The Official Super Paper Mario thread | Got what it takes to save the worlds?

I finished this game earlier.
Awww :cry: :applause:

Such a great game.
I get all sad when theres a sad and yet happy ending. I ended it at around 26 hours. You get close to these characters, and when it's all over.. :cry:

But seriously, what a great game :applause:
I'm never trading this in, and I demand a sequel. I want the original cast of Super Mario Bros 2 (Mario/Luigi/Peach/TOAD) in the game! How awesome?!
[quote name='lilboo']I finished this game earlier.
Awww :cry: :applause:

Such a great game.
I get all sad when theres a sad and yet happy ending. I ended it at around 26 hours. You get close to these characters, and when it's all over.. :cry:

But seriously, what a great game :applause:
I'm never trading this in, and I demand a sequel. I want the original cast of Super Mario Bros 2 (Mario/Luigi/Peach/TOAD) in the game! How awesome?![/quote]

I'd almost say that the ending is haunting.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Damn I keep failing at the 100 Trials Pit

Any tips for winning or do I just need to stock up on health and play well?[/quote] not sure if this should be spoiler tab is necessary but gonna set it in one anyway
a few tactics that got me through the pits without much trouble was to use boomer and dump him over the ledge to pick off enemies from the above. I found myself using that tactic a lot. Also you can place boomer against a wall to take out enemies on the other side of the wall.

used fleep a nice amount to stall enemies to leave easy targets for attacks Using dottie is nice since it essentially makes you invisible. Very effective against enemies (can't remember specific names) who throw hammers, boomerangs, fireballs, shells, and magic? (haven't tested on magic enemies)

carrie and bowser make a good combo since it lets bowser use its flame attack in the air
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Beat the game.

The lack of Tippi is quite disappointing. You get quite attached to her through the story. In fact, the whole ending is sort of sad.

Yeah, I got attached to the characters then it just ends..
.I didn't find the ending sad though, since it shows Bleck and Tippi post-credits standing on a grassy hill, together, from a distance.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Crazytalk, I missed that credits pic. Were they in the same form as in the game
or did Tippi transform

You could faintly see her but it looked like she was wearing a wedding dress (as a human).
[quote name='ahou']not sure if this should be spoiler tab is necessary but gonna set it in one anyway
a few tactics that got me through the pits without much trouble was to use boomer and dump him over the ledge to pick off enemies from the above. I found myself using that tactic a lot. Also you can place boomer against a wall to take out enemies on the other side of the wall.

used fleep a nice amount to stall enemies to leave easy targets for attacks Using dottie is nice since it essentially makes you invisible. Very effective against enemies (can't remember specific names) who throw hammers, boomerangs, fireballs, shells, and magic? (haven't tested on magic enemies)

carrie and bowser make a good combo since it lets bowser use its flame attack in the air
The hell? I only have Boomer, Thoreau, and Slim

Where do you find the others?
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']The hell? I only have Boomer, Thoreau, and Slim

Where do you find the others?[/quote]

Keep playing. You'll get them all eventually.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']The hell? I only have Boomer, Thoreau, and Slim

Where do you find the others?[/QUOTE]

Uh, well, you find the rest of those Pixls during the course of the story. In fact, I didn't think you could even unlock the pit of trials until you got pretty far through (and thus had most of those)? I dunno - seemed like I couldn't get to the pit until I was at Chapter 6/7 (where I am now). Don't you need
Luigi (for his jumping ability)
to even get to the button to unlock the pit?? If you are that far, you have those Pixls he mentioned!
[quote name='io']Uh, well, you find the rest of those Pixls during the course of the story. In fact, I didn't think you could even unlock the pit of trials until you got pretty far through (and thus had most of those)? I dunno - seemed like I couldn't get to the pit until I was at Chapter 6/7 (where I am now). Don't you need
Luigi (for his jumping ability)
to even get to the button to unlock the pit?? If you are that far, you have those Pixls he mentioned![/quote]
I got to the trials thing after chapter 2 just wondering around.. I went down some long ass hallway
and eventually found a little box, hit it and the part of the wall opened. I didnt read the signs or anything, but I got up to level 50+ but ran out of health items :

I dont think I've laughed to myself a lot in a game like this before, Mario's face 95 percent of the time has that 'omgwtf' look on it :/
[quote name='soonersfan60']We finished the game without the following Pixls:
Barry, Picolo, Dashel

They are optional. You have to do sidequests to obtain them, except Barry... which I really wouldn't call a quest. :lol:
Does anyone get really minor artifacts when playing stage 1-4? Whenever I'm in one of the areas with those rotating fire columns, the background seems to flicker with these tiny colored squares. I haven't noticed it in any other areas though, and my Wii is still cool to the touch..
i'm a bit late in on this thread but just got the game yesterday...what a great friggin' game! I was glued to it for 6 hours straight. i'm up to's going to consume my life the next week or two i have a feeling! has a great guide online also if anyone hasn't checked it out yet.
I haven't been keeping up with the thread, but I finally had some free time with the Wii this weekend and got quite a few hours in. I made it all the way to 8-4, but I forgot to stock up on mushroom shakes, so I died and didn't get to (I assume) finish the game. So I'm gonna hafta to redo Chapter 8 later this week.

Great game. I still like Paper Mario: TTYD better way more, but this is pretty good too. This feels like another game I want to "complete", so once I beat it, I'm probably going to waste a lot of time looking for treasures and cards (and I guess there's extra Pixls?).

Oh, a comment on one of the characters you get later in the game:
I love Bowser. Even tho he makes the game hella easy, he's so cute and funny. I realized a little late that I should have been trying to use him in as many cutscenes as possible to hear his rude comments.
I can see myself replaying the game or parts of the game just to see how different characters make different comments in some dialogues.
Made it to 4-2, best Mario game since Mariokart 64. Seriously I love this game, the level design is awesome, and I like how it has the old school feeling, but redone so it doesn't feel like a bleh sequal. Best Wii game yet.
Man, I just finished the World 3 and I have to say this is one of the most creative and artistically games ever done.

I couldn't help but laugh in the dating sim with peach and Francis. :rofl: that level is priceless! And I feel like most people here can relate to Francis is some weird kind of way, including me.
I hate to say it, but as cool as the game is, I just couldn't get into it. It's been sitting in my Wii unplayed for almost 3 weeks now, and I have no idea why.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I hate to say it, but as cool as the game is, I just couldn't get into it. It's been sitting in my Wii unplayed for almost 3 weeks now, and I have no idea why.[/quote]Mine's been sitting unplayed for a week and a half, but at least I have an idea... never seems like I have enough time to boot up a console and use it. Hence I've finished two DS games since I started SPM. Should be able to get in some playtime this week/weekend, though.
Okay, stuck in 4-2.

Totally in the dark as to how to get the dude out of the outhouse. Went all the way through the level, to the guy at the end who tells me to go find the elder. I see no toilet paper or elder.

Or maybe not.

Apparently I didn't go around in 3D enough the first and second time through.
Yeah i need to line up some time with my wife to hammer through some more of this we finished world 3 in a few days and have not had time to start it back up...

Made it to the halfway point yesterday, finishing Chapter 4. 4-4 was trippy as all hell.

Do the last 4 chapters take longer than the first? I'm at about 8 and a hour hours now, while I know most people take about 20 with it. Should be done with it by June at this rate. :D
Finished it on Friday. I got past getting stuck after beating 8-2 with just 1 HP, no health items, and about 25k pts. until the next lvl up by just going back to town, healing up, and grabbing a couple shakes and breezed through the last two chapters.
Bowser + Carrie's been my combo of choice when I can use him for simpler bosses (ones you can just jump on to damage) as he's got double the attack power of the others. Why do I have to watch the credits to just save after the ending?
I also finished it Friday, but I had the entire weekend ahead of me and didn't really want to do anything else, so I looked for all the treasures/maps, found Pixls, did the 100 Pit thing, and the
100-man duel. I attempted the Flopside 100 Pit, but got pretty owned about halfway through... but the cards I got make me want to play the original Paper Mario, so I hope they release that to VC soon
. Running out of things to do, I looked at GameFAQs for quick ways to make money and points, did that for a while, and then I got totally sick of the game. I think I'm finished with Super Paper Mario. Phew.
See, I'm doing with this game what I always do with long games. I've stopped playing it at near 90% complete. I feel like I need to do the extra things before I finish the game, but since those are often so daunting I never end up finishing the game ;). I've tried to to the stupid pit 3 times now. I can make it to the end with little problem but the first time I didn't have enough health items with me. The second time I had plenty but
I was trying to conserve them so I waited until I was under 10, and at just that moment Wracktail (or whatever his name is) started to make me slide, and one of the little things was sliding with me and repeatedly bumping into me. The damn quick menu DIDN'T WORK so I couldn't pull it up to get a health item and I died. Man, I was PISSED... I was probably 1 or 2 hits from finishing him too.
. The third time it was getting late so I bailed at level 90 so I could at least save the experience and treasure I had gotten to that point instead of spending another 2 hours on it with nothing to show for it :cry:.

I should just force myself to give up on the maps/recipes/pit and just finish the damn game. I'm at the start of World 8.
io, pertaining to the pit:

Use luigi's high jump to hop on top of wracktail's head. Bounce repeatedly then jump just as you reach his tail and you should land on his head again... repeat the process. If done correctly you'll only be on the ground once, as the battle starts, and for the second time when he is dead. :)
Well, now I forget which level I'm on, but it's either 5-3 or 5-4 (I think it's 5-4), lost track. But I could use a bit of help:

I'm at the point where I need an access card to go into the Crag processing center. I can't find anywhere else to go to look for it after wandering through the short door/pipe maze. Where should I be looking?
[quote name='botticus']Well, now I forget which level I'm on, but it's either 5-3 or 5-4 (I think it's 5-4), lost track. But I could use a bit of help:

I'm at the point where I need an access card to go into the Crag processing center. I can't find anywhere else to go to look for it after wandering through the short door/pipe maze. Where should I be looking?

There was a lot to that level but I think the card is right past the door you use it at - in 3D you see a small wall that you need to be mini to go under. It is sitting right through there (once you pass under) I believe.

sixersballernum3 - hmmm, not entirely following you there.
The first time through I died because it took me a while before I realized I needed Luigi. I was using Mario and Bowser at first. But I was picking up the little guys and throwing them at Wracktail's feeler dealie (and only Luigi can jump high enough). I didn't think it would be possible to jump on it - is that what you mean? I hit him several times with the little guys, which is why I thought I was near the end. But then he took off and made me slide and that's what did me in. If I had used a health item just before I probably would have been OK.
[quote name='io']
There was a lot to that level but I think the card is right past the door you use it at - in 3D you see a small wall that you need to be mini to go under. It is sitting right through there (once you pass under) I believe.
Ah yeah, that would probably be what I'm missing:
How do I get minified?
[quote name='io']
sixersballernum3 - hmmm, not entirely following you there.
The first time through I died because it took me a while before I realized I needed Luigi. I was using Mario and Bowser at first. But I was picking up the little guys and throwing them at Wracktail's feeler dealie (and only Luigi can jump high enough). I didn't think it would be possible to jump on it - is that what you mean? I hit him several times with the little guys, which is why I thought I was near the end. But then he took off and made me slide and that's what did me in. If I had used a health item just before I probably would have been OK.

If you use Luigi's high jump, the one you charge or whatever (his 'special ability' if you will) he can jump onto the ball on the dragon's head. just hop around on it, damaging him all the time, then he'll take off for the loop-de-loop. Don't slide as you're moving down his body by moving upward toward the head/jumping every now and then. As the body gets thinner you know you're closer to the end of the tail- jump near the end of him and you should land on the head again, this time on the side of the feeler-ball-weak spot opposite where you were before, since you're jumping onto his nose basically. Jump up to the ball again and repeat.

Sorry if I'm not making it clear.
[quote name='botticus']Ah yeah, that would probably be what I'm missing:
How do I get minified?

You need to find the Pixl Dottie, who is on that level somewhere but I can't remember exactly where. I think it has something to do with the stuff down at the bottom area of that level. Don't bother trying to go through the X-ray dealie until you get what is behind the card-reader door. So, yeah, you need her to proceed.
[quote name='io']
You need to find the Pixl Dottie, who is on that level somewhere but I can't remember exactly where. I think it has something to do with the stuff down at the bottom area of that level. Don't bother trying to go through the X-ray dealie until you get what is behind the card-reader door. So, yeah, you need her to proceed.
[/quote]I guess that would explain things. Ugh.
[quote name='botticus']I guess that would explain things. Ugh.[/quote]
From the start of the level:

Go straight ahead and when you reach a fork to either go straight or down, go down and in to the large pipe. The small pipe can be ignored for now.

Down here, flip, and take the PAL PILLS in the ? block. Hop down past the ladder in to a ditch where you can use Thoreau to grab a Cragnon and press down hard enough on the switch. Enter the pipe that appears.

Here, take the pipe.

Use Fleep on the skull here painted on the wall. Please trust me on this. You'll acquire a CAVE KEY. Leave through the pipe.

Here, leave through the pipe.

Take the ladder back up. There's a locked door to the right, open it.

Here, leap over the wall using the platform to startle the Cragnon. Listen to the conversation he and the Pixl have and she'll let him leave by shrinking him. After he leaves, DOTTIE, the shrinking Pixl (as well as the last mandatory Pixl we'll need) will join you.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']From the start of the level:

Go straight ahead and when you reach a fork to either go straight or down, go down and in to the large pipe. The small pipe can be ignored for now.

Down here, flip, and take the PAL PILLS in the ? block. Hop down past the ladder in to a ditch where you can use Thoreau to grab a Cragnon and press down hard enough on the switch. Enter the pipe that appears.

Here, take the pipe.

Use Fleep on the skull here painted on the wall. Please trust me on this. You'll acquire a CAVE KEY. Leave through the pipe.

Here, leave through the pipe.

Take the ladder back up. There's a locked door to the right, open it.

Here, leap over the wall using the platform to startle the Cragnon. Listen to the conversation he and the Pixl have and she'll let him leave by shrinking him. After he leaves, DOTTIE, the shrinking Pixl (as well as the last mandatory Pixl we'll need) will join you.
[/quote]Ah, thank you very much. The key is what I'm missing.
Just beat it last night. About 18 hours total. I didnt do any of the sidequests, besides finding Piccolo, but I may come back to it in a few weeks. Took about 18 hours total, but I got too much queued up to stick with it much longer...

Oh, and I thought that 6-1 through 8-4 took a lot longer than 1-1 through 5-4. Those later chapters were killer.
Thanks for help guys, finished up Chapter 5 and started in on Chapter 6. Thank goodness they didn't actually make you
fight all 100 people. Unless I get to fight the remaining 75 over 6-2 through 6-4. But don't spoil it for me. :D
Beat it after a layoff of around two weeks. Also beat the 100 trial pits enough to get the extra pixl and the special cards that double my attacks. Wanted to gather recipes and maps but just got sick of the bullshit.

Overall not a game I would recommend to people. A good example of what's wrong with the game in general is in trying to play with the recipes: all the clicking and waiting for that chick to cook my grub is wasted game time. There's lots of examples of that kind of thing: stretches or repeated tasks that, when compounded, might make you ask, "Goddamn, how much of what I'm doing is gaming and how much is sitting, waiting to game?" I'm sure that question can be asked of a lot of games, but it's particularly important in this game as pissing around in Flip/flopside is a bigger component to the game than the normal village/talk to strangers BS in most RPGs.

I can see how SPM is the greatest game of all time to people who think the graphics are rainbow candy and the dialog is super funny/witty/cutesy. I feel like this one's a lot of flash and not much substance--I could elaborate further but I doubt it'll add anything to the thread. Just kind of disappointed in the game as I bought into the Wii "upgrade" and thought the port would fill in that special _something_ that was missing from TTYD for me.

Now that SPM's taken care of, I'm basically waiting on SMG and hoping that in the meantime they finally release something desirable for the VC. Otherwise the Wii's only going to see Wii Sports action when we have company over or when I boot up MKDD for a karting fix.
[quote name='botticus']Thanks for help guys, finished up Chapter 5 and started in on Chapter 6. Thank goodness they didn't actually make you
fight all 100 people. Unless I get to fight the remaining 75 over 6-2 through 6-4. But don't spoil it for me. :D

I haven't gone back yet, but (very minor spoiler)
I think that is optional...

I finished the Flipside pit of 100 trials finally. Thanks for the tip on the way to use Luigi, sixersballernum3. I couldn't get the hang of staying on the beast, but it is no big deal to get on the ground and then back on again. The key, though, is getting on that "spot" and bouncing repeatedly. Throwing those damn little things was a pain.

I also found
quite by accident when trying to get a treasure map. He is very useful - wish I had him in the pit, actually. So what other hidden Pixls are there? I saw someone mention a 'Piccolo'?

Also, dothog, if you aren't thoroughly disgusted with your play through ;), can you let me know what you mean by the "special cards that double your attack"? Are these in the flopside pit? I didn't get anything like that in Flipside (just the
Pixl character cards

I do agree that the cooking animation gets annoying and would be more so if I were to try to complete the recipes. But what's worse for the cooking deal is the extremely limited number of objects you can carry. I asked earlier if that ever got upgraded (no one answered), and given that I'm on 8-2 and it hasn't happened yet, I'm guessing not. I wouldn't mind the cooking animation too much if I could knock out a bunch of recipes on one trip. But with the extremely limited inventory you have to run all over the different worlds multiple times to get all the ingredients you need. THAT is annoying...

I may pass on the recipes and just try to get all the Pixls and treasures (from the maps). Though a few of those maps have me stumped - I can't even figure out what world they are from :lol:.
[quote name='io']
Also, dothog, if you aren't thoroughly disgusted with your play through ;), can you let me know what you mean by the "special cards that double your attack"? Are these in the flopside pit? I didn't get anything like that in Flipside (just the
Pixl character cards
Yeah, I was kinda pissy and moanie up there, wasn't I? I wouldn't say "disgusted" so much as disappointed. It's mostly my own fault. I agree that the ability to increase the inventory would have been a nice feature.

Anyhow, spoilers ahoy!

Maybe I should have spoilered that--I thought I had seen it mentioned elsewhere in the thread. If you beat the Flopside pit twice, you're rewarded with a bunch of special cards. As best as I can tell, they allow two things: 1) doubled attack for chars and 2) removal of Tippi timer so you can stay in flipmode as long as you like.

Just to comment on this: I didn't have the problems that other people describe in the pits, and it's not because I'm a super gamer. I just dumped any items that weren't the +20 or +50 HP shakes and didn't use those shakes unless I was somewhere below 8 or 10 HP depending on where I was in the pit (I also kept a couple life shrooms handy in case I got lazy and didn't drink a shake in time). I banked on leveling a couple times per pit (usually at least 3 times per pit, I think), so I was routinely playing with single digit HP in hopes of hitting a level and getting a full life refill.

I would guess that the problem for some folks is that they get in a hurry. I took things trial by trial and didn't rush anything, to the extent that I left the game paused for 8 hrs to get some gardening done outside, then returned to pick up where I left off. I made sure to kill everything in each trial unless I was in single digits and the mobs were especially tough--the extra points from killing everything and doing the show-off wiimote shake really add up to the point that you can get an extra level out of it.

EDIT: Another VERY IMPORTANT thing to do in the pits is try to beat each armored koopa one by one. You want to bounce on their heads and then bounce them against a wall repeatedly to stack points. You get 1600 pts for each knock, and I think you can bounce them about 15-20 times before they go kaput. So that's at least 24K for each of the Sir Koopas, and if you take your time with them you can really accelerate your leveling on these mobs, seeing as how you only have to pull 100-120K points to level. Those points really fly by if you abuse these particular koopas.

I used Peach's turtle ability and the bomb pixl to do things trial by trial. Turtling is lame, but it got me through the pits without seeing "game over," so I'm not complaining. I would occasionally switch to Bowser and the hoverboard if all the mobs were in front of me.

I understand, though, that I needed a little luck. There were a few moments where I got a lucky break--a level up at the right time, or a dropped shake when I really, really needed it. I also had a lucky Catch Card drop, which I immediately used on the goofy katamari looking mobs that shoot rings at you. That card allowed me to fell them in one pop, and they appear a lot in the mid-trials. Knowing the importance of that card, I brought one along on my second time through the pit to capture the dark mage dudes--they were tough for me the first time only because they hit so hard. With the card I was able to dispatch them very quickly.

Overall, though, the message is slow and steady whups the 100 trials.
I couldn't agree more concerning the time it takes to cook (with no way to skip any part!) and the 10-slot inventory.

Aside from those two specifics (and the generality behind them: play-time wasted needlessly), I really enjoy the game. The mechanics, the graphics, and the dialogue = superb.

I'm currently between worlds 5 and 6.
You can't skip the god damn story, PERIOD! That's totally fucked up, yeah, it's interesting the first time, but fuck man, i know it already, can i just get to the part i got GAME OVER on??? Yeah, saving game... even then, you're still forced to read the shit when you play the game for the 2nd time, WTF?

Hell with the cooking, not interested and not even gonna try to do it. Once is enough for me, cooking up the hot soup to get Peach.

What's up with the Rupee episode? Did anybody actually sit their ass down and earn the million rupee? That's a total waste of time! I cheated... searched on-line... I know i have to use Slim, but WTF? There's no way you could have know the password, how????
[quote name='Serpentor']What's up with the Rupee episode? Did anybody actually sit their ass down and earn the million rupee? That's a total waste of time! I cheated... searched on-line... I know i have to use Slim, but WTF? There's no way you could have know the password, how????[/QUOTE]It didn't say online?
You're supposed to earn enough money to buy the passwords off certain prisoners.
JudyX3, so how many rupees for the "big" password? No, it didn't say, it just gives you the password... i remember i talked to everybody, i don't remember anybody mention the "big" password. All i ever got was the tip how to earn more rupees in the VIP room (that cost 100 rupees, which is not too shabby)...
[quote name='Serpentor']JudyX3, so how many rupees for the "big" password? No, it didn't say, it just gives you the password... i remember i talked to everybody, i don't remember anybody mention the "big" password. All i ever got was the tip how to earn more rupees in the VIP room (that cost 100 rupees, which is not too shabby)...[/QUOTE]

I know one of the guys is in flip mode... I dunno, this part didn't take me long at all and I didn't use a guide. I think this level was well-designed. It SEEMED like it was going to be a real chore, but then it turned out to be easy as pie, which was a relief.

So dothog, you have to
beat the FLOPSIDE pit TWICE?? Man, I dunno, I got pretty bored doing the Flipside pit a few times (as mentioned before, didn't have the right healing stuff - I can't get a hold of more than 1 or 2 at once because I never have enough coins. I also tried to wait until I was at 8 or 10 HP before using my super shake and that's when I started sliding down Wracktail with the stupid things bumping into me and the damn quick menu wouldn't work :bomb:). On the other hand, I had no problem cruising through all the levels of the Flipside pit - just the end gave me problems. What is it like at the end of the Flopside one?
[quote name='Serpentor']JudyX3, so how many rupees for the "big" password? No, it didn't say, it just gives you the password... i remember i talked to everybody, i don't remember anybody mention the "big" password. All i ever got was the tip how to earn more rupees in the VIP room (that cost 100 rupees, which is not too shabby)...[/QUOTE] I think it was
10000 rupees? You generate it with the VIP room.
bread's done