What do you think the total $ I should look to get for this N64 Bundle?


181 (100%)
This what I have:
N64(dark grey) console
Expansion Pack and Regular Jumper Pack
2 Nintendo Brand Controllers
2 Rumle Packs(not sure if they are Nintendo brand)
2 Memory Cards(not sure if they are Nintendo brand)

Games-(all cart only) 32 Total
Goldeneye 64
Starfox 64
SW: Shadows of the Empire
SW: Pod Racer
SW: Battle for Naboo
SW: Rouge Squadron
Indiana Jones
Castlevania 1
Castlevania 2
Mario Kart
Mario 64
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis
Super Smash Bros.(have instruction book)
Donkey Kong 64
Diddy Kong Racing
Paper Mario
LOZ: MM(gold cart)
Blast Corps
Bust a Move: Arcade Edition
Excitbike 64
South Park
Turok 1
Turok 2
Turok: Rage Wars
The World is Not Enough
Perfect Dark
Conkers; Bad Fur Day
Jet Force Gemini
1080 Snowboarding
Rampage World Tour
I'd say its definitely worth a decent ammount, the trouble is finding someone to spend that much for a 64 package.
I wouldnt expect more than 200. Thats 5 bucks a game, plus the console and accessories.
You would probably get more selling it in smaller packages, or individually.

May be completly off, havnt been keeping up on N64 stuff much lately.
That is a nice package but I doubt you would get much over $100 if you sold it in one lot.

Breaking it up would probably be more profitable.
Well if you sold the games individually and/or in little groups like the zeldas together you could get more than just selling one big bundle. Then sell all that system stuff togther for like 30 or 40, or possible more. I think you could maybe clear 300 dollars, if your lucky.
[quote name='Graystone']I say $100 bucks tops, and thats if you find someone who wants all of it.[/QUOTE]

I put in my local paper and ended up getting $225.00 cash for the whole bundle, from some guy who works at one of the local mom and pop game stores in the area.
bread's done