The Target Clearance Thread

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Since the Target deals are usually of the "your mileage may vary" type, let's keep all the target clearance deals in this thread.

Here is a fairly easy way to check if your local Target has the games on clearance without making the store clerk unlock the display case and price-scan a bunch of games. Very often, games may be on sale, but will not be marked as such.

BigDirty came up with this nice time saver. Respect his cheap ass skills.

1) Check this thread for games that have been reported on clearance.

2) Go to, or similar website and search for the game to locate its UPC code number. Its in the grey box underneath the box art graphic.

3) Go to , , or and enter the code so you can print out the UPC.

4) Go to Target and use the price scanners to scan your printouts and search for cheap ass deals!

FYI: "When a game's price ends with 8 cents, further reduction is possible, when it ends in 4 cents, that's the ball game, pick it up cause it's not going any lower. If it ends in 9 cents, it's just on sale or on a non-clearance reduction." - BigDirty

When posting what you have found, please note the location that you found it at, example:

Philadelphia, PA
Snyder Plaza

Game Name, System, Price

(This edit from Big Dirty)
[quote name='lordopus99']Picked up today at my target

Max Payne (xbox) 4.98
Crash Bandicoot 5 (PS2) 4.98[/quote]

:shock: Has anyone else seen max payne for $5 at other Targets?
[quote name='phrmcst']Pensacola Target had Breakdown on temporary markdown to 19.99. Are temporary markdowns different for each location? I am tempted to go out and get this tonight for fear of the markdown ending tonight.
Has anyone played this yet? Is it any good?[/quote]

Temporary Price Cuts are the same at all Targets nationwide. If you look on the tag itself, it will have a start date and an end date on it in very small writing near the bottom of the sign. I believe the Breakdown price cut is good until May 5th or something close to that.
[quote name='lordopus99'] :shock: Has anyone else seen max payne for $5 at other Targets?[/quote] Super Target had about 8 copies for $4.98....both Platinum hits version, and the orginal one.
I got Breakdown for Xbox for $15.99, cause the case had a cut in it and I asked the guy if he would take off some of the price for it. Awesome game.
[quote name='phrmcst']Pensacola Target had Breakdown on temporary markdown to 19.99. Are temporary markdowns different for each location? I am tempted to go out and get this tonight for fear of the markdown ending tonight.
Has anyone played this yet? Is it any good?[/quote]Gah! I live in Pensacola as well!
phrmcst wrote:
Pensacola Target had Breakdown on temporary markdown to 19.99. Are temporary markdowns different for each location? I am tempted to go out and get this tonight for fear of the markdown ending tonight.
Has anyone played this yet? Is it any good?
Gah! I live in Pensacola as well!

So do you have any luck finding clearance games in P'cola? It seems like our 2 Targets are a little behind (meaning our clearance games are not marked as low) some of the others listed in this thread.
nope, most of the clearance games that i see there are just a bunch of Greatest Hits titles. I once saw a Rebel Strike in a stack of Player's Choice titles, but when i took it to the cashier it was $29.99 >_
I remember there used to be a list with many of the popular finds for Targets. Can someone please give me that list, or give me a newer on with games for XBOX and GC. If you give PS2 games, that is Ok too. Thank You.
The most notable ones I saw yesterday...

All of the PC games in the "Greatest Hits" boxes (Starcraft, Diablo, Tribes 2, and so on) scanned at $2.50 each.

The Hulk game for the PC was scanning at $5.

Nothing too impressive, but not bad...I did see Tron 2.0 on the PC racks, but it was still scanning at $20. I want the price to drop on this one... :D
[quote name='Richter'][quote name='phrmcst']Pensacola Target had Breakdown on temporary markdown to 19.99. Are temporary markdowns different for each location? I am tempted to go out and get this tonight for fear of the markdown ending tonight.
Has anyone played this yet? Is it any good?[/quote]Gah! I live in Pensacola as well![/quote]

Pensacola, huh? So you're the ones who bought out all the other copies of Breakdown!!!
[quote name='AGuth'][quote name='Richter'][quote name='phrmcst']Pensacola Target had Breakdown on temporary markdown to 19.99. Are temporary markdowns different for each location? I am tempted to go out and get this tonight for fear of the markdown ending tonight.
Has anyone played this yet? Is it any good?[/quote]Gah! I live in Pensacola as well![/quote]

Pensacola, huh? So you're the ones who bought out all the other copies of Breakdown!!![/quote]not I. Wasnt looking for the game at the time, then again I'm new to this place

I just blame Target for not having any left
AGuth wrote:
Richter wrote:
phrmcst wrote:
Pensacola Target had Breakdown on temporary markdown to 19.99. Are temporary markdowns different for each location? I am tempted to go out and get this tonight for fear of the markdown ending tonight.
Has anyone played this yet? Is it any good?
Gah! I live in Pensacola as well!

Pensacola, huh? So you're the ones who bought out all the other copies of Breakdown!!!

I ended up not getting it either. Sold out this AM. Must be a lot of unknown CAGs in P'Cola.
Haven't seen any central NC posters on this forum, so I thiought I'd report on a few of the targets in my area. I was armed with a list of UPCs for the games I've seen mentioned on these forums, but didn't have much luck.

Winston-Salem, NC
- Checked both stores here. They had a good share of clearanced PC stuff, but nothing for the consoles. Didn't check the actual prices of the PC games.

Greensboro, NC
- Again, I checked both stores, but they didn't have anything to note. Saw Tiger Woods '03 for $9.93 I think, but didn't scan it to see if it was actually lower.

Raleigh, NC
- Capital Blvd: Totally cleaned out. Nothing at all.
- Old Wake Forest: This was a new super target, and as I suspected, they didn't have any clearance stuff at all.
- Glenwood @ Lynn Rd: This place had a HUGE clearance rack - tons of the games mentioned on this forum. Unfortunately, none of it was significantly discounted (I scanned almost all of it). Best thing I saw was X2: Wolverine's Revenge NGC for $9.98 (3 copies left, behind the glass - marked as $19.98) and Dynasty Warriors for $29 (behind the glass, marked as $49).
- Brier Creek: Finally, a score. Picked up X2: Wolverine's Revenge for $6.76. Last copy - it was mixed in with their other cheap console games on an endcap.

And that was that. Still holding out hope of finding Panzer Orta or Aria of Sorrow for cheap, but sounds like that's going to be a next-to-impossible undertaking. From reading through this forum, it sounds like only a lucky few have snagged these bargains.
So let me get this's best to have the games scanned with a hand scanner rather than using the wall scanner?

By the way, I picked up Arx Fatalis for 7.98 for PC. Not a great deal, but definately a good one.
The hand scanner should be used if the wall scanner has a price of $0.00 because that means the game is out of the system and the only way to get the last selling price is for an employee to use the hand scanner.
Yay! My first post.

Clarksville, IN Target: I found the Half-Life Platinum Collection (which usually retails fo $39.99) clearanced to $9.98. I didn't see any other boxes except for one I stumbled upon and bought.
Silent Hill 3 (PS2) for $6.58 today in Boca Raton, FL. Also, bugg33 compiled a list awhile back which can be found on page 40 of this thread of all the deals which had been found through the end of February - just add the page to your favorites list so you always have a quick reference.
Newbie question....but is there a quick way to go to a specific page? I can't find it in my limited effort so far....
My Target NEVER has any clearences, but I finally found one today!!!!

Target in Beavercreek, Ohio has Max Payne (Xbox) for 4.98, and Red Faction 2 (Xbox) for 9.98. I picked up RF2.
hey mgreig, i live in NC and i can't find anything in my targets...the only deal i scored there was the slate gray ps2 controller for 7 bucks...

oh yea...when u guys search for deals at target, wut do u mean by "endcaps"? i search for them at the greatest hits shelf and the clearance shelf on the back of the main glass case...i don't understand wut u mean by "endcap"

thanks for any help... :/
A couple of messages on this page made me laugh! :lol:

Endcaps are located at the end of the aisle. Target usually throws all their clearance stuff there. There's usually a red sign that says 30% off or something like that. They have an aisle with cheap games but the endcaps are where you find some of the best deals. They're located all over the place. I once found a bunch of clearanced videogames in the pharmacy section endcap.

More on topic: NFL GameDay 2004 (PS2 obviously) for $7.48.
[quote name='bradr']Endcaps are located at the end of the aisle. Target usually throws all their clearance stuff there. There's usually a red sign that says 30% off or something like that. They have an aisle with cheap games but the endcaps are where you find some of the best deals. They're located all over the place. I once found a bunch of clearances videogames in the pharmacy section endcap.[/quote]

Yeah, Target's clearance items aren't too well organized. Most of the clearance stuff is jammed onto the tiny endcaps, but you can sometimes find stuff in the aisles. Also, items tend to migrate, with games showing up in some of the most unexpected places. The only uniformity seems to be that most items start off at 30% off, then they go to 50% off, then 75% off, and after that they usually get zeroed out. Very few items will go below 75% off.
Also, don't forget to check under the shelves in the videogame section. Sometimes people hide them under there (sorry if I gave away anyone's hiding place) or they just fall behind the shelves. Also, at the endcaps, they'll use their own cheap little metal baskets to put stuff in. Sometimes the metal baskets (usually white) will have good stuff in them. They're easy to overlook because you're too busy looking at the shelves themselves but not what's in the baskets. Be careful though, sometimes the wire mesh gets broken and can cut you.
[quote name='Alien Spider']Yay! My first post.

Clarksville, IN Target: I found the Half-Life Platinum Collection (which usually retails fo $39.99) clearanced to $9.98. I didn't see any other boxes except for one I stumbled upon and bought.[/quote]

The CD's are useless but you will need the key if you want to play it.
I found the 3 games I saw on clearence on an endcap. Usually they have nothing there but I happened to glance over and saw three games sitting there on clearence. First time I have seen anything too.
i-ninja - $7.48
.hack part 3 - $7.48

target at dequindre and 11 mile.

there were a few copies of i-ninja left, and only one of .hack. i-ninja is in the glass case while .hack is on a clearance end cap.
At the Clackamas Promenade location in Portland, OR:

The Hobbit $7.48 (2 copies left)

Haunted Mansion $4.98 (3 copies left)
UFC Tapout 2 $7.48 (2 copies left)
Test Drive (PH) $8.48 (several copies left)
LOTR Fellowship Of The Ring: $8.48 (4 copies left)

Test Drive and LOTR were in an Xbox value games shelf on an endcap of the aisle where all the cheap games and controllers are. The other three games are on an endcap on the other side of that aisle and might be buried in other clearance stuff.

Several PC games are clearanced. The two that stood out are Tron 2.0 for $14.98 (at least 5 copies) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for $13.98 (3 copies left). There are a lot of other titles as well. Check one of the endcaps near the music/DVD section.
[quote name='Demontooth'][quote name='Alien Spider']Yay! My first post.

Clarksville, IN Target: I found the Half-Life Platinum Collection (which usually retails fo $39.99) clearanced to $9.98. I didn't see any other boxes except for one I stumbled upon and bought.[/quote]

The CD's are useless but you will need the key if you want to play it.[/quote]

Well, with a dial-up modem...I'll stick with the CDs. ^_^

Thanks for that site though. Cool.
Has anyone seen Dyansty Warriors 4 *XL* on clearance yet? I keep watching that one but haven't noticed a drop - then again, it's in the case so I can only check when I remember my barcode printout. ;)
I think most stores just went through a major clearance. Everything from printers to computer accessories to pc games just got majorly overhauld. This was at both the 15 and haggerty and the grandriver and wixom.
[quote name='Wshakspear']I think most stores just went through a major clearance. Everything from printers to computer accessories to pc games just got majorly overhauld. This was at both the 15 and haggerty and the grandriver and wixom.[/quote]

Yes printers got reduced which really pissed me off. I bought a Lexmark P3150m about 2 1/2 weeks ago on clearence at $50(down from $100) and the damn things are now $25 :x .
[quote name='JibbaJabba']I bought a Lexmark P3150m about 2 1/2 weeks ago on clearence at $50(down from $100) and the damn things are now $25 :x .[/quote]

Buy a new one for $25, and return it using your $50 receipt. I believe you have up to a full month to return unopened items.
Please forgive me if this is a repost. I didn't see Space Colony listed at all and I found Hulk listed at $10. Both of these are now going for $4.98 at my Target.

Space Colony didn't get that great of a rating (77% - GameRankings) but I liked the demo so I threw five bucks at it. The Hulk got even worse at 71%.
Yeah, this was just reset time for most departments, home theater systems are on clearance as well, highly ymmv at this point in time, I got mine last May for 63 bucks - an RCA 5.1 system.
If these deals have already been posted here, I apoligize. I'm not going thru 73 pages of posts.

XBox Celebrity Death Match - $4.98
GCN Tony Hawk 4 - $4.98

Both B&M only.
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