Toys R Us Coupon mailer: $10 off two games 19.99 or less


Got a R-Zone holiday gift guide in the mail today. A couple of good coupns in there:

Save $10 on Sega 2 packs

$10 off an Nintendo purchase $100 or more

Save $5 off any Disney Video Game

The most interesting is one that is $10 off any two Video games $19.99 or LESS. Obviously a misprint but it will be interesting to see if they will honor it. Probably not.

Anyone else get these? The coupons are good starting Dec 3rd
I know I'm a "newb" and it's your choice to read my advice or not but I have found out the strength and weaknesses to the TRU coupon (also, for those who are lazy to read back the previous discussions, I believe this completely summarizes how this deal works in detail)

First off, printed coupons being accepted are YMMV, no exceptions. If it doesn't work 100%, then it's not 100% workable for everyone else. If it works for you every time with no problems, then props to you. But it's still YMMV with everyone else, so don't say anything else otherwise.

If you want a realistic coupon as possible, I'd print it off some glossy paper in color by resizing the coupon to 3 inches long and 2 inches tall. You can do this at Kinko's for 60 cents a sheet (which will get you like 8-10 coupons a sheet, more than enough for anyone alone). The coupon may scan, but I think 80% it won't. Just tell them to punch in the SKU number at the top of the UPC barcode and press 'F1' and not enter (or else the coupon won't go through).

Now for the problem for everyone that's not getting the coupon to work in the way they want it to. I've noticed that some green tag games I've bought didn't get the coupon applied to. The DC and PS games cause a problem in doing the discount for some reason. If you can, avoid the DC and PS game purchases, IMO, they're not worth getting unless you want the game that badly. Otherwise, it'll delay time and give more time for the cashier to suspect something is wrong (and you don't want the manager being called to you now do you?)

Finally, the PS2, GC, and Xbox games. What you want are green tag games that are *initially* $9.99 or $4.99 each. And you want to buy them in multiples of two (so that the coupon can work properly) When the cashier hits total, the price automatically goes down in half (bringing down each game to $4.99-$2.50). Then when the coupon is entered, the total goes to zero ($4.99 - $4.99 = 0, $2.50 - $2.50 = 0, etc.) But remember, the $10 deduction doesn't "carry" over for the whole total of the purchase. Only in scope of those two games.

What's this scope I'm talking about? Glad you asked. Let's take 2 purchases for example. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Maximo: Army of Zin at $7.98 each. You ring those up and use the coupon. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the computer system: $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Devil May Cry and $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Maximo: Army of Zin, giving them a grand total of $4.96 for this purchase.

Now, let's use one of the same game with another. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Soul Calibur 2 at $4.98. You ring those up and use the coupon again. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the system: $7.48 - $6.16 = $1.82 for Devil May Cry and $4.98-$3.84 = $0 for Soul Cailibur 2, giving them a grand total of $2.96 for this purchase.

Now, did you notice how Devil May Cry's price AC were different? The $2.48 vs. the $1.82? Well, that's what I mean by the scope of the purchase. You have to find the right games that complement each other to maximize the TRU coupon. The coupon doesn't automatically take an exact $5 off each game, but rather a distribution of the discount between the two games. How do I know this for sure? Because I bought Maximo: Army of Zin for $7.98 ($1.82 AC) and Soul Calibur 2 for $4.98 ($1.14 AC) giving me a total of 2.96 AC. Yet when I bought two Soul Calibur 2's, I got zero dollars AC for both for of them. There were other games that happened in this situation too.

I hope you guys see what I'm saying, because you'll end up paying more if you don't exactly know what you're doing. So don't ring up two games together that cost like $7.98 each because you'll pay more. Instead, find a game that costs $4.99 (or a $9.99 green tag game) and match it with each of that $7.98 game and you'll end up paying much less. One trick you can use is by stacking the games in the order you expect the cashier to ring them up. Because timing and order of the purchase really affect the coupon's outcome.

Er, I hope that covered and explained everything. Sorry if I wrote long, but I wanted everyone to know about the full power of the coupon :D
[quote name='dinovelvet'][quote name='evilmax17']Man...
I feel like an old CAGer. I remember a time back in the day when I would get all excited about this, and try to finagle a way to get 20 games for free.
I just don't have it in me anymore...
Maybe its because I didn't get the flyer in the mail. I dunno, somebody hype me up for this. Maybe its because getting games for free some how rubs me the wrong way (even if its perfectly legit). Like, paying 2 dollars for a game makes it a FANTASTIC deal, where as getting sacks full of games for absolutely nothing just feels like robbery.[/quote]

I agree with you. I enjoy a good legit sale like the legendary Circuit City $5 summer clearance, but slightly underhanded deals like this just aren't my thing. You and I are suffering from longterm exposure to CAG :)
There's just been such an onslaught of 'daylight robbery' type sales this year, with stacks of great games being picked up for $5 a pop, that a deal like this is just overkill at this point. Its like eating a whole box of cookies...damn its good at first, but as you eat more and more of them, you get sick of them, and bored with them. Picking up another bunch of mediocre games for $2-$3 each doesn't hold much of a thrill at the moment. I've got at least six unopened games right here that I was formerly looking forward to playing, but I don't have much motivation to open them, I've got stacks of other unfinished games that I need to plow through first.[/quote]

I do have to agree with you guys . . . this TRU glitch and the CC glitch last week just completely lack the spark that last summer's CC clearance or other sales we've had.

But the coupon is itself is magical . . .

There still isn't much at my store . . . so having the coupon now sucks . . .

I got:
Maximo Zin ($15 at my TRU)
Unreal xbox ($5 after green tag last $5 game other than MOJO)
Xenosaga ($6.48) x 2

So, all four games were $12.93 plus tax
This really taps out my store.

I think what really makes some of us CAGers disappointed about this deal is that apparently people are buying these games in order to trade them in . . . it seems a little crass.

Back in the day (last March :D ) when I first discovered CAG it seemed like more fun. One of my first deals was getting Silent Hill 3 for $7.50 at Target (not tagged, I only knew about it because of CAG) . . . I traded an extra for I-Ninja. So, I got I-Ninja for $10 . . . but best of all, I played it and really enjoyed it.

Now, I tend to put them on the pile . . . maybe plan on trading . . . but it is overkill.
[quote name='"slidecage"'][quote name='PhrostByte']Is Beyond Good and evil worth 3.48 .. I might pick that up tomorrow and toss it in with 3 junk ps1 games 4 games for 3.48[/quote]
It is very much worth it. It's a little short for my taste, being mostly into RPGs, but its very fun, music is amazing, graphics are nice, and it's got a great story. It's one of the only platform/action type games I've enjoyed. I've talked a good deal of people into getting it because it's actually that nice to me.
well im going back in the morning and hopefully picking up that and 3 ps1 games for 3.48 total. Going to then take those 3 Free ps1 games and use it for 3 for 10 deal at BB. 15 bucks for a BB game and BG&E
[quote name='slidecage']well im going back in the morning and hopefully picking up that and 3 ps1 games for 3.48 total. Going to then take those 3 Free ps1 games and use it for 3 for 10 deal at BB. 15 bucks for a BB game and BG&E[/quote]

Most PS1, DC, and N64 games do not work with this deal.
Just got back from, most likely, making the cashier curse my soul.
First Silent Hill 3 was green tagged at 20 but still rang up as plain 20 so a manager had to come fix that and then the things rang up for 49 with the coupon which was way too high. So then I ran over and grabbed some of those X-Box Exhibitions, two worked but one didn't which I didn't catch till later. So I wound up paying 30 for Chaos Legion, NFL2k5, Mad Maestro, and Silent Hill 3. Returned the X-Box Exhibition that didn't work as well as a Prince of Persia demo that was green tagged at 4.99 that didn't work either so 25 in total. Not too shabby, I guess. If only I had brought more money for the CC deal earlier... ah well.

Does Gamerush accept Mad Maestro? None of my friends that are gamers want it and I don't really like rhythm games.
[quote name='Zennousha']Does Gamerush accept Mad Maestro? None of my friends that are gamers want it and I don't really like rhythm games.[/quote]

Yes they do, although I think it only goes for ~$2. MOJO (at least for XBOX) is going for $8.00 at the moment...
Printed out a couple coupons and took them to my local TRU this afternoon. Not many prices were marked, but going from memory, I remembered a lot of people were getting good deals on XIII and Resident Evil: CV, so I snagged copies of those 2 and took them up to the counter and asked the cashier to scan them and let me know what the prices were (they werent marked on the box or the shelves). RE came out at $7.98 and XIII was $4.98. Then I pulled my coupon out of my wallet and handed it to her. She seemed a little confused--thought that the games might have to be $19.99, but I knew that wasn't right, so I showed her where it said "$19.99 or less," and she said well, cant hurt to try. Worst it can do is not accept it!" Lo and behold, it went through (she just entered in the number on the coupon), and I walked out with 2 games for a grand total of $3.22!

I'm planning on visiting my other local TRU to see what they have. I'd love to find cheap copies of Xenosaga and Castlevania: LOI, neither of which I could locate at this one.

Thanks to all for tipping me off to these deals! Paying that little for a couple games I've been interested in anyway was a fantastic feeling.
I went to the Springfield, OH TRU today to check out what they had. Here's what I picked up, all for the Xbox.

XIII - 9.99
Bloodrayne - 8.98
Tenchu: Return from Darkness - 8.98
Dead or Alive 3 (PH) - 9.99

AC and taxes, it came to 19.20. Not bad for
[quote name='oper00']I know I'm a "newb" and it's your choice to read my advice or not but I have found out the strength and weaknesses to the TRU coupon (also, for those who are lazy to read back the previous discussions, I believe this completely summarizes how this deal works in detail)

First off, printed coupons being accepted are YMMV, no exceptions. If it doesn't work 100%, then it's not 100% workable for everyone else. If it works for you every time with no problems, then props to you. But it's still YMMV with everyone else, so don't say anything else otherwise.

If you want a realistic coupon as possible, I'd print it off some glossy paper in color by resizing the coupon to 3 inches long and 2 inches tall. You can do this at Kinko's for 60 cents a sheet (which will get you like 8-10 coupons a sheet, more than enough for anyone alone). The coupon may scan, but I think 80% it won't. Just tell them to punch in the SKU number at the top of the UPC barcode and press 'F1' and not enter (or else the coupon won't go through).

Now for the problem for everyone that's not getting the coupon to work in the way they want it to. I've noticed that some green tag games I've bought didn't get the coupon applied to. The DC and PS games cause a problem in doing the discount for some reason. If you can, avoid the DC and PS game purchases, IMO, they're not worth getting unless you want the game that badly. Otherwise, it'll delay time and give more time for the cashier to suspect something is wrong (and you don't want the manager being called to you now do you?)

Finally, the PS2, GC, and Xbox games. What you want are green tag games that are *initially* $9.99 or $4.99 each. And you want to buy them in multiples of two (so that the coupon can work properly) When the cashier hits total, the price automatically goes down in half (bringing down each game to $4.99-$2.50). Then when the coupon is entered, the total goes to zero ($4.99 - $4.99 = 0, $2.50 - $2.50 = 0, etc.) But remember, the $10 deduction doesn't "carry" over for the whole total of the purchase. Only in scope of those two games.

What's this scope I'm talking about? Glad you asked. Let's take 2 purchases for example. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Maximo: Army of Zin at $7.98 each. You ring those up and use the coupon. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the computer system: $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Devil May Cry and $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Maximo: Army of Zin, giving them a grand total of $4.96 for this purchase.

Now, let's use one of the same game with another. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Soul Calibur 2 at $4.98. You ring those up and use the coupon again. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the system: $7.48 - $6.16 = $1.82 for Devil May Cry and $4.98-$3.84 = $0 for Soul Cailibur 2, giving them a grand total of $2.96 for this purchase.

Now, did you notice how Devil May Cry's price AC were different? The $2.48 vs. the $1.82? Well, that's what I mean by the scope of the purchase. You have to find the right games that complement each other to maximize the TRU coupon. The coupon doesn't automatically take an exact $5 off each game, but rather a distribution of the discount between the two games. How do I know this for sure? Because I bought Maximo: Army of Zin for $7.98 ($1.82 AC) and Soul Calibur 2 for $4.98 ($1.14 AC) giving me a total of 2.96 AC. Yet when I bought two Soul Calibur 2's, I got zero dollars AC for both for of them. There were other games that happened in this situation too.

I hope you guys see what I'm saying, because you'll end up paying more if you don't exactly know what you're doing. So don't ring up two games together that cost like $7.98 each because you'll pay more. Instead, find a game that costs $4.99 (or a $9.99 green tag game) and match it with each of that $7.98 game and you'll end up paying much less. One trick you can use is by stacking the games in the order you expect the cashier to ring them up. Because timing and order of the purchase really affect the coupon's outcome.

Er, I hope that covered and explained everything. Sorry if I wrote long, but I wanted everyone to know about the full power of the coupon :D[/quote]

I don't mean to be rude, but from what I can see you still get your $10 total off no matter what as long as the two games add up to at least $10 otherwise they are free so you really don't save money by trying to "combine the perfect games together"
[quote name='Engineer_J'][quote name='oper00']I know I'm a "newb" and it's your choice to read my advice or not but I have found out the strength and weaknesses to the TRU coupon (also, for those who are lazy to read back the previous discussions, I believe this completely summarizes how this deal works in detail)

First off, printed coupons being accepted are YMMV, no exceptions. If it doesn't work 100%, then it's not 100% workable for everyone else. If it works for you every time with no problems, then props to you. But it's still YMMV with everyone else, so don't say anything else otherwise.

If you want a realistic coupon as possible, I'd print it off some glossy paper in color by resizing the coupon to 3 inches long and 2 inches tall. You can do this at Kinko's for 60 cents a sheet (which will get you like 8-10 coupons a sheet, more than enough for anyone alone). The coupon may scan, but I think 80% it won't. Just tell them to punch in the SKU number at the top of the UPC barcode and press 'F1' and not enter (or else the coupon won't go through).

Now for the problem for everyone that's not getting the coupon to work in the way they want it to. I've noticed that some green tag games I've bought didn't get the coupon applied to. The DC and PS games cause a problem in doing the discount for some reason. If you can, avoid the DC and PS game purchases, IMO, they're not worth getting unless you want the game that badly. Otherwise, it'll delay time and give more time for the cashier to suspect something is wrong (and you don't want the manager being called to you now do you?)

Finally, the PS2, GC, and Xbox games. What you want are green tag games that are *initially* $9.99 or $4.99 each. And you want to buy them in multiples of two (so that the coupon can work properly) When the cashier hits total, the price automatically goes down in half (bringing down each game to $4.99-$2.50). Then when the coupon is entered, the total goes to zero ($4.99 - $4.99 = 0, $2.50 - $2.50 = 0, etc.) But remember, the $10 deduction doesn't "carry" over for the whole total of the purchase. Only in scope of those two games.

What's this scope I'm talking about? Glad you asked. Let's take 2 purchases for example. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Maximo: Army of Zin at $7.98 each. You ring those up and use the coupon. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the computer system: $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Devil May Cry and $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Maximo: Army of Zin, giving them a grand total of $4.96 for this purchase.

Now, let's use one of the same game with another. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Soul Calibur 2 at $4.98. You ring those up and use the coupon again. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the system: $7.48 - $6.16 = $1.82 for Devil May Cry and $4.98-$3.84 = $0 for Soul Cailibur 2, giving them a grand total of $2.96 for this purchase.

Now, did you notice how Devil May Cry's price AC were different? The $2.48 vs. the $1.82? Well, that's what I mean by the scope of the purchase. You have to find the right games that complement each other to maximize the TRU coupon. The coupon doesn't automatically take an exact $5 off each game, but rather a distribution of the discount between the two games. How do I know this for sure? Because I bought Maximo: Army of Zin for $7.98 ($1.82 AC) and Soul Calibur 2 for $4.98 ($1.14 AC) giving me a total of 2.96 AC. Yet when I bought two Soul Calibur 2's, I got zero dollars AC for both for of them. There were other games that happened in this situation too.

I hope you guys see what I'm saying, because you'll end up paying more if you don't exactly know what you're doing. So don't ring up two games together that cost like $7.98 each because you'll pay more. Instead, find a game that costs $4.99 (or a $9.99 green tag game) and match it with each of that $7.98 game and you'll end up paying much less. One trick you can use is by stacking the games in the order you expect the cashier to ring them up. Because timing and order of the purchase really affect the coupon's outcome.

Er, I hope that covered and explained everything. Sorry if I wrote long, but I wanted everyone to know about the full power of the coupon :D[/quote]

I don't mean to be rude, but from what I can see you still get your $10 total off no matter what as long as the two games add up to at least $10 otherwise they are free so you really don't save money by trying to "combine the perfect games together"[/quote]

Actually, he is right, at least somewhat. If you "bought" two $3 games, they would be free. If you then bought two $8 games, on a separate purchase, they would be $6. But, buy two $3 games and two $8 games and you pay $1 ($20 off). On my receipt (for 4 games), it looks like the system automatically pairs the games to equal $10 if it can. Since I didn't buy 20 games (like some of you pigs :wink: ) I don't know if it will give you the best deal if you buy large quantities.
[quote name='schultzed'][quote name='Engineer_J'][quote name='oper00']I know I'm a "newb" and it's your choice to read my advice or not but I have found out the strength and weaknesses to the TRU coupon (also, for those who are lazy to read back the previous discussions, I believe this completely summarizes how this deal works in detail)

First off, printed coupons being accepted are YMMV, no exceptions. If it doesn't work 100%, then it's not 100% workable for everyone else. If it works for you every time with no problems, then props to you. But it's still YMMV with everyone else, so don't say anything else otherwise.

If you want a realistic coupon as possible, I'd print it off some glossy paper in color by resizing the coupon to 3 inches long and 2 inches tall. You can do this at Kinko's for 60 cents a sheet (which will get you like 8-10 coupons a sheet, more than enough for anyone alone). The coupon may scan, but I think 80% it won't. Just tell them to punch in the SKU number at the top of the UPC barcode and press 'F1' and not enter (or else the coupon won't go through).

Now for the problem for everyone that's not getting the coupon to work in the way they want it to. I've noticed that some green tag games I've bought didn't get the coupon applied to. The DC and PS games cause a problem in doing the discount for some reason. If you can, avoid the DC and PS game purchases, IMO, they're not worth getting unless you want the game that badly. Otherwise, it'll delay time and give more time for the cashier to suspect something is wrong (and you don't want the manager being called to you now do you?)

Finally, the PS2, GC, and Xbox games. What you want are green tag games that are *initially* $9.99 or $4.99 each. And you want to buy them in multiples of two (so that the coupon can work properly) When the cashier hits total, the price automatically goes down in half (bringing down each game to $4.99-$2.50). Then when the coupon is entered, the total goes to zero ($4.99 - $4.99 = 0, $2.50 - $2.50 = 0, etc.) But remember, the $10 deduction doesn't "carry" over for the whole total of the purchase. Only in scope of those two games.

What's this scope I'm talking about? Glad you asked. Let's take 2 purchases for example. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Maximo: Army of Zin at $7.98 each. You ring those up and use the coupon. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the computer system: $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Devil May Cry and $7.48 - $5.00 = $2.48 for Maximo: Army of Zin, giving them a grand total of $4.96 for this purchase.

Now, let's use one of the same game with another. Devil May Cry (non-GH) at $7.98 and Soul Calibur 2 at $4.98. You ring those up and use the coupon again. Then by the protocol of the coupon in the system: $7.48 - $6.16 = $1.82 for Devil May Cry and $4.98-$3.84 = $0 for Soul Cailibur 2, giving them a grand total of $2.96 for this purchase.

Now, did you notice how Devil May Cry's price AC were different? The $2.48 vs. the $1.82? Well, that's what I mean by the scope of the purchase. You have to find the right games that complement each other to maximize the TRU coupon. The coupon doesn't automatically take an exact $5 off each game, but rather a distribution of the discount between the two games. How do I know this for sure? Because I bought Maximo: Army of Zin for $7.98 ($1.82 AC) and Soul Calibur 2 for $4.98 ($1.14 AC) giving me a total of 2.96 AC. Yet when I bought two Soul Calibur 2's, I got zero dollars AC for both for of them. There were other games that happened in this situation too.

I hope you guys see what I'm saying, because you'll end up paying more if you don't exactly know what you're doing. So don't ring up two games together that cost like $7.98 each because you'll pay more. Instead, find a game that costs $4.99 (or a $9.99 green tag game) and match it with each of that $7.98 game and you'll end up paying much less. One trick you can use is by stacking the games in the order you expect the cashier to ring them up. Because timing and order of the purchase really affect the coupon's outcome.

Er, I hope that covered and explained everything. Sorry if I wrote long, but I wanted everyone to know about the full power of the coupon :D[/quote]

I don't mean to be rude, but from what I can see you still get your $10 total off no matter what as long as the two games add up to at least $10 otherwise they are free so you really don't save money by trying to "combine the perfect games together"[/quote]

Actually, he is right, at least somewhat. If you "bought" two $3 games, they would be free. If you then bought two $8 games, on a separate purchase, they would be $6. But, buy two $3 games and two $8 games and you pay $1 ($20 off). On my receipt (for 4 games), it looks like the system automatically pairs the games to equal $10 if it can. Since I didn't buy 20 games (like some of you pigs :wink: ) I don't know if it will give you the best deal if you buy large quantities.[/quote]

Actually, it doesn't matter. It says $10 off 2 games. It doesn't say $100 off 20 games.

If you buy 20 games that are $3.98, you'll wind up at zero, and only save $80.

If you buy 10 games for $4 and 10 for $5, you'll wind up at zero, and save $90.

If you buy 10 games for $6 and 10 games for $10, you'll pay $60 and save $100.

If you buy 20 games for $20, you'll pay $300 and save $100.

The only reason why it looks like you're getting a "good" deal is that if you're buying a bunch of games for less than $5 it screws with your "max" savings. However, that's not looking at it the right way. Your max discount is FREE AC.
Went again this morning with a bunch of change I found laying around the house:

R: Racing Evolution - Cube - $2.48
Primal - PS2 - $2.48
Devil May Cry - PS2 - $0.83
Sled Storm - PS2 - $0.64
XIII - PS2 - $0.00
Haven - PS2 - $0.00

Total after tax: $7.01
I saved: $54.93
man there was crap selection at 2 TRU's, granted i really wasnt looking to pay, i coudlnt even find old games that were worth playing and only paying a couple bucks for =(
[quote name='Engineer_J']well true, but who only buys two games :)[/quote]

That would be me, who's only been buying them for games I want, not tradebait. :D
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='Engineer_J']well true, but who only buys two games :)[/quote]

That would be me, who's only been buying them for games I want, not tradebait. :D[/quote]

I don't think buying for trade is a bad thing . . . its the mass buying to do trade-in deals that is more of an issue. In fact, getting an extra or two to share with CAGers is cool.

The worst part, is that people are then trading in such crap that the stores end up cancelling the trade-in deal.

So, people can't buy cheap games because someone buys 50 at time. The buyer gets to do a couple of trade-in exploitations (get Halo 2 for 4 games). But then the cool trade-in deal is killed as well.

Don't crap in the pool.
[quote name='schultzed'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='Engineer_J']well true, but who only buys two games :)[/quote]

That would be me, who's only been buying them for games I want, not tradebait. :D[/quote]

I don't think buying for trade is a bad thing . . . its the mass buying to do trade-in deals that is more of an issue. In fact, getting an extra or two to share with CAGers is cool.

The worst part, is that people are then trading in such crap that the stores end up cancelling the trade-in deal.

So, people can't buy cheap games because someone buys 50 at time. The buyer gets to do a couple of trade-in exploitations (get Halo 2 for 4 games). But then the cool trade-in deal is killed as well.

Don't crap in the pool.[/quote]

Oh, I never said that trade bait was a bad thing, though yes, mass-buying and trading in of the WalMart racing 3-pack, for example, will glut stores with super crap and kill it for the rest of it.

When I end up getting games to do for tradebait, I try to avoid sports games and obvious crap games, like Aquaman and Drake. :lol:
[quote name='"Zennousha"'][quote name='slidecage'][quote name='PhrostByte']Is Beyond Good and evil worth 3.48 .. I might pick that up tomorrow and toss it in with 3 junk ps1 games 4 games for 3.48[/quote]
It is very much worth it. It's a little short for my taste, being mostly into RPGs, but its very fun, music is amazing, graphics are nice, and it's got a great story. It's one of the only platform/action type games I've enjoyed. I've talked a good deal of people into getting it because it's actually that nice to me.[/quote]

I think it was one of the best games of last year. I might pick up a couple extra copies as gifts for people, I enjoyed it so much.
i need to rip up the rest of my coupons cause i keep going back

Today picked up

Beyond good and evil 2.48
4x Resident evil Code x 98 cents each
Tennis for GBA Free
3 Junk Ps1 games Free

Total was around 8 bucks after tax

Just to let everyone know SEems SmACKDOWN 1 for ps1 wont work.. Will probally use the 4 RE for trades or something wouldnt be worth the time to put them up on ebay cause they only fetch 2-3 bucks
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']Has anyone traded in a Virtua Tennis (didn't this become popular alluva sudden!) to EB or Gamestop?[/quote]

Not sure about EB or Gamestop, but it went for $5 when I traded at Gamerush this morning.
Used it today to pick up 2 games

Tenchu (XBOX) $8.98 after coupon
Xenosaga (PS2) $4.98 after coupon

Coupon scanned no problem. Got a price check on BG&E since it was still marked $19.99. Came up $8.48 before coupon, considering picking this up for a couple people as gifts since I enjoyed it so much.

The only bad thing is the lines. I have never seen ToysRus that busy. I had to wait in line for about a half hour. It was pretty entertaining though listening to a kid explain the Nintendo DS to some old guy who had to buy it for his kid. The kid was shooting off all kinds of figures like the wattage of the screen...He was wrong on a few things, but I was enjoying him mystify all the adults too much to correct him.
We were in Milwaukee today, so I hit 2 TRUs . . . they had more selection than mine. They weren't packed with cheap games but also not ransacked.

I managed to get free copies of:
The Thing (xbox)
Stuntman GH
Namcomuseum (xbox)
Morrowind (PH xbox)
Mad Maestro

Paid less than $5 for
Bloodrayne (6.48 before coupon! xbox)
Primal (7.50 b coupon)
Maximo Zin (so, I'll sell this sealed one for $10 shipped or just return this one on the receipt of the one I paid more for at my store . . . it was $15 before coupon at my store but $10 at the Brown Deer Store)

Paid $10 for R-Type Final
and 8.xx for Arc the Lad Twilight (I hoped this would come up cheaper . . . I'll either return it or sell it on CAG for $11.00 shipped)

Conditions were poor . . . very crowded stores . . . wife and kids in the car waiting for me. So, I made a mistake . . . tried to get a $5 Perfect Dark but it failed on the coupon and also caused $5 Unreal Championship (lucky this game and not another because this was a trade copy) to fail (both will returned).
Trip two:

Crazy Taxi (PS2): 0.23
R Racing Evolution (PS2): 3.20
Resident Evil - Code Veronica X (PS2): 0.24
Clock Tower 3 (PS2): 4.26

I also picked up a Double Dragon (GBA), but it didn't work in the deal since it was 29.99 /2 = 14.99, so it looks like it'll be going back - including the 5 dollar Pac Man World that I was using for the pair. As it turned out I already had that one for the Cube anyways.

I don't know what's more sad, thinking 14.99 is too much for a game, or not knowing which games I already have. :oops:
I went there, everything was overpriced. except the big bin of green tagged games, they were all crap though. unless you wanted primal, cause they had 300 copies of it
[quote name='adezero']I went there, everything was overpriced. except the big bin of green tagged games, they were all crap though. unless you wanted primal, cause they had 300 copies of it[/quote]

It's likely that there are some deals but you need to scan the games to find any lower prices . . . not easy to do. Even if there is a scanner in the games area, then the plastic cases often interfere.

With tons of shoppers around . . . this sale/glitch is a big pain.
[quote name='schultzed']It's likely that there are some deals but you need to scan the games to find any lower prices . . . not easy to do. Even if there is a scanner in the games area, then the plastic cases often interfere.

With tons of shoppers around . . . this sale/glitch is a big pain.[/quote]

It's actually not too bad. Just go to to lookup the UPCs for what you're interested in, then go to to get barcodes. (I usually just copy & paste whatever I'm interested in into a word file & then print out a sheet -- that way I can go to any of the scanners in the store and look up prices for whatever I want)

Would be nice if I had a PDA with software to generate the barcodes, though -- that way I could come up with a barcode for anything without having to go home and print it out.
[quote name='TimTucker'][quote name='schultzed']It's likely that there are some deals but you need to scan the games to find any lower prices . . . not easy to do. Even if there is a scanner in the games area, then the plastic cases often interfere.

With tons of shoppers around . . . this sale/glitch is a big pain.[/quote]

It's actually not too bad. Just go to to lookup the UPCs for what you're interested in, then go to to get barcodes. (I usually just copy & paste whatever I'm interested in into a word file & then print out a sheet -- that way I can go to any of the scanners in the store and look up prices for whatever I want)

Oh, that all sounds so much easier :roll:

Actually, this a great idea . . . I know people have done this to check the prices of clearance games at Target without getting a clerk to check the case.

My favorite deals have been the "surprise" discounts at Target . . . when a surly clerk is so sure that the the game is $29.99 as marked and then it turns out to be $5 and I look like a wizard. Especially a good idea in that case, because if the clerks know a game is on clearance they either buy them or put them out . . . and you might want to just wait for the next lower price to come in.

BTW, at one TRU the clerk was about to put the kibosh on the deal by questioning whether the coupon was a copy . . . I don't like to lie but I said it was a "print out" and her fellow clerk chimed in "off the website . . . its OK." I just smiled and paid for the discounted games.

*** If anyone is looking for MAD MAESTRO . . . I'll sell one for $5 shipped . . . which means about a $2 profit for me.
[quote name='schultzed']My favorite deals have been the "surprise" discounts at Target . . . when a surly clerk is so sure that the the game is $29.99 as marked and then it turns out to be $5 and I look like a wizard. [/quote]

hahahha i love that.... past weekend at TRU the girl behind me waited for a good 10 minutes for a dude to open up like 20 game cases all to be rung up and after the coupon be 7 and change.... shes like.. "those were all 7 bucks?!?! which ones did you get can i see?" lmao... i love it
Please, could someone get me a copy of Castlevania LOI (PS2)!

I would trade or pay for one if you see an extra at your TRU.

Happy Holidays!
Anyone need a Resident evil Code x something some how i ended up with some extra copies (going back tomorrow to see if they got any XIII i can pick up for anyone
[quote name='slidecage']Anyone need a Resident evil Code x something some how i ended up with some extra copies (going back tomorrow to see if they got any XIII i can pick up for anyone[/quote]

Don't we LoVe you for that!? It gets better everytime. :rofl:
[quote name='slidecage']Anyone need a Resident evil Code x something some how i ended up with some extra copies (going back tomorrow to see if they got any XIII i can pick up for anyone[/quote]

You ended up with extra copies because you bought more than one. Duh. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='slidecage']Anyone need a Resident evil Code x something some how i ended up with some extra copies (going back tomorrow to see if they got any XIII i can pick up for anyone[/quote]

You ended up with extra copies because you bought more than one. Duh. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)[/quote]

Nea. He has one copy, but he forgot he doesn't have a PS2 :whistle2:#
[quote name='masha'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='slidecage']Anyone need a Resident evil Code x something some how i ended up with some extra copies (going back tomorrow to see if they got any XIII i can pick up for anyone[/quote]

You ended up with extra copies because you bought more than one. Duh. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)[/quote]

Nea. He has one copy, but he forgot he doesn't have a PS2 :whistle2:#[/quote]

Would that be the small or Magnum PS2 he's forgotten he has? :rofl:
[quote name='shrike4242']
Would that be the small or Magnum PS2 he's forgotten he has? :rofl:[/quote]

The one he lost with his Xbox.... and it looks like Cube is next :)

Back on topic

How long does it take for coupon to arrive?
[quote name='masha'][quote name='shrike4242']
Would that be the small or Magnum PS2 he's forgotten he has? :rofl:[/quote]

The one he lost with his Xbox.... and it looks like Cube is next :)

Back on topic

How long does it take for coupon to arrive?[/quote]

Damn, I hate it when you end up losing all three pieces of the GameBoxStation. :lol:
[quote name='slidecage']Anyone need a Resident evil Code x something some how i ended up with some extra copies (going back tomorrow to see if they got any XIII i can pick up for anyone[/quote]

I'll take one if the price is right. Btw, does anyone have Rygar sealed or mint and is willing to either trade or sell?
Ok, this should save some work for some people. I've made up a word document that contians UPCs for many of the games related to this sale (plus some others that aren't).

With this in hand, you should be able to just walk over to a price scanner to check prices rather than having to wait for a check within RZone.

Merry Christmas & Happy Hunting!

(and try not to hammer the server too hard ^^)

(Just to note, this list was made using the method that I'd mentioned earlier: look up what the UPC code is on, then generate a barcode at
[quote name='TimTucker']Ok, this should save some work for some people. I've made up a word document that contians UPCs for many of the games related to this sale (plus some others that aren't).

With this in hand, you should be able to just walk over to a price scanner to check prices rather than having to wait for a check within RZone.

Merry Christmas & Happy Hunting!

(and try not to hammer the server too hard ^^)

(Just to note, this list was made using the method that I'd mentioned earlier: look up what the UPC code is on, then generate a barcode at[/quote]

[quote name='TimTucker']Ok, this should save some work for some people. I've made up a word document that contians UPCs for many of the games related to this sale (plus some others that aren't).

With this in hand, you should be able to just walk over to a price scanner to check prices rather than having to wait for a check within RZone.

Merry Christmas & Happy Hunting!

(and try not to hammer the server too hard ^^)

(Just to note, this list was made using the method that I'd mentioned earlier: look up what the UPC code is on, then generate a barcode at[/quote]

awesome work, i'll print it out and check it out after christmas, thanks!!
[quote name='TimTucker']Ok, this should save some work for some people. I've made up a word document that contians UPCs for many of the games related to this sale (plus some others that aren't).

With this in hand, you should be able to just walk over to a price scanner to check prices rather than having to wait for a check within RZone.

Merry Christmas & Happy Hunting!

(and try not to hammer the server too hard ^^)

(Just to note, this list was made using the method that I'd mentioned earlier: look up what the UPC code is on, then generate a barcode at[/quote]

This is really very cool . . . I just love the internet when it comes to information.

We can enter a store with more info than the employees have.
[quote name='TimTucker']Ok, this should save some work for some people. I've made up a word document that contians UPCs for many of the games related to this sale (plus some others that aren't).

With this in hand, you should be able to just walk over to a price scanner to check prices rather than having to wait for a check within RZone.

Merry Christmas & Happy Hunting!

(and try not to hammer the server too hard ^^)

(Just to note, this list was made using the method that I'd mentioned earlier: look up what the UPC code is on, then generate a barcode at[/quote]

I just want to say that you all guys here at fuckin' rule. :D
[quote name='TimTucker']Ok, this should save some work for some people. I've made up a word document that contians UPCs for many of the games related to this sale (plus some others that aren't).

With this in hand, you should be able to just walk over to a price scanner to check prices rather than having to wait for a check within RZone.

Merry Christmas & Happy Hunting!

(and try not to hammer the server too hard ^^)

(Just to note, this list was made using the method that I'd mentioned earlier: look up what the UPC code is on, then generate a barcode at[/quote]

dont work for me
bread's done