The Wii's popularity pisses me off!

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[quote name='Tsukento']I gotta say, I'm definately not liking how open the doors are for just about ANY developer to come in and throw some shit together and call it a game just for the sake of making a quick buck.

Wii has some great games. Most of it is 1st party, with some being 3rd. But it's not a whole lot when you compare it to the already insanely huge library of fucking Wii Sports knock-offs, generic racing games, licensed crap that had Wii controls slapped together, and shit that just shouldn't be (Chicken Shoot?).

Compare the amount of games Nintendo released for the Super NES to the N64 or GameCube. Since the N64, they've taken a seat back and let 3rd party developers make the most of their consoles while throwing in a couple of their own games here and there. It's especially evident with GameCube. Wii is slowly becoming that. While it's still early, I'm hoping they at least make a turnaround like they did with the DS in its first year.[/quote]
This complaint is not exclusive to Nintendo or the Wii. Every console that's led the market has suffered from this exact thing.

Go back and look at the PS2 library. There are a few gems in the 1000+ game lineup, but most of it is filler. The Wii doesn't have any more shovelware than any other leading console in history.
[quote name='daroga']I had a great apple today. It was crisp and sweet. I never wanted it to end!

It ended. :(
Now that is a heart touching and inspirational story!

Lets write a script and show it to various studios in Hollywood and get it made into a movie!!
[quote name='daroga']I had a great apple today. It was crisp and sweet. I never wanted it to end!

It ended. :(

Most depressing spoiler of all time.

Man, coding PHP/javascript bullshit and writing on forums is intense. It should be an XTREME SPORT or something.

fuckin' fat man-titty having men of awesome sitting around drinking coffee and going:

fo.addVariable( "csConfigFile", "spell_check_config.xml" );
fo.addVariable( "csColor" , "FFFFFF" );
fo.addVariable( "csPreloader" , "spell_check_preload.swf" );
if( )
fo.addVariable( "csFilesetBookmark", );

And then all like:

Me and My Super Mario Galaxy get the fuck ALONG. I'm with Zack & Wiki bitch. Wiki said your argument is flawed - CITATION NEEDED.
OP's pissed because being a "gamer" isn't something rare and special anymore. Now his grandads friend is playing brain age and all the crazy parents are into the Wii sports.

OP also doesn't understand that the insane popularity for the Wii is what brings forth the great hardcore games. If the system was selling like the Gamecube, I guarantee that we would be missing out in the future. Money for Nintendo = More titles can be published.

Now OP, enjoy Galaxy, Corruption, TP, and in some cases RE4, and stop caring about what other people play on THEIR systems.
I forget who said it, but as long as we don't just get games just because, then I'm ok. I love my Wii because I'm having fun with all sorts of games. Sometimes you really don't wanna play a game for hours. Games like Wii Sports/Wii Play are great games in 15-30 minute periods.

I used to be pissed about how (at one time) the PSP was cooler then the DS, because of the name Playstation. And Playstation = Gangsta. And Gangsta = Teh kewlz. But still. The "In" thing will always win, but that's obvious.
[quote name='daroga']I had a great apple today. It was crisp and sweet. I never wanted it to end!

It ended. :(

have another one then.

*opens possible sequel to apple movie previously suggested*
How much crap was put out for the PS2? There are some games out there that I wouldn't even put in your PS2. It's easy, most hardware units sold = most crappy garbage games.

It's all subjective though...because despite owning an XBOX 360 which is considered to be an FPS machine....I hate FPS games. So am I wrong for owning one when there are games out there I enjoy for it? I'm sure there are a shit ton of people playing shitty games on the 360 and the PS3 and yet my day moves forward. If you don't like Nintendo's "directon" go in the opposite one. Just buy what you'll enjoy.
Kids, kids, kids...he's not inherently rooting against Nintendo's success and the Wii's unforeseen-even-by-Reggie-circa-one-year-ago popularity*, he's just concerned about the potential direction it could lead the system (and possibly other bandwagoning consoles) in. I've already said I think the likely scenario lies somewhere in-between, but it's too early to completely dismiss the more neurotic of us as delusionally wrong.

There were about a half-dozen truly strong original titles released in the first year for the Wii (I'm not counting Wii Sports...not even going to try to quantify that title's quality one way or another), and all but one of those are first-party. And...I'm fine with that. Impressed, even. (If Brawl had hit by year's end, my head would've suffered 300% damage instantly.)

It's an unfortunate and confrontation topic title, granted, but let's not kid ourselves here. Either the non-gamer fascination bubble is going to burst in the near future, or they're going to stay a factor and drive the 'crap quotient' through the roof. I'll just wait for my worthwhile, non-VC games I can count on my hands each year, dodging the shit (which advertises itself pretty blatantly) as it continues to pollute store shelves. If the next Metroid takes Samus on a journey of dancing and cuddly-alien collecting, though, we draw the line and "take us to Defcon 1, general".

It probably won't happen...but it could. Let's keep open minds on both sides.

*--Or so he appeared.
[quote name='pittpizza']Maybe I am just a video game snob but the Wii's popularity is pissing me off, not because I don't want to see Nintendo succeed, because I do, but because it is popular FOR THE WRONG REASONS.

What sparked this off was one of my good friends getting a used wii with Madden 08, Wii Play, and some game where he could play ping pong on it. I implored him to get Zelda: TP, Corruption, and Galaxy and he said that he just likes short games that are not time intensive and the motion games.

Am I alone here?? Does anybody else feel that the majority of Wii owners are not getting the best the system has to offer? Sure, I understand that not all gamers are like me and that everybody is entitled to thier own tastes, but ot me buying a Wii for these motion games or the zapper games, and completely ignoring the powerhouse classics is akin to owning an HDTV without ever using the HD features. Its just a shame to me.

EDIT: Oops wrong board, my bad. Mod please move it to the Wii board.[/quote]

Everything's relative. There's always going to be someone with different tastes in movies, music, games, sports, politics, and everything else. And many times, it's easy to view those tastes as facile and inferior. But chances are there is someone else looking at YOUR tastes right now in a different arena and rolling their eyes in frustration. So try to keep things in perspective. You can make suggestions and try to explain your POV, but don't expect that people are instantly going to like what you like for the reasons you like it just because you wish it were so.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's not what I was implying, if you think I was.[/quote]Nah, my slow-replying stupid hands were going for "rainking" a few posts above you. The nonsensical rambling post. Well, one of them anyway.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't think anyone who has never owned a PS2 has a leg to stand on telling other people what games they're missing out on.
[quote name='Theduck']
Now OP, enjoy Galaxy, Corruption, TP, and in some cases RE4, and stop caring about what other people play on THEIR systems.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. I get caring about those games not selling well as it doesn't give developers much incentive to make big budget, traditional games when they don't sell as well as some low budget, wave your arms like an idiot mini game collection.

But I couldn't care less that others are missing the "best" of what their console has to offer. Different people enjoy different games.

And honestly, if the Wii ends up being too casual game heavy, then no skin off my nose. MS and Sony have traditional genres covered.
Anybody that thinks I am against the Wii has me all wrong.

It's precisely because I am a Wii fanboy that I care about what people are missing when they just stick with "shovelware." Some good points have been made though about just sticking with what you like and not giving a shit about what others are missing out on though so I guess I'm overreacting.

So I guess I am alone then when I find out about a friend getting a Wii and they say "Yeah I got wii sports, wii play, and a ping pong game" then I say "you should get Metroid, Zelda, and Mario" and they respond (in not so many words) "no i just will stick with the shovelware crap" to feel like they're missing the best the wii has to offer? Nobody else feels like it's a waste, or its a shame that they're missing out on such good quality titles? This is all I have been trying to convey: that is that it is a shame that some people are missing the best (IMO) the wii has to offer.
[quote name='dallow']Waste of a thread pitt.

It's like crying that people didn't buy Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil, or Okami.[/QUOTE]

I post threads to entertain myself and get other people's views and opinions on topics I think are interesting and want to talk about. A few people in here have comended me for posting it and demonstrated that they understand what I have been getting at, so its not a waste to me but you are certainly entitled to your opinion.
I can empathize with the OP's thread somewhat. It makes no rational logic, for Nintendo is my favorite gaming company, but for some reason I fall victim to the same elitist trapping of starting to dislike a company/band/movie once it becomes incredibly popular. That is just my instinctual reaction and then logic and rationality filter in and I appreciate my Wii for the great times had with Zelda, Mario, the VC and Metal Slug.
[quote name='pittpizza']Nobody else feels like it's a waste, or its a shame that they're missing out on such good quality titles? This is all I have been trying to convey: that is that it is a shame that some people are missing the best (IMO) the wii has to offer.[/QUOTE]

I just don't care...aside from the angle that poor sales may equal less traditional games in the long run.

I just play games to have fun in my spare time. I couldn't care less what other people are playing. As long as they're having fun, that's all that matters.
[quote name='daroga']Wait, was the claim just made that the PS3's quality lineup is greater than the Wii's? I can understand the 360 game (in quantity if not quality), but wow, I'm not sure I've heard such a brazen thing said before. If you want to miss Mario Galaxy, I guess that's your choice. But it's also your fault.[/QUOTE]

I thought that sounded off too. But a quick look at shows that the Wii has 10 games that averaged 80 or above while the PS3 has 25 at 80 or above. A lot of it is multiplatform games that are also on the 360 though.

But surprisingly, looking through the list I definitely see more that I'd be interested in playing on PS3 than I have been playing on Wii. So I can see how the other guys statement could be true and realistic for him.

For me, I'll keep the stupid non-HD hunk of plastic around as I'm a sucker for Mario, Metriod and Zelda. :D
You should view it like Nintendo does. They dont give a shit what you do with your Wii as long as you buy one.

The greater the installed base, the more variety in games you will see. The PS2 sold 400 trillion consoles, thats why there are games for everyone on that system.

I personally bought my Wii to hold by backdoor open. It lets fresh air come into my house, and I dont have to open & close the door all day to let the dog in/out. It looks alot nicer than the red brick I used to use to hold the door open, plus it doesnt leave that nasty red dust all over the bottom of the door and on the floor. I feel that I get the 'most' out of my Wii this way.
I'd like to chime in simply because I like to hear the sound of my own voice. Certainly, the musings from my superior intelligence will be ample food for thought for others. It's clearly horrible to see raw power being wasted. Like giving a retarded person a tour of the nearest art institute, seeing someone squander the joys of such an entertaining game system is almost akin ordering french fries and a burger at Sardi's or a PB&J at the Carnegie Deli.

There ought to be some sort of legislation to help people make the right choices when it comes to entertainment. With the law on our side, we could eventually do away with the Final Fantasy franchise, or at least the Mario Party debacle. Maybe we could even eliminate a few genres altogether !
[quote name='pittpizza']
So I guess I am alone then when I find out about a friend getting a Wii and they say "Yeah I got wii sports, wii play, and a ping pong game" then I say "you should get Metroid, Zelda, and Mario" and they respond (in not so many words) "no i just will stick with the shovelware crap" to feel like they're missing the best the wii has to offer? Nobody else feels like it's a waste, or its a shame that they're missing out on such good quality titles? This is all I have been trying to convey: that is that it is a shame that some people are missing the best (IMO) the wii has to offer.[/QUOTE]

The holidays are your buddy Metroid, Zelda, or Mario...your friend will thank you later!
The greater the installed base, the more variety in games you will see.

Mmm...the "attach rate" to these consoles has a lot to do with that. What direction the games purchased are skewing might factor in a bit, too.

I think that on the whole, gaming is--out of necessity, I guess--going more 'casual' all the time. Think about how fucking HARD games were in the NES era. Think about how forgiving save/checkpoint systems have largely become in the last few years. Think about how in this 'emerging' generation, "Normal" is essentially "Easy" compared to what it was last generation.*

As someone who has experienced it all from Space Invader-induced 'quarter shortage' and 'truancy' stories (arcades are bad places, dear viewers!) to watching the rise and pseudo-fall and rise again of Nintendo, I have to say, gamers got their wish, and it's pretty Shaq-Fuing Faustian, I think. You got your mainstream acceptance. Gaming no longer guarantees that you'll be branded a social outcast for partaking in it. But at what cost? We're starting to find out. Stay tuned (as if you could ignore it).

*--This seems especially prevalent in the shooter genres. When I default to the harder difficulties, you know something's up there.
Ok, time for a real reply.

First off, do not compare the Wii and the Gamecube ever again. If anyone does that, they instantly lose all credibility, like it was a fucking pie-slice on Wheel of Fortune, where "Bankrupt" suddenly applies to your ability to be intelligent. You just got robbed, son. Betta hope the chiclets next to you don't buy too many vowels and totally figure out the answer is "Don Juan DeMarco."

If you want honest reasons for this, then look up the sales. Go on, look them up. The Wii - in one year - is over 10 million. Gamecube settled around 22 million over 5 years or so, since I don't keep exact figures in my head, and I tend to discard old antiquated figures when they hardly bear any meaning any longer to anything current (the figure comes from or something, but it doesn't really matter). But as such, the Wii is already destroying the pace set by the Gamecube. So sales alone negate the comparison.

But don't worry. I got more, non-narcotic sissy pansies. Games appearing from Rockstar and Tecmo, who were absent with both previous systems (unless you want to count Armorines, which I don't). More support from Capcom in the form of Monster Hunter 3. Squeenix not only making Wii games, but Wiiware games.

I imagine if you look up the attachment rates of the Gamecube versus the Wii (I couldn't find these), the Wii is probably more than holding its own. I know I personally have bought many, many more games in the first year for the Wii than I did for the Gamecube, though I am not projecting that across everyone else. It's just something to think about.

So stop comparing the two systems. Just stop. They are not the same. As I've been saying everytime the "where are the good third party games" bitchfest appears, you need to understand the average game takes 2 years to develop. Since Nintendo threw everyone for a loop with this system, and since everyone is now scrambling to get on board, it's going to be 1-2 years even from now before more projects appear. Monster Hunter 3 - once again - is a very, very strong indicator of this most likely happening. I won't say it definitely will happen, because I'm never certain of anything. But I know that title is huge in Japan. Squeenix actually apologized for moving that ish. I've almost never heard of that happening.

Second, I've seen people say things like "Well I just wanted to buy a Wii and be done with it, but I guess Nintendo can't fulfill everything I need, so I had to get a ___." This is a bullshit statement because at no time when there's been 3 strong competitors in this industry has any true/hardcore/enthusiast/whatever-bullshit-adjective-here gamer been satisfied with one system. I'm going to guess that a lot of people who owned Xboxes and Gamecubes had a PS2 also.

When it was just Sega and Nintendo, it was easier to pick a "side," so to speak. But once Sony showed up, it was pretty much a "Sony + ___" situation. So acting like Nintendo has "failed" you is kind of a silly notion, especially if you pride yourself like some sort of connouiseur, because you can't pass yourself off as an elegant bastard and then decide to limit yourself.

I'm aware there are one-console-owners out there, but most of them were Sony the last two generations around. I'll even be fair and say the next highest was probably Microsoft, and lastly Nintendo. But there's always, always going to be at least one game on a system you don't own that you want to play.

Finally, we need to stop comparing gamerankings. Seriously. It's well documented that there is little to no correlation between a review score and sales. Psychonauts, Beyond Good and Evil, etc etc. We all know that. The parallel is true - finding that one system has more games in a higher spectrum than another system...really doesn't mean a lot. I can't play a review score. I can play a game. And if I'm not interested in the games on a system, then I don't have a reason to get it or its games.

I don't see people buying games for systems they don't own just because it has a glowing ratio either. Otherwise, I'd be sitting down with a copy of Ratchet and Clank right now, with no PS3 to play it on.

Note that this is NOT the same as saying "games on ____ suck." Wrong. It is saying if a person isn't interested in them, then the score bears no meaning. That's when subjective nature rules over objective, and this is why a score ratio ultimately holds little water. Otherwise, Zack and Wiki would be one of the top selling games right now.

Now, to comments:

[quote name='pittpizza'] I would love for the Wii to NOT be like the gamecube in that respect--meaning it's best used for nintendo exclusives--but its starting to look like (due to whats hot and what is not) it will be best used like the GC. [/QUOTE]

I don't really have a problem with this statement, but seriously, where have all you people been in the last...oh....11 years? Since the N64, it's been overwhelmingly apparent that you buy a Nintendo system largely for Nintendo's games.

This didn't suddenly change with the Wii, people. And the only way it will is if you are willing to wait 1-2 years to see what happens with the third parties.

Hell, I think the only system where third party titles were really strong was the SNES. I can't in good faith count the NES, although I will readily admit that it's a very close race there, with the likes if Contra, Final Fantasy, River City Ransom, etc.

So if you bought the Wii and are expecting a lot of high quality third party not-Nintendo-franchise titles, you've really kind of fucked up. But I'll be fair and say that Nintendo needs to be blamed for this too. But then I'll be even more fair and blame the third parties for failing to create games that can compare to Nintendo's own offerings, especially when they've ignored Nintendo for the past two generations. But then I'll be even doubleplusmorefair and blame Nintendo for not releasing development/coding techniques to get the most out of the system graphically.

In other words, it's a sordid mess of bullshit. But the simplest thing to remember is that if you don't want to play Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Smash Bros/etc, then this isn't the system for you, and that is fine so long as you don't pull out this bullshit "I've been tricked" nonsense.

[quote name='MarioColbert']soccer moms are buying and supporting with their husband's hard earned dollars. [/QUOTE]


[quote name='rainking187']No, you are in a rut. You may not be in a rut sales wise, but as far as quality of games goes it's a very deep rut. And I was a Nintendo fanboy. I've been playing Nintendo consoles since the NES, and I even stuck by the Gamecube. But I just find it very hard to support Nintendo currently. I'm just simply not happy about the direction Nintendo's headed in. There's simply an astonishing amount of crap being released for the Wii. And all three consoles have crap on them, but when the crap is surpassing the good stuff in terms of sales there's a very big problem. [/QUOTE]

1) Quality of games is subjective.

2) Quality of Nintendo's games is reaching critical levels. Mario Galaxy is beyond awesome. So that shoots a hole in your theory.

3) "Direction Nintendo is headed in." Funny statement. You the top in terms of sales? No, probably some hypothetical about how they are going to abandon the hardcore gamers. You'll have to come back to me when they happens, if that happens, because right now I'm not convinced. I'm sorry a few Brain Age titles selling in the millions scares you that much.

4) "Crap released on the Wii." It's a delicate balancing act of crap vs substance. But I imagine if Nintendo had higher standards in terms of third parties, gamers would call them snobby and elitist. So Nintendo can't win this fight, so they choose to just let everyone come. I'm not saying that's the best strategy, and I do think there's shovelware galore, but beyond all of that, it doesn't detract from the heavy hitters.

[quote name='Kendal']Me too. I am going to ignore my Wii since everyone loves it. I am going to play PS3 and Atari Jaguar, no one likes those. We are some rebels.[/QUOTE]

This made me laugh. "We are some rebels." Hehe! :] And I'm not saying this in any kind of sarcastic way. I found it genuinely funny.

[quote name='Tsukento']
Compare the amount of games Nintendo released for the Super NES to the N64 or GameCube. Since the N64, they've taken a seat back and let 3rd party developers make the most of their consoles while throwing in a couple of their own games here and there. It's especially evident with GameCube. Wii is slowly becoming that. While it's still early, I'm hoping they at least make a turnaround like they did with the DS in its first year.[/QUOTE]

HUH? They've released FAR more first party games in the first year ALONE of the Wii than they did in the GC's first year, and WAY MORE than the N64.

The other part about third parties is nonsense. It maybe applied to the NES and SNES. Maybe. About the only system that could be applied to today from Nintendo is the DS, and I'm not even sure that counts.

The last two sentences are just silly.

[quote name='evilmax17']This complaint is not exclusive to Nintendo or the Wii. Every console that's led the market has suffered from this exact thing.

Go back and look at the PS2 library. There are a few gems in the 1000+ game lineup, but most of it is filler. The Wii doesn't have any more shovelware than any other leading console in history.[/QUOTE]

Ding. 20 points to Evilmaxriffyndor.

[quote name='jollydwarf']*paranoia*[/quote]

As for your concerns, I won't discount them, because I can't. It's that simple. However, I'm not dumb enough to think Nintendo is some sort of harbinger bent of heralding the coming of The Second Crash, as was foretold in the great Instruction Booklet Tomes of the Ancient Atari Ones.

You - and the "hardcore" (ugh) gamer crowd - all place this blame solely on Nintendo, and then you turn around and lament the fact that your hobby is no longer this best-kept secret, like some sort of druidic anthem passed down through the ages, as if it were a damn secret.

But you do this while dismissing the sheer amount of crap that was found on the NES and SNES, two systems you'd largely have to acknowledge as having some of the best games ever made. This is to say NOTHING of the PS2, which I believe most people say is their favorite system. Hell, let's throw in the PS1. Additionally, you portend that the Wii is the only one of the current systems with a lot of crap on it.

I suggest you look at it a different way. You need to understand two basic things. The first is that the overwhelming majority of developers are making games for your crowd. This includes Nintendo, Sony, Bungie, a host of EA's subsidiaries, etc etc. You've even got two systems devoted to the power users. And there are enough sales to guarantee that such games will always be made. So stop with this Four Horsemen of N scenario - it's really flawed.

The second is that despite all those people devoted entirely to your camp, it is fast shrinking when compared to the growth of the "casual" group. You can piss and moan and cry and blame Nintendo for this all you want, but the thing you need to understand is that the crowd is growing, and with it, developers will turn some attention their way. At no point, at no time, in any industry, where there are a lot of developers creating content for some amount of people X, will some amount less than X be more profitable.

Right now, you guys are sorely in the "some amount less than X" category, and you are being displaced and overrun with growing numbers. At some point, X is going to be less a percentage of you. And since there's nothing you can do about that - aside from being whiny smartassed - I suggest you get a better outlook.

See, the funny thing is....Wii Sports and Wii Play and going to make a ton of money for Nintendo, and since their MO is not to make Wii Sports 2, they can use that money to make bigger games. It's going to balance out, because those same companies will help fund bigger projects aimed at your side. I can't prove this. I really can't. But I somehow doubt Wii Sports is going to - by itself - radically change everything Nintendo has done for the 21 years they existed before Wii sports. (Yes, I KNOW they've been around 100+ years, but I really only count them back to the NES days for these discussions.)

The point, then, is that I suggest you stop with all this blaming-Nintendo-only jazz. Sony is advertising that Quiz Show shit on the PS2 right now, but I don't see you acting like that's going to keep God of War 3 from coming out.

It's funny. With your first post, I felt kinda bad, because you've reiterated this thread's topic about a hojillion times over the past year.

Oh well.
i didnt even read the other 4 pages but, the wiis popularity is great because we KNOW FOR SURE that developers will back this console, i own a PS3 and it seems theyre not 100% backing the ps3 yet .

also because i enjoy the mini games also and all the exclusives it has to offer, and i can finally play a game against my sisters. lol
I know it's easy to focus on the greater ratio of "bad" to "good" games when a console reaches as critical a level of popularity as the Wii has, but the other side to consider is there are certain risks publishers will be more willing to take once they see such a large install base.

Case in point: Capcom. With Zack and Wiki, it's pretty logical to assume that this game wouldn't have seen the light of day without the Wii, as it would sadly most likely have been a failure on either of the two other consoles (not that it's really selling in droves on Wii, either :whistle2:#). And the upcoming Okami port. Porting over a game that flopped terribly sales-wise on a previous console...wouldn't make much sense to do that on a console without a large install base.

I think in the end it's smart to take the good with the bad. The Wii appealing to Joe-Schmoe gamer who can't distinguish Mario from Manhunt may not be hurting the production of "quality" games as much as you think, but I can understand your desire t that people "maximize" the potential of their console.

But, one reason videogames have permeated the collective minds of the masses is due to the wide range and appeal of all sorts of titles. The Wii is just a microcosm of a trend that has been growing for years. Certain stereotypes that may have catered to the gaming crowd 20 years ago no longer necessarily hold true today, and I for one, believe that's a great thing. Outside of overbearing zealots, one is typically no longer shunned to be a gamer and a lot of the bad stigma that used to be connoted with gaming is gone (ie friendless geek, 40 year old in parents' basement, etc).

So take the bad with the good and just be thankful that Nintendo hasn't resorted to debasing their classic franchises just to appeal to "newbies." While their marketing may be going in that direction, the hardcore 1st party games imho have failed to disappoint. And based on nintendo's track record for 1st party titles, I don't think there's much reason to think otherwise. And as Wii's continue to sell, hopefully more and more original, "quality" 3rd party titles will also emerge in addition to the tripe, generic, titles. The longer a gamer games, the more likely they will have exposure to at least a few great titles eventually.
For the record, I play all the "quality" games on the Wii and enjoy them thoroughly, yet the only reason I really have it is to play bowling with my hot friend. Then she loses and owes me cheeseburgers. It's already paid for itself in burger, yet she keeps trying. She's in Egypt for the year, but I keep it in her honor.
wow strell! how long did it take you to write all that?

agreed 100% with your post.

i looked at it as in a business sense. If Nintendo can make millions selling pony and dog be it. The more money they make..the better chance and the more resources they have to put out something huge like Galaxy.

I dont see whats the complaining about third party titles....the Wii got RE 4,Trauma Center,DBZ(it seemed to me this was well liked) to start with and now 1 year after we have games like RE:UC,Soul Calibur Legends,Zac and Wiki,Trauma Center new blood.....I dont see any lacking support from the 3rd party developers....heck MLB Power Pros is an amazing baseball game from Konami that you guys should check out. As strell said...give it some time and the library will be swamped with 3rd party titles.

I understand where pitt is standing that its such a loss to see people not enjoying the best what the wii has to offer...but those games may not be their cup of tea anyway. I dont think every halo or madden player goes out of their way to play bioshock or mass effect. maybe your boy just wants a quick play and be done with it. Gaming is a preference right??
[quote name='integralsmatic']
I dont see whats the complaining about third party titles....the Wii got RE 4,Trauma Center,DBZ(it seemed to me this was well liked) to start with and now 1 year after we have games like RE:UC,Soul Calibur Legends,Zac and Wiki,Trauma Center new blood.....I dont see any lacking support from the 3rd party developers....heck MLB Power Pros is an amazing baseball game from Konami that you guys should check out. As strell said...give it some time and the library will be swamped with 3rd party titles.

I think people just mean lacking support from major third party franchises.

i.e. the Wii gets a Soul Calibur adventure game, which could be ok but based on most fighting game spinoffs in the past will probably suck, while Soul Calibur 4 is no where to be seen on the console.

Stuff like Zak and Wiki and Trauma Center are quality titles in their genres, but aren't for everyone--same with a super deformed baseball game. RE4 is a port that many played on the GC or PS2, etc. etc.

So third party support is there and some people probably love the shit out of it. But others lament the absence of games like Bioshock, Orange Box, MGS, Virtua Fighter, Soul Calibur 4, etc. etc. etc. The BIG third party titles haven't hit yet, aside from the RE games, and one's a port and the other a light gun type game. Now I'm not saying Wii owners should have any reason to expect those specific franchises, but just that many are disappointed that we aren't seeing those types of big games in mainstream, traditional genre's yet on the Wii. Hopefully some will come in 2008, given we know next to nothing about what's coming from 3rd parties next year.

Again, I'm past caring since I can get those kind of games on the 360 now that I have one, and I'm resigned to being ok if I just end up using the Wii mainly just for Mario, Metroid, Zelda and other first party stuff. Though I doubt I'll buy the next Nintendo console if that's the case as I am starting to get less out of these franchise after playing reiterations of them for 20 odd years.
With regards to some of the big name 3rd party franchises, like MGS, Final Fantasy, or DMC: Most of them had made their bed long before November of last year, or even May of last year (E3) - Now they have to sleep in it.

If they really thought the marketshare situation wouldve played out like it has, I think we might've seen some of the big names elsewhere.
[quote name='Strell']...the simplest thing to remember is that if you don't want to play Mario/Zelda/Metroid/Smash Bros/etc, then this isn't the system for you...[/quote]

This is, in essence, the source of my frustration. It's the "wasted Wii" aspect of the popularity of shovelware. It appears the common sentiment is "Who cares they're not experiencing what YOU may consider the best thing about the Wii? Let people play what they want." So I suppose its just a nitpicky pet peeve of mine.

At no point did I say (or mean to imply) that Nintendo/3rd Party devs are at fault or that the future of gaming will be negatively affected. It's a concern but I don't find the link between the popularity of shovelware and the drop in quality conclusive. After all, several have reiterated the point that having a huge installed base will more likely spawn more creative/riskier titles that may never have otherwise existed. I just HOPE it doesn't swing the other way; for now we'll be like MC's scientists and just watch.
[quote name='pittpizza']This is, in essence, the source of my frustration. It's the "wasted Wii" aspect of the popularity of shovelware. It appears the common sentiment is "Who cares they're not experiencing what YOU may consider the best thing about the Wii? Let people play what they want." So I suppose its just a nitpicky pet peeve of mine.

At no point did I say (or mean to imply) that Nintendo/3rd Party devs are at fault or that the future of gaming will be negatively affected. It's a concern but I don't find the link between the popularity of shovelware and the drop in quality conclusive. [/QUOTE]

That's the odd thing.

I can buy the argument that the majority of Wii owners are not typical gamers - that there's 80 year old men using it to make their own in-house bowling league, and all the other countless examples that are counter to the overall strategy of getting a high attachment rate and lots of software sold.

I'll even say that if that is the majority of the audience, then these people might not be willing to pick up a lot of games.

However, I think you can also say that there's almost no precedent to go by and no evidence to judge all of this from. Since this is the first time a game company has made a strong effort to go after their own audience + other people, we don't know how that is going to pan out in the end. For all we know, a lot of those casual gamers are going to buy Mario, love it, and then go after titles like Zelda. Or, Mario might have sold the Wii to the normal gamer set, who might then come over and pick up Zelda and Metroid and such.

The point is that we need to wait to see what happens. A year ago, I said we needed to wait to see what would happen with the hardware sales. Well, for the most part, that has played out very well for Nintendo.

And now we need to wait again to see how software sales go.

In the meantime, play the better games, encourage people to buy them, give them as gifts, pick them up on launch day if you can, etc etc etc. That's really the only thing you can do.
[quote name='danito']People don't buy Nintendo systems for third-party games. That is all I will say.[/QUOTE]

For the past two gens. I was hoping this one would be different (and it still may given its sales success thus far) given that the GBA and DS have pretty solid third party support.

If not it's a shame as I'm getting to the point where I'm just not willing to keep a Nintendo system around just for their games. Still love them, but the main franchises are getting a little been there, done that which diminishes my enjoyment slightly. And the new, casual gamer stuff isn't generally my cup of tea.
I can buy a lot of counterarguments, I can concede a lot of things, but I'm just having a hard time visualizing the geriatric/parental/'hipsters partying' crowd making the leap from Wii Play to Corruption. Mario is so iconic, and the buzz is so overwhelmingly strong for Galaxy, I could see people springing for that game, but that's about it. I also get the impression for the last group I 'slashed' there, the whole point is that suddenly it's now okay to bust out a gaming console...just as long as you don't play those kind of games. 'Cause those are the kind of games that 'those losers play', right?*

2008 will be very interesting to watch, because a.) I'm interested to see what worthwhile games actually get released, and b.) the most likely Nintendo Triforce of Terrific Times would be Brawl (an '08 lock), Mario Kart (next Autumn), and Animal Crossing (coughslipcough!). All of those are games that focus on the multiplayer and should be equally satisfying to everyone participating. Will this (temporary) middle ground year alleviate the animosity, blur the lines permanently? Like I said, it'll be interesting.

*--C'mon, you can't deny that there is at least a sliver of the Wii-owning pie that looks at the 'casual' Wii experience as the only type of gaming that comports with their lifestyle and doesn't somehow compromise their ability to be socially functional and 'cool' enough. It's why this type of person has been gaming-averse or at least gaming-dormant for so long, no?
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']With regards to some of the big name 3rd party franchises, like MGS, Final Fantasy, or DMC: Most of them had made their bed long before November of last year, or even May of last year (E3) - Now they have to sleep in it.[/quote]Thank goodness.
I know you love to think that there's only two kinds of Wii owners, but you're wrong.

I'd put you in the second category anyway, with you sporting a Jessica Alba quote.
Do I think there are "two types" of Wii owners? Yes and no. "No" in the sense that you can't sum up everyone in two caricature drawings. "Yes" in the sense that I believe there are people who gamed before and regularly up through the Wii launch and those that didn't. I am convinced that the latter group has a very strong contingent of bandwagoners, swept up in the need to not be behind the 'hip curve'. I am also confident that they will not extend themselves beyond the party/minigame/sports titles, and if they make the effort, they will quickly recede back into their comfort zone.

I'm really sorry if you take offense on Nintendo's behalf because of these notions I (repeatedly) present. It's not an indictment of Nintendo, really, it's just my cynical outlook on a good chunk of today's population, and honestly, human nature in general. I'm not even attributing The Inevitable Implosion of Gaming Back to Pong* here, I'm just saying that I think there is a certain 'binary' quality to the Wii crowd, and that the newer clientele is not really soluble with 'my type's' more 'archaic' notions of what a complete gaming experience is. They might comprehend it, but they most likely "do not want".

P.S. I think I'm being pretty reasonable here, but at the same time, I'm tapping out, as the more I post, the more some will invariably read it as me trying to provoke for the sake of provoking. I defer to you the last word here. (Bows)

EDIT: The Alba quote is my very first signature here. I just can't severe my CAG past, be disrespectful of it. I know, I know..."That's not surprising."

*--Which would be perversely awesome to behold if it literally came true.
It's just that people like you came in and claimed "oh, only the Nintendo fanboys are buying the Wii" when it released.

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "well, it's just a fad that will die out any day now."

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "Nintendo is artificially keeping the supplies low by not shipping them out to retailers in big numbers."

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "Nintendo is artificially keeping it low by not manufacturing a maximum number on purpose."

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "Well, surely Nintendo saw this coming, but they choose to screw up the production and shipping numbers anyway in order to keep people on a tight leash, and I don't believe for a second they didn't know it wouldn't sell 10 million in a year, even though I totally knew it was going to be a failure because I'm a smart gamer and know everything and totally knew Assassin's Creed was coming to the 360 also."

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "The games aren't there."

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "Ok, there's no good games beyond Nintendo's 1-2 franchise games like Zelda."

Except it kept selling out, so you moved on to "Ok, no games on it sell at all except the corny titles."

Except it kept selling out, so you went full circle and said "Only the fanboys like it and it's just a fad being perpetuated by the media and a lot of people riding the bandwagon."

That's 8 points of contention. I could probably think up a few more if I really wanted.

At no point have you - or the others of your viewpoint - ever given any credit to Nintendo, and only now do you even begin to maybe do that, except you sort of have it on loan. I.e., it's kind of a "Ok, well, Nintendo has made 10 steps forward, but in a year when it's a fad and no one buys it, they'll have lost and I'll have been right all along."

And then you back thus up with a lot of speculation about how "third parties hate the Wii" and "no one is going to support games like Mario" and "Omfg, I saw a commercial with an old guy bowling, and I totally read on that there are bowling leagues in retirement homes, zomg that totally means those people will never buy another game and Nintendo's bubble will burst."

There's always been a damn excuse from your crowd. Always has been. And all of them of the same relative strength, which I tend to view as pretty weak overall, so I've grown tired of hearing the same arguments all the time.

The point being is that the excuses can only get you so far. You can sit back and claim X and Y and Z and X2 and Y2 and Z2 over and over again about how the Wii is perched precariously on some sort of invisible ledge only you see, and now any day it's going to topple over and that will be the end of Nintendo.

Which is funny, because no matter how blind you think I am, I actually fear for the Wii2, because we have no evidence to support whether or not this generation is willing to move on if they are so satisfied with what they have already. Which - in a funny twist - is your argued squared.

But it doesn't change the fact that right now, the hardware sells amazingly well and the software looks to be on point with it.

If you're willing to make excuses for the last year about the Wii, then you're goddamn willing to wait another year to see how the software sales go, all the while doubtless making excuses.

Again, if you have such a hardon against the Wii, don't buy it, wait for it's inevitable demise you totally know is going to happen, and then laugh at people like me who supported a lame horse from day one.

But in the meantime, it would be awesome if you could find a way to have a nice cup of STFU. Go down into my cellar. I have a nice Chateau '84 down there.
[quote name='MarioColbert']

Smash Bros. tonight?[/QUOTE]

I have a nice Cabernet Sauvignon 62' of asskick down there. Go get you a glass. Just look for the pile of women's panties. You can't miss it.
Seems like there's a couple issues getting mingled together here.

Firstly, he viability of the Wii for Nintendo, and, secondly, the viability of it to be the main system for a "hardcore" gamer (hate the term--just mean someone that wants traditional games).

Is the Wii viable for Nintendo. Obivously. The GC sold like crap, the Wii was in first place in worldwide sales in under a year, despite launching a year after the 360. That's remarkable. And I don't think sales will slow down. It's not a fad, it's here to stay.

Is the Wii viable as the main system for a "hardcore" gamer? That remains to be seen as we see what software starts coming out in the next year now that developers have had time to jump on board once they saw they Wii was the hot ticket this year.

But for it's first year, it definitely wasn't. I was a grumpy gamer from Nov 2006 through Sept. 2007 when I got a 360 to be my main system. But that could change and no one would be happier than me to see Nintendo put out 1st party games at a faster clip and third parties to put out some solid traditional games to go along with the ports, shovelware and minigames which would add up to the Wii getting more of my gaming time.

Senor Strell takes no prisoners
[quote name='dallow']Thank goodness.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, thank goodness the Wii is lacking major third party franchises. Would suck if it had a nice, varied library. :roll:
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, thank goodness the Wii is lacking major third party franchises. Would suck if it had a nice, varied library. :roll:[/quote]Ummm, if it meant no established franchises on nice next gen systems, then hell yes thank goodness.

Wii satisfies another need.
You bought that 360 for a reason right?
look I understand that a lot of people are conserned that the number of Wii's selling don't indicate the amount of software being sold but come on look at whats come out on the system. Its got a good number of AAA first party titles out on it. Several solid third party titles like Zack and Wiki and MOH.

This is only the systems first year look at the 360 in its first year you were just "starting" to see its potential. Look at the PS3 its barely showing its potential game wise currently though its outlook looks promising. I think people need to take a step back before they panic and say its all shovelware and theres nothing there for the hardcore gamer out there. I seriously think its over the top panic really Nintendos not going to suddenly stop making Mario games or Zelda games because they are selling Wii's like gangbusters. I mean seriously tell me how rational this sounds.

"Look the Wii is selling out constantly for almost a year! Quick drop those silly Zelda and Mario games make party games quick make sure we get more movie tie in games yeah!"

The thing is this gives them more opportunity to try new concepts and game ideas that may not have come as a result in short it allows them to take some risks. This means more types of games and a larger demographic which is a good thing because even if most these people don't move on to Nintendos next system its likely some of them will and they will get more and more into Nintendos games all in all its a win win in my mind so I'm really confused as to what the issue is here.
Most of the games aren't for me, I bought it for Nintendo.
And I don't have a big problem with it unless it takes away from other systems (ala Monster Hunter 3) and my overheating graphics chip.

But I know it's doing well, and it has worthwhile titles for others.
It has a lot of crap, but so does every other system, it's just magnified now because of how past-gen the games look.

I was at Frys and they had the Wii and Chicken Shoot hooked up to a big screen.
Chicken Shoot.

Freakin' Chicken Shoot.
It's worse than a flash game, I couldn't believe it.
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