This website is an eyesore

[quote name='keithp']I like how all the people who hate it are newbies, and I especially like how the OP can type out four paragraphs of complaints but can't even post it in the correct forum. :roll:

I like the font choices and the color palette.[/QUOTE]
I may post very little, but I'm a professional graphic designer. And this site's layout is very, very poor.
I enjoy the darkness. I am not much of a fan of the brighter backgrounds that are out there. In fact, when I'm using a word processor if there is an option to change the color of what I'm typing on I do so to save on my eyes.
[quote name='GhaleonsDeadMyFriend']I may post very little, but I'm a professional graphic designer. And this site's layout is very, very poor.[/quote]

How so.
Black backgrounds save power due to monitors consuming less power displaying dark colors.

Thus, black background ftw.
[quote name='Nintendocore']Fact:
Black backgrounds save power due to monitors consuming less power displaying dark colors.

Thus, black background ftw.[/quote]

I thought white saved the most power...and black is the hardest for a monitor to accurately display.
Another vote heavily favoring CaGs current layout, a lot less fragging bright light in general here... love it.
[quote name='GhaleonsDeadMyFriend']I may post very little, but I'm a professional graphic designer. And this site's layout is very, very poor.[/quote]
Where did you get your degree?
[quote name='GhaleonsDeadMyFriend']I may post very little, but I'm a professional graphic designer. And this site's layout is very, very poor.[/quote]

You're entitled to your opinion, even without being a "professional graphic designer" or whatever. Fine by me for you to think that this site's layout is "very, very poor."

However, the overwhelming majority here believe that the site is fine, dark background and all. I'm one of them.

Now that you've had your say, you can go back to working on your own website.
I don't think this website is ugly but I have seen better.

Here are some other forums I visit:

The thing about this site is there is too much contrast from light to dark where as the other websites are not so extreme. CheapyD doesn't have a huge budget though and to redesign this website would cost $$$. There is also the problem of finding a web designer worth his salt.

So ultimately...this site is good enough for what it is.
[quote name='Xevious']
The thing about this site is there is too much contrast from light to dark where as the other websites are not so extreme. CheapyD doesn't have a huge budget though and to redesign this website would cost $$$. There is also the problem of finding a web designer worth his salt.

Perhaps he's volunteering his services as a "professional graphic design artist" to spruce up the place, but I somehow doubt it.
I like dark sites. Too many sites these days use lighter colors. I always know when I'm on CAG. And what's the deal about the layout? It's a forum. You can only so much with a forum.
I'm really digging the redesign. Yes, it is more different than many sites, but that's a good thing no?
[quote name='GhaleonsDeadMyFriend']I may post very little, but I'm a professional graphic designer. And this site's layout is very, very poor.[/quote]

You may be a professional graphic designer, but whether the site's layout is poor or not is still just your opinion as one user of this site. From what I've read almost every single person prefers this layout. Graphic design is an art, and as such many aspects are subjective, not objective as you seem to suggest. This site's purpose is to serve the gamers who frequent it, and as such the majority apparently has spoken. In the end, you're entitled to your opinion, but the accusation that the website is designed poorly is very, very weak.
I like how the people who say it's a poor layout and how they're a professional this-or-that haven't provided any examples of their own work to show us how good they are. Any fool can criticize something without offering input on how to make it better.
WTF, was he expecting Cheapy to say, "Oh, web design master, who do I sign the check to?". If you wanted to speak to Cheapy send him an email at the link below, but you aren't doing very well just coming in and saying you think his site sucks.

I like the Black background easy on the eyes, all of the crazy avatars and sigs kinda take away from the site but that's everyone expressing themselves and I am not stopping them.
[quote name='M1C13']WTF, was he expecting Cheapy to say, "Oh, web design master, who do I sign the check to?". If you wanted to speak to Cheapy send him an email at the link below, but you aren't doing very well just coming in and saying you think his site sucks.

I like the Black background easy on the eyes, all of the crazy avatars and sigs kinda take away from the site but that's everyone expressing themselves and I am not stopping them.[/QUOTE]

adding an option for users to disable viewing signatures and avatars could be nice for someone that's looking for a cleaner look, and viewing on a slower internet connection.

also, i like the site's design, especially with some of the new things that are happening with the beta. my only gripe with the white on black is when i copy-paste into a white background window. otherwise it uses less energy and is fine on my eyes.
[quote name='mang9432']adding an option for users to disable viewing signatures and avatars could be nice for someone that's looking for a cleaner look, and viewing on a slower internet connection.

also, i like the site's design, especially with some of the new things that are happening with the beta. my only gripe with the white on black is when i copy-paste into a white background window. otherwise it uses less energy and is fine on my eyes.[/quote]
Why doesn't your program change the text to the default color when you C&P? You could always paste to notepad quickly and then re-C&P and it should default.

Regarding the OP.
$5 Says this guy wants more "bevel," a splash page (hello 2001), and "gel" buttons; GTFO with that crap. I like how fast this site loads on my phone, even when I don't use the optimized format.
I'm just pondering on how this got posted in the "Your Man in Japan" forum?:?::roll:

By the way, community > web designer(s).
[quote name='ihadFG']I feel pretty much the opposite. To me, the dark colors of this site make it easier to read and less straining on the eyes.[/quote]
This is how I feel too. I like the dark and the green and the orange too. But I like the dark best.
bread's done