Toys R Us Coupon mailer: $10 off two games 19.99 or less


Got a R-Zone holiday gift guide in the mail today. A couple of good coupns in there:

Save $10 on Sega 2 packs

$10 off an Nintendo purchase $100 or more

Save $5 off any Disney Video Game

The most interesting is one that is $10 off any two Video games $19.99 or LESS. Obviously a misprint but it will be interesting to see if they will honor it. Probably not.

Anyone else get these? The coupons are good starting Dec 3rd
The sign at my Toys R Us (Alpharetta, GA) shows green tag as 70% off now. My receipt confirms it, although I don't have my scanner setup. I picked up a bunch of the 2 for 30 titles, but a good example of the 70% off is Beyond Good and Evil for XBOX. Green Tag $19.99-$13.99=$6 before the magic coupon. They're pretty cleaned out of Green label items though, but I didn't see the sign until I was walking out, so now a $15 dollar game becomes much more interesting! I will be back tomorrow.
[quote name='schultzed'][quote name='MICHAE2414']How much was Kinetica and Stuntman at your TRU schultzed? I think mine still has one copy stashed deep within the bargain bins.[/quote]

All of the ones listed were in the soft plastic frames (that you cut off later). They mostly said $19.99 but had green tags (or were considered green tags) so they were $4.98 before the cool coupon.[/quote]
Thanks! My TRU has these very games in the soft plastic frames that you speak of, albeit having about one copy of each. Shucks, I may have to make that return trip sooner. (I still gotta price check, but I'm sure the total would still be under $20 for me.)
someone want to be an awesome individual and give me a quick thread summary? i'm going to try this tomorrow and would like some pointers on using the coupon and things (or maybe great games) to look out for/keep in mind. i started reading earlier in the thread but it got confusing. any help would be much appreciated :)
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']someone want to be an awesome individual and give me a quick thread summary? i'm going to try this tomorrow and would like some pointers on using the coupon and things (or maybe great games) to look out for/keep in mind. i started reading earlier in the thread but it got confusing. any help would be much appreciated :)[/quote]

I have some similar requests.

First, I'd like to know, which version of the coupon is the one that I should print? The JPEG, or the sheet of coupons in the PDF file?

Also, game recommendations would be awesome. I got a $25 gift card, went today, and couldn't think of anything to use it on.

Saw a table of 70% off green tag games, but they were mostly 2003 sports games, Dreamcast games, E-reader cards, and copies of Eternal Darkness (GameCube game, tagged at $50) and Black & Bruised for PS2 tagged @ $30.

In terms of current-generation systems, I have GameCube, Xbox, and Game Boy Advance. Of course, I also have a PC and a bunch of older systems.

Thanks. :)
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']someone want to be an awesome individual and give me a quick thread summary? i'm going to try this tomorrow and would like some pointers on using the coupon and things (or maybe great games) to look out for/keep in mind. i started reading earlier in the thread but it got confusing. any help would be much appreciated :)[/quote]

Sure thing, the magic coupon (above link) has been accepted pretty well as a inkjet print off (if a clerk asks if its a copy, say its a printout from the internet . . . worked for me!). It takes $10 off any pair of games priced under $19.99. (for a total of $10 or less . . . it won't give you store credit if you buy 2 $3 games :D ).

It seems to combine with most other deals. So, if you can find any green tag games (many are now $5 or less) they will be free. These are often in soft plastic "frames" that you cut apart at home with a sticker UPC over the normal one. I got Unreal Championship, Morrowind, Namco Museum, The Thing, Kinetica, and Stuntman this way. These are often separate from the other games maybe in a cardboard stand just outside of the RZone.

Other clearance games are YMMV some may be marked others are secret(Xenosaga, Mafia, and Tenchu Xbox all came up for about $3 after coupon for me (all 3 were not excluded at EB . . . so I scored on their tradein deals which ended yesterday :cry: ). I'm being a real jerk, I have 3 copies of the EA $49.99 games which I want to exchange for Steel Battalion (but getting the store credit looks like I'll have to argue a bit). If I get SB it will have cost me about $50 :shock:

IMPORTANT, TRU has a buy two that are $19.99 (or $19.95??) for $30 but this coupon works with that deal!!!! So, you can get 2 GH, PH, PC for $20 . . . you could even return one of them later.

The only tip is that you have to buy in pairs. and the coupon expires Friday.

Finally, I will trade a copy of Zenosaga (non GH) for something you got cheap (if I want it :twisted:) Say if Final R-Type is on clearance by you . . .
[quote name='SeanAmI122886']magikman
Your talking about Northpoint right?
I was planning to check there but you say theyre cleaned out?[/quote]

Yes, Northpoint. They're cleaned out of anything worthwhile green-tagged under $10 (free w/coupon). But there are still plenty of titles to be had both green tagged (now 70% off before coupon) and 2 for $30 before coupon. I mostly look for Gamecube games, which were a little leaner than the XBOX and PS2 shelves.
It's been my experience that decent, cheap Gamecube selection is ALWAYS leaner than PS2 and XBox at nearly every store. Whenever the price drops on something, people snatch it up quickly or the Cube games seem to hold a higher price longer than a lot of PS2 and XBox games.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']Saw a table of 70% off green tag games, but they were mostly 2003 sports games, Dreamcast games, E-reader cards, and copies of Eternal Darkness (GameCube game, tagged at $50) and Black & Bruised for PS2 tagged @ $30.[/quote]which DC games were there? Trying to get a complete US collection

anywho, nothing at my store, save for a lone copy of Siren (which i picked up)
Great great deal. When I read this thread I thought it was too good to be true but I picked up a bunch of stuff today with the coupon. I was thrilled to get the last Castlevania - Aria Of Sorrow (GBA) for 10.98 as it was 15.98 at my TRU.
Went to a different TRU today at lunch. None of the games were marked correctly, so it was a big pain. I did pick up Conkers Bad Fur Day and Beyond Good and Evil for free, though.

The poor cashier was so confused, because the register wouldn't apply the coupon (though it scanned it ok) since the total was less than $10. She called a manager over and the manager overrode the register. Neither of them had seen the coupon before, I don't think.

If any DFW CAGS are interested, the TRU at 75 and Parker had tons of XIII, Arc the Lad, BG&E, and also two (at least) Xenosagas.
cleaned out the one here in fort wayne. Picked up 4 project edens. 4 Primals for ps2 and 8 Street racketball for ps1. and 4 return from darkness game for xbox for 49 cents each on xbox.

So far picked up over 1,000 bucks in game and paid less then 20 :)
[quote name='trunks982']can someone help me out and make the coupon in actual size of 3 by 2 inch. and post the coupon up. thanks alot[/quote]

Page 6 of this thread... sanjuro's hosting of pdf of the entire TRU flier...

After printing out another that was WAY too big, I tried his link and got perfectly sized coupons with zero hassle.
Damn, I got shot down trying to use the printout. The cashier actually recognized the coupon but because it wasn't the official mailer the manager wouldn't let me use it.

What's it feel like to get a game for under a dollar...I can only imagine.
Keep trying. YMMV depending on the individual clerk at the register at any given time. I had several good runs with a black and white printout coupon. Only one clerk ever questioned it as not an original coupon, and she eventually let me have it because management couldn't be found.

I later switched to a color copy printout coupon for subsequent trips, and I've been golden ever since. Don't be discouraged. Go back and try it again later today, tomorrow or Friday before the coupon expires.
Does anyone else feel that this deal is shadier than the $5 CC mistake? I got away with using the printed coupon, but I didn't pick up any of the "free "games, because I didn't want to raise suspicion.

Wasn't thinking at the time I bought them; I will probably return my games - Soul Calibur 2 and Ratchet and Clank. $20+tax for 2 GH games doesn't seem like a deal.
[quote name='road3283']Damn, I got shot down trying to use the printout. The cashier actually recognized the coupon but because it wasn't the official mailer the manager wouldn't let me use it.

What's it feel like to get a game for under a dollar...I can only imagine.[/quote]

If yo uhave access to a color printer try that. Then tell them you printed it off the TRU website, if lying doesn't bother you.
[quote name='jngx80']Does anyone else feel that this deal is shadier than the $5 CC mistake? I got away with using the printed coupon, but I didn't pick up any of the "free "games, because I didn't want to raise suspicion.

Wasn't thinking at the time I bought them; I will probably return my games - Soul Calibur 2 and Ratchet and Clank. $20+tax for 2 GH games doesn't seem like a deal.[/quote]

I don't think it's shady - they're trying to clear old stock. It's not a pricing mistake, it's a legitimate coupon. That said, I only got one copy of each game, b/c I would have felt bad picking up tons of XIII and Arc the Lad for free. I wanted to leave some for other gamers.

2 GH for $20 is a good deal, you're just jaded from even better deals :) Think of it this way: 2 great games as a buy one get one free!
i stopped by my toys r us today (roseville location) and there was a sign stating "the $10 off 2 games $19.99 or less coupon does not apply to green tag items". it wasn't on the floor, but was behind the counter. the employee was nice though and was even going to try to scan the coupon for me to see if it would work, but i mistakenly grabbed a poor print out so she couldn't get the barcode to scan. i didn't make a fuss about it, since the games ended up ringing up at 70% off anyways.

so the days of getting the green tag items for free may be over in some locations, but the sign didn't mention anything about clearance games (the price stickers that are bright red), so i'd imagine you can still use it on those.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3']Keep trying. YMMV depending on the individual clerk at the register at any given time. I had several good runs with a black and white printout coupon. Only one clerk ever questioned it as not an original coupon, and she eventually let me have it because management couldn't be found.

I later switched to a color copy printout coupon for subsequent trips, and I've been golden ever since. Don't be discouraged. Go back and try it again later today, tomorrow or Friday before the coupon expires.[/quote]

Definitely agree, all up to the cashier. I walked in right before Christmas and got Resident Evil and Devil May Cry for free...both came out at 4.98 each and used a color printout of the coupon, no problem, scanned in and everything. Cashier just sat there with a look of shock, and couldn't believe the games were free. It was much easier because it was a good shock like he thought it was that cool that it worked that way rather than worrying about how I cheated the system. I will try again tomorrow and see what happens again. Best christmas ever!
Used it the first time yesterday and picked up:
Devil May Cry x 2, Res. Evil CV, Mad Maestro, Tenchu for Xbox, Unreal II (Xbox), Bloodrayne (Xbox) and an Ultimate Codes Zelda WW and paid total $8.42 before tax. Traded in all but the Zelda Codes and one DMC at Blockbuster for $41. The cashier was amazed, one customer behind me asked if I would shop for her. I did get the coupon back.

I tried again today, but asked if I could keep it before I used it and they said no. So, I left with plans to hit two more TRU's before Friday.
[quote name='jngx80']Does anyone else feel that this deal is shadier than the $5 CC mistake? I got away with using the printed coupon, but I didn't pick up any of the "free "games, because I didn't want to raise suspicion.

Wasn't thinking at the time I bought them; I will probably return my games - Soul Calibur 2 and Ratchet and Clank. $20+tax for 2 GH games doesn't seem like a deal.[/quote]

Soul Calibur 2 was like $7 at my local TRU. So if you get that and a $3 game, they'll both be free with coupon.
Hit the last TRU in my area found some cheap copies of Chaos Legion, Devil May Cry, and Resident Evil CV. The young guy clerk scanned the coupon without blinking . . . talked to him . . . he seen a lot of them.
[quote name='PhrostByte'][quote name='jngx80']Does anyone else feel that this deal is shadier than the $5 CC mistake? I got away with using the printed coupon, but I didn't pick up any of the "free "games, because I didn't want to raise suspicion.

Wasn't thinking at the time I bought them; I will probably return my games - Soul Calibur 2 and Ratchet and Clank. $20+tax for 2 GH games doesn't seem like a deal.[/quote]

Soul Calibur 2 was like $7 at my local TRU. So if you get that and a $3 game, they'll both be free with coupon.[/quote]

the Coupon Doesnt take 10 bucks off 2 games, it breaks the 10 into 5 bucks off per game. I just got a 10 buck game and a 3.00 game TOTAL was 5.00

FOrt wayne is Sold out. I just cleanned them out. Picked up 10 Street racketballs. 6 Primals and 4 Return from darkness games.

10 buck game - 5.00 2 for 10 coupon
3.00 game 3.00 off 2 for 10 coupon

TOTAL 5.00 ... SO its not 10 off 2 its mostly 5 off each game. I have yet to get it to take 10 bucks off 2 games total if one game is under 5
I think I must have gotten like 30 games for under
$50 already.. just going to different TRU's in the area. Most of the games were free, some of them I bought because I actually wanted them. Like Ratchet and Clank, BloodRayne, Ribbit King, Namco Musuem, and Siren.. that's where most of the money went to.
[quote name='schultzed']Hit the last TRU in my area found some cheap copies of Chaos Legion, Devil May Cry, and Resident Evil CV. The young guy clerk scanned the coupon without blinking . . . talked to him . . . he seen a lot of them.[/quote]

Since we're getting close to the expiration date, I've been handing out the extra coupons I had printed. I gave two to TRU clerks who were very grateful (no, the manager was not around and these guys were super nice). Also gave a couple to some nice GR employees who were happy to have them (obviously).

I wouldn't recommend handing them to a TRU manager, but I know a lot of the clerks are just kids earning next to minimum wage, and I felt like sharing my good fortune. I never once mentioned CAG and just told them I downloaded it off the Internet. No lying needed.

BTW, I'm sleeping just fine.
Went back again today - I'm pretty sure I picked up the last of the stuff - very slim pickings.

For $5 total I picked up:

3 copies of Arc the Lad: TotS

6 games for 5 bucks, I guess that's not too bad.
And for my third and (most likely) final trip...

Castlevania (NES Classic) (GBA) 10.00
Zelda II Adventures of Link (NES Classic) (GBA) 10.00
Virtua Tennis (GBA) 0.00
Dave Mirra Freestlye BMX 2 (PS2) 0.00
Ejay Clubworld (PS2) 0.00
Mojo (Xbox) 0.00

And just for fun, I gave them the 5.00 dollars off a Disney game coupon and got PK Out of the Shadows for 0.00 too.

Everything was starting to look very picked over compared to a week and a half ago when they were stocked full of cheap games. I got in on some great deals. Thanks again OP!
OH MAN!!!! I GOT primal 22copies and turok 18copies FREEEEEE today!
also siren 6,28 , bloodyrayne 1.45 , xiii 1.28 , mapia 3.58 , castlevanin loi 4.21 ,
unreal2 3.11, etenel darkness 10.49(it just 70% off greentag..reg.34.98 so it doesnt work 19.99 or ress 10$ off deal..too bad..)
chaos legion 3.31
i trip 4 toysrus today.. 130miles;; (ma house and ma girlfriend house between 4 toysrus )
anyways... does anyone want trade La pucelle or fetal frame 2 for me please pm me ...i can pay or trade... 4 toysrus la pucelle 29.95 and FF2 is 22.95.. so i pass..
[quote name='ReggAe']OH MAN!!!! I GOT primal 22copies and turok 18copies FREEEEEE today!
also siren 6,28 , bloodyrayne 1.45 , xiii 1.28 , mapia 3.58 , castlevanin loi 4.21 ,
unreal2 3.11, etenel darkness 10.49(it just 70% off greentag..reg.34.98 so it doesnt work 19.99 or ress 10$ off deal..too bad..)
chaos legion 3.31
i trip 4 toysrus today.. 130miles;; (ma house and ma girlfriend house between 4 toysrus )
anyways... does anyone want trade La pucelle or fetal frame 2 for me please pm me ...i can pay or trade... 4 toysrus la pucelle 29.95 and FF2 is 22.95.. so i pass..[/quote]

I'll swap you a copy of Fetal Frame 2 for a copy of Grand Theft Infant 3... :roll:
[quote name='ReggAe']OH MAN!!!! I GOT primal 22copies and turok 18copies FREEEEEE today!
also siren 6,28 , bloodyrayne 1.45 , xiii 1.28 , mapia 3.58 , castlevanin loi 4.21 ,
unreal2 3.11, etenel darkness 10.49(it just 70% off greentag..reg.34.98 so it doesnt work 19.99 or ress 10$ off deal..too bad..)
chaos legion 3.31
i trip 4 toysrus today.. 130miles;; (ma house and ma girlfriend house between 4 toysrus )
anyways... does anyone want trade La pucelle or fetal frame 2 for me please pm me ...i can pay or trade... 4 toysrus la pucelle 29.95 and FF2 is 22.95.. so i pass..[/quote]

Way to hoard hero...
[quote name='MadFlava'][quote name='ReggAe']OH MAN!!!! I GOT primal 22copies and turok 18copies FREEEEEE today!
also siren 6,28 , bloodyrayne 1.45 , xiii 1.28 , mapia 3.58 , castlevanin loi 4.21 ,
unreal2 3.11, etenel darkness 10.49(it just 70% off greentag..reg.34.98 so it doesnt work 19.99 or ress 10$ off deal..too bad..)
chaos legion 3.31
i trip 4 toysrus today.. 130miles;; (ma house and ma girlfriend house between 4 toysrus )
anyways... does anyone want trade La pucelle or fetal frame 2 for me please pm me ...i can pay or trade... 4 toysrus la pucelle 29.95 and FF2 is 22.95.. so i pass..[/quote]

Way to hoard hero...[/quote]

As if anyone was going to buy those copies of Turok or Primal. He did the store a favor... But in all seriousness, he should send out copies to anyone who wants 1. I mean, what is he gonna do? Try to ebay all of them? I don't think so.
I guess I'll be going to make my final run tomorrow. So heads up to any Bay Area CAGs, I'll be cleaning out the Emeryville TRU but its not like they had much anyway.
I liked Turok for a couple of bucks (let the flames commence?).

Also, my closest TRU is selling Primal for $29.99 minus green tag (I guess that's like $9). Weird.
How bad can Turok possibly be? I have it in my collection, I got it for free from this sale. I mean... it's a FPS. I don't know much about FPS's... I liked GoldenEye 007 but not really Halo or Quake or any of those. And the older Turoks weren't that bad... hm
I just hit a TRU i had never hit before, and it was indeed the motherload! I scored a bunch of cheapy games (some actually good ones!! ;)), and they had PSOne screens for $20. sweetness.
Just came from a TRU trip and had one green tag game out of four.

The coupon didn't kick in for the green tag game, which knocked out the use on the other game that would've been its pair.

I had to have the sales rep add it back in manually at the end of the transaction.

I haven't had any issues doing this until after the green tag games went to 70% this week. Before then, no problems at all.

FYI for you all that go, check your receipt before you leave the store, if you're buying any green tag games on it. There's no reason it shouldn't work, as the coupon says it'll be combinable with other offers, so keep that in mind if it doesn't work with green tag games on your purchase.
[quote name='yogi99']Where can I get the $10 off coupon if I didn't get it in the mail?[/quote]

Page 9 or so in this thread, I think, a PDF version of it. Other coupons with it, as well.
bread's done