Trying to get rid of ~300 game cases /w manuals: good idea?


So here's the thing: I keep all of my games in CD binders, and I've been storing all of the cases (w/ manuals) on a shelf in my basement for the last 10 years or so.  We're gearing up to move to a new house, and I've decided it's time to get rid of all these empty shells.  I hate to throw them away, both because I'm sure someone would want them, and because even the thought of dumping that lump of plastic in a landfill makes Iron-Eyes Cody cry.

I have no interest in trying to catalog them or find homes for all of them individually, so I'm thinking about just putting them up as a giant lot on ebay and seeing if anyone bites.  I thought this would be a good place to get some feedback on the best way to go about this.

Here's the rough details (I'll get hard counts on things before actually creating a listing):

  • Roughly 300 cases, essentially all of them in factory-fresh condition (mostly purchased at sweet discounts thanks to this very site)
  • Roughly half are ps3 games, the other half are wii/wiiu + 360, with a few ps2 and ps4 games as well
  • Almost all (at least 90%) contain all manuals +  original inserts - only exception is that I did take out the club nintendo codes from the applicable wii/wiiU games.
  • I'd rather not try to write up a comprehensive list, but I plan to take lots of good pictures of the whole mess.
  • I just gathered them up and put them on the scale, and they clock in at right around 50 lbs.
  • It does seem possible that a motivated buyer could get a good deal on the whole stack and then turn a tidy profit by selling them off individually to people looking for specific games.

Here are the things I'm wondering:

  • Is this a stupid idea?  Obviously nobody in their right mind would want to buy these, but sanity is not a requirement.
  • Does it make more sense to sell them as one giant lump, or split them up by platform?  Maybe just separate the ps3 games from the rest, since they're sized differently?
  • What's a good starting price? 
  • Will shipping kill the deal?
 I'm not expecting this to be a huge money-making venture, I really just want to get these things out of my house, and ideally, send them off to a good home where someone will enjoy them/find them useful.  Or I can go huck 'em off an overpass somewhere.

No put them up on ebay, don't throw them away., I buy cases and manuals all the time.   I just like to have complete copies of anything I buy.

 Someone will want them.

If you want to sell them fast, just do the lot. Selling one by one will take forever.

Just charge what it's going to cost to ship. As long as shipping is fair, no one is going to complain. You can't control how much it cost.

Thanks!  I wasn't sure if there would be a market for this sort of thing or not, so that's quite encouraging. 

It's nice that you don't want these in a landfill. Too bad Gamestop has thrown away tens of thousands of plastic cases over the years.

I am with Burritoman, I need a few cases for PS2 and 360... you should help out some CAGs first before hand, spread the love and your profit!

I actually tried to do this about 3 and a half years ago. I worked at a Movie Gallery and when it was closing they were throwing away about 200 odd cases. Rather than see them get wasted and because I feel for those without a case for their games, I took them. Well, selling on ebay was an option but here is the problems I ran into

1. A lot of these is harder to sell when most folks just need a couple

2. Anyone I contacted/heard from about buying the lot did not want to offer enough to make it worth it, as you should not do this for free, which leads to the biggest issue

3. Shipping. It is going to cost an arm and a leg to ship this as a lot. I mean, more than it is worth to most of those whom would buy it to flip them and more than it is worth for you to get any substantial profit (ie more than 20 bucks at best) out of it. I had a box of about 120 and was told it would be about 52 bucks to ship it.

Your best bet (to get the most out of it) is to bundle a few together or single them out. I understand it will be a lot of work and you probably just want rid of them, but it will probably work out better

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Would definitely like to know what 360 case you have. Have about 10 games that I don't have the artwork for. I don't care about manuals, just need the artwork and I'm good.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Based on this conversation I'm leaning towards breaking them into smaller lots; I'm thinking I'll see how many I can cram into a $12 priority mail box split them into lots that size (20-ish?), and post them for just enough to cover shipping.

Sounds like there's a lot of interest in PS2 cases, but I only have a few of those, and nothing particularly noteworthly at that... I never had a ps2, so I just picked up used copies of a few of the big titles (most of which were from gutted cases, because gamestop).

When I do get around to bundling these up and posting the sales (probably next week) I'll drop some links in here for anyone who may be interested.

Which games are they?

Beowulf: The Game

Blacksite Area 51

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Cars 2


Deadliest Catch Alaskan Storm

Dragon Age: Orgins

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hellboy: Science of Evil

The Outfit

Project Sylpheed


NFS Shift 2: Unleashed

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine

Wanted: Weapons of Fate

That's everything that I don't have a case for. I mostly want Risen, Project Sylpheed, Shift 2, and Dragon Age: Origins

bread's done