The really big FREE STUFF topic!

I don't know if there is a topic like this right now, but I figured it'd be a good idea.

Post links to ANYTHING that is free (plus shipping and handling is okay).

Not magazines, as there is a thread for that already.

This was inspired by neocisco's topic about the BMW dvd:

[quote name='neocisco']This has probably been posted before but I searched and didn't find it so here it is. BMW offers a free DVD plus shipping that collects their short film series called The Hire. It stars Clive Owen (Sin City, possibly the next James Bond) and has 9 directors that include Tony Scott (the upcoming Domino), Ang Lee (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon), John Frankenheimer (Ronin), Guy Ritchie (Snatch) and John Woo (Face/Off, Mission: Impossible 2). The shorts were made in 2001-2002 and run a total of approximately 1:04. W/shipping it cost me $3.97 but will vary slightly depending on your sales tax. I just ordered mine and it takes about 4-6 weeks to receive it. Here's the link. Enjoy.[/QUOTE]

Also, if you go to (and are of drinking age) you can get plenty of free stuff if you catch it at the right time.

I've gotten playing cards, posters of some of their best ads, and a drink guid book with my last name printed on it.

So, if you've got it, post some free stuff!


(I do not support giving your address to any of these companies. Only some of these samples and free item's I have tried. Some companies I have never delt with. Submit info at your own risk)

Free K-Y Brand Warming UltraGel sample!
Free BMW "The Hire" DVD
Free Chocolate (looks good!)
Free Jell toy!
Teen Freeway, Free stuff for teens. 2 free times a month, brand name, no S&H required.
Free Trojan condom, 1 per household, make it count!
Free Tampax Pearl sample! >_>
Prilosec OTC sample, get rid of that heartburn!
Free Charmin Potty Training Kit! Yay!
Beech-Nut Baby Food bowl. Hell, a bowls a bowl when you run out of clean dishes...
Pacific Chai Tea free sample
True Lemon Crystalized Lemon (food??), click that you don't have a magazine code, and you can still get a free sample.
Garnier Fructis hair care stuff, click "Get Lucky"
Free Jazz or String Orchestra CD
Free MiniDrops eye drops sample.
Free Kenra Volume Spray (for hair!)
FREE SHIRT! From Bradshaw Consulting, Inc. (hells yeah!)
Free Grolsch Swingtop Bottle opener
Free BG Bar...which appears to be a health food
Free Quantum Labs...latex gloves?
Texas Hot Sauce sample! Yee haw!

Sorta Free Stuff...

Blingo, a search engine where you can win free stuff.
Hot Pockets shirt! Requires UPCs (no S&H) but I just love the shirt!

Of all of the free things that I have signed up for, I've only gotten a small fraction of them. From Absolute - playing cards, poster, headphone cord wrap. From Trojan - condoms. From Maker's Mark - glasses. From Camel - a kick ass Sailor Jerry zippo. From Gillette - a razor. It seems like quite a few of the major alcohol and tobacco companies have places to sign up for free stuff. The big deal forums have freebies posted everyday.
Checking some of the free stuff later, thanks op.

I notice beer companies have some cool shit. At my local liquor store the y have a display of a football field (BEARS) and a air chair; how would I be able to get something like that?
Blingo is a google portal that gives you free stuff, they choose random times throughout the day and if you happen to do a search at that time you get a prize (ranges from movie tickets to visa gift cards to ipods). Also, if someone signs up under you and wins you get the same prize too.

I looked it up, and it seems pretty good, a lot of people have won stuff.

There are no catches and you don't have to refer people, click ads, or complete offers. All you have to do to win is search.
(referrals aren't required, but if someone signs up under you and wins a prize you get that same prize too)
I have heard of blingo, but havent signed up yet myself. As referrals help to get free stuff, and it is kinda random, I am debating about adding to the list, or perhaps having it seperate, but on the list.
The way I see it, I am going to search anyway and if there is a chance I can win something while still using the google search engine than why not.

If I win, great, if I never win than it's no big deal.
[quote name='Quackzilla']The way I see it, I am going to search anyway and if there is a chance I can win something while still using the google search engine than why not.

If I win, great, if I never win than it's no big deal.[/QUOTE]

Well, share your experience so we can get an idea: how long have been using it and what have you won?
[quote name='Quackzilla']The way I see it, I am going to search anyway and if there is a chance I can win something while still using the google search engine than why not.

If I win, great, if I never win than it's no big deal.[/QUOTE]

I search for something on blingo, I get 383 results. I search for the same thing on google, I get 262,000 results. I would rather just use google...
While google might be better to actually FIND stuff, I just went to blingo and searched for a bunch of random phrases over and over. Didn't win yet, but figured I'd try that.
[quote name='dfg']Well, share your experience so we can get an idea: how long have been using it and what have you won?[/QUOTE]
2 days.
Nothing yet, I missed by 14 minutes earlier. :bomb: (it tells you the last person to win something, and when they won it)

The guy who referred me won one prize, and he got a second prize when his freind won.
You to be 18 for it, though. I guess I'll stick to getting a free Dragon Warrior demo, and a free trojan. This is a good thread though, I'll post anything if I see something worth posting.
It's funny, one site you have to be a teen for, the other you have to be 18+, and for absolut, you have to be 21 (in most places). Luckly, its quite easy to lie online.
[quote name='Murcielago77']dude, i signed up for that gel tec gel toy crap like a year and a half ago, i never got it[/QUOTE]

Same here, but I figured someone else might have better luck.
[quote name='yukine']Free Grolsch Swingtop Bottle opener


I better get one.[/QUOTE]

You need 6-digit code to get this. Oh well. I did sign up for some other stuff. Great topic, Thanks OP.

Edit: It actually went through without a code. It said if I win I will recv my bottle opener in 6-8 weeks.
bread's done