Video Game Baby Names!!!

[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='JAMMR']
Oh and I now change my vote to Squirtle. :lol: When the kid hits puberty you can call him/her Wartortle or Blastoise, your choice.[/quote]

:rofl: He only becomes Blastoise after he turns 21.[/quote]
Your level of Pokemonsity (read: :geek:) surpasses mine. :p :wink:
Check if you can still get money by naming your kid Turok.

But seriously, don't.

Unique names are unique either because nobody else though about them, or because everybody else thought they were a bad idea.
Oh, Jesus this is some funny stuff.


hahahaha, donkey kong....
[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='JAMMR']
Oh and I now change my vote to Squirtle. :lol: When the kid hits puberty you can call him/her Wartortle or Blastoise, your choice.[/quote]

:rofl: He only becomes Blastoise after he turns 21.[/quote]


No no, remember... Squirtle turns to Wartortle at 16, and Blastoise at 36... so by the time Squirtle is done evolving, he's probably going through his midlife crisis. :lol:
[quote name='RaekwonThaChef']:rofl:
Oh, Jesus this is some funny stuff.


hahahaha, donkey kong....[/quote]

hahahaha, ass monkey....
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x'][quote name='RaekwonThaChef']:rofl:
Oh, Jesus this is some funny stuff.


hahahaha, donkey kong....[/quote]

hahahaha, ass monkey....[/quote]

Yes, ass monkey would also be an outrageous name!!!! :)
Do not name your child ass monkey either :)
[quote name='JAMMR'][quote name='dcfox'][quote name='JAMMR']
Oh and I now change my vote to Squirtle. :lol: When the kid hits puberty you can call him/her Wartortle or Blastoise, your choice.[/quote]

:rofl: He only becomes Blastoise after he turns 21.[/quote]
Your level of Pokemonsity (read: :geek:) surpasses mine. :p :wink:[/quote]

you may be bad, but there was a kid at school who had 340 hours into saffire, and 80 into green
Someone above me mentioned Parasite Eve, and to me Aya is a very tasteful name for a girl . I find it far more beautiful and memorable than common names such as Mary or Sarah. You should name your kid whatever you want, now what you think kids will make fun of. I don't know if any of you remember grade/middle school, but kids make fun of anything. Why? They're dumbass little kids. I don't see everyone's prophecy that he will be utterly harrassed at all ages ebcause of his name's relevance to a videogame. What about someone who has a name from a famous novel or play? My name is biblical, but does that mean every person I met pegged me as some bible-thumping choir boy? I agree that you should seriously give it some thought, but giving him a "normal" name won't change whether or not he will be made fun of. All it will do is add another voice to the 5 other people in history class named "Joshua" during roll call.
Reality's Fringe said:
Someone above me mentioned Parasite Eve, and to me Aya is a very tasteful name for a girl . I find it far more beautiful and memorable than common names such as Mary or Sarah. You should name your kid whatever you want, now what you think kids will make fun of. I don't know if any of you remember grade/middle school, but kids make fun of anything. Why? They're dumbass little kids. I don't see everyone's prophecy that he will be utterly harrassed at all ages ebcause of his name's relevance to a videogame. What about someone who has a name from a famous novel or play? My name is biblical, but does that mean every person I met pegged me as some bible-thumping choir boy? I agree that you should seriously give it some thought, but giving him a "normal" name won't change whether or not he will be made fun of. All it will do is add another voice to the 5 other people in history class named "Joshua" during roll call.

Which reminds me of Office Space.

"Is your name Michael Bolton?!"
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='JAMMR'][quote name='dcfox'][quote name='JAMMR']
Oh and I now change my vote to Squirtle. :lol: When the kid hits puberty you can call him/her Wartortle or Blastoise, your choice.[/quote]

:rofl: He only becomes Blastoise after he turns 21.[/quote]
Your level of Pokemonsity (read: :geek:) surpasses mine. :p :wink:[/quote]

you may be bad, but there was a kid at school who had 340 hours into saffire, and 80 into green[/quote]

The longest I've spent on a Pokemon game was a little under a hundred hours and that was with either Blue or Red (I can't remember which). Speaking of Pokemon, Ash would make a good name for a boy and maybe even for a girl.
How about Baby Mario, or Dr. mario, or maybe Shaq, he's got a few games too. Then there was also The Greaty Mighty Poo in Conker's BFD, but your child would probably get teased with a name like that.
[quote name='smalien1']Call the kid God, like in Black and White[/quote]

You know, I'm actually kind of surprised that no one's done this yet. You think there would be someone out there who's strange enough to name their kid God.
[quote name='rabbitt']Howabout Zero the Kamikazee Squirrel? Or you could put numbers in their name. Like Dingleberry9643.[/quote]

The name Frank has already been taken.
Why not try Frank05, Frank4376 or Franky314.
[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='JAMMR']
Oh and I now change my vote to Squirtle. :lol: When the kid hits puberty you can call him/her Wartortle or Blastoise, your choice.[/quote]

:rofl: He only becomes Blastoise after he turns 21.[/quote]

Lol, I didn't think about the other stages...

Reality's Fringe]Someone above me mentioned Parasite Eve said:
"Is your name Michael Bolton?!"

Lol..."Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks!"
[quote name='Zman310'][quote name='smalien1']Call the kid God, like in Black and White[/quote]

You know, I'm actually kind of surprised that no one's done this yet. You think there would be someone out there who's strange enough to name their kid God.[/quote]

There used to be a college basketball player named "God Shamgod"
[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='JAMMR'][quote name='dcfox'][quote name='JAMMR']
Oh and I now change my vote to Squirtle. :lol: When the kid hits puberty you can call him/her Wartortle or Blastoise, your choice.[/quote]

:rofl: He only becomes Blastoise after he turns 21.[/quote]
Your level of Pokemonsity (read: :geek:) surpasses mine. :p :wink:[/quote]

you may be bad, but there was a kid at school who had 340 hours into saffire, and 80 into green[/quote]

The longest I've spent on a Pokemon game was a little under a hundred hours and that was with either Blue or Red (I can't remember which). Speaking of Pokemon, Ash would make a good name for a boy and maybe even for a girl.[/quote]

Only because of Bruce Campbell.
[quote name='nickmad'][quote name='rabbitt']Howabout Zero the Kamikazee Squirrel? Or you could put numbers in their name. Like Dingleberry9643.[/quote]

The name Frank has already been taken.
Why not try Frank05, Frank4376 or Franky314.[/quote]:rofl:
[quote name='Ecofreak']I'm all for Spanky - be it boy or girl. :D[/quote]

I personally like to call random strangers spanky. You know like, "hey bud" or pal or partner or sport or something, but instead spanky. It definately catches the person's attention ;) that or slappy.
[quote name='RaekwonThaChef'][quote name='Ecofreak']I'm all for Spanky - be it boy or girl. :D[/quote]

I personally like to call random strangers spanky. You know like, "hey bud" or pal or partner or sport or something, but instead spanky. It definately catches the person's attention ;) that or slappy.[/quote]

I've noticed calling people "penis wrestler" gets their attention rather fast.
[quote name='"Isles Guru"']My wife has given me permission to name our first baby after a video game chracter.[/quote]

I am kind of suprised that a woman would go along with that, even if she were a gamer. The only one that I thought was going to actually do this was a (male) coworker who just had a daughter, but even he ended up deciding against it. I'm sure that she would have had an interesting life as Cortana.
Holy cow! I can't belive how many responses this post has received. Thanks to the few secure individuals who gave serious answers. Here are a few of my most recent thoughts:

Face it, all of us are dorks in a way. Anybody who posts on a video game message board (and some cases over a thousand times) is a dork. It's ok to admit it. Unlike many of you, I am not ashamed of being a video game fan. Just because some of you have received atomic wedgies and had your lunch money stolen from you for being a dork, doesn't mean a boy with an OBSCURE reference to a video game character will. And I repeat, for the reading- impaired, my last name is pronouced Pacman, I have NEVER been made fun and I have a babe for a wife. Just because some of you are not attractive to find someone to procreate with, don't knock the idea.

P.S. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but here goes: Many of you are not nearly as funny as you think you are.

dude your a dork, your son will get beat up for being a dork and you might as well name your kid "Target" and then paint a bullseye on his ass. have fun dealing with hospital bills.....
[quote name='Isles Guru']*rant*[/quote]

Uhhh...I'm still in high school and anybody with who's named after a video game character is just plain weird.
I can't imagine talking to a girl named Cortana or some really weird name. Being friends with a guy named Zero might be a bit awkward too.

Just try not to name the kid something totally out FARRR out there. No Link or Zelda or Mega Man or some crazy shit like that :p
Hey Nick Mad, you are one to talk. I doubt you, who has posted 200 messages on a video game message board in 6 months is the poster boy for cool.
[quote name='Isles Guru']Hey Nick Mad, you are one to talk. I doubt you, who has posted 200 messages on a video game message board in 6 months is the poster boy for cool.[/quote]

And your cooler because you asked, on that same video game message board, what video game character you should name your son after. IT'S A HUMAN BEING, NOT A TOY THAT YOUR GOING TO LEAVE IN THE PACKAGE ON YOUR SHELF CAUSE ITS "COOL". You may think its cool now to have a kid named Master Chief, but when the kid keeps coming home from school crying because he was teased for his name then your going to feel a lot different about it.

I just don't understand why everyone feels the need to be unique and different by naming their kids something odd, like Apple or something equally dumb. Just name your kid after one of your deceased relatives.
Have only read the 1st page of this thread, which I can just tell will be great. But...

Boy: Master Chief

Girl: Cortana

It would make me very happy. :lol:

EDIT- I like that in the last 5 posts, Master Chief and Cortana were mentioned. :)

Oh, and the best name would be Seven. Or Soda. :)
Geez dude, you are just as weird. Wesker is a REAL name, while more uncommon, it isn't much different from naming a child Leon, Jill, or Claire as an homage. Wes for short? Oh wow that is a brutal name too!! I never suggested naming a kid Donkey Kong, Mega Man, or Big Red Truck as most of these posters JOKINGLY, read again JOKINGLY did. If you can't see the big difference then you are the dork.


Sam or Sammie as a nickname.

Obviously for a girl.

Also, as many have said Leon. I believe his full name is Leon Scott Kennedy. Leon Scott is kinda cool.
Boy: Cid, Kinson, Walker, Tsukasa, Kirby

Girl: Edea, Aerith (Aeris), Yuna, Tsubasa, Amberlle, Nynaeve, Reyna, Pauline (some DK luv)

Those have had interesting notions to me and range from the happy to the more serious characters as well. Best of luck on a name. Those one of a kind names that actually sound as good as they look are hard to come by. For my daughter we were going for Brienna (a play on my own name.. Truth be told I wanted PrincessNES ^^ ) But instead went with Chrischelle (my wife's name). Save my wife we have yet to encounter anyone else with that name and the closest to it being Michelle an Trichelle. I think it's cool your wife is letting you do this.
Naming a kid after a videogame character isn't that bad an idea. Let's face it, almost all parents name their kids after someone no matter how trivial, like an actor, or musician, or literary figure. And videogames have been a pretty big thing for awhile now so it's concievable that 2 parents could have been playing videogames since their childhoods. As long as the name is in good tastes and isn't obviously from a videogame (like Samus, or Link) it should work out alright. That way if it turns out the kid isn't into videogames they'd never have to know and they wouldn't get picked on for it.

Although I don't particularly care for Wesker or the Resident Evil games pre 2005, it could be worse. The kid could always go by "Wes" which is a fine name. But Isles Guru, if you want some serious feedback you should put up a list of some of your favorite games, so people could suggest names from those instead of everyone else's fave games/names.
[quote name='Isles Guru']Geez dude, you are just as weird. Wesker is a REAL name, while more uncommon, it isn't much different from naming a child Leon, Jill, or Claire as an homage. Wes for short? Oh wow that is a brutal name too!! I never suggested naming a kid Donkey Kong, Mega Man, or Big Red Truck as most of these posters JOKINGLY, read again JOKINGLY did. If you can't see the big difference then you are the dork.[/quote]

From what I have read everyone is aspiring to be called "Dork" just name him that.

Look the name Wesker is uncommen but most people wont know so why would it matter.

If you plan on naming him tha,t name him that because you like the name not ONLY because of who it represents in RE series. If you like the name fuck everyone else.
how about sol?
chipp zanuff?
anyone one from the gg series the have awesome names
Boy: Ash Ketchum
Girl: Celes

But yeah, I have two girls, and I would never name them after a video game character. Can't you find someone or something more meaningful in life to name it after than a damn video game?

Hell I love my games and all, but I think you're taking it a bit far.

Why don't you just go with a more masculine name like Ferdinand? That way, women will instinctively flock to him like the salmon of Capistrano and men will fear him.
bread's done