The Outfit (X360) - $5.00 + $20 Official Component and VGA Cables@ TRU


13 (100%)
I was at my local TRU today (Henderson, NV - Stephanie & Sunset) and they had The Outfit for the 360 for $5. I also noticed that the Official VGA cables and Component cables were $19.xx along with the silver faceplate for $1.50
I checked 3 TRU in Houston. Katy Fwy, OST, and Westheimer All were completely cleared out except the one on Westheimer, which had 2 Outfits left @ 5.00 and 2 or 3 Oblivion Collector's Edition @ 9.90.
Picked up the last Perfect Dark Zero for $5 at a toys'r'us in Fullerton, CA. Didnt see any Outfits though. There was a Hitman: Blood Money for Xbox at 5 bucks.
[quote name='FoxHoundADAM']I'd be totally up for a CAG Outfit multiplayer evening. It's fun when you can et a match going.[/quote] sounds like fun. The Outfit is a decent multiplayer title, and i'm assuming it's lobbies are empty at this point... let me know if you get something together...
Very excited when I found the Outfit at a random TRU for the $5.

Thanks OP

Now if I can only find a cheap wireless headset....
Found Prince of Persia: Rival Swords (Wii) for $10 plus the component cables for 360 for $20. I live in Meridian, MS.
My girlfirend and I just got 2 copies of this game and it is deffinitley worth the 5 bucks. I am down if people want to play, seeing that there probably isnt any people playing this anymore. My gamertag is II Nightfire II
Question for anyone that has bought the VGA cable. Does it come with the adapter to convert the RCA to mini-jack to plug computer speakers into it? On the official Xbox site, it claims that it does
, yet other sites that I've read reviews of it on, claim that you have to buy the adapter. I'm just looking for confirmation that it either comes with it or without it.

I'm thinking of picking up the cable to occasionally hook it up to my monitor. I normally play on my 57" TV, but my wife hates Rock Band and Guitar Hero (she listens to country, bleh, and hates the loud noise), so I can get more play time in on them if I move the 360 into the computer room sometimes.

Thanks for any confirmation help. I just want to know if I need to make an additional stop to pick up the adapter.
Yes, the MS VGA Cable set comes with the mini-jack. It's in a little green bag that comes with it. It plugs in great on my PC speakers.
[quote name='spideymike']Yes, the MS VGA Cable set comes with the mini-jack. It's in a little green bag that comes with it. It plugs in great on my PC speakers.[/quote]

Thanks for the confirmation.
bread's done