weird trick...head game...something....just try it....

The Successful Dropout

101 (100%)
im sure this hasnt been posted before...but has anyone ever tried this...i heard about it on coast to coast am one night...

-sit down
-lift your right foot straight up off the ground about 4 inches or so (the bottom of your foot should be parallel to the ground the whole time)
-start moving your right leg in a clockwise circle
-while your right leg is moving in a clockwise motion, take your right hand's pointer finger and draw the number six in the air

can you draw the six without your leg going hay wire and trying to move counterclocwise????

supposedly like 5% of the world can do it....i know i cant
I did it. It is very hard, and I can't do it easily, but I did it a few times.

Coincidentally, I play the drums too!
Speaking from experience, one week of Psychology class, this looks like a conflict between the left and right sides of the brain. Whatever it is I can't do it without looking like a spaz. :)
Here's another one.

Take your right arm and make a fist. Bring your arm parallel to the ground and bend your elbow so your fist is about a foot away from your face. Then start moving it in a small, clock-wise motion.

Do the exact same thing with your left hand, but move it in the opposite direction. Try that, it will literally make you insane.
The key to it is to start the 6 with at the other end (so you're moving in a clockwise spiral type deal) ;)
bread's done