Vinny's new LCD. Olevia? No...

[quote name='Vinny']Samsung has these SlimFit models but they're problematic I hear.[/QUOTE]

Korean companies as a whole are garbage. Yes, that's a racist statement, and I stand by it. fuck them.

Err... to make things more logical: I don't like Samsung or LG. I have never liked a product they've made.
At the time I purchased my Olevia 537H, I could spend the $699 + shipping at the time on a 37" LCD TV. Based my decision on plenty of good things I read on I've had it for five months and love the display for both HD content (Xbox 360 & Xbox) and SD content (Tivo connected via component cables, recorded at High Quality). If I had the money to spend on a Sony, Samsung or other higher-priced brand, I might have made that jump, though I wanted something for now that I could use, and see how SED TV's will be working out for price, as well as wanting to see what the price drops would be over time on the 1080p sets.

For what I paid for, I have no complaints. I'll probably buy another one to replace another SD TV. Would I have decided to save the money towards a higher-priced TV of another brand, no, I don't think so. I'm happy with what I bought.
i paid 999 (good price at the time) for my 37 in from newegg last year..

ive never had a problem and the quality has been great. now they are even more affordable and most have 2 hdmi slots...

i think its ridiculous though to spend over 2k on a tv.. if you have the money then i guess its no big deal.

i will stick with it as long as i can.. dont see p sets dropping too much yet
Boys and girls, I made a decision... a decision worth $700 or less or more (before tax and/or shipping? I won't say).

What is it?! You'll know when I get my damn TV next week.:lol:
[quote name='guyver2077']i think its ridiculous though to spend over 2k on a tv.. [/quote]

2K? hell... a K I think is ridiculous. lol, that's not because I'm broke either. ignore my sig.
[quote name='Vinny']Yes, yes... all good, logical points (unlike some people who'll chew you out for saying Olevia).

I just wish they'd make more name brand TVs without the digital tuners. It's pretty pointless to me because I'll only have cable and back home, our DirectTV HD box has component output so it's really pointless.

I found a coupon that'll take 10% off the price of that Sony CRT (basically kill tax) and I remembered that we DO have a high quality stand back home what was once used for our 32" Sony CRT which should work with this TV (the TV will stick out a bit but whatever).[/QUOTE]

What coupon might that be? I'm thinking of getting the Sony KD34XBR970.
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']What coupon might that be? I'm thinking of getting the Sony KD34XBR970.[/QUOTE]

I believe it was a coupon included with some AAA thing or when you switch addresses with the USPS.

But you can find it online for like $2. Well worth it since you basically avoid paying tax and still save some money. Plus, CC is offering free delivery on the unit so you don't have to put up with the hassle (and it is a hassle because it's so BIG).
I've never knew what Olevia was, I kept looking at this thread title lately and thought it was about Olestra (that artificial fat that has a side effect of anal leakage)
[quote name='Vinny']I believe it was a coupon included with some AAA thing or when you switch addresses with the USPS.

But you can find it online for like $2. Well worth it since you basically avoid paying tax and still save some money. Plus, CC is offering free delivery on the unit so you don't have to put up with the hassle (and it is a hassle because it's so BIG).[/QUOTE]

So it comes in those change of address packets found in the USPS?
If you're a AAA member you can go to and you give them your email and they'll email you a 10% off coupon.
Bleh. Actually if you're going to purchase it soon, I think I can get the code for you. Send me a PM if you are.
Still trying to figure out if I can use the thing with my PC. I have room on my desk for the huge Sony, but not for the Sony and my monitor.

If not, then no go.
[quote name='Rusty Ghia']Still trying to figure out if I can use the thing with my PC. I have room on my desk for the huge Sony, but not for the Sony and my monitor.

If not, then no go.[/QUOTE]

You want to use this huge CRT with your computer? Like, as in the main display?

I don't think this would be a good TV for use with the computer. I read a review saying that it actually didn't have 1360x768 resolution though it does display 720p. I don't know what that's supposed to work but... that's what it said (I think the review was at PriceGrabber).

fuck! Why won't they ship my damn TV already? It'll take another 7-10 days after they ship for me to get it.:bomb:
First off, I just want to say I have nothing important to add to this thread. That being said, this thread has been very helpful as my girlfriend and I are in the market for a new television as well. I'm still debating on which technology to go for though, CRT or LCD. For me, the size of the CRT is offset by its cheaper price. Since I live on the first floor of my apartment complex and have some friends that wouldn't mind helping, the weight is not really that big of a deal to me.

OP, I'm a student at UIUC and the apartment you linked to in your original post is about five blocks from me (I live at 4th & Stoughton). So, if you need any help using the new television just let me know :D. I'm curious which one you went with.
We just recently purchased a 42" Olevia for my dad, and I must say, it has been very good for the price. Considering we paid I believe $1,050 back in December '06 it was well worth the money. Strictly used for games and 360, so I have no idea what OTA looks like at all. Vinny you better of purchased an Olevia or there will be hell to pay. Alright, prolly not cause if you have the money I'd buy a nicer set but, all I'm trying to say is I recommend Olevia.
Ah, some sort of Sharp, eh. Can you expand with more info such as size, model number and price? and where you got said tv?
[quote name='Vinny']Hey, I bought a Sharp Aquos... so I'm guessing those who don't like Olevia are happy with my decision.:p[/QUOTE]

You, sir. Do you know something? I applaud your decision. Get that Sharp calibrated using Digital Video Essentials and you'll have somethin' special on your hands.
I'm in the market for a television as well, that Sharp looks really nice but $785.00 for a 32 inch seems a little steep. Are there any better deals to be had? Or even on similar televisions?
[quote name='yukine']I'm in the market for a television as well, that Sharp looks really nice but $785.00 for a 32 inch seems a little steep. Are there any better deals to be had? Or even on similar televisions?[/QUOTE]

$785 is great for something that high quality. Hell a crappy 32" Westinghouse is $700.
[quote name='rodeojones903']$785 is great for something that high quality. Hell a crappy 32" Westinghouse is $700.[/quote]

Interesting, I was under the impression that 32" was around the $500.00 mark by now. I guess you pay for quality over quantity.
[quote name='rodeojones903']$785 is great for something that high quality. Hell a crappy 32" Westinghouse is $700.[/quote]

agreed. $785 for that TV is great. That's what I paid for a CRT 30" a couple years ago and that Aquos is a much better TV.

I got the new model Aquos 37" LC 37D43U for $1175, which I thought was a good deal as retail for it is $1299, but $785 for that 32" is a steal.
[quote name='allyourblood']well, this thread was an utter waste of time, then. ;)[/QUOTE]

no way. some of us talked him out of buying an Olevia :)

Nice TV Vinny!
[quote name='Apossum']no way. some of us talked him out of buying an Olevia :)

Nice TV Vinny![/QUOTE]

Yeah, you guys sure did. I'm really liking the TV, especially since SD content is bareable on this TV (was horrible on the Olevia).
[quote name='yukine']Interesting, I was under the impression that 32" was around the $500.00 mark by now. I guess you pay for quality over quantity.[/quote]Yeah, I'm actualy looking for a TV now as well (my crappy/free gaming TV (appropriately) crapped out yesterday), and $785 is great. I think that Aquos retails for $1000 (at Best Buy anyway) and is one I'm looking at along with a similar Toshiba set for the same price.

And for some of us the "gaming TV" is actually the cheap one that gets thrown in the "game room," while the new TV has to go in the living room - which will have my Wii at least, the only one of my consoles that would really see the benefit beyond an SD set.
[quote name='VipFREAK']2K? hell... a K I think is ridiculous. lol, that's not because I'm broke either. ignore my sig.

i paid $3000 for my tv back in Oct. 2003 =0
[quote name='Vinny']Yeah, you guys sure did. I'm really liking the TV, especially since SD content is bareable on this TV (was horrible on the Olevia).[/quote]
As long as you're happy with the purchase, that's all that matters.

SD content is an issue on Olevia's less than 37", so in your size range, yes, they have crappy SD content. My 537H, it looks great for SD, and fantastic for HD content.
[quote name='Thongsy']When people mention that SDTV is horrible on a HDTV set, what do you mean? What makes it so bad?[/QUOTE]

Well, SD resolution is only 640x480 or less and SD is interlaced. Most HDTVs have a much higher resolution, 1360x768 for 720p and 1920x1080 (or maybe it's 1900x1080, can't remember for sure) for 1080p.

So when a HDTV displays an SD image, it has to stretch it out to fill the screen causing everything to look pixelated. HDTVs also have more color depth and thus, you'll notice a lot of noise sometimes too.
Anyone know the main difference between a 542i and a 242T? Same size, same chips and everything according to Olevia's site. Only difference is, 242T only seems to be at Target.
[quote name='Dezuria']Anyone know the main difference between a 542i and a 242T? Same size, same chips and everything according to Olevia's site. Only difference is, 242T only seems to be at Target.[/QUOTE]

Wait a minute, I thought this thread established that Olevia's weren't good choices. :cry:

Well, can't save 'em all I guess.
[quote name='shrike4242']As long as you're happy with the purchase, that's all that matters.

SD content is an issue on Olevia's less than 37", so in your size range, yes, they have crappy SD content. My 537H, it looks great for SD, and fantastic for HD content.[/quote]

same set here, same opinion. i'm watching SD on it right now... looks great.
[quote name='Chacrana']Wait a minute, I thought this thread established that Olevia's weren't good choices. :cry:

Well, can't save 'em all I guess.[/quote]

It just established that some people like them and some don't. I am very happy with mine and now that my cable co has gone all digital, my sd channels look very good.
bread's done