The Target Clearance Thread

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Since the Target deals are usually of the "your mileage may vary" type, let's keep all the target clearance deals in this thread.

Here is a fairly easy way to check if your local Target has the games on clearance without making the store clerk unlock the display case and price-scan a bunch of games. Very often, games may be on sale, but will not be marked as such.

BigDirty came up with this nice time saver. Respect his cheap ass skills.

1) Check this thread for games that have been reported on clearance.

2) Go to, or similar website and search for the game to locate its UPC code number. Its in the grey box underneath the box art graphic.

3) Go to , , or and enter the code so you can print out the UPC.

4) Go to Target and use the price scanners to scan your printouts and search for cheap ass deals!

FYI: "When a game's price ends with 8 cents, further reduction is possible, when it ends in 4 cents, that's the ball game, pick it up cause it's not going any lower. If it ends in 9 cents, it's just on sale or on a non-clearance reduction." - BigDirty

When posting what you have found, please note the location that you found it at, example:

Philadelphia, PA
Snyder Plaza

Game Name, System, Price

(This edit from Big Dirty)
[quote name='tubtub']I picked up a Sony brand PSONE LCD Screen at Target today for only $15.12! This was the last one on the shelf and I've seen it various places throughout the store back in January and mysteriously it was back in the video game section after not being there since January.

It had a ton of clearance tags on it, the cheapest being around $60. I just happened to scan it and it came up $15.12. This was at Burke, VA. The box was in good shape, but it had been opened before, but everything was still wrapped and in the package.

They have one LCD/PSONE Combo left, but the price was around $104.98 still.[/quote]

That is a very awesome deal indeed, hopefully I'll find some deals at the Target stores in my area.
[quote name='Flamegames']Picked up a brand new Dynasty Warriors 4 today for 7.49 from target.[/quote]

Thats an awesome grab. :)
[quote name='Flamegames']Picked up a brand new Dynasty Warriors 4 today for 7.49 from target.[/quote]

Just curious, but was it Xbox or PS2?
[quote name='TheRock88'][quote name='Flamegames']Picked up a brand new Dynasty Warriors 4 today for 7.49 from target.[/quote]

Just curious, but was it Xbox or PS2?[/quote]

I picked up an XBox copy at my Target (Reading, Pa) for that price.
the memory cards and playstation 2 controllers are on sale this week at target, that's why you found it for $20 dazz, but that xbox deal sounds pretty nifty. does anyone smell price drop?
would this work?

You know how when you get engaged and go to register somewhere for your gifts, they give you the gun to zap everything in. So lets say you set up a mock wedding account at target. You now have the gun in your hand. So you go on a scanning rampage, scanning every single game in the place while your on your rampage. As you scan, it shows you the price on the gun. This is a good way to find out what games are on sale for without asking the henchman from target to scan it. I am pretty sure it scans through the glass case, so you don't have to be obvious. Now you've scanned everything. You can then go to the machine that shows all the items that were scanned in and the prices. Now delete the ones that aren't on sale and print out your list of sale items. Good crap in theory isn't it. Who wants to try it? All you need is A. A willing person of the opposite sex, or same sex if you are in certain states, to act like your fiance. B. You should offer her like britneys dance beat or something for her/his help.

The great thing about setting up a wedding registry is this. You can go to other target stores all over the country and pull up the list of sale games at any target. Like I could pull up anyones registry at target that is getting married. What I propose is this. Whoever does this deed should issue out ,online, the name that there wedding registry is under. Now, everyone on this site can go to targets all across the country and pull up the sale items from a wedding registry list. If your registry was under Jack Smack.. I could go to target's little machine and put in Search for wedding registry. ..By name : Ok Jack Smack.... What city/state. Atlanta, GA...Whereever and it pulls the list up. Hit print. go to electronics and go home happy. Would this work ?????
Interesting theory, thousands of cagers getting printouts of Jack Smacks wedding... I suppose you could do the lullaby thing too, that way you could easily go in their by yourself.

Im not encouraging anyone to do this, but it would be kinda funny.
My friend and I are to give it a try...although the only problem is I just went out and hit like 4 Target's today and found different prices at eachone....meaning that I will have to scope out the very best target to do this at so that we all get the best deal! I will hit another 8 Targets next week, but one of my friends is willing to do it also so we'll see who get's the better deal! If anyone else does it first you go cause since the prices are always dropping and the games are always changing I guess we could set up a turn system so that we have a new person do it every couple weeks or so!
Oh, yeah I found Fussion Frenzy for 4.98 at one of the Targets...although it was 19.99 at all the other ones!
The other funny thing is that I found one of the Phantasy Star Onlines for Xbox and they couldn't get it to ring up at all and it was still marked 39.99 on the tag so I told them that my friend got it for like 6.48 and they were like there is no way he got it for that, and I was like oh yeah he did, and when the manager walked away the other guy was like, "6.48 right?" and gave it to me. Sad thing is one of the other targets had it ring up ay 0.00 and they wouldn't give it to me for less than 9.99!
kya is 14.something at the Novato CA Target.. precious little other PS2 stuff there with the tags.
Some copies Kya still marked at 20.xx

I have been looking for the damn PS1 screens everyfreakingwhere. I wish I'd come across one. I suppose I should stay vigilant... we might have one return from some mirror-universe stock limbo at my store (s).

It was easy coming off the Circuit City rush to keep up momentum looking for the deals at Targets and other places for quite a while... but now the tedium of seeking out the deal is starting to wear at me.
It shouldn't, I have found a few great deals lately, but mostly for stuff I already had.

What's your average wait time between heart-warming good deals for you guys?
Dammit, one of my Targets has about 10 Kya's at $15....I thought Target prices were pretty uniform, but I guess not. I'll be waiting for that sucker to drop to $7.48....grumble.

Rare Hero
I know these prices are great, but I sometimes wonder if the hassle is worth it. I bought Ape Escape 2 and Kya, and both times had to wait 10-15 minutes while a manager was called because the clerk could not believe the scanned price.
PS2 Twisted Metal Black for $4.9X at the Livonia, Michigan Target (on Haggerty). 4-5 copies on the clearence shelf opposite the dvd wall.

Was the Greatest Hits package, but it did NOT include the online version.

I phrased that oddly I know.
I never have any luck at Target. I checked 3 today and they were all cleaned out.

The closest I found to ones posted in this thread was Kya but it was $14.99.

Oh well..there's always Circuit City

I stopped at the Livonia Target today. They were completely out of the Twisted Metal Black games, but I just traded that one in and don't really care to get it back. I did pick up Mace Griffin for $4.98.
[quote name='Lord Alfred']I picked up Ty the Tasmanian Tiger for GameCube yesterday for only $4.38.

Target - Greenville, S.C.[/quote]

Just kinda curious since that's sorta in my area, did they have any copies of it left after you made your purchase?
I'm the electronics manager for the Redmond, WA Target and be sure to check your stores on mondays. Thats the corporate-wide day for clearancing the electronics department. So if their price changes are up to date, new deals will drop every monday.
Today at the Target Greatland in MD (In the Cherry Hill area, the one by all the car-dealerships), I picked up:

Mace Griffin (Ps2) - $4.98
Kya (PS2) - $7.48

They had one more copy of each from what I could tell, and they were located in the aisle behind the normally priced games (the ones behind the cases)
I'm not sure if it has been mentioned already, but Chaos Legion is now down to $9.88. It was marked $19.88 but rang up at $9.88.
i just found an advance wars 2 game on the clearance side but i still rang up 30 bucks...anyone elses target have advance wars 2 on the clearance rack?
I visited my local Target (Greenbelt, MD) around noon today and found:

Evil Dead: Fistful of Boomstick for PS2, $4.38
Mace Griffin: Bounty Hunter for PS2, $4.38

Neither is great, but for $4 and change new, you can't complain too much.
I picked up my store's last copies of Stuntman ($4.98), Auto Modellista ($7.48) and Arc the Lad ($7.48) today. The games had been picked over so much since I was last there only about 4-5 days ago. I wouldn't have even gotten anything if I hadn't hidden Stuntman and Auto Modellista. I found Arc the Lad mixed in with a bunch of Greatest Hits titles.
Just picked up ATV offroad fury for $4.98. Not too bad... there wasn't much else to choose from though.
Not exactly clearance but Target near me had Pikmin for 14.99, only 5 bucks off and not "clearance" but thought I would mention it.
Have any of you found any of these deals in washington state anywhere near the seattle area, I haven't found any of the games listed in the targets near me? Do these deals apply to greatest hits games too, or only their original versions?
[quote name='mtobola']Have any of you found any of these deals in washington state anywhere near the seattle area, I haven't found any of the games listed in the targets near me? Do these deals apply to greatest hits games too, or only their original versions?[/quote]

I'll tell you right now that Redmond Target is sold out of all current generation system clearance games.
[quote name='mtobola']Have any of you found any of these deals in washington state anywhere near the seattle area, I haven't found any of the games listed in the targets near me? Do these deals apply to greatest hits games too, or only their original versions?[/quote]

I'm in OlyWA, and I haven't found anything good. The Best Buy in the mall (which I'm boycotting -- personal reasons) seems to price drop the fastest, and... yeah, every week my fiance and I scour the racks. Hope you find a "good" Target, so you can let us know!
kya by me was still 14.98 but I did find the EA gamers pack for 3.24 what i really wanted was jedi outcast but they ran out and the one i hid was found oh well
Not quite a clearance, but Freedom Fighters for PS2 rang up at $30 instead of $50. It came up as a "value" game, so perhaps its price will get slashed even further soon.
Sorry this is a little off topic but while I was browsing merchandise i came across this shirt ( reason why is because when I first saw it I remembered when I first viewed this Target thread many weeks ago and I coulda sworn I remember a bunch of people talking about how whenever they wear red shirts to target they are treated like employees lol.. so I thought this shirt was a good thing to post here (rather than going through 35 pages, I'm just hoping it hasnt been posted and I have the right thread lol)... ok well Im done here carry on =D
This is probably a stupid question but are the target clearance games separated into their own section or are they mixed in with the regular priced games? I went to my target today and couldn't find any clearance items.
[quote name='dcfox']This is probably a stupid question but are the target clearance games separated into their own section or are they mixed in with the regular priced games? I went to my target today and couldn't find any clearance items.[/quote]

It's both. Just depends on how motivated the employee's are.
Sometimes they will be marked, sometimes they won't.
They might be on the endcap or behind the glass.
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