What sequels do you want from Nintendo?

All the names mentioned already as well as a sequel to Eternal Darkness. May not be possible since I think Silicon Knights isn't a second party or whatever developer for nintendo anymore.
Double Dragon, River City Ransom, Final Fight, Mystical Ninja, Earthworm Jim, Smash Tv, Duck Hunt(sure why the hell not)
Most of the games you people are mentioning aren't Nintendo games. Final Fantasy? Not fucking Nintendo. Killer Instinct? Not likely - that was Rare. Answer the question at hand people.

Me? I'd like a new Yoshi's Island perhaps. I don't know, Nintendo gives too many games from the same franchise as it is, it's hard to say that I'd want even more sequels.
Umm, I didn't see anyone mention Final Fantasy which would be retarded...

Earthbound (please?)
A proper Mario Kart
Viewtuful Joe proves it's still okay to make side scrolling games. Personaly I wouldn't mind seeing games like Earthworm Jim and Double Dragon try it out.
I gotta go with everyone who said Punch Out. I still bust out my SNES like once a week to play Super Punch Out. Even if they just made a new GBA game that had the same gameplay and slightly updated grapnics except with new opponents and stuff it'd be awesome.
I'd like to sequels to games we haven't seen in awhile. Pilotwings, Kid Icarus, KUNG FU (hehe) and new content as well. It seems like Mario, Zelda and Metroid have been overdone recently, but Gamecube launched with none of those "big 3" and now Nintendo's in 3rd place. Hopefully there will be a balance. Perhaps Nintendo can hire some developers to help them release plenty of new games for their new system.
bread's done