Video of me wrestling

[quote name='NeverWinterKnight']Wrestling's fake.[/quote]

Dude, don't be a bitch.

I gotta give it up to you, Leroy, that was a pretty cool video. You take some pretty nasty bumps. Good job.

I remember the days when me and my friends all wanted to be wrestlers. One of my friends had this great idea where he'd be a preacher and would carry a Bible with a brick inside of it and hit people with it. Simply brilliant.

So, is your wrestling career over now, or are you just taking a break?
hey, i recognized that vandaminator thingy where you throw the chair, the guy catches it and you kick it into his face...too bad taht guy countered it :(
wow that was actully pretty impressive! when you said you worked in xpw i was expecting some big guy using weapons and working stiff, but you really know how to sell! bravo

yes i was an rvd wannabe
The gimmick went like this

It started off with me just doing ring crew while i was training, but due to my sporaditc sweeping methods and taunting the crowd while i did it, with a little help from some friends, it caught on and i became very popular. So they through me in as a mystery opponent for the xpw tv title tournament.

So i went as as RCG (the ring crew guy) and since i was just a "ring crew guy" id get my ass kicked and mess up all of rvd's moves.

I was a jobber and just there to lose, but i was very popular, the next show i had a world title match.

Yeah my carrer is pretty much over...two problems led to this, one being that i quit xpw because the owner, rob black, was a total asshole and i couldnt stand working for him, so after i left i was in a few battle royals, but the problem was, since my gimmick was someone who was a shitty wrestler, everyone thought i was a shitty wrestler, promoters included, so i would see about getting booked, and no one would be intrested. So i stopped trying to get booked.
The second reason i stoped is because im damn lazy. Also at the time i was working for THQ, and the major hours i was working there prevented me from training anywhere. Then in november of 2000 i snapped, quit thq, flew out to australia, and went to stunt school

As far as injuries go, i never got any when i was wrestling, but i got a shitload while doing security.
heres a small list:

During a cage match, i was asked to get knocked off it while trying to enter and save the good guy
being the idiot and crowd pleasure that i am, i decided, off the very top would be fun, there letting me go through a table so why not. 5 minutes before the show, I was told that Rob black would be goin through the table, i should just hit the floor. Since i already told myself im goin off the top, i said fine thats cool, So i got to the top of the cage, got hit once, looked back and got vertigo, it was sweet, came back, took a second punch and let go, fell 16 feet and hit the concrete. Im guessing i knocked myself off because i didnt feel it or any pain after.

Abdullah the butcher was facing axl rotten in a deathmatch, sabu was supposed to come out, punch me and two other guys, then get swarmed by the rest of security, saving the fight and further adding fuel to the feud. All going to plan sabu comes out, i run to stop him, and he hits me as hard as he can in the jaw, dislocating it, since i never got it fixed, it now clicks sometime when i eat our make out with my woman.

Also from the abdullah series of shows. sabu had a martch, and abdullah ran...well...waddled out (hes 500-600 lbs) after getting a good asskicking from abdullah the night before, no one wanted to touch him, cept for me cause i like getting beat up. So i run over to abdullah, he pulls out a fork, and stabs me in the head with it, i fall down a small flight of stairs and land next to the ring, he goes into the back, and brings out a shopping cart full of weapons
at this time i start to get up, only to be nailed in the head by a trashcan lid that abby used as a fresbie.
Then for the next five minutes abby used every weapon in that shopping cart on me, at one point, another ring crew member tried to come to my aid, only to be clocked in the face with the trashcan lid.
I dont blame him for going back to stopping sabu after that. Abby the dragged me over and tried to put me head first through a table, it didnt break so i bounced off the table and later had a huge bump on head..not the table.. that night ended with abdullah throwing me off a 6 foot stage to the concrete, i got some decent air cause he did a real nice hiptoss and i got a good flip out of it. It was an awesome night, cause i got my ass fully kicked by a legend in the sport

i have tons of more stories, but ill stop for now...
that was awesome...i remember hearing about xpw all the time. had sorta the ecw feel. you should come to florida man. there are so many indy's here

you take ddt's great
An old coworker of mine used to be an indie wrestler, I think he was in XPW or something similar. One night he decided to show us his clothesline, fell back, and knocked over a huge gondola of games. It took almost an hour to clean it all up, but it was worth it to see him bust his ass.
i box, dont wrestle, boxing is much tougher.. really.. :( ill have video of it someday, which you think is tougher? boxing or wrestling..
[quote name='mousin']i box, dont wrestle, boxing is much tougher.. really.. :( ill have video of it someday, which you think is tougher? boxing or wrestling..[/quote]

i dont think they are comparable because in boxing you have to condition yourself not only for the pain, but you also have to do footwork and strategy, not to mention boxing takes its toll on the face/abdomen area.

wrestling is totally diffrent, you have to learn how to preform, how to go all out for 15-20 mins a night, you have to learn how to properly take all the spots so you dont injure yourself or your opponents so both you and them can work the next night.

boxing is more strategy, wrestling is more a science
trust me, boxing is much much harder, but i give it to real wrestlers like high school wrestling, that stuff is the shit, not like that pro wrestling, thats not what im looking for, real wrestling.. boy does it whip you up, but think about it this way.

mike tyson vs kurt angle

its a fight you would know who woudl win, kurt can toss him around, but mike with knock out his jaw.
[quote name='mousin']trust me, boxing is much much harder, but i give it to real wrestlers like high school wrestling, that stuff is the shit, not like that pro wrestling, thats not what im looking for, real wrestling.. boy does it whip you up, but think about it this way.

mike tyson vs kurt angle

its a fight you would know who woudl win, kurt can toss him around, but mike with knock out his jaw.[/quote] it'd be pretty easy to get a pin on tyson with him being KO'd on the mat still ^^
[quote name='punqsux']

"cowers into a little ball in the corner, crying"

i also worked for EA as well

if you guys wanna check to asure yourself im not lying, check the following game credits:

(GC) Monsters inc. Scream arena
(XBOX) Fila World Tour Tennis (Europe only)
(PS2) Spongebob squarepants and the frying dutchman
(GC) Medal of Honor: Rising sun

Im under the QA testers sections
[quote name='mousin']trust me, boxing is much much harder, but i give it to real wrestlers like high school wrestling, that stuff is the shit, not like that pro wrestling, thats not what im looking for, real wrestling.. boy does it whip you up, but think about it this way.

mike tyson vs kurt angle

its a fight you would know who woudl win, kurt can toss him around, but mike with knock out his jaw.[/quote]

This of course being an assinine statement as Kurt Angle was originally an Olympic gold medalist in freestyle wrestling. Chances are in an actual fight Kurt would make Tyson cry more than Robin Givens did.
wow you take those hits nicely thats pretty good *thumbs up* and a wrestler vs a boxer Mmm interestin match up its like football vs hockey or something IMO
bread's done