What Happened To DVD Aficionado?

[quote name='trunks982']how do u delete items from Listall? I added the wrong version.[/QUOTE]

Go under your dvds. Itll list them. There should be a box next to each dvd. Check the one you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the page. There will be an option to delete items.
[quote name='FlamedLiquid']Go under your dvds. Itll list them. There should be a box next to each dvd. Check the one you want to delete. Scroll to the bottom of the page. There will be an option to delete items.[/QUOTE]

oh thanks. i know why i didnt see it. my firefox is blocking it.
[quote name='asianxcore']I hate the new DVDAF. As hiccuple mentioned I miss the old site.

Since the 2.0 change, I have moved my entire collection to www.DVDSpot.com

It took a while but it was well worth it.[/quote]

I used to use DVD Afficianado and switched to DVD Spot a couple years ago. MUCH happier with it. It's a great site.
i hate to dredge up such an old posting but it seemed slightly better than creating a new one.

so awhile ago i was doing something and i believe it was related to this post but i had found a site or a program or something that cataloged dvds while also letting you input the price you paid and compared them any help would be appreciated.
[quote name='Animal7390']i hate to dredge up such an old posting but it seemed slightly better than creating a new one.

so awhile ago i was doing something and i believe it was related to this post but i had found a site or a program or something that cataloged dvds while also letting you input the price you paid and compared them any help would be appreciated.[/quote]

Moviecollector (the program) lets you dothat.
Sweet thanks to this thread I signed up for dvdspot. I did my collection last night and today and found a couple they didn't have. I filled out the information to add the new ones last night and they were approved by the time I woke up this morning. Unlike DVD Aficonado which usually took about a week to get my stuff up.
bread's done