and then move to my major ones.

1. The switch to a platformer style needed a switch in control schemes as well. The game doesn't control half as well as something like New Super Mario or Mario 64. At least give me a run button.
2. The 3D portions are extremely limited and very boring aesthetically. Also, the timer is annoying (especially on 8-4). We should at least be able to upgrade the amount of time we spend in the 3D realm
3. The game is visually less impressive than Paper Mario 2 (with the exception of the space world). I am not a fan of the character designs for the NPCs in flipside, for instance. The enemies look good, though...mostly.

Now my major gripes:

1. The game is tedious. Seriously, why do I have to run like a hamster for extended periods of time or type the same word over and over. Or run across an empty screen for who knows how long...or spend forever going from flipside to
. Why do I have to fight through a tournament of incredibly easily dispatched foes? It was painfully obvious they were artificially trying to make the game longer. Also...why do I have to scroll through so much boring text...which brings me to...
2. The story is very boring. I paid attention the first half of the game, then I realized I just didn't care and skipped as much text as possible from then on. Sure, it is probably difficult to come up with an engaging story out of the Mushroom Kingdom, but seriously, is this the best they could do? I'd rather have had Bowser kidnap the princess. Luckily, there are some very humorous portions of the story, which makes me wish there were more of this and less of the "serious" stuff. Bowser was the only character I liked.

It's a really good game, sure, but it just wasn't anywhere near where my expectations were coming off of Paper Mario 2 and other recent Mario games.

I give it an 8.3/10
[quote name='mattstockton12']Seriously, why do I have to run like a hamster for extended periods of time[/QUOTE]
That was the faster way, not the fastest. ;)
[quote name='The Crotch']The Wii controller is wireless, man. I went to the kitchen and got a bowl of soup while doing that part.[/quote]

Ha, well, yeah, I read gaming blogs while I did mine, doesn't make it any less tedious and stupid though.
[quote name='mattstockton12']or spend forever going from flipside to

There's a NPC that you can talk to that will build a pipe that connects both of their second floors.
mattstockton12, dude, your reaction is just like mines :)

i cheated on the rupee part, i searched for the password ;)

unfortunately, for the empty spaces thingy, yeah, no fucking way around it. i don't why they did that other than torturing the player?

The story is weak, yes, it's weak! A crappy love story that makes no sense and yet, it tries to connect all the dots in the game...
So i finally beat the game tonight...and it was enjoyable. The maze at the end pissed me off, so i eventually cheated and went to gamefaqs...
just beat it tonight, a lil text heavy, some of the puzzles were kinda annoying but other than that it was a pretty good game.

I have to say O'Chunks has to be one of my favorite characters, coming in a close second would be
Mr. L
3 more hours of gameplay and i think i will have this game completed. This game has been extremely funny so far. I like it even though it doesn't follow traditional mario rpg set up.
Man, I'm struggling to slog through this game. Started it in mid July or so, and just finished chapter 5 last night.

I love Mario platformers, and really liked the paper mario games, Mario RPG, the Mario and Luigi games so I really thought this would be right up my alley.

But the mix of the two genres just doesn't seem to work for me. The platforming is too basic with having to switch pixls to do moves that are standard in the platformer games, the RPG elements are near non-existent, the story is horrible, the dialog over numerous and boring (lacks the humor of the Paper Mario games IMO--though I wasn't even as much a fan of that dialog as many) and in general the game is just a bore most of the time.

Even more dissapointing as it's the only game since Zelda that has warranted a purchase from me. :(

Oh well, I'll try to slog through the rest of it before Metroid comes out, if not I'll likely shelve it and play Metroid first.
I remember the damn hamster thing I did about 3 weeks ago and didn't look at any walkthroughs and I was thinking, do I really have to spend so long doing this? It reminded me of having to wait outside the waterfall to get into Saturn Valley for 3 minutes in Earthbound.

I'm in the same boat as the above poster, I loved the game in the beginning and couldn't put it down. And its been awhile since I played it just seems that flipping and chaning pixels and characters becomes tedious for the small amount of enemies, in my opinion. I also think the numerous backtracking and talking to townspeople can be boring.

just my opinion.
Yeah, I know the quick menu. I don't mind the time it takes. I just mind not being able to do more than 1 move at a time. Kills the platformer aspect of the game.

And the RPG element is killed by having little strategy in battles, very little importance in leveling up (and no customization options etc.) and the non existent story. Dialog, as you say is just a matter of opinion. I have a fairly dirty/morbid sense of humor so the dialog in the Mario games has never really struck my funny bone.

Like I said, I love all the Mario platformers and the previous RPGish games, but this hodgepodge of the two just fails to excel at either element for me.

I mean it's not terrible by anymeans, but I'd probably give it a 7.0/10 where as most of the other mario games in both series are 9's or 10's.
Just finished this game last night (this and Trauma Center, actually). Man, how long did it take everyone else to beat this game? Considering it was an RPG - I kinda half-expected it to be around 30-40 hours minimum. My final save is 14:44...much shorter than I figured it'd be. Granted, I only got to lvl 37 (which I kinda thought was high-ish, considering all the stupid 'jump on the seed that one guy shoots out for like thousands of exp a second' exploit crap I did for a good hour or two.

And not only did it feel short - but Worlds 7 and 8 felt like they often times stretched out for too long. Plus, considering there have been a good number of "oh dammit" moments in the game where I was stuck for an hour or so trying to find some stupid little item in a random room (I for the life of me couldn't find the Red Apple for that cloud, actually - screw all of Undewhere/Overthere for that matter), I have to wonder how long the game *actually* is if you aren't an idiot like myself.

And I agree with the post above - christ, that was a pisspoor job on both the action and rpg elements. And giving you lots of silly items doesn't make it any better - esp. when you are so limited on item slots (thank god Odin Sphere just recently broke my habit of hording items...if not for that this would've broken my spirit). I'm just glad I forced myself through it these past two days so I won't feel bad for not having finished it when I trade it in to EB here in a bit.
i rentedt his game liek 2 months ago and beat it in 3-4 days. it was pretty fun. close to the old mario games of nes and snes
[quote name='Megaten']
And not only did it feel short - but Worlds 7 and 8 felt like they often times stretched out for too long. [/QUOTE]

Finished chapters 6 and 7 tonight and Chapter 7 definitely drug. Just needlessly long with searching for the right apple and finding the 3 orbs.

At least I'm close to the end. Trying to polish it off before the 23rd so I can trade it in at Gamestop with the extra $10 coupon and put it towards Metroid.

As for being at level 37 and assuming that was high, it definitely is!!! I'm only at level 11 or 12, and I've had zero problems thus far.
Beat it today, final save was 17:44 (after beating the game) and I was at level 15 or 16.

Not going to bother with any of the sidequests etc. as I didn't enjoy it enough to play anymore....kind of glad it's over with.

After finishing it, my score from above remains. 7/10. Easily my least favorite of the Paper Mario/Mario RPG/Mario & Luigi series.
I'm a proud? owner of Super Paper Mario, picked that up with my Madden 08 at TRU. However, going to rent it before opening it, since I had two free coupons laying around from MCR to make sure I enjoy it, otherwise back to TRU it goes.
Currently playing and enjoying SPM. I think the 2d->3d stuff is pretty cool. So far it hasn't been a mental challenge, so it's exactly what I'm looking for at the moment.
The middle of SPM drags a little bit, but world 1-3 and 8 are amazing.

Keep at it if you're stuck, it's really a fantastic game. It's not one I'm likely to play again, but it was a great game for a 1 time play through.
i just started this up again myself after buying it at release and finishing the first 3 chapters....then stopped for some reason. not sure why as i've enjoyed playing through chapters 4, 5, and 6 over the past week. i have worked on getting more cards/recipes and i also got to room 70 of the flipside pit (to level up, get coins, etc.) didn't think it was that difficult. do the last 30 rooms get tougher? i think i'm level 13 or so.
I am playing this game right now and am somewhat disappointed. I am new to the "paper mario" games and have never played one before. The idea is cool and I like using the Pixls and stuff but it is not challenging at all.

Another complaint is the graphics, while the colors are beautiful and the artwork is great and classic, I was expecting more in terms of visuals because it is on the Wii. this game looks like it easily could have been on the GC and alot of the 2d stuff looks no different than any previous 2d mario game.
[quote name='pittpizza']I am playing this game right now and am somewhat disappointed. I am new to the "paper mario" games and have never played one before. The idea is cool and I like using the Pixls and stuff but it is not challenging at all.

Another complaint is the graphics, while the colors are beautiful and the artwork is great and classic, I was expecting more in terms of visuals because it is on the Wii. this game looks like it easily could have been on the GC and alot of the 2d stuff looks no different than any previous 2d mario game.[/quote]

Well, yeah. They were making it for the Cube, but then switched it over at the last minute. Zelda was the same way.
[quote name='daroga']The middle of SPM drags a little bit, but world 1-3 and 8 are amazing.

Keep at it if you're stuck, it's really a fantastic game. It's not one I'm likely to play again, but it was a great game for a 1 time play through.[/quote]

Just starting world 4 now. World 3 is definately my favorite so far. Some genuinely funny stuff.
Yeah, it IS a cube game. All they added on was some motion control and pointer stuff, they didn't tweak the graphics at all as it was too far along in development.

It is a VERY easy game for sure. I didn't do any level grinding (was at 15 or 16 when I beat it) and I never had any problems with any bosses etc.
Bump from the dead! I'm so behind in my gaming. :(

Is it possible to

get to the other stages in World 6? It seemed like you could get to them but the storyline skipped them...
bread's done