Vanquish - New Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil) Game from Platinum Games - Demo Out Now


36 (100%)
This is Vanquish, a new game by Shinji Mikami, the creator of the Resident Evil series.

What you see in this clip is just about all we know about the game. There's an attack on the United States (aliens?), there's real actors in it, and you'll be playing some guy that looks like an albino Master Chief. Oh, and Okami producer Atsushi Inaba is also involved.

There's no word on which platform it's for (though it's shiny enough to assume 360/PS3), nor what it's actually like, but hey, having helped found Platinum Games (the developers behind Bayonetta and Madworld) a few years back, it's nice to at least see what Mikami's been working on all this time.

They're record is so solid, I can't wait to see what they make.

If that poster is true and it really is exclusive to 360, I wonder if the Bayonetta PS3 fiasco had anything to do with it.
I hope the PN 03 connections are purely visual. That game was fun, but I don't need another one.
[quote name='seanr1221']If that poster is true and it really is exclusive to 360, I wonder if the Bayonetta PS3 fiasco had anything to do with it.[/QUOTE]

It's also coming out on the PC so it's not really an 'exclusive'

Release Date: Oct. 19 2010
Platinum Games (Bayonetta, Madworld)

Shinji Makami, creator of RE series, Devil May Cry series and other greats.

I'm excited for this. Anyone else?




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The videos of it up to this point have been underwhelming... but it's Platinum... I wanna give 'em the benefit of the doubt.
I've been pretty excited for this game since I first laid eyes on it.

I love the bright colors and sense of speed. I've never been one to complain about current-gen games being "too brown" (love me some Gears of War) but it's always good to see a developer trying something different. Would love to see this succeed after the failure of other Japanese-developed shooters (Lost Planet 2...eugh).
[quote name='shrike4242']Demo is up on XBLM as of this morning.[/QUOTE]

Awesome! Thanks for the heads up.
been waiting to try this game out. i'm at work. whoever's at home and testing this out. i want to know details!!!
I spent more time downloading the demo than I did actually playing the game. It's not that good. it get boring real quick.
Played it a couple times. I really like it. Reminds me of Bayonetta, but with guns. Rad!

October 19th can't come soon enough!
Great game. Love the cover system, animations, and flashiness of the game overall.

What I don't like (probably just overlooked, or maybe this is overlooked for the demo), is that you can actually run out of ammo if you aren't paying attention. I was kinda messing around, ran out of ammo on the second phase of the "boss", and had to run around waiting for one of the marines to get 'downed', so I could help him up and get a gun off him to finish off the boss. This was only because I was kinda messing around, seeing the effects of taking out different body parts on the boss, but still kind of an issue.

Also, that weapons either count as an upgrade at full ammo, or ammo if you aren't at full ammo. I kinda don't like this... I mean, if you use something more than others, you'll never upgrade. I guess they want you to upgrade the other weapons so that you actually may want to use them instead? I dunno.

Additionally, the shotgun seems weak. It works on the lesser enemies, but it barely dings the boss' exposed body parts when up close.

I'd love to pick it up at $60, but I just can't. I wonder if the 3 "exclusive" Gamestop pre-order weapons will be paid DLC or free after a certain amount of time. Definitely gonna keep an eye on the price, though, and pick it up ASAP in the $20-$30 range.

A little easter egg (perhaps? or maybe it has a gameplay function?): If you're in the lowest cover (where he's basically laying down, slightly perched up on his upper back), press the left shoulder button to have him open up his mask and take a very short/quick smoke break. Nice touch. :lol:
[quote name='Rhett']What I don't like (probably just overlooked, or maybe this is overlooked for the demo), is that you can actually run out of ammo if you aren't paying attention. I was kinda messing around, ran out of ammo on the second phase of the "boss", and had to run around waiting for one of the marines to get 'downed', so I could help him up and get a gun off him to finish off the boss. This was only because I was kinda messing around, seeing the effects of taking out different body parts on the boss, but still kind of an issue. [/QUOTE]

There are ammo boxes up there you can kick open with X. Pretty sure they refill themselves after a bit too. Anyway, I was very impressed by the demo. Loved the flashiness, controls worked perfectly and the boss fight was pretty epic. Definitely more excited about this now than any other shooter for the rest of the year.

EDIT: Just replayed the demo and the ammo boxes don't replenish themselves after all. You do have the two turrets up there though as well as the boxes and two weapon "stations".
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I have been extremely excited for this since it was announced!

When I started up the demo, I was a little underwhelmed.

But then I played it some more, and it's pretty awesome. Aside from a couple of tweaks this is perfect. Oh and that cigarette thing is to distract enemies. He lights it up tosses it and some enemies will shoot at it.

Maybe it's because I was too used to Gears of War. Although this game PLAYS differently, the actions he does are very similar, and I was so used to A for cover-based actions and X as an "action" button.

But I finally got used to Vanquish's system and it's amazing.
[quote name='Killbomb']There are ammo boxes up there you can kick open with X. Pretty sure they refill themselves after a bit too. Anyway, I was very impressed by the demo. Loved the flashiness, controls worked perfectly and the boss fight was pretty epic. Definitely more excited about this now than any other shooter for the rest of the year.

EDIT: Just replayed the demo and the ammo boxes don't replenish themselves after all. You do have the two turrets up there though as well as the boxes and two weapon "stations".[/QUOTE]

I was talking after emptying every box. However, if you use up your ammo THEN go after the boxes (as opposed to using them for upgrades), then you're fine...

Though, what's ironic, is that it takes 3 of the same weapon (at max ammo) to upgrade said weapon, but it only raises the ammo count by 20% - 40% as opposed to hundreds of extra rounds if used for ammo...

Not a huge problem, just something I feel would be overlooked.

Also, the turrets are weak (and yes, they are an option), but they can also be destroyed very easily if you're taking cover upstairs.

It's also kinda easy to avoid all of the boss' attacks.. Almost all of the cover downstairs is invincible (as opposed to upstairs), meaning you can pop out or dash between cover constantly and never really be in danger.

Too bad there's no multiplayer. I can definitely go without competitive modes, but co-op or especially a horde kind of mode would flourish here, I imagine.
From what we have seen in the demo I'm gonna guess that upgrades are more plentiful in the full game (considering all the weapons here). Like I kill with the Assault Rifle and Sniper Rifle and I upgrade the Shotgun and Heavy Machine Gun. So far my Assault Rifle always gets an upgrade from a dropped enemy.

I understand that it's a bit weird to straight up run out of ammo but after my first playthrough that was no longer an issue. I made sure that when I fire I hit someone and I also made use of the giant walker mechs, explosive barrels, gun turrets, and grenades.

I'm totally buying this game though.
I really enjoyed the demo. It was cool. The time slowing mechanic and the power slide thing worked well. The big boss fight kinda reminded me of lost planet, but in a good way. Its definitely a game I'm going to check out when it comes out.
Played through the demo twice so far. I have mixed feelings about it.

The UI / targeting reticule felt generic/ugly like most Japanese shooters; reminded me a lot of Lost Planet 2 in that regard. The characters and banter were extremely cheesy and not well done at all, again a Japanese staple. I found the main character overly annoying. The backgrounds/scenery were again very generic feeling. I hope the final game has more varied environments outside of the "everything is made out of futuristic metal" look.

On the upside, the actual gameplay and combat was fairly exciting and fun. The boss was fun to take down, although it seemed easier than it should have been. I dunno if this is enough to make up for all the other problems that I had with the game or not.

At the moment, I am getting a "pick it up later when it gets to be
[quote name='gnargnargnar']Played through the demo twice so far. I have mixed feelings about it.

The UI / targeting reticule felt generic/ugly like most Japanese shooters; reminded me a lot of Lost Planet 2 in that regard. The characters and banter were extremely cheesy and not well done at all, again a Japanese staple. I found the main character overly annoying. The backgrounds/scenery were again very generic feeling. I hope the final game has more varied environments outside of the "everything is made out of futuristic metal" look.

On the upside, the actual gameplay and combat was fairly exciting and fun. The boss was fun to take down, although it seemed easier than it should have been. I dunno if this is enough to make up for all the other problems that I had with the game or not.

At the moment, I am getting a "pick it up later when it gets to be
i actually found Bayonetta easier to play than Vanquish, but I suppose thats just me.

i loved the demo, and while I thought the final boss was a little too hard and unforgiving, i would consider purchasing the full game.

i just wish there was a method of having multiple players, like Gears of War 2.
oh my god.

just give me this game, make it a million hours long, make it have a ton of david vs. goliath battles and i will be happy forever.
Anyone get this?

I'm sure a lot of people got Fallout over this.

Anyway I got it, and I'm on Act 1-8, and so far it's been sweet, more of the demo, which is fine by me.
AR - Assault Rifle
HMG - Heavy Machine Gun
SG - Shotgun
DL - Disc Launcher
RL - Rocket Launcher
LL - Lock-On Laser
SNP - Sniper rifle
GR - Grenade
EMP - EMP Grenade
APP - Armor Piercing Pistol
LSR - Laser Cannon
BMG - Boost Machine Gun
(BBG - Burns' Big Gun)

In 3-3 now. Maxed out my LSR and AR. Working on maxing out my APP next. I don't use grenades so they are constantly being upgraded.
Played the demo last night, was very impressed with it. The proported length was a bit of a concern, so I may wait on it until it's a bit cheaper.

That, and I need to play the PS3 demo and see if it plays any better on the PS3 than the 360. PS3 was supposedly the lead platform for Vanquish.
[quote name='shrike4242']Played the demo last night, was very impressed with it. The proported length was a bit of a concern, so I may wait on it until it's a bit cheaper.

That, and I need to play the PS3 demo and see if it plays any better on the PS3 than the 360. PS3 was supposedly the lead platform for Vanquish.[/QUOTE]
I'm under the belief that some of the reviewers (certainly not all but some) paid attention to ONLY the in-game clock; I've got a good 4-5 hours in the game (I know this for a fact; played it yesterday 6:30-8:30-ish and today from 4-7:30-ish) and the in-game clock says I only have 2 and a half hours. The in-game clock doens't account for time spent during failed attempts (every time you die, which means you can try a mission for about eight minutes, die a couple of times and the game won't count it).

So bear that in mind, and this is a very challenging and spectacular game, I'm loving it.
[quote name='Indignate']That Lock-On Laser is all kinds of awesome.[/QUOTE]

Eh. Maybe once it's fully upgraded but it's so damn weak.

I maxed out the APP, DL, LSR, AR, and both grenade types by the end of the game.

The APP is the shit. It hits hard and fast with mid range zoom on it. It's the hand cannon!!!

The DL is probably cool but I didn't get to use on Romanov (the big guys that come in different variations) to chop off their limbs. I did however melee the crap out of everything in 4-1 to get that achievement for that area. Fun times.

The LSR is easy to upgrade even if you only see it three times in an act. I'm pretty sure it only takes three LSRs to fully max it out as well. The range is like the sniper rifle and it's plenty powerful. Not as knock you over powerful as the RL but it tears up everything. I mean everything.

I recommend that EVERYONE upgrades the AR fully. At 1200 rounds why the hell wouldn't you? You see them almost all the time and it's states are just so solid all the way around when it's maxed out.

I honestly don't know how in the hell one can upgrade the grenades if one uses them throughout playing the game. I literally only used grenades until the last two missions of the game. They are definitely beastly when they are maxed out.

Next time I play I'm interested in seeing what the LFE gun can do maxed out. I know that the shotgun is a beast maxed out but it's range is so limited in this game that's it hard to use it. I'll also max out the RL since it is so damn powerful.
bread's done