The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Any decent racing games on Steam 15 bucks or less? I already have Burnout Paradise and Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, and GRID on 360, looking for something else, dont matter if it's sim or arcadey
Trackmania (Try TMNF free, Ridge Racer Unbounded (try the demo or F2P remix, Driftopia), also Race the Sun is pure awesome, $5 on GOG gets you a steam key, or F1 2012

y u not get trackmania when it was a flash sale.

It's not a typical racing game though..

Probably best racing deal of the sale*. /agree

*After Assetto Corsa, but we're talking under $15 here...

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For $40 on newegg you can get all the Skyrim + all its DLC and every game in the series before it. The GOTY versions for Morrowind and Oblivion too. Picked it up during black friday for my nephew and he was glowing with joy opening it up. Comes in a pretty cool package too with all the maps of the games and a world map.

I might just pick it up, I'm still steaming (no pun intended) over the lame discount on Legnedary.

For $40 on newegg you can get all the Skyrim + all its DLC and every game in the series before it. The GOTY versions for Morrowind and Oblivion too. Picked it up during black friday for my nephew and he was glowing with joy opening it up. Comes in a pretty cool package too with all the maps of the games and a world map.

I might just pick it up, I'm still steaming (no pun intended) over the lame discount on Legnedary.
Was $25 ($20?) on Amazon...

Installing Anno 2070 reminds me how pathetic my uplay friendlist is (its empty). Will somebody add me? Please :-({|=

its mnemnoch1 btw, in case you cant see my sig.

So many deals on steam with amazon and gmg sometimes pricematching the daily deals + flash sales + community choice

Think amazon was the winner for best legendary Skyrim it was $20.39 during 12/12-12/14 and it will probably be on sale for a similar price at least $25 if it makes the editors choice games list in Jan so you might be able to get it around 18-20 then

Installing Anno 2070 reminds me how pathetic my uplay friendlist is (its empty). Will somebody add me? Please :-({|=

its mnemnoch1 btw, in case you cant see my sig.
Added, my uplay id is indefined, anyone else feel free to send a request. Also, if you get a chance to play 2070 in the next day and a half (basically, before this 48 hour daily is over), I would be interested to read your thoughts. Had that game on my wishlist since it came out, but haven't pulled the trigger, mostly due to how much I ended up disliking Settlers 7.

Speaking of Uplay, yesterday I added a bunch of Trials buddies, but the leaderboards don't seem to be working. Lots of forum grumbling about it. Are they working for anyone?

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For $40 on newegg you can get all the Skyrim + all its DLC and every game in the series before it. The GOTY versions for Morrowind and Oblivion too. Picked it up during black friday for my nephew and he was glowing with joy opening it up. Comes in a pretty cool package too with all the maps of the games and a world map.

I might just pick it up, I'm still steaming (no pun intended) over the lame discount on Legnedary.
not dat great a deal

unless the maps and all are something that really interest you

if you just want the games, tho, you're better off just buying skyrim/morrowind/oblivion separately. you're never (probably) going to really want to play the first 2 games anyway. not to mention one of them is a free download on bethesda's site

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How is Killing Floor compared to Left 4 Dead? Once again, playing on Mac..
Far better community (the L4D2 community was unfriendly, unhelpful, and just plain abusive the last time I played), better gunplay, and generally more enjoyable imo. However, L4D2 being free yesterday makes it better value for money. :p

(Also, I prefer L4D over KF when playing LAN with friends. In that environment there's something special about L4D2 that KF doesn't have.)

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There's no need to pay for them when Bethesda gives them to you for free. It's not like that packaged version has the GOG treatment or anything.
only reason to buy dat is for the maps

which is enough to have made me seriously ponder it despite owning morrowind, oblivion, and skyrim

L4D2 community is atrocious. Imagine it'll only get worse now that they made it free.
You sure it's not just 2deep4u? ;)

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Far better community (the L4D2 community was unfriendly, unhelpful, and just plain abusive the last time I played), better gunplay, and generally more enjoyable imo. However, L4D2 being free yesterday makes it better value for money. :p

(Also, I prefer L4D over KF when playing LAN with friends. In that environment there's something special about L4D2 that KF doesn't have.)
Oh okay, cool. I've seen it a million times at my local Best Buy and always thought it would be a cool computer game, but never bought it. It looks to have a lot more macabre horror themes than L4D. Does it play as simplistic as L4D does? Because if so, it's a definite buy at $ just getting used to using keys and a mouse to play games instead of a controller, and i love how L4D2 feels on Mac so far

First two TES games are free, as noted.  Derpblivion is terrible.  Morrowind is good.  Skyrim is of Morrowind quality with updated graphics.  Also think Dragonborn is the only worthwhile Skyrim DLC.

Re: Killing Floor.  Overall it's a more simple premise than L4D -- wave defense with a boss at the end.  That said it offers a larger variety of weapons, requires a bit more strategy, and a lot more teamwork.

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First two TES games are free, as noted. Derpblivion is terrible. Morrowind is good. Skyrim is of Morrowind quality with updated graphics. Also think Dragonborn is the only worthwhile Skyrim DLC.

Re: Killing Floor. Overall it's a more simple premise than L4D -- wave defense with a boss at the end. That said it offers a larger variety of weapons, requires a bit more strategy, and a lot more teamwork.
Sounds pretty simple. So you would recommend it?

I would.  I eventually tired of it but that was after 50 or so hours.  Also it was in a humble weekly for like… a buck.  Shame you weren't in the thread about a week ago because people (including myself) were just blindly dropping keys for it.  Maybe someone still has one.

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Sounds pretty simple. So you would recommend it?
Check your PMs. All I ask is you buy some of the DLC one day (at 75% off) if you end up liking it :)

I would. I eventually tired of it but that was after 50 or so hours. Also it was in a humble weekly for like… a buck. Shame you weren't in the thread about a week ago because people (including myself) were just blindly dropping keys for it. Maybe someone still has one.
Thanks for reminding me!

Oh okay, cool. I've seen it a million times at my local Best Buy and always thought it would be a cool computer game, but never bought it. It looks to have a lot more macabre horror themes than L4D. Does it play as simplistic as L4D does? Because if so, it's a definite buy at $ just getting used to using keys and a mouse to play games instead of a controller, and i love how L4D2 feels on Mac so far
I wouldn't say L4D has any real horror element, while KF does have a small bit. It's nowhere near as simple as L4D: you have to pick your weapon, manage your dosh, and take more care than you do when playing L4D.

As a (probably) final word on it: it's the only game I've bought just for the multiplayer.

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lol nicee to know they delete it lol fuck tower war developer can lick their ego to china with their ******&***. i was teellign bundle but it proves people are drunk and they can never take my money luckily i use tremor games to get it so they lose more than my resepct cock sucks fuck

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So many deals on steam with amazon and gmg sometimes pricematching the daily deals + flash sales + community choice

Think amazon was the winner for best legendary Skyrim it was $20.39 during 12/12-12/14 and it will probably be on sale for a similar price at least $25 if it makes the editors choice games list in Jan so you might be able to get it around 18-20 then
Lets hope so...

First two TES games are free, as noted. Derpblivion is terrible. Morrowind is good. Skyrim is of Morrowind quality with updated graphics. Also think Dragonborn is the only worthwhile Skyrim DLC.

Re: Killing Floor. Overall it's a more simple premise than L4D -- wave defense with a boss at the end. That said it offers a larger variety of weapons, requires a bit more strategy, and a lot more teamwork.
lol Oblivion was awesome for me, Morrowind was great for its time. Skyrim eats them all...but to each his own.

OMG! I didn't know this game was available digitally anywhere. Wonder what are the chances it gets to Amazon or Steam?

Background: I bought this years ago on disc when I got my first "gaming" laptop that ended up being a total POS so I never actually got to play it. Seriously thinking of getting it now.
Well soon disappearing 20% and blue coins... uh oh..

System Requirements

  • Disc Drive: 4X DVD-ROM drive
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Well soon disappearing 20% and blue coins... uh oh..

System Requirements

  • Disc Drive: 4X DVD-ROM drive
lol, yeah they copied and pasted the box requirements. That said, I recall this having one of the hated DRMs on it when I had it, but none of the reviews make mention of it so I assume it got patched out.

OMG! I didn't know this game was available digitally anywhere. Wonder what are the chances it gets to Amazon or Steam?

Background: I bought this years ago on disc when I got my first "gaming" laptop that ended up being a total POS so I never actually got to play it. Seriously thinking of getting it now.
I remember a period where GoGamer had way too much stock of this or something and seemed to be constantly selling it for $0.99 or tacking it onto orders for free.

<vague> I don't think so <unsure>...

^_^ For me Massive ed was a nice way to grab the extra issues, get it steam, and have an extra TSW base key.
I know you were pretty big into WoW, as was I. Can I get your take on TSW? Is it as much of a time sink as WoW was?

2 things:

-Can tebow replace letterman on late night? Tell me that wouldn't be wayyy more entertaining

-You're oompa loompa. That's not a guess, I just know.
Tebow doing Late Night certainly would be interesting.

Just imagine him mixing it up w/ interviews w/ Celebs and stuff...

I know you were pretty big into WoW, as was I. Can I get your take on TSW? Is it as much of a time sink as WoW was?
Hmm... how do I answer this.. well I haven't gotten into the endgame stuff in TSW so I probably can't fairly judge that. I really really like the Buy-to-Play model, I don't feel any sort of "I should be playing TSW" pressure. I'm still mid-level, mostly soloing through content (the big draw for me in TSW), I've run dungeons a handful of times, and it was enjoyable. I haven't wanted it to become a life-sucking game and it hasn't become that for me. Thanks to the B2P model it was easy for me to take a break too when I wanted to play something else.

tower wars can kiss my dick can someone tell developer change my diapere cause of  u banning me for being pussy

 "Offensive Language. Is it really necessary to use foul language? -Happy Holidays!" hhhahah  lol how is that happy holiday have nice day bitch

tower wars can kiss my dick can someone tell developer change my diapere cause of u banning me for being pussy

"Offensive Language. Is it really necessary to use foul language? -Happy Holidays!" hhhahah lol how is that happy holiday have nice day bitch
Is it really necessary to remind us you wear diapers every chance you get?

I'd me more interested in the 'and stuff'.
Tebow: I'm sitting here with Jon Hamm of Mad Men. Jon, I think you said you had a story you wanted to tell me?

JH: Right, Tebow, well, the other day I was out with my wife, and ---

Tebow: (Suddenly and violently leans forward, eyes bulging) SPANDKSY SNPAKAY!!?!??!!

tower wars can kiss my dick can someone tell developer change my diapere cause of u banning me for being pussy

"Offensive Language. Is it really necessary to use foul language? -Happy Holidays!" hhhahah lol how is that happy holiday have nice day bitch

You shit yourself after Tower Wars kissed you on the penis for swearing? But it's ok because you were wearing a diaper? But you still need help changing said diaper and would like the developer of Tower Wars to lend a hand?

Happy Holidays!

I guess.


You shit yourself after Tower Wars kissed you on the penis for swearing? But it's ok because you were wearing a diaper? But you still need help changing said diaper and would like the developer of Tower Wars to lend a hand?

Happy Holidays!

I guess.
nah more joking lol it was more to see what their reaction is

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