Victorious Boxers 2 Available Now $9.99

finally found one at my local gamestop. When i asked for it the clerk told the other employee "look someone actually asked for this." idk wtf that was supposed to mean but whatever i finally got the game :)
[quote name='Femto']Checked GameCrazy yesterday and the dude said it wasn't even in their sysytem(GC in Burien for you WA heads). Checked GameStop again today but no go.

Gonna order from this Family Video you all keep bringing up.

If this comes out for the Wii soon enough, I'll probably pick up a Wii before the first price drop.[/quote]

thanks for the heads up man.
I don't know how I feel about the game yet. I mean, it's kinda fun and stuff, but it seems like I'm just button mashing and winning without any real clue what I'm doing.
Well, damn. FV said they cancelled my order and today I get a shipping notice from them. I may be stuck with 2 copies of this game now.

Oh, well. Then I hope nobody buys it and it becomes a super-rare cult classic. :whistle2:#

FV just sent out a shipping notice!

I was really worried that they wouldn't get any more after they initially sold out.
I just received mine yesterday from GS as well. I haven't had a chance to play it yet, but since it is officially out, I went ahead and ordered a second copy for my brother. Should make a nice present...
Just got my FV shipping confirmation too.
Looks like it's finally coming.

On a side note... Damn this thread is big now. I hope that means we've sparked some additional interest in the VB series. I know that I enjoyed the first one (US), but I don't know a single other person who has ever played it.
Picked mine up yesterday at a local gamestop and noticed something funny about this game. I thought this was supposed to be Victorious Boxers 2 (or Hajime No Ippo 2) but the japanese version has a career mode and a create a boxer mode. This actually doesn't have both of these modes. Everything looks just like Hajime No Ippo: All Stars (no career mode, character selection screen looks exactly the same and no create a boxer) Here I was actually thinking this was actually Victorious Boxers 2 when it is actually Victorious Boxers: All Stars.
[quote name='kspiff']LOL, that has been mentioned several times in this thread. It is All-Stars.

haha shows how much I pay attention.
Picked mine up yesterday at a local gamestop and noticed something funny about this game. I thought this was supposed to be Victorious Boxers 2 (or Hajime No Ippo 2) but the japanese version has a career mode and a create a boxer mode. This actually doesn't have both of these modes. Everything looks just like Hajime No Ippo: All Stars (no career mode, character selection screen looks exactly the same and no create a boxer) Here I was actually thinking this was actually Victorious Boxers 2 when it is actually Victorious Boxers: All Stars.

This has been covered about ten times already in this thread.
[quote name='espy605']This has been covered about ten times already in this thread.[/QUOTE]
If you looked back earlier someone already pointed that out to me.
When I try ordering it online it keeps saying this

We could not complete your order because of an incomplete or incorrect billing address. Please double-check that your name, phone number, address, credit card number and expiration date match your credit card issuing bank records, then please try again.

everything is correct also -_-
Totally OT and irrelevant, plus I probably overpaid, but I finally saw a copy of Ippo for GBA on greedBay and decided to pick it up.

Best boxing game. Ever. So sweet. :drool: I might have to get a GB Player now.

[quote name='kspiff']Totally OT and irrelevant, plus I probably overpaid, but I finally saw a copy of Ippo for GBA on greedBay and decided to pick it up.

Best boxing game. Ever. So sweet. :drool: I might have to get a GB Player now.


OT too but nothing can beat Punch Out or Super Punch Out...
Did you ever play Ippo on GBA? I dunno, to me it's like playing Super Punch-Out!! with more moves and depth, plus the ability to go back and play as all your opponents. I played it on flash cart a long time ago and recall being very impressed with it. The only thing that I didn't like is how effing tough it is to beat Ippo when you fight against him as somebody else.

I might agree with you, though. Those 2 games were the inspiration for games like the afforementioned, and they are 1st party Nintendo titles from back in the day.

[quote name='kspiff']Totally OT and irrelevant, plus I probably overpaid, but I finally saw a copy of Ippo for GBA on greedBay and decided to pick it up.

Best boxing game. Ever. So sweet. :drool: I might have to get a GB Player now.


heh that game rocked. I still play it on my ds. I was lucky enough to find a used copy complete for 30 bucks about 2 years ago. Great game, too combo patterned tho if u ask me. I prefer the original punchout.
the anime is great. i need about 5-6 more dvds and I have the set.

also does anyone have a extra copy theya re selling?
Quick impressions from my first playthrough:

-God damn, everything got a whole lot uglier since VB1. What in God's name happened to Ippo's face!? All of the visuals look pretty bad.

-I'm not convinced that the gameplay is any better than VB1. That isn't to say that it's still fun, but at this point I like VB1 better.

-The cutscene's are way, WAY too long. WAYYYYYYY too long. I fast-forwarded through the first Act, and then decided I just didn't care anymore.

-I notice that when you tilt, Ippo won't stay in that tilted position. Like when I tilt back and hold it, he'll repeatedly tilt back very quickly, and then go back to normal.

-Is there supposed to be dialog of any kind during the opening cut scene? Very weird way to start the game...

[quote name='ch3zyp00fs']I was lucky enough to find a used copy complete for 30 bucks about 2 years ago. Great game, too combo patterned tho if u ask me.[/quote]

So maybe you can answer a question about this game: it only came with the box, cart, and manual originally, right? No poster, or any crap like that? I want to make sure the copy I bought ($50 btw -- not too bad since I've only found the game on eBay the one time) is complete.

I don't mind the combo system, but I will say again, the game has balancing issues if you are playing against Ippo. He is way too hard. And Punch-Out!! is balanced just-so perfectly (I mean, hey, I can still play it today and have a blast, what does that say?).

[quote name='evilmax17']-Is there supposed to be dialog of any kind during the opening cut scene? Very weird way to start the game...[/QUOTE]
No, it's that way in the Japanese version as well. Weird, it's true. And yeah, Ippo looks like an alien.
[quote name='kspiff']So maybe you can answer a question about this game: it only came with the box, cart, and manual originally, right? No poster, or any crap like that? I want to make sure the copy I bought ($50 btw -- not too bad since I've only found the game on eBay the one time) is complete.

I don't mind the combo system, but I will say again, the game has balancing issues if you are playing against Ippo. He is way too hard. And Punch-Out!! is balanced just-so perfectly (I mean, hey, I can still play it today and have a blast, what does that say?).


ill check it out when i go home in a week. I still in college w/ finals.. crap. at least i finished my engineering finals.
That would be much appreciated, thanks. I kind of doubt there would be a poster or anything extra w/ a GBA boxing title, but you never know with the Japanese.

*sigh* I will never understand why this series was cut off in Japan. Well, yeah, I'd bet it was ratings, too, but animated versions of Ippo's title defences and Takamura's world title matches would be sweet. :drool:

sawamura vs. ippo
takamura vs. hawk & takamura vs. eagle
sawamura vs. mashiba
and a couple of other of ippo's matches

if only they could animate these matches, at least there in manga form but its still not the same
Hell yeah, I want a movie or OVA with the Ippo and Mashiba vs. Sawamura matches. Those were both nice, long matches. Or maybe the Takamura vs. Hawk or Eagle matches as a movie.

Too bad Ippo didn't have anything else going for him, like being a rubber pirate or having a knack for solving mysteries. I don't think those 2 series will ever end (not that I would want One Piece to end mind you, just griping).

Just found this at the eb games in my mall a new game for $10 is always good for me. teh guy there was kinda suprised i found it. my only grip was it was already opened since it ws like the display. o well i plan on playing it so not a huge deal.
[quote name='Layd Dly']Just found this at the eb games in my mall a new game for $10 is always good for me. teh guy there was kinda suprised i found it. my only grip was it was already opened since it ws like the display. o well i plan on playing it so not a huge deal.[/QUOTE]

Most are going to be opened since alot of EB's / GS's only got in one copy.

I got the last copy in the mall today, I believe, but it came out of the case because they didn't make a display copy for it yet. I didn't even see it out on the floor and had to ask for it.
[quote name='Roufuss']Most are going to be opened since alot of EB's / GS's only got in one copy.

I got the last copy in the mall today, I believe, but it came out of the case because they didn't make a display copy for it yet. I didn't even see it out on the floor and had to ask for it.[/quote]

yeah i understand, although he said they had another copy after i checked out. not sure why he didnt give me that one however.
Yeah, I got the last display copy from Gamestop last night. They had plenty copies of Drive to Survive for PS2, so I got that too. Still wondering if Drive to Survive is actually coming out for Xbox since there isn't an Xbox 1 release list at GS anymore.
finally ordered it on GS and it went thro.

I wish they make another season where Ippo goes for the world title or something :p
The manga is still ongoing in Japan, actually, and can be downloaded translated online ( or com, I forget). As of a few volumes ago Ippo is now pursuing the world title. I believe he has at this point only had 1 match with a world ranker as yet (Scratch J, who is actually Jimmy Sisfa).

[quote name='kspiff']The manga is still ongoing in Japan, actually, and can be downloaded translated online ( or com, I forget). As of a few volumes ago Ippo is now pursuing the world title. I believe he has at this point only had 1 match with a world ranker as yet (Scratch J, who is actually Jimmy Sisfa).


Thanks for the site I was trying to find somewhere to dl the manga :)
NP. You will have to go to the message boards and use the torrents there to get the more recent chapters though. You can go to to get torrent links and/or the message board address.

[quote name='kspiff']So maybe you can answer a question about this game: it only came with the box, cart, and manual originally, right? No poster, or any crap like that? I want to make sure the copy I bought ($50 btw -- not too bad since I've only found the game on eBay the one time) is complete.

I don't mind the combo system, but I will say again, the game has balancing issues if you are playing against Ippo. He is way too hard. And Punch-Out!! is balanced just-so perfectly (I mean, hey, I can still play it today and have a blast, what does that say?).


Yep.. looking at my copy... cart, box and manual.
[quote name='wampa8jedi']My copy finally came in the mail yesterday--w00t :)[/QUOTE]

Just gt mine yesteday too (ordered from FV). Like an above poster, my disc was loose and bouncing around the case, and sustained a few scratches. It appears to be working fine, however.

Of course, it looks like Geppetto must have been working in the character design department for this game. Ippo looks just plain freaky in this game, and more than a little wooden. I defintely prefer the look from the original US release.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying it so far, and the gameplay seems to be everything that I expected.
bread's done