Universal Price Drops: July 2004


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
I thought it might be helpful to keep a monthly list of games whose prices have dropped at all (or most) stores.
You can post in this thread, and myself and the Cheap Ass Moderators can update this original post.

June 2004

Katana: The Soul Controller (PS2) $99.99
Champions of Norrath: Realms of Everquest (PS2) $29.99
SSX 3 (PS2, Xbox, GC) $19.99
Midnight Club II (PS2, Xbox) $19.99
Castlevania: Lament of Innocence (PS2) $19.99
Breakdown (Xbox) $19.99
Tenchu: Return From Darkness (Xbox) $29.99
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition (PS2, Xbox, GC) $19.99
Soul Calibur II (PS2, Xbox, GC) $19.99
MOH: Infiltrator (GBA) $19.99
Sonic Adventure DX (GC) $19.99
Max Payne 2 (PS2, Xbox) $19.99
Rallisport Challenge 2 (Xbox) $29.99

July 2004

Deus Ex: Invisible War (Xbox) $19.99
LOTR: ROTK ( GCN. PS2, XBOX ) $29.99
Medal of Honor:RS ( All 3 ) $29.99
NHL 2004 ( All 3 )$ 29.99
Nascar Thunder 2004 ( PS2, XBOX ) $29.99
Deus Ex: Invisible War ( XBOX ) $19.99
Silent Scope Complete $29.99
Prince of Persia $19.99
Tony Hawk Underground THUG (All 3?) $19.99

Added a few- jmon22
Hey we have a new month, so why not a new price drop list??-jmon22
Thug added, needs confirming for the ps2/gamecube price -AzN_BaLLeR
Does the Soul Calibur 2 drop to $19.99 count for June?

All platforms have received the "greatest hits" treatment.
[quote name='Akkis99']Is Champions a MMORPG? is it online enabled? What exactly kind of game is it?[/quote]
From what I heard, its not exactly like a MMORPG. Something more like Diablo if you played that. And yes this game is online enabled. No fee too! :D
Great price on SSX3 and Castlevania. Champions is a hack n slash 4 player game. It is online, and it is free. Very good game and a steal at $20. I wish they would move Mario Kart Double Dash down in price, I don't want to pay $50 for it.
thats great news about champions of norrath. ive been waiting ot pick that up.

where is it 19.99 though and when does it start? best buy and CC still list it as 49.99, and gamestop eb have it for 29.99.
So buy them now at CC for 49.99, then return them when the price drops to get 110% of the difference.

Or, even better, wait for the price drop and use the GGC at BB or CC for 14.99 or 14.50.
Is Pitfall worth $20? I was interested, but I was hoping to pick it up for $10 or less.

CoN is great news. The lowest I've seen it is $30, but I'll pick it up at $20!
[quote name='CheapyD']Sorry, that was a type-o on Champions...should read $29.99[/quote]
[quote name='CheapyD']Sorry, that was a type-o on Champions...should read $29.99[/quote]

I was afraid of this. OH well, saves me some $$ for the time being.
Glad to hear about Pitfall. I think $19.99 or $15.99 with BB gift card coupon sounds right to me. Thanks for the heads up!
Ditto on Mario Kart DD. Non-stop FUN. I have about 30 games between my daughters Gamecube and my Xbox and I probably play Mario Kart at least 70% of my game time. Just my 2 cents.
[quote name='HOTSHIET']Champions of norrath for $20 at frys, this is in orange county area. Not to sure if its everywhere.[/quote]

Hmm.... hopefully it is 20 bucks at the one in City of Industry. Don't feel like driving 45 min to the OC ones...
[quote name='Trevor']So buy them now at CC for 49.99, then return them when the price drops to get 110% of the difference.

Or, even better, wait for the price drop and use the GGC at BB or CC for 14.99 or 14.50.[/quote]

If you do that, better hope it drops within 30 days of your purchase, otherwise you're screwed. They will only price match within 30 days of purchase.
[quote name='ValkyrieVF-1S'][quote name='HOTSHIET']Champions of norrath for $20 at frys, this is in orange county area. Not to sure if its everywhere.[/quote]

Hmm.... hopefully it is 20 bucks at the one in City of Industry. Don't feel like driving 45 min to the OC ones...[/quote]
Yeah its in SoCal too. I saw it in the paper. I'll probably buy it today but I just bought Riddick and FSW a few days ago.
norrath was also $19.99 at fry's socal, went to cc and price matched it to $19, then i realized i had too many games and returned it
[quote name='javeryh']Which SSX version is better - PS2 or GCN? Anyone know?[/quote]
Well, to compare all three versions to make it easier, PS2 has online play and better controls, Xbox has slightly better graphics and no framerate issues, and GC is kind of in-between the two other versions. If you can choose between the PS2 and GCN version, I'd choose the PS2 for the online play and for the easier controls (SSX originated on the PS2, so obviously controls work best on PS2). Hope I could help.
[quote name='drone8888']Mario Kart, is worth $50!!!

It is one of best games on the Cube.

I know its worth it.[/quote]

Yeah, but we're all cheapasses here! :p
For example, I won't pay $50 for any game, no matter how good it is, and I know I'm not the only one.

Midnight Club II rocketh the house. SSX3 and Pitfall look good to me too. :D
[quote name='vanlandw']some good deals in there...debating getting SC2 for x-box even though i have the GC version[/quote]

I just picked up the cube version even though I already had the xbox version. I picked it up at Gamestop when they had it for $15 new. It was one of those resealed "new" copies, but the disc was perfect and everything seemed ok. Damn I hate those resealed "new" copies.
[quote name='Mishimaryu']when is mario DD going to be a PC?[/quote]

My guess is no earlier than September, as some of the more recent PC titles (i.e. Soul Calibur II, F-Zero GX, etc.) each had to wait about 9-10 months.
Look at Wind Waker. Still not a PC. Mario Kart: DD is one of, if not, the best selling GC game to date. It'll probably be at least December, and even then I'm guessing it'll be a $30 one.
You can probably add Sonic Adventure DX (GC) to the list. I have seen it at multiple stores now for $19.99. It has become a Player's Choice title. I'm going to try to get it so I can at least have all the Sonic Game Gear games.
[quote name='javeryh']Which SSX version is better - PS2 or GCN? Anyone know?[/quote]

You should get the PS2 or Xbox version, the gamecube is missing one of the grab moves, due to less buttons than the other consoles, this is an exerp from the head to head from ign:

Dave Elton, one of SSX 3's producers at EA notes, "Unfortunately, because the GameCube controller features fewer buttons than the other two platforms we ended up losing tricks on the GameCube version. It was something that we struggled with on both Tricky and SSX 3, but in the end we could not come up with a solution that allowed the player the ability to perform the same amount of grabs while maintaining the intuitiveness of the controls that has made the game attractive to many people."
I've seen Wrath Unleashed going for $19.99 at both Best Buy and EB, so I'm assuming that's a universal drop. I only priced the Xbox version, since that's the one I was interested in, but I imagine the PS2 version dropped as well.

Not a bad game for $20 either. :)
[quote name='video_gamer324'][quote name='Mishimaryu']when is mario DD going to be a PC?[/quote]

My guess is no earlier than September, as some of the more recent PC titles (i.e. Soul Calibur II, F-Zero GX, etc.) each had to wait about 9-10 months.[/quote]

As long as it still sells for 49.99, it will take a while. Look at Halo, its been out for a long time and its still not a PH
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