Toys R us pricedrops YMMV


17 (100%)

Enchanted Arms 9.99 X360
Final Fantasy 12 12.99 ps2
Disgaea 2 24.99 ps2
Children of Mana 16.99 (ds)
Legend Of heroes 3 19.99 PSP
Phantasy Star Universe 9.99
Rogue Galaxy 29.99
Siphon Filter the omega strain 4.99 ps2
WTF Work Time Fun 9.99 PSP
Xenosaga Ep 3 19.99 PS2

And more.

Sure Rogue Galaxy is now around this price but I myself haven't seen it in a while.
Rest of the prices are pretty hot.

May just be my location so YMMV.
Actually want WTF for $10, but the Mississauga location didn't have it. Didn't have much in the PSP department at all. Guess I have to try Good ol' Sherway.

Reminiscing, I used to work at that location many, many, moons ago... The video games department has changed quitea bit since then
[quote name='TronB']Is Xenosaga III at $19.99 a good price, or is that about the average price? That's the only game on the list I'm interested in, I've always wanted to get into that series.[/quote]

Rogers sells used copies of that game for 15 bucks an new for 25, though I'm sure there are places that sell it cheaper.

And if you can stand a 45 minute (ugh) cutscene of the original and what is pretty much a by-the-book battle and growth system, go on ahead. Just don't play the game for it's 'story', or else I'm gonna have to lynch you (kidding of course). But if you relaly want to try the game for the actual game portion, fortunately you can skip the cutscenes entirely.

Though quite frankly if you want to spend 20 bucks on a new RPG, if you have a PSP, get Gurumin; or for DS, Etrian Odyssey (EB sells it used for 25 bucks, 10 percent off with card) or if you want a PS2 game, you can pick up Soul Nomad at FS for 20 bucks new. But that's just me ranting. :p
^ I went to EB Games today and saw that they were selling Xenosaga III for $19.99 new. I didn't see a used copy, but I'm assuming it would be 5 dollars cheaper. I'm in no rush to get it, since that seems to be the normal price.

I'll keep those recommendations in mind. But I kind of spent my money on a used copy of Tales of Symphonia today, which was 20 bucks =P
[quote name='poiuiu']Twenty bucks for used Symphonia? Damn, the game is still expensive, relatively. :p[/QUOTE]

It's $18 at EB. I got mine for $10 from a fellow CAGer. :) But yeah it's pretty pricey elsewhere, even eBay.
[quote name='TronB']Is Xenosaga III at $19.99 a good price, or is that about the average price? That's the only game on the list I'm interested in, I've always wanted to get into that series.[/quote]

Xenosaga Episode III was one of the best games I played in 06. The first game was decent, but had its flaws, the second game was terrible and was only worth playing so you understood the story and could witness the stellar ending, the third improves on every mistake they've made. I enjoyed every minute of Xenosaga Episode III, from the improved battle system, to the amazing Yuki Kaijura score. I recommend this game above all others...ESPECIALLY Enchanted Arms heh.

Edit: Also, your inner Xenogears fanboyism will come out in full effect from this game.
[quote name='Lockescythe']I got symphonia for 20 at best buy like 2 years back.

Good game though.[/quote]excellent game, completionist's nightmare though ;)
[quote name='Khalid']Hope you guys got FFXII because somebody post it on RFD.[/quote]

probally found out about the deal from here.
I went to a friend house near a Toys R us and I bought GUN for xbox 360 for 12.99+tax. Took like 45-50 min to go and another 45-50 to come back in bus.
[quote name='Lockescythe']well good ole sherway had WTF as of yesterday morning. Seemed they had multiple too so good luck.[/quote]

Good, cause I've been to two other TRU's and they didn't have it. The most interesting PSP game I saw today was Every Extend Extra for $14.97, but I'm sure I've seen it cheaper.

Power Stone collection is a fighting series, right? I'm not really into fighters, but is it any good?
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']Jonkaho:
Power Stone collection is a fighting series, right? I'm not really into fighters, but is it any good?[/quote]

it kinda like a Smash Bros type of fighting game, i think its one of the funnest fighting games on the PSP. totally worth it for 13 bucks.
[quote name='jonkaho']it kinda like a Smash Bros type of fighting game, i think its one of the funnest fighting games on the PSP. totally worth it for 13 bucks.[/quote]
The game is similar to Smash Bros except that it's not. Powerstone is a move anywhere in any direction actiony fighter with weapons. The first one was one on one whereas Powerstone 2 featured up to 4 players and mainly played in an overhead perspective.

Really the other things the two games share are up to 4 players and item usage. Still fun, but not for everyone.
Finally got WTF at Brampton TRU, none at Sherway. Thanks Lockscythe

If anyone is desperate for a fully BC PS3, Brampton had a 20gig for $490.
[quote name='Lockescythe']Sorry. *can't help if they sell out before people can make it to the location*[/quote]

Hehe, I'm not sure, maybe you took my thank you as being facetious . I actually meant Thank You for the post. :)
[quote name='Princess Zelda']I picked up a Viva Pinata Face plate for the 360 for $1.91 at the Toys R Us on Merivale Rd.[/quote]

Thanks! I just pick one up yesterday for the kids in the Brampton TRU. Nothing was priced at all so you would never know anything was on sale - might want to have them price check anything you are looking at... :roll:
[quote name='Revelation44']Thanks! I just pick one up yesterday for the kids in the Brampton TRU. Nothing was priced at all so you would never know anything was on sale - might want to have them price check anything you are looking at... :roll:[/quote]

Yeah, I noticed this also at Brampton. WTF still said $20 on it so I had to ask them to check it first.
Anyone have a more definitive list of everything on sale?
Saints Row for the 360 was $16
Elite Beat Agents DS $16
Baten Kaitos $24.99 ( I bought this too)
Devil May Cry 3 $16
Barbie and the dancing Princesses $6
If I can remember more I'll update.
How do you price match with FS/BB? What do you use as proof? And are these deals going on?
To price match I usually bring the print out of the online page that has the price as proof. But if your price matching something that's not available online you have go to the store and hope they'll call the nearest TRU and verify the price and they have it in stock.
bread's done