Toys R Us' Xbox Live Starter Kit fake deal: how do you return?


CAG Veteran
I tried the in-store option, but was told that for some reason, I couldn't return it there. Can someone please tell me how I can return it for a full refund? Thanks in advance.
Howzabout a little more detail...what is this fake deal and why are you returning the Live starter kit?
oo...sorry...guess I was a lil vague. Well, it was a deal had like at the beginning of April advertising the Xbox Live Starter Kit 3 (the one that comes w/ Mechassault) for 49.99. I ordered it because I thought it was a pretty good deal. A week later, I receive an email from stating that they had made a mistake and that it was only the 12-month subs. card for 49.99.
So you ordered it from KB, but want to return it to TRU? That's not cool.

Can't you just send it back to KB? After all, they made the mistake, they shouldn't have even shipped the order.
Dang it...oops once again :oops: I went to return it at KBtoys store, just was thinking of the wrong store name for some weird reason. So I should just send it back to KB in the original packaging, huh?
you should call them, complain that it's not what you ordered, and demand that they send you a pre-paid package so you can ship the card back to them at their expense. And make sure you get tracking/delivery confirmation to make sure they got it.
Actually I had to do it....just call them up and ask them to credit you for your shipping, and then return the item in store for the full item price.
That's illegal it's called a bait and switch and if you have proof that you really did see that advertised, you can send them a letter that you will be contacting your attorney general for bait and switch and false advertisment and start a class action lawsuit, and i bet you'll find a lawyer to take it pro-bono fucking KB i hate them
bread's done