Things you miss form your childhood?

My childhood was spent in western New York state, but from 10 on I have lived in Texas. I remember when I was a kid there were these ice cream frogs on a stick I used to get that were the greatest thing ever. They were green coated and had M&M eyes. I loved these more than all other treats, but since moving to Texas, I never saw them again.
My most fond memories were of christmas, and that I had a lot of time to plan my future. I'm quite a bit ahead of the curve for my age (I already took a junior level class and I only just turned 19), but it just doesn't feel as good as it could be. Otherwise, I was the kid always teased at school for whatever. Damn I'm getting depressed right now.....
One of the top memories had to be when I was 12 and there was a limo in front of school. All the kids crowded around it, and then my mother rolled down the window and told me to come in.
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