Throw down the ONE game you own that you doubt *any* other CAG has!

Still no one with Asuka 120% Burning Fest. Limited? It's available on my tradelist if anyone wants to one a rare all-girl imported 2D fighting game for the Sega Saturn.
[quote name='BustaUppa']I've seen a couple of mentions of the Biblical "Joshua" game... but could I be the only one here with the GAMEBOY version? Although, technically it might belong to my brother, I kinda forget.

How about "Lester the Unlikely" for SNES?

Lester has an unlikely home here with me. Got it from a friend clearing out his SNES collection a year or two back. :cool:

[quote name='ViolentLee'] I even reviewed Hunt The Wumpus in Game Informer's Classic GI years ago. Too lazy to look for the actual issue. .[/QUOTE]

I actually made a Hunt the Wumpus joke in my first book. It was in reference to a character in WCW during the early 90's named Michael Wallstreet, portrayed by Mike Rotundo:

"Unfortunately, they gave him yet another completely different persona, this time in the form of Michael Wallstreet, evil business tycoon.

The character was based almost entirely upon Ted DiBiase's highly successful Million Dollar Man character from the WWF. Both played the part of the nefarious millionaire who would use his wealth to overrun the company. The primary difference was that Wallstreet had a computer genius cohort by the name of Alexandra York in his corner.

The idea was that York would input all the strengths and weaknesses of Wallstreet's opponents into the program, and the computer would print out an exact gameplan of how to achieve victory. More often than not, this intricate, detailed strategy would involve grabbing the laptop from York and smacking the opponent in the head. Wallstreet and York analyzed opponents, plotted, schemed, and mapped out careers to championships. They laughed in an evil manner. Yes, they certainly enjoyed a good evil laugh.

Alexandra's computer program was a smash. It worked so well she was able to create a stable of unbeatable wrestlers, the York Foundation. The only problem, of course, was that the wrestlers in the Foundation never won. Rotundo quickly tired of the gimmick and left for the WWF to become evil tax agent Irwin R. Schyster (IRS, get it?). Terry Taylor, fresh from being a rooster in the WWF, was brought in to save the situation, but eventually just wound up adding another failed gimmick to his resumé as the "Computerized Man of the '90's," Terrance Taylor. Finally, the plug was yanked on this experiment, and the Radio Shack special went back to doing the only thing it was really suited to do, playing Hunt the Wumpus. "

I was just happy to get a "Hunt the Wumpus" reference in printed form.

WrestleCrap'sRD;2567378]I actually made a Hunt the Wumpus joke in my first book. It was in reference to a character in WCW during the early 90's named Michael Wallstreet said:
Very nice. One of the joys of writing for print is getting your references immortalized. I used to sneak in all kinds of shit just to see who noticed. In fact, I had about a year-long streak where nobody at the mag realized I made the first (bolded) letter of each of the four Classic GI reviews on the page spell a word. I also intentionally misspelled Kracko's name -- a character in Kirby Dream Course -- as "Krakho" one time in my classic strategy guide for it. Come to think of it, I try to insert references into work I do on video and on the web, too.

So what's the story behind the VK Wallstreet name Rotunda/o used for a spell? Was that a dig on Vincent Kennedy McYou-Know-Who? I gotta say I preferred watching Ms. York to Virgil. (by the way, I was an indy wrestler for 4 1/2 years with the likes of Daivari, Austin Starr/Aries, and Mr. Kennedy)
Hey its the wrestlecrap guy :)

I actually had Hunt the wumpus for the TI994a many years ago

Along with Amazing, Parsec, Car Wars, Munchman and many other fun games.

Totally forgot about all of them.

Anyone else here have a TI994a at one time or another?

My entry, Remote Control Dandy: the Japan-only PS1 precursor to Robot Alchemic Drive. I tried a demo of it via Playstation Underground, and picked it up while staying in Japan for a while. Great game, though running after your giant robot got a bit tedious toward the end.
[quote name='xghostsniperx']Great Greed for Gameboy. Its one of the rarer GB games, from what I've read, and its a good little RPG in the vein of Final Fantasy.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xghostsniperx']Great Greed for Gameboy. Its one of the rarer GB games, from what I've read, and its a good little RPG in the vein of Final Fantasy.[/QUOTE]

have. This game was probably the work of WolfTeam also since the battle style is that of Tales Of Phantasia.

Body Fun. Basically a great game for children./ To teach them about weight. The idea is to grow up and eat right so that you will be healthy when the character grow old. Really nice graphics. DOS/Win 95 game

Mario is missing. The disc itself that is with orange writing. I lent it to a freind from along time ago but I count the game still. DOS/Win 95 game

The last Dinosaur Egg. You and your dog travel threw time to get a dinosaur egg for your museum avioding the natural dangers to time. Like the character can go a future where the sun is about to engulf the earth or get eaten by dinosaurs. DOS/Win 95 game

Rudoras Treasure. A very hard to find SNES game.

Captin Commando SNES???? I brought it for a freind who never returned my games. I forget if it was really Captin Commando but it said something like sho yo jump with a blonde guy with shades.

Any takers?


I have Wing Commander Prophecy so I have you beat there.

But is it Disc 3 that comes with the Starfighter PCI card setup?
I had disc 2 with demos but I broke it by acciedent.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
How about ESPN's 2 Minute Drill for PC?[/QUOTE]

You my friend, have been taken out.

...I've got to be in the top 3 for knocking out, seriously. Someone with some free time should do a tally.
[quote name='MSUHitman']
How about ESPN's 2 Minute Drill for PC?[/QUOTE]

You my friend, have been taken out.

...I've got to be in the top 3 for knocking out, seriously. Someone with some free time should do a tally.
This one's an import: BECK The Game. Based on the anime series. Not a very good game though...even for fans of the series.:cry:
[quote name='ViolentLee']

So what's the story behind the VK Wallstreet name Rotunda/o used for a spell? Was that a dig on Vincent Kennedy McYou-Know-Who? I gotta say I preferred watching Ms. York to Virgil. (by the way, I was an indy wrestler for 4 1/2 years with the likes of Daivari, Austin Starr/Aries, and Mr. Kennedy)[/QUOTE]

The VK Wallstreet character was about 1997 or so. Basically, Eric (Bischoff) was just doing everything he could to get under McMahon's skin at the time. So he would create characters that would do that (he also made Virgil into Vincent, and later SHANE, if you recall). He also gave away pretaped match results which drove Vince insane, but was completely fair and wound up changing the business (Raw went live shortly thereafter, and has been live basically every week since).

I'm going to say Tasty Temple Challenge. So that brings my list to Jill Goes Underground, Jill Saves the King and Tasty Temple Challenge.
Don't know if it's been mentioned before but Psychic Detective for the PS1 in the Longbox. I found that rarity at an EB in a pile of old PS1 games when they stopped carrying them. It came basically in near mint condition with just slight damage to the box. I'm assuming that the damage came from people just tossing it around at the store.
[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']I have a couple of boxes full of old PC games I got from when a Pharmacy threw them away.[/quote]

I have Let's Meow Meow for the PC. I doubt anyone has that. I also have ET for the Atari In Box with manual.
If anyone here has the balls to be a total liar, they could claim they have California Raisen cart for NES...supposedly theres only one proto type cart that ever made it...
[quote name='Paco']I have Let's Meow Meow for the PC. I doubt anyone has that. I also have ET for the Atari In Box with manual.[/QUOTE]

You, sir, have been taken out >_____>

also, I have Yu Yu Hakusho for 3DO. up for sale, as well!
i might have a few rarities....

32x World Series Baseball (CIB) ($2.00)

SNES: Aerobiz Supersonic(CIB) ($2.25)

NES: Dragon Warrior IV (CIB) ($2.50)
Fire 'n Ice (In Box) ($1.25)
Mighty Final Fight
Metal Storm (CIB) ($1.25) (One of my most favorite games of all time)
Qix (CIB)
Tengen Tetris ($1.50)
Ultima Warriors of Destiny (1.25) (CIB)
Widget (CIB) (1.25)

I have some ps1 games as well but we'll see how this turns out...
[quote name='trunksx34']PYST (Myst Parody) for the PC[/QUOTE]
I have that, along with Winblows 98, Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire, and Deer Avenger.
[quote name='yayece']My entry: the Shining Force III Premium Disk for Saturn.[/QUOTE]
That doesn't qualify as it was never available for retail purchase.

[quote name='coltyhuxx']The only catch - it has to be something you could purchase (let's say from a store, so we don't get into public domain stuff or something your friend made).[/quote]
I got that Shadowrun too... I'm wondering if Microsoft is going to throw it on XBLA right around the time the 360 Shadowrun comes out.

That would be smart marketing.
:lol: What a horrible title. Where are the adjectives or verbs? Klingon...Encounter? Threat? Clash? What kind of Klingons are they? What are they doing?

[quote name='GuilewasNK']Also, I have this for PC.

Maybe a few other guys in the Star Trek thread have it, but probably not many.

[quote name='Kayden']:lol: What a horrible title. Where are the adjectives or verbs? Klingon...Encounter? Threat? Clash? What kind of Klingons are they? What are they doing?[/quote]

Star Trek petaQ. :lol:
[quote name='camoor']Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr[/QUOTE]
I have all three. They were bundled with Blair Witch 2 on DVD along with a "stickman" pendant.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Also, I have this for PC.

Maybe a few other guys in the Star Trek thread have it, but probably not many.


LOL I had this game, and guess what? I beat it in 1 day! It was so easy that I returned it to what was known back then as "Computer City" which was I think bought out by CompUSA or just run out of town by them lol. And I got my money back because back then (in 1996) I just told them that it had problems running on my computer and bam, there is my money back :)
[quote name='HyundaiJVX']I got a gold NES cart.... it says "The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy" :lol:

Um, hows about NCAA College Football 2K3? I don't remember anyone one else getting it...[/QUOTE]
I used to have that "Dizzy" game. Random platformer with an Indiana Jones-lookalike egg, no?

I think the most random games are the Genesis games I picked up a few years ago when I was on a Sega kick. I remembered playing them when I was a kid, so I set out to find them again.

Arch Rivals, Kid Chameleon, Hardball '95, MJ's Moonwalker (still had my original copy), and two 32X games, NFL Quarterback Club and Star Wars Arcade.
Oh man, a lot of emberassing stuf. Fester's Quest on NES.
A bunch of early PC games. All the sierra 'quest' ones.

Some of the odd favorites I recall really favorable
Planet's Edge (classic RPG from new world computing)
Knights of Legend (the ultimate hardcore RPG)
let me know if you remember either of these games.
E.T. for the Atari 2600. I'm listing this because its so bad that I'm sure the rest of you have destroyed your copies or threw them into a landfill.
I had Fester's Quest and liked it actually I recall.

I also had Planet's Edge. That was a fun game. Though I seem to recall getting my butt handed to me when I landed on the planets that were Aliens ripoffs.

I remember the box art for Knights of Legend but I don't think I ever had it.

[quote name='eldergamer']Oh man, a lot of emberassing stuf. Fester's Quest on NES.
A bunch of early PC games. All the sierra 'quest' ones.

Some of the odd favorites I recall really favorable
Planet's Edge (classic RPG from new world computing)
Knights of Legend (the ultimate hardcore RPG)
let me know if you remember either of these games.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='MadFlava']E.T. for the Atari 2600. I'm listing this because its so bad that I'm sure the rest of you have destroyed your copies or threw them into a landfill.[/quote]

Got it. Won it here in a contest, actually!
[quote name='Chacrana']Pretty sure nobody else here has Final Fantasy X International... if somebody does, then my choice is Bible Black. Which nobody has.[/QUOTE]

GOT FFX International.

I'll throw out a few I doubt anyone here has: "Densha De Go! Shinkasen", "Super Producers", "N.U.D.E.(Natural Ultimate Digital Experiment)", "Arcturus: The Curse and Loss Of Divinity", "Wachenroder" and "Unison(Japanese version)".
bread's done