
8 (100%)
CLASSIC PLASTIC STARTS JUNE 19TH. 3 dc/gen/snes/nes/gb/gbc/psone games for 15 dollars.

Buy 2 Get 1 free on all current gen used games starts JUNE 18th. All 3 games have to be for the same system. Something about buying hardware with it??? Specifics of this deal are still questionable.


Nintendo DS trade in value = $65. No longer $71.

Not sure when it starts:

Xbox trade in value = $75 when you put it toward an Xbox 360

Still not sure when any of these end.
[quote name='poopy']Wait... the regular DS is 71 dollars trade in?! Is that with MVP or not? And it's active now? For reals?[/quote]

MVP doesn't count on systems. just $71 dollars trade. act now cause i don't know how long that will last. it's not really a deal or sale. it's just a trade in value. weird though because the ds lite trades in at 65.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']MVP doesn't count on systems. just $71 dollars trade. act now cause i don't know how long that will last. it's not really a deal or sale. it's just a trade in value. weird though because the ds lite trades in at 65.[/QUOTE]
Thanks a lot for this info. I'm going to go trade mine in today. Will I still be able to preorder a DS lite from them? I'd hate to convert my DS to credit and then have Gamecrazy sell out of DS lites in a couple of days leaving me with nothing to play my games with.
[quote name='poopy']Thanks a lot for this info. I'm going to go trade mine in today. Will I still be able to preorder a DS lite from them? I'd hate to convert my DS to credit and then have Gamecrazy sell out of DS lites in a couple of days leaving me with nothing to play my games with.[/quote]

depends on the store. im possitive they should know how many they're getting because it's just a few days away and they might have already recieved them (we did, we just have to wait till sunday).
[quote name='xrickyb86x']depends on the store. im possitive they should know how many they're getting because it's just a few days away and they might have already recieved them (we did, we just have to wait till sunday).[/QUOTE]
Cool. Thanks, ricky, for the help. I wasn't psyched at all for the DS lite (I was actually pretty happy with my launch DS), but now the hype has gotten to me. Can't wait to get one. :D
This is awesome I can get a bunch of old NES games I have been waiting for. Its strange that the DS trade-in is more than the DS Lite. I can't think of any one that would want to trade-in the Ds lite though.
I have some questions about upgrading to the lite. How long do you think it will be before they pricedrop/revision the lite? Also, do they still give 12 rentals to people who purchase new systems?
[quote name='Fire']I have some questions about upgrading to the lite. How long do you think it will be before they pricedrop/revision the lite?[/quote]
Who knows? I'll tell you one thing though, the trade in value for an old DS is going to drop like a brick very soon. So if you want to dump your old one in order to get a lite, I wouldn't wait. I got rid of mine today for a cool $71. Mmmm mmm good.

Also, do they still give 12 rentals to people who purchase new systems?
Yes, they do. Sometimes the employee will forget to give you the sheet of coupons, if that happens just remind them nicely. I don't know about the rest of the country, but my Hollywood video sucks for game rentals. They don't stock portables and all their Gamecube games are from like 2001-2002.
fuck fuck fuck.

Son of a BITCH. I am going to be fucking out of town on a fucking family reunion that I want absolutely no part in and am only doing to please my fucking father whom I hate and etc etc etc e/n bullshit.

I'm collaborating with friends and local family members to get me my classic plastic.

Tell me, CAG - is this deal worth abandoning half of my family? I'm thinking, "yes."
[quote name='anderton']fuck fuck fuck.

Son of a BITCH. I am going to be fucking out of town on a fucking family reunion that I want absolutely no part in and am only doing to please my fucking father whom I hate and etc etc etc e/n bullshit.

I'm collaborating with friends and local family members to get me my classic plastic.

Tell me, CAG - is this deal worth abandoning half of my family? I'm thinking, "yes."[/quote]

Yes, no doubt about it.
Oh man... first EB/GS and now GC?! And I just got a new credit card too which I've already used for the bevy of B2G1 Frees at GS/EB already.:whistle2:(
Classic Plastic is the only deal I ever seem to score big on, so I'm definitely in (the last few Classic Plastics extended my game collection about 100 games).
[quote name='anderton']fuck fuck fuck.

Son of a BITCH. I am going to be fucking out of town on a fucking family reunion that I want absolutely no part in and am only doing to please my fucking father whom I hate and etc etc etc e/n bullshit.

I'm collaborating with friends and local family members to get me my classic plastic.

Tell me, CAG - is this deal worth abandoning half of my family? I'm thinking, "yes."[/QUOTE]
Family is much more important than video games. Try your best to take part in the deal, but put your family first. Even if you don't get along with them or they don't appreciate you, they are the only family you have.
I've never heard of this sale before. Sounds kinda cool, so long as I can find some good games. For $5 a game, I don't really see how you can go wrong. :D
[quote name='CaoPi']I was going to do the BUy 2 get 1 free but all 3 have to be on same systems? Lame[/quote]

I got 2 360 games, 3 PS2 and a GC...
[quote name='anderton']fuck fuck fuck.

Son of a BITCH. I am going to be fucking out of town on a fucking family reunion that I want absolutely no part in and am only doing to please my fucking father whom I hate and etc etc etc e/n bullshit.

I'm collaborating with friends and local family members to get me my classic plastic.

Tell me, CAG - is this deal worth abandoning half of my family? I'm thinking, "yes."[/quote]

Holy crap, I forgot about the 12 free rentals! For the past couple weeks I've been on the fence about trading in my old DS + $60 for a Lite, but those 12 free rentals should just about cover the $59 I'd lose in cash. (Technically the rentals are worth even more, but as stated, Hollywood video does kind of suck.)

Can anyone else confirm this is true?
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Holy crap, I forgot about the 12 free rentals! For the past couple weeks I've been on the fence about trading in my old DS + $60 for a Lite, but those 12 free rentals should just about cover the $59 I'd lose in cash. (Technically the rentals are worth even more, but as stated, Hollywood video does kind of suck.)

Can anyone else confirm this is true?[/quote]

if what's true? the trade in value? go to game crazy and tell them to look it up. the computer WILL say $71 credit for a DS. once again, yes you will get the 12 free rentals. just remind the employee because it's easy to forget.
I can personally vouch for the $71. I think it started either yesterday or today.

By the way, the "12 free rentals" is kinda lame, it's only one free rental a month for a year.
[quote name='Scorch']I can personally vouch for the $71. I think it started either yesterday or today.

By the way, the "12 free rentals" is kinda lame, it's only one free rental a month for a year.[/QUOTE]

So they expire in a year and you can only use them once a month?

They must have changed that, because my friend once bought a PS2 from them and rented Dark Cloud 2 two or three times consecutively with those coupons. Or maybe the employee wasn't paying attention.

Still, it's better better than EB's trade-in deal.
I got the 12 free rentals when I bought a 10 dollar Game Gear some time ago. Then I bought my girlfriend a GBA SP and got a third rental sheet sent to me from my grandma. So now I have three free rentals a month for the next year.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']So they expire in a year and you can only use them once a month?[/quote]

Yep. They've even got the month names on the coupons.
Coupons are generally good for two years (if you bought a system today, you could use the coupons either in 2006 or 2007, whichever you prefer).
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']So they expire in a year and you can only use them once a month?

They must have changed that, because my friend once bought a PS2 from them and rented Dark Cloud 2 two or three times consecutively with those coupons. Or maybe the employee wasn't paying attention.

Still, it's better better than EB's trade-in deal.[/QUOTE]

Not quite. They don't expire. The coupon just says it does. I compared my ones that were 04 with the ones that I had that were 05 and they are the same sku. Same with 05 and 06. Oh, and I think they can be used any time, regardless of the month, but the hollywood person might not take it if its not the right month. I used an "expired" one for April on May 1st, or something like that, dont really remember what month, but it worked. I tried it another time with a way off month, like jan when it was may, but the guy was like, uh this is the wrong month.
can't wait for teh classic plastic, I can finally buy the Final Fantasy Anthology games at prices that are worth it.
[quote name='redline']I need some good Game Boy/Game Boy Color recommendations! :D[/quote]
Metal Gear Solid and the Wario games.
OK, I need something cleared up for me.

1) Do N64 games work for the Classic Plastic?

2) Is this on ALL games? As in, if (by some miracle) one found a normally $50 RPG for SNES, would you get it for $5 (assuming you bought two others)?
[quote name='redline']I need some good Game Boy/Game Boy Color recommendations! :D[/quote]

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Resident Evil: Gaiden
Mario Tennis
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Holy crap, I forgot about the 12 free rentals! For the past couple weeks I've been on the fence about trading in my old DS + $60 for a Lite, but those 12 free rentals should just about cover the $59 I'd lose in cash. (Technically the rentals are worth even more, but as stated, Hollywood video does kind of suck.)

Can anyone else confirm this is true?[/QUOTE]

the 12 FREE rentals are really only worth around 5- 6 bucks since you can grab them on Ebay for that cost.

Hell i just grabbed another 8 sheets for around 42 shipped

Is this on ALL games? As in, if (by some miracle) one found a normally $50 RPG for SNES, would you get it for $5 (assuming you bought two others)?

good luck finding a 50 buck SNES game. 99.9 of all the massive vaule games were either sold at one of the first 2 sales last year, or a worker will stash it for themself
for the B2G1 sale, is that on all price games?? Only used right? Last time GC had a couple sales like that, they were for crap games 17.99 and below or something like that. So is it on all used games??
[quote name='llamapalooza87']OK, I need something cleared up for me.

1) Do N64 games work for the Classic Plastic?

2) Is this on ALL games? As in, if (by some miracle) one found a normally $50 RPG for SNES, would you get it for $5 (assuming you bought two others)?[/QUOTE]


2) Yes. Even works for not normal sized stuff. I got a point blank 3 with gun and my friend got a complete Lunar the first time this sale came around.
i'm sure my GC is picked by now, but I'm gonna try and reserve a few things. glad it starts on a sunday!
[quote name='Apossum']i'm sure my GC is picked by now, but I'm gonna try and reserve a few things. glad it starts on a sunday![/QUOTE]

Geez, picked through already? Seems sort of early, really.
[quote name='Pylis']Geez, picked through already? Seems sort of early, really.[/QUOTE]

Nah, just still empty from last year.

Went to check it out today-- nothing I want. Didn't even start looking through the world's largest collection of caseless, instructionless, rental stickered PS1 games.

I freaked myself out-- thought I saw a copy of Stadium Events...but it was really athletic world. :lol:
There's still no confirmation of this sale.. not on the corporate calender, no paperwork, there's no word from anyone.. I PM'ed the OP and he even said he couldn't find paperwork on it and that his only source was his manager saying Sunday the 18th.. so don't get your hopes up too high.. the manager at a local one I visit is saying sometime in July.. though I hope it does start soon, i'd love to pick up some cheap games.
[quote name='Apossum']Nah, just still empty from last year.

Went to check it out today-- nothing I want. Didn't even start looking through the world's largest collection of caseless, instructionless, rental stickered PS1 games.

I freaked myself out-- thought I saw a copy of Stadium Events...but it was really athletic world. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Ah, makes sense. I'm pretty sure mine's gonna be empty, too, actually. Still, there's always that chance (no matter how small) of finding some rare PSX or SNES game, so I'm sure I'll drag myself out there only to be disappointed.
[quote name='anderton']Now I'm hoping it doesn't start until at least the 25th.[/QUOTE]
The sale or the reunion?

The first ain't moving, buddy...

EDIT: ...unless I completely missed Scorch's post. Sorry, anderton.
Eh, I don't care. Get your hopes up if you want. I'm just sayin'.. yeah, the signs are in, i've seen them.. but I also got to look at the calender for June, nothing on it. No paperwork. No official word. Nothing. I think it'd be by the end of July, at the very least. I'll definately post if I hear/see otherwise, but the OP himself said it.. there's no hardcore documentation of either sale happening this Sunday. Just one manager at one GameCrazy that seems to think it starts the 18th.

There's still a few days though, so who knows.
[quote name='Apossum']i'm sure my GC is picked by now, but I'm gonna try and reserve a few things. glad it starts on a sunday![/QUOTE]

Would that work just fine? Reserving a bunch of games and waiting until the sale to buy them?
[quote name='Scorch']There's still no confirmation of this sale.. not on the corporate calender, no paperwork, there's no word from anyone.. I PM'ed the OP and he even said he couldn't find paperwork on it and that his only source was his manager saying Sunday the 18th.. so don't get your hopes up too high.. the manager at a local one I visit is saying sometime in July.. though I hope it does start soon, i'd love to pick up some cheap games.[/quote]

yeah, i forgot to update you. my manager is now unsure of when it will start. he was told the 18th but since he hasn't seen any paperwork he's not buying it. im just reffering to classic plastic though.

the buy2get1 is happening on the 18th. as well as trade 2 360 games for a brand new one.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']yeah, i forgot to update you. my manager is now unsure of when it will start. he was told the 18th but since he hasn't seen any paperwork he's not buying it. im just reffering to classic plastic though.

the buy2get1 is happening on the 18th. as well as trade 2 360 games for a brand new one.[/quote]
My local store got paperwork in today, I saw it.. Classic Plastic DOES start, but it starts the 19th, not the 18th.. lasts from June 18th or June 19th until July 2nd. The B2G1 used games is only when you buy used hardware.

So for those of you waiting for confirmation on the classic plastic sale for June 18th/19th..

bread's done