What do you collect?

[quote name='PenguinoMF']My girlfriend and I collect shot glasses of places we visit, like Las Vegas or NYC.[/QUOTE]

Shot Glasses are awesome. I try to buy one every time I go somewhere on vacation.

Other than that, trade paperbacks and Blu Rays. Both are pretty small collections for the time being, but they are finally starting to develop into good collections. I have about 30 Blu Rays and somewhere near 15 Trade Paperbacks (mostly Green Lantern).
I also collect shot glasses. Friends and co workers buy one for me when they travel so my collection is at about 70 or so. I also collect video game action figures, but only of series I find entertaining. So far I have the Resident Evil 4, 5 & 10th Anniversary collection, Resistance, Assassin's Creed, Bioshock, Super mario, epic Mickey & 1 Afro Samurai and a few Gears of War figures.
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Whenever I reach a 1000 of something, that's when a purging happens. Comic books when I was younger, then CDs, and most recently, games.

There is something gratifying about whiting your wants to just pure quality items. And I streamline it further by removing games that, while awesome, I can't imagine making the time to play again, like Dead Space.
[quote name='Rodimus']I'm trying to get out of collecting but I still collect comic books and those tiny Marvel statues from Marvel Magazine.

As a kid I collected everything from toys, comic cards, video games, anime, etc. But I see what a giant waste it all is. I'm going with the philosophy less is more.[/QUOTE]


When you die, you can't take any of it with you. I was so anxious wanting to buy all the consoles and handhelds and games. And when I looked at what it would benefit me. I said life is short. None of this can do anything for me when I get old. So forget it. Buy one console enjoy, buy one handheld and enjoy. When done trade it in for the new gadget. No need for massive, cluttered stuff.

I use to collect video games and magazines but gave that up. I'm the kind of guy that likes less than having more. Just like Rodimus...
[quote name='javeryh']What is the point of a shot glass you can't drink out of???[/QUOTE]

To sit on the shelf and look pretty? The same thing most "collected" shot glasses do (or at least I would assume they do).
[quote name='crazylikeafox11']To sit on the shelf and look pretty? The same thing most "collected" shot glasses do (or at least I would assume they do).[/QUOTE]

Haha I guess so... I never understood displaying nonsense on a shelf - who wants to dust that stuff??? :D
:whistle2:s[quote name='javeryh']Haha I guess so... I never understood displaying nonsense on a shelf - who wants to dust that stuff??? :D[/QUOTE]

Dust? :whistle2:s
[quote name='javeryh']Haha I guess so... I never understood displaying nonsense on a shelf - who wants to dust that stuff??? :D[/QUOTE]

I don't understand collecting things that would normally go in cupboards. Mainly because I would probably still just put them in the cupboards where no one would see them. But I collect toys which not everyone understands so I don't know if I can really badmouth those who collect shot glasses.
[quote name='Ed_']:whistle2:s

Dust? :whistle2:s[/QUOTE]

yeah, you know - that awful chore you should do at least once every 2 weeks to keep your house clean... the more shit you have laying around, the harder it is to keep everything clean - this is why all of my consoles and games and controllers are not out where you can see them. I really can't stand clutter. It's probably the main reason why I don't collect anything either.
...when I was a kid I started collecting Happy Meal toys. And not just from McD's...most of my toys are late 80's and early 90's. I only choose the ones I was interested in, slowed down collecting around '98, and haven't bought any in a good 5 yrs now. My collection got too big. Last I checked my collection was worth around $1500....I debated many times selling, but I would really like to have a place to finally display them.

...oh I guess I did, only this past year, start collecting pressed pennies. I had a few years ago...but my collection really took off this past year with traveling. Fairly cheap to collect... :)
Recent additions to my "sketch card" collection.

An artist did a sale and I decided to get a Hiro and Domino for myself and got Jareth for my gf-

I collect musical instruments/equipment mostly, if you can really call it collecting. I have a few band instruments (trumpet, trombone, clarinet) 2 harmonicas (Bb and chromatic) a bunch of stringed intruments (4 or 5 acoustics guitars, electric guitar, fretless bass, fiddle, & banjo) and some amps/etc.. (15 & 75 watt amp, 4x4 cabinet [currently looking for a head for this], tube preamps, a talk box, and a few pedals.)

I would've said video games, but my collection is nothing compared to most of the people on here (I have an average of about 15 games per console, 9 consoles)
bread's done