Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - (use spoiler tags please)

[quote name='Thongsy']Tried out the co-op mode and I didn't really care for it. I'm rethinking my preorder on this now. Tried to play some online matches and couldn't get a match in ten minutes of searching. I enjoyed the first Uncharted because it wasn't all combat, I hope this is the same, and not just all action.[/QUOTE]
The way they programmed online with it looking for local games first followed by optimal and then lastly any available games will work a lot faster once the final game is released and there's a much larger pool of people to play with. The two nights I played the demo there were only 7,XXX people online.

Uncharted 2 will be like the first game with combat and exploration but I heard they fixed the alternating of each of these in the game and fixed how you would only fight a few guys at a time in spurts. I hear Uncharted 2 masterfully presents the combat and exploration at the same time.
Gave it a shot again. I do enjoy the MP, almost as much as the original MGO. Plunder is lots of fun, the base game is way too short though. Not sure if I will do co op or just play the story mode single player. Going to keep the preorder after all now. Actually got my friend to preorder too since we had fun playing the MP.
I can't launch the Uncharted 2 multiplayer demo right now.

"The server may currently be down for maintenance or updating. Try again later. (80029509)"

[quote name='blader16']Also, that gametrailer's review was a little lacking on the score.[/QUOTE]

What's wrong with a 9.3?
That was a pretty good review.(makes me want the game even more!) GT seems to (generally) be on point with their reviews. This was no exception.
I can't seem to find a listing of all the controls. Anyone know where I can find a list?

I'm especially interested in knowing how to crouch, but not behind cover
[quote name='Dr. Strangepork']I can't seem to find a listing of all the controls. Anyone know where I can find a list?

I'm especially interested in knowing how to crouch, but not behind cover[/QUOTE]

You can't.
[quote name='StoneCold316']Level 10 is the last level in Arena. I've gotten there 2 or 3 times (and my partner died on level 9, I somehow beat the entire level alone).[/QUOTE]

i (we) beat level 11. or we probably finished 10 and got to level 11. so its ends at 10/11. i recommend finding alternate paths and killing a gattling guy asap. once you do, you need the dropped gattling to quickly dispose of the others.
[quote name='Killbomb']I think Plunder is the best CTF variant I've ever played. Having just one "flag" that doesn't keep getting reset makes it more fun and it doesn't take a damn hour for one match like it does in games such as TF2.[/QUOTE]

plunder is great. it sucks when your fucking teammates can't throw up the treasure... hah. but i love how they reward the entire team with the capture points when your team scores. otherwise, we would all just sit around the treasurer chest looking out for ourselves.

i really like the lobbing the football strategy. but i got a better stratgey now. plunder games can end lightning quick with "gutter runners" like me. its almost impossible to stop a treasure bearer without a direct line and emptying your entire clip.
[quote name='enufs8d']i (we) beat level 11. or we probably finished 10 and got to level 11. so its ends at 10/11. i recommend finding alternate paths and killing a gattling guy asap. once you do, you need the dropped gattling to quickly dispose of the others.[/QUOTE]

use the interior structures to get around them.
after seeing some reviews i think i am gonna skip brutal legend for the time being and get this....probably even trade ODST towards it
[quote name='Malik112099']after seeing some reviews i think i am gonna skip brutal legend for the time being and get this....probably even trade ODST towards it[/QUOTE]

the demo for that game was horrible i dont see the appeal in it or in a game staring jack black. the uncharted mp demo was what got me buy the game its easily the best demo ive played to date.( as far as making you want to purchase a game and in fun).
That GT review was great, much better than IGN's video review. GT actually...reviews the game, unlike IGN who basically just list features of the game in a two minute clip. Thanks for the link.
GT gives Uncharted 2 a 9.3, yet gives Halo 3 a 9.8 and Gears of War 2 a 9.5? The ONLY flaw (if you can call it that) I see in Uncharted 2 is the story isn't original. But as the reviewer says, ND basically took everything good about games from the last decade and made it shine/near perfect. Doesn't that at least deserve a 9.6-9.9?

Perhaps it's my disappointment with Halo 3's graphics and story, but that game definitely didn't deserve a 98l, let alone beating Uncharted 2 (score-wise).
What is wrong with a 9.3?

The guy in the GT review is sucking the game's dick the whole time. It's not a bad review. You haven't even played the full game yet yourself to be able to say otherwise. Personally I think the score is high, even though I like the game and think it's a lot of fun.

I don't think it's on the level of Gears/Halo/Killzone.
[quote name='lokizz']the demo for that game was horrible i dont see the appeal in it or in a game staring jack black. the uncharted mp demo was what got me buy the game its easily the best demo ive played to date.( as far as making you want to purchase a game and in fun).[/QUOTE]

I loved the humor in it...it was funny and fun to play......I hated the Uncharted 2 beta which totally turned me off to the whole game...but now the campaign is what will probably bring me back.
[quote name='Trakan']I don't think it's on the level of Gears/Halo/Killzone.[/QUOTE]

I think the first Uncharted is a better single player game than any game in those series (haven't played Killzone 1 though). I've always found the Halo campaigns to be pretty boring. Gears 1 & 2 and Killzone 2 are good games but I just enjoyed Uncharted more. And after watching the GT review, it looks like UC2 is going to be absolutely incredible.
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[quote name='SynGamer']GT gives Uncharted 2 a 9.3, yet gives Halo 3 a 9.8 and Gears of War 2 a 9.5? The ONLY flaw (if you can call it that) I see in Uncharted 2 is the story isn't original. But as the reviewer says, ND basically took everything good about games from the last decade and made it shine/near perfect. Doesn't that at least deserve a 9.6-9.9?

Perhaps it's my disappointment with Halo 3's graphics and story, but that game definitely didn't deserve a 98l, let alone beating Uncharted 2 (score-wise).[/QUOTE]

Well it's now become apparent to me that the scores these sites give to games depend heavily on the ad funding they receive from the makers. Gamespot and Kane n' Lych was the first clue and this just adds to it. The only negative I heard in that review was that it wasn't original enough for them so it got a 9.3 while Halo 3 got a 9.8 but was basically a slightly upscaled version of Halo 2 and an average story. There was a similar controversy when MGS4 came out and received a lower score for it's story than Halo 3's story. It's well known that GT receives quite a bit of ad revenue indirectly from Microsoft and knowing them it wouldn't surprise me if MS "advised" GT to not give PS3 exclusives a higher score than 9.4 (LBP score). Gears, Halo 3, and Mass Effect are great games but Killzone 2, MGS4, and Uncharted are just as good and should have gotten similar scores.
I didn't even bother watching the review or any others. I've gone into "spoiler-free" mode in anticipation of the game--I wanna just enjoy as much as I can. Can't wait!
[quote name='Killbomb']I think the first Uncharted is a better single player game than any game in those series (haven't played Killzone 1 though). I've always found the Halo campaigns to be pretty boring. Gears 1 & 2 and Killzone 2 are good games but I just enjoyed Uncharted more. And after watching the GT review, it looks like UC2 is going to be absolutely incredible.[/QUOTE]
Same here, despite not playing Uncharted until just now and playing those games - except KZ 2 - the month they released. Sure 9.3 may be good enough for Uncharted 2 but if that's the case then those other games definitely did not deserve the scores they got. GTA IV is the worst though, both in the score they gave it - 9.8 - and the quality of the game, compared to all of these games. This is why I use metacritic.
[quote name='viernes3am5']Well it's now become apparent to me that the scores these sites give to games depend heavily on the ad funding they receive from the makers. Gamespot and Kane n' Lych was the first clue and this just adds to it. The only negative I heard in that review was that it wasn't original enough for them so it got a 9.3 while Halo 3 got a 9.8 but was basically a slightly upscaled version of Halo 2 and an average story. There was a similar controversy when MGS4 came out and received a lower score for it's story than Halo 3's story. It's well known that GT receives quite a bit of ad revenue indirectly from Microsoft and knowing them it wouldn't surprise me if MS "advised" GT to not give PS3 exclusives a higher score than 9.4 (LBP score). Gears, Halo 3, and Mass Effect are great games but Killzone 2, MGS4, and Uncharted are just as good and should have gotten similar scores.[/QUOTE]

I don't want to start any conspiracy theories, but it makes sense. In a side-by-side comparison of Uncharted 2 and Halo 3;

Graphics in Uncharted 2 obliterate Halo 3.
Presentation is a toss-up.
Sound is a toss-up.
Gameplay is a toss-up.
Multiplayer is a toss-up, maybe slightly in favor of Halo 3.

If Halo 3 received a 9.8, then surely Uncharted 2 should have received a 9.7-9.9...
Anyone having problems with the beta besides me? I play it, and all of a sudden the character stops, and won't do anything no matter what buttons I press. I think someone else in the game had the same problem. They was against the wall, and this other guy had his way with him.
[quote name='Trakan']What is wrong with a 9.3?

The guy in the GT review is sucking the game's dick the whole time. It's not a bad review. You haven't even played the full game yet yourself to be able to say otherwise. Personally I think the score is high, even though I like the game and think it's a lot of fun.

I don't think it's on the level of Gears/Halo/Killzone.[/QUOTE]
Because if they don't provide any notable negatives, I can see why that would seem like an odd score.

You criticize him for questioning the score without having played the full game, but then you do the same thing yourself? Unless you've somehow gotten the game two weeks early.

I'd say it easily is with two great games people care about, though I'd leave Killzone off the list for only having the one good game people care about.

Score complaints are nothing new when people are too hyped for a game, as I've seen Zelda and Halo fans go insane over an 8.8 like it was a bad, unfair score.
[quote name='Malik112099']I loved the humor in it...it was funny and fun to play......I hated the Uncharted 2 beta which totally turned me off to the whole game...but now the campaign is what will probably bring me back.[/QUOTE]

I felt the same way. After watching that GT review and seeing parts of the campaign I'm sure this game will live up to my enjoyment of the first.

Also, all this so called controversy about the score, is why I hate 100 point scales. People will nitpick about every little point and why one game got a 92 and another 96.
The game has gotten a number of perfect/near perfect scores. Ultimately, that all doesn't matter. I'm just looking forward to playing the sequel to one of my all-time fave PS3 games.
I'm done.

Arguing over review scores, especially half a point, is ludicrous.

The Sony fanboys can keep complaining that it didn't score as well as Halo.
Yeah, it's not worth it. I really don't care what the score is myself, and I don't understand what the issue is in this case, since the game has gotten a number of amazing reviews/review scores. A score isn't going to affect my enjoyment of a game either way.
Like gunm said, a score shouldn't affect anyone's enjoyment of a game.

So yeah, the people who get upset that the game didn't score .1-.2 higher than Halo 3 are fanboys, or are out of their minds. Take your pick.

9.3 is a great score, and any outrage over why it isn't higher, especially when all these other sites are handin' out 10s, just doesn't make sense. Oh no, GT gave it a 9.3? Bullshit!

Uncharted 2 could very well be one of the better games on the PS3. Hell, it'll be the third PS3 game I buy. I've played hours and hours of multiplayer, and the gameplay will be the same in single player. Based on that, I'd give it and 8 or an 8.5. Should that ruin your enjoyment of the game? No.
I never really understood why people get all upset over scores. I usually take a game's score and use that to help me decide if I should make a purchase or not..
wow..there are a bunch of review score cry babies in here.....who gives a shit if it even got a 7? It is shaping up to be a stellar PS3 exclusive (which the system needs) and everyone should be happy about it - not being all titty baby about .2 points in a single review score. I am looking forward to this game since my PS3 hasn't seen any action in 3 or 4 months.

Some of you act like you wereo n the develooment team or something. All you have done is sat around waiting for it. You bought the console and you are going to buy the game regardless of the next review score. Unless you work at Naughty Dog, why do you care what it scores?

Also, why are you comparing this game to Gears/Halo/Killzone? Uncharted is a 3rd person platforming adventure. Different type of game. Might as well compare it to GTA IV.
[quote name='Trakan']I'm done.

Arguing over review scores, especially half a point, is ludicrous.

The Sony fanboys can keep complaining that it didn't score as well as Halo.[/QUOTE]

Wow, I would think a mod would refrain from using the fanboy card considering a few of us actually pointed out reasonable arguments between Halo 3 and Uncharted 2.

[quote name='Malik112099']wow..there are a bunch of review score cry babies in here.....who gives a shit if it even got a 7? It is shaping up to be a stellar PS3 exclusive (which the system needs) and everyone should be happy about it - not being all titty baby about .2 points in a single review score. I am looking forward to this game since my PS3 hasn't seen any action in 3 or 4 months.

Some of you act like you wereo n the develooment team or something. All you have done is sat around waiting for it. You bought the console and you are going to buy the game regardless of the next review score. Unless you work at Naughty Dog, why do you care what it scores?

Also, why are you comparing this game to Gears/Halo/Killzone? Uncharted is a 3rd person platforming adventure. Different type of game. Might as well compare it to GTA IV.[/QUOTE]

If you compare Halo 3 (9.8 on GT) and Uncharted 2 based on the four categories GT uses, I think most (non-biased) gamers will agree the games are nearly the same score wise...


I argued that Uncharted 2 wins in the graphics/design department while Halo 3 wins in the multiplayer department (only because we haven't see how U2 will hold up over time). To me, that is a fair comparison, yet Halo 3 gets a near perfect score of 9.8 while the reviewer for Uncharted 2 as someone said basically sucked the games' cock the entire time and then gave it a 9.3? I don't get why U2 is docked .5, that's where all the fuss is coming from. Not that it's a 9.3, but that Halo 3, a game where the campaign was short and disappointing and graphics underwhelmed yet got a 9.8...
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[quote name='Malik112099']wow..there are a bunch of review score cry babies in here.....who gives a shit if it even got a 7? It is shaping up to be a stellar PS3 exclusive (which the system needs) and everyone should be happy about it - not being all titty baby about .2 points in a single review score. I am looking forward to this game since my PS3 hasn't seen any action in 3 or 4 months.

Some of you act like you wereo n the develooment team or something. All you have done is sat around waiting for it. You bought the console and you are going to buy the game regardless of the next review score. Unless you work at Naughty Dog, why do you care what it scores?

Also, why are you comparing this game to Gears/Halo/Killzone? Uncharted is a 3rd person platforming adventure. Different type of game. Might as well compare it to GTA IV.[/QUOTE]
I'm happy with the 9.3, it's only a problem when comparing it to possibly lesser games with higher scores. But if the game got a 7 I'd be pissed because that would prevent a lot of people from purchasing the game, and games like U2 crafted by developers like Naughty Dog deserve to get good sales for the sake of the game, the IP, & the developer staying in business. We've seen what happens to studios this generation when their game doesn't review well.
[quote name='Trakan']I've played hours and hours of multiplayer, and the gameplay will be the same in single player. Based on that, I'd give it and 8 or an 8.5. Should that ruin your enjoyment of the game? No.[/QUOTE]
Weren't you just shitting on people that were harping about a review score because they hadn't played the full game yet? Why are you then reviewing the game and doing the exact same thing? You should get off of your high horse and realize you're not better than anyone here.
[quote name='Trakan']Like gunm said, a score shouldn't affect anyone's enjoyment of a game.

So yeah, the people who get upset that the game didn't score .1-.2 higher than Halo 3 are fanboys, or are out of their minds. Take your pick.

9.3 is a great score, and any outrage over why it isn't higher, especially when all these other sites are handin' out 10s, just doesn't make sense. Oh no, GT gave it a 9.3? Bullshit!

Uncharted 2 could very well be one of the better games on the PS3. Hell, it'll be the third PS3 game I buy. I've played hours and hours of multiplayer, and the gameplay will be the same in single player. Based on that, I'd give it and 8 or an 8.5. Should that ruin your enjoyment of the game? No.[/QUOTE]

The review scores have nothing to with whether or not I'll enjoy the game or not. I'll be picking Uncharted 2 on day 1 and enjoying it no matter what reviews it gets. Heck, despite the bad reviews, I bought Lost Odyssey, Enchanted Arms, Haze, and Conan, among others, and enjoyed playing through those games whereas I really didn't enjoy COD4 and we know the reviews that game got. The thing that irked me was that GT has consistently given PS3 exclusives lower scores than 360 exclusives and if you actually go and watch the Uncharted review there really weren't many negative things said about the game except for the inane criticism that it borrows too much from games from the past decade. Those who review games, or anything else, should be objective and it's fairly obvious that GT has a significant bias against the PS3, which may be due to the funding they recieve from MS owned companies.

Finally, just because someone defends the PS3 doesn't make them a fanboy. I can't speak for others but I own a 360 and a PS3 and have over 30 games each for both systems so maybe I have a better understanding of the situation than those who only have 2 or 3 games on one system and many more on the other. Regardless, everyone who has a PS3 should purchase Uncharted 2 because it's shaping up to be a great game.
Got it working. I am digging the deathmatch. This game is beautiful. I'm glad that these developers are really starting to unlock the power of the PS3. Makes me glad I actually bought one.
reviews havent meant anything since the good old days of eg ( back when it was thick enough to use as a weapon). nowdays its better to use them to find out facts about the game many reviewers do come off biased especially that guy who always used to review nintendo stuff on ign. yeah nobody likes to see it in action ( gae review bias) but it wont stop you from buying the game and in the end its the reviewrs who look bad.
[quote name='Trakan']I'm done.

Arguing over review scores, especially half a point, is ludicrous.

The Sony fanboys can keep complaining that it didn't score as well as Halo.[/QUOTE]

It's way better than Halo though.

Trust me, I haven't played it.
I think Trakan is just saying there's no reason to get upset over a review score. I haven't played the game yet either and I'm basically saying the same thing. I think someone compared the review situation with Halo/Halo3's reviews and it's not a one-to-one comparison. I'm not a fan of Halo or Halo3, and the stellar reviews didn't change that opinion for me, but ultimately, it's just my opinion (I do like ODST for some reason, though).

Anyway, I can't believe this game is coming out in like a week or so. I'm hype!! Too bad there's some other games coming out that I'm getting too like NBA2K10 and Demon's Souls as I'm planning to concentrate on Drake, if I can.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Weren't you just shitting on people that were harping about a review score because they hadn't played the full game yet? Why are you then reviewing the game and doing the exact same thing? You should get off of your high horse and realize you're not better than anyone here.[/QUOTE]

I was really criticizing his complaining about the game's score itself using that logic. I realize how it actually came out though.

Also, I'm not talking about whether or not the game is good. It's good. I'm talking about the people crying over the score.

EDIT: Gunm gets it.

[quote name='SynGamer']Wow, I would think a mod would refrain from using the fanboy card considering a few of us actually pointed out reasonable arguments between Halo 3 and Uncharted 2.[/QUOTE]

First of all, you're comparing a third person action game to a first person shooter. Second, you're arguing less than half a point for the review score.

You said Uncharted should have gotten at least a 9.7-9.9? You want it to be .2 higher than Halo 3? Yes, that's being a fanboy.
Outside of one or two people, I don't think anyone here's getting upset over anything. If Trakan wants too see fanboys that are getting upset over scores, he should go over to GameSpy where Anthony Gallegos got rape/death threats over his 4.5/5 review. I like the "Why so low?" comment. :lol:
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Outside of one or two people, I don't think anyone here's getting upset over anything. If Trakan wants too see fanboys that are getting upset over scores, he should go over to GameSpy where Anthony Gallegos got rape/death threats over his 4.5/5 review. I like the "Why so low?" comment. :lol:[/QUOTE]

It only takes one or two.

And it's a good thing I don't go to Gamespy, cause I'm already ready to kill myself.
[quote name='Trakan']I was really criticizing his complaining about the game's score itself using that logic. I realize how it actually came out though.

Also, I'm not talking about whether or not the game is good. It's good. I'm talking about the people crying over the score.

EDIT: Gunm gets it.

First of all, you're comparing a third person action game to a first person shooter. Second, you're arguing less than half a point for the review score.

You said Uncharted should have gotten at least a 9.7-9.9? You want it to be .2 higher than Halo 3? Yes, that's being a fanboy.[/QUOTE]

I'm just going to assume you're in a bad mood today or some shit because other people get it. It's not the score itself, but when compared to other games that scored higher, you have to question GT's review standards. In a side-by-side comparison of Halo 3 and Uncharted 2;

Story - This is a personal preference, but story wise, it should be a toss-up between the two seeing as how both provide an enjoyable experience.

Design - Uncharted wins, hands down. ONLY fanboys would argue that Halo 3 looks better. Everyone acknowledges that Halo 3 was a letdown in the graphics/design department. The word 'bland' comes to mind.

Gameplay - I don't care if one game is 3rd person and the other 1st. Both are still fun games, so again, a toss-up.

Presentation - Another toss-up. The menus are simplistic, the HUD in each game is well implemented.

The GT reviewer for Uncharted 2 was practically in love with the game, only criticizing that it draws from a lot of games in the past BUT that it is practically a master in everything it does. How then can Halo 3, with it's faults, score higher than Uncharted 2? I'm not arguing for half a point, I'm arguing the fact that a seemingly better game (judging from the video reviews) got a lower score. Call me a fanboy all you want, you must be blind considering under my username to the left my gamertags are displayed for BOTH the 360 and PS3 (and I've had a 360 for a few years now, while only having the PS3 for a few weeks). Not to mention I've put in close to 500 hours in Halo 3...so go fuck yourself and your fanboy label.
[quote name='SynGamer']I'm just going to assume you're in a bad mood today or some shit because other people get it. It's not the score itself, but when compared to other games that scored higher, you have to question GT's review standards. In a side-by-side comparison of Halo 3 and Uncharted 2;

Story - This is a personal preference, but story wise, it should be a toss-up between the two seeing as how both provide an enjoyable experience.

Design - Uncharted wins, hands down. ONLY fanboys would argue that Halo 3 looks better. Everyone acknowledges that Halo 3 was a letdown in the graphics/design department. The word 'bland' comes to mind.

Gameplay - I don't care if one game is 3rd person and the other 1st. Both are still fun games, so again, a toss-up.

Presentation - Another toss-up. The menus are simplistic, the HUD in each game is well implemented.

The GT reviewer for Uncharted 2 was practically in love with the game, only criticizing that it draws from a lot of games in the past BUT that it is practically a master in everything it does. How then can Halo 3, with it's faults, score higher than Uncharted 2? I'm not arguing for half a point, I'm arguing the fact that a seemingly better game (judging from the video reviews) got a lower score. Call me a fanboy all you want, you must be blind considering under my username to the left my gamertags are displayed for BOTH the 360 and PS3 (and I've had a 360 for a few years now, while only having the PS3 for a few weeks). Not to mention I've put in close to 500 hours in Halo 3...so go fuck yourself and your fanboy label.[/QUOTE]

How about you compare Uncharted 2 to Rock Band 2 next. I mean they're both fun games, right?

You list story, gameplay, and presentation as toss ups or personal preference. That just leaves design. You really can't compare the two, for many reasons. I'm not saying H3 looks better. It doesn't. Uncharted is on a more powerful console, and its developer has worked with the console before. Halo 3 was Bungie's first game on the 360. This is their second effort for the system, not to mention it's out over two years after Halo 3. Of course it should look better.

With that in mind, maybe the GT reviewer thought that while it masters everything it does, its lack of originality should dock it .7 of a point. Who the hell cares?

Let's pretend that you're right about everything you've mentioned. Unless the same guy reviewed Halo 3 and Uncharted 2, your argument really holds no water anyway.
bread's done