Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception coming 2011

I'm only on about chapter 12 or 14
Just escaped from being held by the pirates
, but I'm not liking it as much as U2. I've run in to a few (gamebreaking) bugs, the combat just isn't fun, and I'm tired of going underground. Still a really good game, just disappointing because I was expecting this to be the best game of the series, and I don't think it is.
i almost want to compare this game to the movie spiderman 1-3

uncharted 1 good
uncharted 2 very good
uncharted 3 so so
spiderman 1 good
spiderman 2 very good
spiderman 3 lame

how would u rank them?
[quote name='rpg']i almost want to compare this game to the movie spiderman 1-3

uncharted 1 good
uncharted 2 very good
uncharted 3 so so
spiderman 1 good
spiderman 2 very good
spiderman 3 lame

how would u rank them?[/QUOTE]

I don't really remember the spider man movies, but:
U1- good
U2- great
U3- very good, but flawed (so far)
[quote name='gbpackers94']I'm only on about chapter 12 or 14
Just escaped from being held by the pirates
, but I'm not liking it as much as U2. I've run in to a few (gamebreaking) bugs, the combat just isn't fun, and I'm tired of going underground. Still a really good game, just disappointing because I was expecting this to be the best game of the series, and I don't think it is.[/QUOTE]

I personally thought the game really picked up around that chapter (chapter 14)... the gun fights on the water stages were fucking incredible thanks to the physics-- probably the most impressive physics related gameplay since Half-Life 2. I'd probably rank the series as 2, 3 and then 1 with only a small gap between 3 and 1.

It sounds like the aiming (and therefore most of the combat) is probably what's killing it for most people, going by all the comments here. I can get used to bad controls/mechanics fairly easily (Arkham City is another recent example) but it's especially tough in this game since the enemies come at you from all sides. I really hope ND fixes it to what it was in Uncharted 2.
aiming was bad but it was made worse by the accuracy of the enemy like you mentioned with the boat fights. youd be in situations where theres 4 or more enemies in the room sometimes at long distances from you so when it comes to lining up the sights to aim it takes too long and isnt as fluid as u2. so as you sit there slowly moving the reticle to then theyre filling you full of lead.

also the number of bullets enemies take seemed off thered be some instances where a few bullets would do and other times it seemed like it took damn near a whole clip or maybe the bullets werent connecting.

i give them props for trying to expand the mele combat but after playing arkham city the combat in u3 is clunky and at times useless especially when enemies run at you to mele and then you have to deal with that shit while getting shot. i kept wishing i had some batarangs to toss or at the very least be able to jump over enemies lol.

now that i think about it maybe they made the mp the way they did so people would be used to enemies running at then in the sp game lmao.

on a positive note the weapons sounded way better in sp and even the kal was a useful gun which is very surprising since in mp you cant aim it for shit. i feel bad for anyone who plays u3 before playing the other games having spent a shit ton of hours in u2 mp i had an advantage that helped me blow through a number of areas quicker and easier than i could have if i didnt. i beat the game on hard but i have no desire to play crushing or even try to get any further trophies.

where the fuck was the final boss fight u1 you have navarro u2 that juiced up military guy u3..........wtf was the point of marlowe even being in the game aside from all her minions she wasnt that impressive and i was hoping shed be this ancient military badass or something but no shes just a power hungry nutter who needs to get laid. even drakes "deception" was pushed under the rug like no big deal.

there were too many instance of possibly interesting things being brought up and then dropped to the side as if they were never there.
[quote name='lokizz']...[/QUOTE]
I don't know that it's fair to compare God of War 3 to U3 because it was the first GoW game on the Ps3, meaning they had a lot of opportunities to do new and exciting things based on the technology alone.

[quote name='lokizz']
where the fuck was the final boss fight u1 you have navarro u2 that juiced up military guy u3..........wtf was the point of marlowe even being in the game aside from all her minions she wasnt that impressive and i was hoping shed be this ancient military badass or something but no shes just a power hungry nutter who needs to get laid. even drakes "deception" was pushed under the rug like no big deal.

there were too many instance of possibly interesting things being brought up and then dropped to the side as if they were never there.
I think the last boss was supposed to be the fight with Talbot on the ruin- giving the game a fist fight bookend to the beginning of the game. I actually really liked the approach they took to the supernatural element and the "final boss" in this game, but the last fight surely wasn't epic in scale or scope.
For those of you wondering about the Drake/Elena thing
The guide actually goes into more depth and explains that they did indeed get married right after the ending of U2, only to have things start to go awry with Nate's mounting obsession with Sir Francis' ring and his hypothesis on the whole matter.
[quote name='lokizz']also
where the fuck was the final boss fight u1 you have navarro u2 that juiced up military guy u3..........wtf was the point of marlowe even being in the game aside from all her minions she wasnt that impressive and i was hoping shed be this ancient military badass or something but no shes just a power hungry nutter who needs to get laid. even drakes "deception" was pushed under the rug like no big deal.

there were too many instance of possibly interesting things being brought up and then dropped to the side as if they were never there.
Where did you get the impression that she was some kind of military badass? There's no point where she ever acts like she's a fighter at all. She uses her money to buy her power to get an army to fight her battles for her. Drake's Deception was the entire point of the story from beginning to end, so I don't know how it was pushed under the rug.

Nobody wanted another boss fight like either fight from the first two games. The first was an anticlimactic QTE sequence while the second fight was far too ridiculous for that game.

You guys have terrible story ideas, so it's easy to see why they didn't go in those directions.
You all seriously wanted Drake to have a final boss fight with a 60 year old woman? Unless she went Super Shredder on him I don't see how thats possible.
[quote name='nbballard']I don't know that it's fair to compare God of War 3 to U3 because it was the first GoW game on the Ps3, meaning they had a lot of opportunities to do new and exciting things based on the technology alone.

I think the last boss was supposed to be the fight with Talbot on the ruin- giving the game a fist fight bookend to the beginning of the game. I actually really liked the approach they took to the supernatural element and the "final boss" in this game, but the last fight surely wasn't epic in scale or scope.

my comparison is just in the fact that both were games i was excited for and in both games i was dissappointed.oddly enough when it comes to series on ps3 the 3rd one isnt always the charm. i see what youre saying though but even with the new tech looks aside gow 3 lacked in story but thats a whole other discussion.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']You all seriously wanted Drake to have a final boss fight with a 60 year old woman? Unless she went Super Shredder on him I don't see how thats possible.[/QUOTE]

she was
hyped up to be a big threat a fight with her could have gone any number of ways. if she was really old ( the way ign had guessed) that would mean shed have had years of centuries of experience and knowledge which would easily put her in a spot to kick the shit out of drake and that would have been surpising. her character was a letdown.

the game was very repetitive especially with those mini boss fights with the same damn big guy or the occasional scrape with that guy who looked like flyn but wasnt. for the game being the 3rd in the series it felt and played like a lesser product than those before it.

you cant tell me the very ending bits you werent shocked at how much it was just like uncharted 2s ending right down to the whole thing collapsing and having to run while the ground falls under you and then having to shoot an enemy off of someone.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
Where did you get the impression that she was some kind of military badass? There's no point where she ever acts like she's a fighter at all. She uses her money to buy her power to get an army to fight her battles for her. Drake's Deception was the entire point of the story from beginning to end, so I don't know how it was pushed under the rug.

Nobody wanted another boss fight like either fight from the first two games. The first was an anticlimactic QTE sequence while the second fight was far too ridiculous for that game.

You guys have terrible story ideas, so it's easy to see why they didn't go in those directions.[/QUOTE]

just because
you didnt want a boss fight doesnt mean others didnt and no idea mentioned so far is as bad as what was given to us by nd
. if you liked the game good but i didnt.

btw you do realize u3 had alot of qte in it right?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
Where did you get the impression that she was some kind of military badass? There's no point where she ever acts like she's a fighter at all. She uses her money to buy her power to get an army to fight her battles for her. Drake's Deception was the entire point of the story from beginning to end, so I don't know how it was pushed under the rug.

Nobody wanted another boss fight like either fight from the first two games. The first was an anticlimactic QTE sequence while the second fight was far too ridiculous for that game.

You guys have terrible story ideas, so it's easy to see why they didn't go in those directions.[/QUOTE]Why I don't completely disagree with your spoiler opinions I do feel I should point out...
Money cannot buy the loyalty that Marlowe's henchmen show numerous times by fighting in a doomed plane, building, etc. instead of look for a why to survive... ?

I'm not saying she needed to be a boss fight. I thought Talbot filled in well enough. But to suggest others have horrible story ideas when your own are just as holey (as are ND's) is a bit much...

Truth be told. ND did not go into enough depth in regards to the enemies and/or their organization.... They’re generic and sub par at that.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Why I don't completely disagree with your spoiler opinions I do feel I should point out...
Money cannot buy the loyalty that Marlowe's henchmen show numerous times by fighting in a doomed plane, building, etc. instead of look for a why to survive... ?

I'm not saying she needed to be a boss fight. I thought Talbot filled in well enough. But to suggest others have horrible story ideas when your own are just as holey (as are ND's) is a bit much...

Truth be told. ND did not go into enough depth in regards to the enemies and/or their organization.... They’re generic and sub par at that.
The impression I got was that she was the head of (or high up in) a secret society. That said, if you were in some sort of secret society cult thing- a "too the death" style approach isn't too strange. On the flipside of that coin- if you are saying it's a secret society / cult, I'm pretty sure I killed upwards of 1,000 people. How secret can it be at the end of the day.

There is also the posibility that the poison used on Drake and Cutter was being used on the grunts that you were fighting- explaining their strange actions.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Why I don't completely disagree with your spoiler opinions I do feel I should point out...
Money cannot buy the loyalty that Marlowe's henchmen show numerous times by fighting in a doomed plane, building, etc. instead of look for a why to survive... ?

I'm not saying she needed to be a boss fight. I thought Talbot filled in well enough. But to suggest others have horrible story ideas when your own are just as holey (as are ND's) is a bit much...

Truth be told. ND did not go into enough depth in regards to the enemies and/or their organization.... They’re generic and sub par at that.

if they had gone deeper into the whole secrect society or why she wanted that power or hell what if sully really was using drake. in all the time theyve been hyping this game they made it seem like marlowe had a very deep backstory what they gave us was shallow.

also who was it elena knew who that british guy was , the one whod been helping them until he broke his leg, i dont recall them ever saying but it seemed like drake was surprised she knew him.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Why I don't completely disagree with your spoiler opinions I do feel I should point out...
Money cannot buy the loyalty that Marlowe's henchmen show numerous times by fighting in a doomed plane, building, etc. instead of look for a why to survive... ?

I'm not saying she needed to be a boss fight. I thought Talbot filled in well enough. But to suggest others have horrible story ideas when your own are just as holey (as are ND's) is a bit much...

Truth be told. ND did not go into enough depth in regards to the enemies and/or their organization.... They’re generic and sub par at that.
Of course the money can be enough if you have the influence that she apparently does to convince them that her goals are worth fighting for. I don't know enough about the mentality that they have to follow a leader like that, but that's not exactly an unheard of thing for leaders to have tons of people that are willing to die for even the most petty of causes.

I never made any story suggestions, so I have no clue what you're talking about.

[quote name='lokizz']just because
you didnt want a boss fight doesnt mean others didnt and no idea mentioned so far is as bad as what was given to us by nd
. if you liked the game good but i didnt.

btw you do realize u3 had alot of qte in it right?[/QUOTE]
It was a universal complaint about the first two games, so I'm not the only one that has called that aspect of the game into question.

There weren't any QTE boss fights where you just needed to push the button on the screen to win the fight. There were very few QTE sequences at all, as most offered full control of Nate. A button prompt on screen to let you know when to counter an attack or when to get out of a grab isn't a QTE.
[quote name='nbballard']
The impression I got was that she was the head of (or high up in) a secret society. That said, if you were in some sort of secret society cult thing- a "too the death" style approach isn't too strange. On the flipside of that coin- if you are saying it's a secret society / cult, I'm pretty sure I killed upwards of 1,000 people. How secret can it be at the end of the day.

There is also the possibility that the poison used on Drake and Cutter was being used on the grunts that you were fighting- explaining their strange actions.

Again, I don't disagree with you... but

None of its explained in the game....Not their behavior. (One could say their origin is hinted at but not truly explained.)

Not the “far too dead too soon dead agent” at the Chateau.
Not the Spiders.

Not Elena's ring... Which I thought they had just been engaged... but married with no mention? Its a horribly written script for a team that has done so much better in the past.

Sadly, for me I thought the game was a let down. At this point I'm pretty sure that Uncharted 3 is only the 4th best single player/campaign I've played from games that came out this year (I say pretty sure as I'm not finished with Arkham City yet.) and that just way too low considering the caliber of the titles name...

I just feel like it was rushed and/or that Sony pushed features on ND that got in the way of the game... (At least one MP map was dropped from the retail product due to space issues... And of course the space issues are an issue because of the 3D that few people wanted... and if we lost a MP map that is likely 250 MB at most than I can only imagine we lost some of the SP too.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']I never made any story suggestions, so I have no clue what you're talking about.[/quote]

See your above answer to me.... Right above this quote.
Money solves everything...

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']There weren't any QTE boss fights where you just needed to push the button on the screen to win the fight. There were very few QTE sequences at all, as most offered full control of Nate. A button prompt on screen to let you know when to counter an attack or when to get out of a grab isn't a QTE.[/QUOTE]

Going to have to disagree with you on this one as you do teleport around the 'map' before and after cutscenes in a number of circumstances...
Go fight Talbort again... You should see them.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Again, I don't disagree with you... but

None of its explained in the game....Not their behavior. (One could say their origin is hinted at but not truly explained.)

Not the “far too dead too soon dead agent” at the Chateau.
Not the Spiders.

Not Elena's ring... Which I thought they had just been engaged... but married with no mention? Its a horribly written script for a team that has done so much better in the past.

Sadly, for me I thought the game was a let down. At this point I'm pretty sure that Uncharted 3 is only the 4th best single player/campaign I've played from games that came out this year (I say pretty sure as I'm not finished with Arkham City yet.) and that just way too low considering the caliber of the titles name...

I just feel like it was rushed and/or that Sony pushed features on ND that got in the way of the game... (At least one MP map was dropped from the retail product due to space issues... And of course the space issues are an issue because of the 3D that few people wanted... and if we lost a MP map that is likely 250 MB at most than I can only imagine we lost some of the SP too.[/QUOTE]

They were wedding rings, which means that they got married sometime between the two games. You can read a lot into it based on the discussions they had that they were together and split up due to Nate's obsession with his other ring. It doesn't really need to be explained at all.

Nate and Sully talk about Dee belonging to some sort of society when they kept seeing that symbol showing up everywhere and they found out that Marlowe was also a member with the way the stuff in her collection had that symbol as well.

They don't know anything about the spiders, so how can they explain what they are. They know that they're not good, so they know to get the fuck out of where ever they are when they show up. The dead dude was a victim and a warning sign that something wasn't right about where they were headed.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Going to have to disagree with you on this one as you do teleport around the 'map' before and after cutscenes in a number of circumstances...
Go fight Talbort again... You should see them.
You weren't a part of that discussion, so you've lost me here. What are you talking about with QTEs warping Nate around the place? There were two fights with him, but neither were QTEs.

Also, you shouldn't take spoilered stuff out of spoilers when it's part of a spoilered discussion.
[quote name='david12795']wow i feel somewhat iffy about UC3 after hearing opinions :([/QUOTE]

It's still a very good game, it's just not as good as it should be.
im playing it on crushing mode and i know now where they got the
hallucination poison from the spider in the jar
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
You weren't a part of that discussion, so you've lost me here. What are you talking about with QTEs warping Nate around the place? There were two fights with him, but neither were QTEs.

Also, you shouldn't take spoilered stuff out of spoilers when it's part of a spoilered discussion.
Some forums don't quote spoilers right and I go to far too many to remember which is which... Frankly, the last thing I want to do is make a post at the wrong time that spoils something for someone...

As for the rest...
Yes, I know what a wedding ring is... but thanks for the link. :roll:

As for the rest we will just have to agree to disagree.

I would call them QTE... (In video games, a Quick Time Event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game. Link )

Story, I would say that UC3's story was the worst written of the three games. Again you don't have to agree with me, and you don't which is fine.

Now for the Record: I'm not saying its the worst game ever made... Just a disappointment because I expected better.
[quote name='david12795']wow i feel somewhat iffy about UC3 after hearing opinions :([/QUOTE]

if you liked the mp then buy it but if you just want to try it hit up a redbox you can beat it in a day.

as far as
qte events go i count the recurring big guy button mash fights as qte as well. those things got old real fast.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Some forums don't quote spoilers right and I go to far too many to remember which is which... Frankly, the last thing I want to do is make a post at the wrong time that spoils something for someone...

As for the rest...
Yes, I know what a wedding ring is... but thanks for the link. :roll:

As for the rest we will just have to agree to disagree.

I would call them QTE... (In video games, a Quick Time Event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game. Link )

Story, I would say that UC3's story was the worst written of the three games. Again you don't have to agree with me, and you don't which is fine.

Now for the Record: I'm not saying its the worst game ever made... Just a disappointment because I expected better.
The "on screen prompts" go away in crushing and you just have to react based on animation. It becomes a little less QTE at that point in the regular brawling- but yes, there are some points where the game directs the action- that's the nature of the series though.

In the end though, i feel it was a great game that got overhyped and didn't really do anything new like the previous title. This makes it feel like a step backwards, or at least like the series has plateaued. I don't feel that it was "rushed", but i do feel like there were a lot of missed opportunities. There were at least 2 times in the game where they missed out on what could have been an excellent car chase scene (exiting the secret library & stealing the bus), there were some other moments I thought seemed squandered, but none come to mind.

I also agree that the game alluded to a lot of stuff that it didn't go into- nate's name, the relationship with Cutter, who the secret society was, how talbot moved so damn fast, etc, etc. I just decided that it would be explained via the comic at the end of the month, or in later adventures. It didn't really screw up the narrative- but it was annoying that they were planting seeds like that for the soul purpose of leaving them unresolved.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Some forums don't quote spoilers right and I go to far too many to remember which is which... Frankly, the last thing I want to do is make a post at the wrong time that spoils something for someone...

As for the rest...
Yes, I know what a wedding ring is... but thanks for the link. :roll:

As for the rest we will just have to agree to disagree.

I would call them QTE... (In video games, a Quick Time Event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game. Link )

Story, I would say that UC3's story was the worst written of the three games. Again you don't have to agree with me, and you don't which is fine.

Now for the Record: I'm not saying its the worst game ever made... Just a disappointment because I expected better.
You were acting like you had no clue what a wedding ring was when that's exactly what Elena had on her ring finger, which you thought was an engagement ring. The ring explained that they were married and their discussion about Nathan's other ring and Sully explained why they weren't together.

QTEs require specific button prompts that appear on the screen as the only method of progress through those sequences. In Uncharted 3, you can fail them without any major consequence other than losing a bit of life, but you break out of them at most points and even avoid getting into them at times. They're just fights where the developer reminds you that you can counter attacks and grabs. They disappear on higher difficulties, so they're obviously not QTEs since no sane developer would have a real QTE without any button prompts.

The closest things that they have to QTEs are the chase/escape sequences where you have to make the right jumps/moves at the right times to succeed, but you still have full control.

You can have whatever opinion you want about the story, but they offered enough clues to let you connect the dots yourself without having to spend time explaining everything. I guess they could add some sort of database to further explain things when you've completed the game, but that would just remove some of the mystery to the mysticism that's inherent to that kind of world.
Uncharted games are must plays. But also consistently overrated.

They are the gaming equivelent of a Michael Bay movie - yeah it's a guaranteed good time, yeah you're going to buy a ticket to the show, but in the end you're going to feel a little empty about the whole experience.
[quote name='rpg']im playing it on crushing mode and i know now where they got the
hallucination poison from the spider in the jar

Nice sig
[quote name='rpg']i almost want to compare this game to the movie spiderman 1-3

uncharted 1 good
uncharted 2 very good
uncharted 3 so so
spiderman 1 good
spiderman 2 very good
spiderman 3 lame

how would u rank them?[/QUOTE]

I would go:

UC1 - Great
UC2 - Greater
UC3 - Solid (patch may bump it up a little)

For Spiderman, I would go:

Spidey 1 - Good
Spidey 2 - Meh
Spidey 3 - Awful

[quote name='camoor']Uncharted games are must plays. But also consistently overrated.

They are the gaming equivelent of a Michael Bay movie - yeah it's a guaranteed good time, yeah you're going to buy a ticket to the show, but in the end you're going to feel a little empty about the whole experience.[/QUOTE]

Can't say I left feeling empty with the first two at all.
[quote name='Yanksfan']Can't say I left feeling empty with the first two at all.[/QUOTE]

Drake is a poor man's Indiana Jones. In other words it's a copy of a copy, and frankly the formula feels hella played.
[quote name='lokizz']if you liked the mp then buy it but if you just want to try it hit up a redbox you can beat it in a day.

as far as
qte events go i count the recurring big guy button mash fights as qte as well. those things got old real fast.

[quote name='gbpackers94']It's still a very good game, it's just not as good as it should be.[/QUOTE]

i bought three of them on amazon. probably not the best move. but ill be selling the other two on craigslist/best buy.
[quote name='camoor']Drake is a poor man's Indiana Jones. In other words it's a copy of a copy, and frankly the formula feels hella played.[/QUOTE]

i agree the series was a chore to play with this one. how many times can he fall through a weakened area or squeeze through a tight space or climb shit while everyone else watches him before it gets old? it was like watching a movie where you could predict what would happen next because its the same stuff you saw in the previous films just slightly diff.

it really makes you question all the high scores yes its not the worst game out there by any means but compared to the series overall its bad.
[quote name='lokizz']i agree the series was a chore to play with this one. how many times can he fall through a weakened area or squeeze through a tight space or climb shit while everyone else watches him before it gets old? it was like watching a movie where you could predict what would happen next because its the same stuff you saw in the previous films just slightly diff.

it really makes you question all the high scores yes its not the worst game out there by any means but compared to the series overall its bad.[/QUOTE]

Yeah - it's a classic example of Nuke the Fridge
[quote name='camoor']Yeah - it's a classic example of Nuke the Fridge[/QUOTE]
That's the first time I've ever heard that term used. I don't really remember much of that last Indy Jones film since I thought it was a snoozefest and wasn't paying attention too much during it compared to the original trilogy.

I haven't even started this game as of yet, but just by reading some of the spoilers(don't care if the story is spoiled for me:razz:) they really left out some stuff that should have been included and put in some garbage that shoulda been left out.
[quote name='INMATEofARKHAM']Why I don't completely disagree with your spoiler opinions I do feel I should point out...
Money cannot buy the loyalty that Marlowe's henchmen show numerous times by fighting in a doomed plane, building, etc. instead of look for a why to survive... ?

I'm not saying she needed to be a boss fight. I thought Talbot filled in well enough. But to suggest others have horrible story ideas when your own are just as holey (as are ND's) is a bit much...

Truth be told. ND did not go into enough depth in regards to the enemies and/or their organization.... They’re generic and sub par at that.

It was because of the drug. Marlowe was part of the secret society that's been after that drug for ages and had samples of it (shot Drake, shot Cutter)... that's probably why Talbot was so loyal and why I assumed her men were as well.

I kinda get the feeling a lot of you can't read into things or are blind to body language and subtleties... I thought everything about the story was pretty much explained or easy to figure out. I think ND told gamers what Drake was meant to know and understand, without turnign the game into some pseudo-history lesson game (like Assassin's Creed).
People are way too criticial of this game.

Edit: It's not supposed to be a shooter. I've played shooters with worse shooting mechanics; this is still done very well. In fact I've found that you're better off fist fighting your way through most of the game.

It's a visual story; enjoy the characters and their interactions. Someone made a comment that the AI in the other characters (Elana, Chloe, Cutter, Victor, etc.) wasn't killing enough. OOOOPS... didn't know that games were designed so that the main character could just duck and let the AI do the dirty work.

Look it's not as good as it should have been but is still very good. When I game hits the third fourth fifth etc. installment it is also going to be letdown because the expectations are so unrealistic.
[quote name='camoor']Drake is a poor man's Indiana Jones. In other words it's a copy of a copy, and frankly the formula feels hella played.[/QUOTE]

..then don't play it. Everything is a copy of a copy.

The first two were fulfilling because what they lacked in originality, they made up for with quality. I can respect and appreciate something that is well done and that is what the first two games were. The third, not quite as much, which is where the shine begins to come off for me.
[quote name='Vinny']
It was because of the drug. Marlowe was part of the secret society that's been after that drug for ages and had samples of it (shot Drake, shot Cutter)... that's probably why Talbot was so loyal and why I assumed her men were as well.

I kinda get the feeling a lot of you can't read into things or are blind to body language and subtleties... I thought everything about the story was pretty much explained or easy to figure out. I think ND told gamers what Drake was meant to know and understand, without turnign the game into some pseudo-history lesson game (like Assassin's Creed).[/QUOTE]

For me, I could read into them easily enough. Unfortunately, it still leaves for a flat, underwhelming story experience.

I felt that with the first two Uncharted games, I learned more about the characters, world and watched them grow more. There was purpose to their interactions, to their actions and the story moved forward with them at the same time while complimenting the level design.

In the third, I felt the character interaction was flat and I didn't see the characters become anything more than what they were
other than the Sully/Drake flashback
. I also felt the story was built to support the levels they wanted to build for MP purposes, rather than the other way around, or at least, in conjunction with one another.
I'm on chapter 14 of crushing right now. The two parts I thought would be crazy hard
The massive body armor guy on the cruise ship and the ballroom part right after
weren't nearly as bad as I though they'd be and up to those points it's a cake walk. It's cool you don't have to beat hard to unlock crushing this time around.

Oh and what's up with all the Uncharted3 hate in this thread? It's fucking awesome. I'm afraid your opinions are just not right.
[quote name='pete5883']Dumb. This is not why they had people go down to the studio. They already had some potential fixes in place, and the people they invited were trying them out.[/QUOTE]

I find that hard to believe. Had nobody complained, I doubt they would've done jack shit about the controls.

Actually, it makes me respect them LESS if they knew there was an issue and the game got shipped anyway.

Either way, a sour taste left over the whole thing. Very glad I enjoy the MP...or it would've been a really hard time waiting.
[quote name='Rig']I find that hard to believe. Had nobody complained, I doubt they would've done jack shit about the controls.

Actually, it makes me respect them LESS if they knew there was an issue and the game got shipped anyway.

Either way, a sour taste left over the whole thing. Very glad I enjoy the MP...or it would've been a really hard time waiting.[/QUOTE]
As long as they fix the purported issues then I'm still somewhat fine with having paid MSRP for this from Amazon, especially since it was paid for all in game trade credit.;)
I just don't understand what everyone is so disappointed in. Framerate drops? Has their every been a game that didn't have a single issue?

Their is so much to appreicate in this game and I say that recognizing its flaws. But you know what you're getting into when you purchased it. It's not a true shooter so why complain about the mechanics. They were no where near as awful as people are making them out to be. I actually thought UC1 and UC2 had more issues with trying to pick up an item and picking up other guns or ammo instead.

Yes you don't get a whole slew of new information regarding lead characters back stories but you're always going to get less and less as a franchise continues as their is less to divulge.

The fighting mechanics are 10x better IMO then the original two and they are not QTE as one poster mentioned.

Graphically it sets a new standard. I enjoyed the character interactions and acting. The fighting/shooting scenes are a good break from the exploring and puzzles but the flow is very similar to the first two and I don't understand why so many people are nitpicking on this.
[quote name='JMEPO']I'm on chapter 14 of crushing right now. The two parts I thought would be crazy hard
The massive body armor guy on the cruise ship and the ballroom part right after
weren't nearly as bad as I though they'd be and up to those points it's a cake walk. It's cool you don't have to beat hard to unlock crushing this time around.

Oh and what's up with all the Uncharted3 hate in this thread? It's fucking awesome. I'm afraid your opinions are just not right.[/QUOTE]

The first part of Chapter 12 (with the 2 turrets) was NOT a cakewalk for me. That was probably the hardest part I've gotten through on Crushing, and I'm up to Chapter 16. Personally, I'm thinking Chapter 19 (all of it) is going to be the hardest part in the game for me.
[quote name='Yanksfan']For me, I could read into them easily enough. Unfortunately, it still leaves for a flat, underwhelming story experience.

I felt that with the first two Uncharted games, I learned more about the characters, world and watched them grow more. There was purpose to their interactions, to their actions and the story moved forward with them at the same time while complimenting the level design.

In the third, I felt the character interaction was flat and I didn't see the characters become anything more than what they were
other than the Sully/Drake flashback
. I also felt the story was built to support the levels they wanted to build for MP purposes, rather than the other way around, or at least, in conjunction with one another.[/QUOTE]

Again, I think ND only told the player what was needed to enjoy the story in the game. I mean, sure, they could given you a complete run-down of everything but what would be the point in knowing more? Would telling you exactly what happened between Drake & Elena really helped progress the story any? No. That story would be better suited for some game about marriage (if one were to exist... Heavy Rain maybe?). Would knowing what Marlowe's secret society has been up to for the past five centuries really be necessary to know she's an evil bitch? No. You already know that before Chapter 3 ended.

In regards to relationship building, that really didn't seem necessary. We already know some of the existing relationships well enough (Elena is still the love interest, Sully is the father/buddy, Chloe is the helpful ex). And then enters Cutter who starts of as Drake's opposite but turns out to be his equal and Salim who becomes the friend by objective (though this one wasn't delved into).

Just my take on some of your compalints. The only thing I didn't like about the levels were how every flood seemed to crumbled and every climbable object seemed to break under Drake's weight.

EDIT* I should apologize if I sound like a dick, that's not what I meant. I do get where you're coming from but I'm just discussing the topics as I see them.
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[quote name='Vinny']Again, I think ND only told the player what was needed to enjoy the story in the game. I mean, sure, they could given you a complete run-down of everything but what would be the point in knowing more? Would telling you exactly what happened between Drake & Elena really helped progress the story any? No. That story would be better suited for some game about marriage (if one were to exist... Heavy Rain maybe?). Would knowing what Marlowe's secret society has been up to for the past five centuries really be necessary to know she's an evil bitch? No. You already know that before Chapter 3 ended.

In regards to relationship building, that really didn't seem necessary. We already know some of the existing relationships well enough (Elena is still the love interest, Sully is the father/buddy, Chloe is the helpful ex). And then enters Cutter who starts of as Drake's opposite but turns out to be his equal and Salim who becomes the friend by objective (though this one wasn't delved into).

Just my take on some of your compalints. The only thing I didn't like about the levels were how every flood seemed to crumbled and every climbable object seemed to break under Drake's weight.

EDIT* I should apologize if I sound like a dick, that's not what I meant. I do get where you're coming from but I'm just discussing the topics as I see them.[/QUOTE]

The first line I had was that I could read into those things well enough. I am not discussing needing more information on the marriage or Marlowe, I am talking of the story itself. I had no problems understanding that the two had been married and separated. Just because it can be read between the lines does not mean it is good or entertaining.

The first two seemed to know the path it was on and how it wanted to guide the players there. In this one, I didn't get the same feeling. We didn't even know
why it was important to be on this adventure to begin with until the very end. The only motivation of the game up until then was that Nate just wanted to. We knew Marlowe wanted to as well, but we didn't know why.

I felt less endured to Nate as well. In the first two games, he balanced treasure hunting with being a good guy. In this game, he doesn't give as much as he takes. All of his friends complain several times that they don't want to be risking their lives to do this, especially since none even know what they are risking it for. It just felt odd, considering all the times they would mention it, as the player, I agreed with them. There was no motivation for so long. It just felt like we were moving from a set piece to another set piece, so we could go through the levels the devs wanted to make.

Once we finally knew, I felt that there was some purpose to continue to push forward, even if I felt it was a little lame (hallucinates - hardly seemed worth the effort considering a modern version can be produced in lab with less cost/effort that went into this search).

I didn't read your post as being a dick though, you just have a different opinion than I do. :D
[quote name='Yanksfan']The first line I had was that I could read into those things well enough. I am not discussing needing more information on the marriage or Marlowe, I am talking of the story itself. I had no problems understanding that the two had been married and separated. Just because it can be read between the lines does not mean it is good or entertaining.

The first two seemed to know the path it was on and how it wanted to guide the players there. In this one, I didn't get the same feeling. We didn't even know
why it was important to be on this adventure to begin with until the very end. The only motivation of the game up until then was that Nate just wanted to. We knew Marlowe wanted to as well, but we didn't know why.

I felt less endured to Nate as well. In the first two games, he balanced treasure hunting with being a good guy. In this game, he doesn't give as much as he takes. All of his friends complain several times that they don't want to be risking their lives to do this, especially since none even know what they are risking it for. It just felt odd, considering all the times they would mention it, as the player, I agreed with them. There was no motivation for so long. It just felt like we were moving from a set piece to another set piece, so we could go through the levels the devs wanted to make.

Once we finally knew, I felt that there was some purpose to continue to push forward, even if I felt it was a little lame (hallucinates - hardly seemed worth the effort considering a modern version can be produced in lab with less cost/effort that went into this search).

I didn't read your post as being a dick though, you just have a different opinion than I do. :D[/QUOTE]

Actually, I felt that Nate was as determined and stubborn this time was because it was Nate's ultimate goal. I mean,
this is what 20 years (or was it 25?) of searching led to. It started when he stole the ring from the museum and found the decoder. Everything from that moment pointed him to Ubar and that's what he wanted to find. It was his ancestors' legacy, the thing that led him to South America and ultimately led him to this adventure. And no, it's not the Nate we're used to but at the end of the day, he does redeem himself

about the hallucinogen, I thought the same thing (seemed very similar to PCP) but I figured that there's some super natural characteristic behind it. I mean, why else would the entire city start to sink once Drake short the crane thing and sent the pot back into the abyss?
Just my take.

Finished up Crushing... some very tough fights but not as bad as Uncharted or Uncharted 2. Now to clean up some of the missing trophies.
[quote name='DOMINATOR912']The first part of Chapter 12 (with the 2 turrets) was NOT a cakewalk for me. That was probably the hardest part I've gotten through on Crushing, and I'm up to Chapter 16. Personally, I'm thinking Chapter 19 (all of it) is going to be the hardest part in the game for me.[/QUOTE]

It's all about how you approach the map on chapter 12. If you try and do it going forward on the boats it's almost impossible. You can swim under a rusty gap in the right side of the map and climb up to a platform. There's an MG32 and one of the turrets is right there so you can take it out and use it to kill tons of people. than just camp in that area and pick people off. I used the RPG found below one of the boats to take out the snipers along the top of the huge boat in the end. I'll probably finish it up in the next few days.

If anybody has any tips for crushing play throughs please post em.
bread's done