WE HAVE A WINNER!! Brand New Wii Giveaway!!!

We posted the winner at our blog! http://gamefunk.net/

Later tonight I'll post the runner-up entries. We'll let you guys vote for your favorite and the winner of that contest will get a $50 gift certificate to our store (You can buy 100 copies of Shaq-fu with that) :)
You know... now that I think about it, he does look a lot like the character from dance dance revolution. But instead of being African American, he's white. Not sure if the outfit is the same though. I can't seem to find a pic on google and my kids are watching a DVD so I can't turn the game on to check. o.o But thats the only character that does come to mind. *shrugs*
[quote name='BluesCluesMama']You know... now that I think about it, he does look a lot like the character from dance dance revolution. But instead of being African American, he's white. Not sure if the outfit is the same though. I can't seem to find a pic on google and my kids are watching a DVD so I can't turn the game on to check. o.o But thats the only character that does come to mind. *shrugs*[/quote]

Well I'm definitely going to look into it. What DVD are they watching?
My kids love Baby Einstein. :) I also thought of Cowboy Bebop, though that guy was also African American and I can't remember the outfit or his name because I only ever dabbled in that series. I tried looking it up and no such luck. I don't think he was a main character. The outfit does look familiar, I just can't put my finger on it though. I'm not saying this because I didn't win though, I just know the repercussions if you guys were to use a character that is a rip off. o.o That would suck.

EDIT And plus this is bugging me... LOL I hate a mystery. That poster should have put his resources cuz now I won't be able to sleep without knowing what he knows!
I'm the winner, and I'm ashamed people are already claiming I plagarized or (worse) stole someone else's artwork. :/ I'm an art student at the Savannah College of Art & Design, so I take this sort of thing very seriously. I have the Photoshop file and the original lineart (vector image drawn in Flash 'cause I suck with Illustrator) if the need be for more evidence.

If any others want to question my abilities, I'll kindly point them to the Flash game I designed for Konami Stars.

Working names were G. Funk or Funky G. (Because he's a mascot for Game Funk.) When I found out "G-Funk" meant "Gangsta Funk", I opted to go with the other. I should have posted about it earlier in the design process, so my character didn't end up with a name in the same "[WORD]-Y [SINGLETTER]." format as the character WhipSmartBanky kindly linked to. >_< But I was a tad more concerned with other people going "hur hur i likes that idea", and having to compete with 50 other disco-stereotypes.

Finally...people. He's a disco guy. That's why he looks like someone familiar -- because he looks like a disco guy. Glasses, bell bottoms, the disco jacket, an afro -- the whole point is that it's a disco stereotype. That's why he's so funky.
Awwww, didn't even make runner-up, which is a bit disappointing. Oh well. Congrats to the winner and all of those who did make runner-up.
Good winner. My entry.. wow.. it really sucked in comparison. (the colored pencil one) Thats what happens when you enter in the last five minutes with paper and colored pencils in front of your desk. Haha.

I dig Funky G. 8)
Good winner. My entry.. wow.. it really sucked in comparison. (the colored pencil one) Thats what happens when you enter in the last five minutes with paper and colored pencils in front of your desk. Haha.

I dig Funky G. 8)
[quote name='SpitFire158']The Ninja Mouse one?[/quote]
Yeah.. I didn't even scan the thing even though I have a scanner. I took a picture with a webcam.

The idea was actually a skunk, but I guess since it looked nothing like it, that they put 'mouse' instead. Haha.
[quote name='SpitFire158']The Ninja Mouse one?[/quote]
Yeah.. I didn't even scan the thing even though I have a scanner. I took a picture with a webcam.

The idea was actually a skunk, but I guess since it looked nothing like it, that they put 'mouse' instead. Haha.
Wow, and here come the sore losers posting here. Of course he's gonna look similar to other disco guys. You can only make so many small changes before he stops looking like one.

Congrats on the win. I would have entered....if I had any skills with Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.
bread's done