Transfering saves from you xbox without a memory card

kool will this work without access to the of mah bois xboxes freezes when it trys to go to the xbox can play games but just cant access the menu
Its ten bucks cheaper to buy it from lik-sang...and plus the time to do it yourself...I dont have windows so im screwed either way
[quote name='karmapolice620']Its ten bucks cheaper to buy it from lik-sang...and plus the time to do it yourself...I dont have windows so im screwed either way[/quote]

You dont need windows. Just the xbox to usb cable and a thumbdrive. The software isnt needed. So, just get teh cable, I got mine for $6 shipped from ebay, and get a thumb drive for $20-$50 depending on size.

I am %99.9 positive you need the dashboard.
Do the Xbox games have to have the memory card option listed on the back of the box? Or can you backup any Xbox saves?
On certain games (Burnout 2 and Kung Fu Chaos for example) there is no option to copy to the memory card. Will doing it with the USB drive get around that??
I've had a MegaXKey for some time now. And personallyl I think it's way more bang for the buck than the Action Replay (which by the way you cn use those files on the MegaXKey). When one of my old XBox consoles went out on me I was able to copy just about every save game in one swoop onto the MegaXKey, and I'm talking close to 80 games. The only down side is that, like the memory card you can't copy certain files to the MegaXKey (i.e. PSO, KotoR, DOA) etc. UNLESS you have a modded XBox, and then you can FTP them to your PC using a small app that you can download.

I've also had problems when I tried to order the device directlly from the guys that made it. There distrubutiob channels flat out suck. When I intiallyl placed my order I didn't hear anything for 2 weeks, so I tried to cancel my iorder but I couldn't. So I ordered two from Lik-Sang, and got them with no problem. Then I recieve my intial order from the US crew and didn't pay, just so they woould contact me so we could straightem out the situation. I told them that I wasn't trying to cheat htem but this was the only way I could get them to contact me. We worked it all out and they ended up giving me another one for free as a courtesy (which I gave to a pal as a present).

The MegaXKey is basically a thumbdrive that is compatible with the XBox. Not all thumbdrives are, and I'll have to dig for the list to show which ones are (I'll have to search another forum). BUt if you have the the PSO USB keyboard adaptor then you can plug it directly into your XBox controller. So if you have that and any thumbdrive/flashdrives laying around give it a shot. Sorry for the long post but I know a little something about the MegaXKey. :D
Ok... I got PSO I&II the other day and went ahead and bought the free usb keyboard adapter... well guess what? The adapter works with my usb jump drive from walmart. The adapter is with the cost of shipping and handling it comes to about $7 and it only took about a week to get it in the mail. LINK
I did know about this, but I thought you had to own PSO to order the USB adapter. Looks Like I can get the PSO adapter for 7 shipped, great news. I will have to pick one up now.
A xbox memory card is like 20-25 bucks aint it so go buy one of those instead or am I missing the principal of the thing
Does the PSO USB adapter work the same way as the xbox to usb cable. I know the PSO adapter goes into the mem. card slot, just wondering if they'll act the same way because I got the cable and a thumbstick on the compatibility list, but all it does is make the screen flash in the memory part of the dashboard.
[quote name='daddiebigbig']A xbox memory card is like 20-25 bucks aint it so go buy one of those instead or am I missing the principal of the thing[/quote]
The Xbox memory card is only 8 MB, while this appears to be 32 MB.
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